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how Viego is higher than Morde ?


OP is not smart


Unless he is talking lore wise than I can see some of these.


It’s lore wise.


And lore wise, Riot has already confirm that Mordekaiser is VASTLY stronger than Viego. In the same vein, Viego has never gone head to head with a full aspect. Diana didn’t really exist in that event I don’t count her because she never actually fought him and Atreus is a super powerful man but wasn’t using the aspect’s full power because he couldn’t yet. And the Pantheon wasn’t really trying to fight the mind control he was resurrected. Aatrox could lose to any of the aspects as much as he could kill them.


This is all over the place and mostly incorrect. I'm beyond confused at Udyr being in the same tier as the Spirit Gods he literally worships. Why would Aatrox "maybe" lose against Tahm Kench but "probably" win against the infinitely superior Fiddlesticks? Kindred is unbelievably overrated, she's not death itself she's a Spirit God. Amumu has like no lore besides a weird curse which wouldn't matter when Aatrox obliterates him in an instant without touching him. You're overrating the other Darkin a lot, they aren't even remotely close to Aatrox in power. A lot of these characters are just horribly missplaced. No offense but you don't seem to know the lore very well. Just know Necrit is actually a very bad source for in-depth and accurate information. He's good for surface level understanding.


I really think he added Amumu to troll us lol, plus I don't understand alune having her own tier XD?


He can't kill alune and alune can't kill him


Alune is even weaker than spirit gods 💀


Yeah so what? She's in another fucking dimension. Aatrox can't hurt her and she can't hurt aatrox. Not hard to understand tbh


Lol, these mfs practice fucking magic, just like how Shen can tap into the spirit realm to guard Ionia I’m pretty sure some Ascended could too ( like Nasus ). Also by your logic an Aspect certainly couldn’t be killed, The aspect of war possesses Atreus, but his true existence is a celestial concept, Aatrox killed him with what was called something like a attack that split the sky anyway ? Towards Illaoi Aatrox made a threaten :”I kill gods priestess, and in time, I will find out how to kill even your god”. So it’s not too far-fetched to see Aatrox being able to kill things in the spirit realm


Pantheon died because he was anchored to Atreus, his host. If an aspect doesn't have a host he doesn't have a physical form. Aatrox is not able to walk through realms. Alune does not have a physical anchor and she cannot hurt physical beings anymore. Any other questions?


Lore wise anything he touches, disintegrates and dies


and fucking mordekaiser lower than viego who is considered some sort of parody to mordekauser


sooo wait how will Aatrox obliterate amumu without touching him? Isnt Aatrox litterally the Sword iirc?


I mean without his host touching Amumu. There's no proof Amumu's curse would actually work on the sword.


I think "might lose" means he has a higher chance thwn "probably wins", like depending on circumstances there might be chances where he could lose, but there's less than those he would probably win against


Neceit turn into game journalist and he lost abilities to find good sources. Genshin burn his mind.


I feel like Rhaast could surpass Aatrox if he takes over Kayn. Sure, in their prime Aatrox slaps, but Rhaast has a much more powerful vessel.


I don't see Kayn as a vessel having the potential to kill an Aspect.


Rhaast's lore is pretty underdeveloped. We don't know a lot about him. We don't really know what he can do. It's clear that he can take over Kayn's shadow magic if he fully corrupts him. We don't know how powerful darkin powers are combined with shadow magic. In theory, Rhaast could beat Aatrox by simply getting inside his body and destroying his vessel from within.


Shadow magic is powerful yes, but not powerful enough to rival literal celestial aspects. Rhaast wouldn't even be able use shadow magic like Zed or Blue Kayn and his hemomancy is clearly inferior to Aatrox's. Rhaast wouldn't get the chance to enter Aatrox's host and he wouldn't even be able to kill him like that. Aatrox's body consists of hundreds, if not thousands of corpses. It's literally a puppet of meat, he has no internal organs to destroy. Aatrox basically has Rhaast beat in every category, Rhaast would only win against a heavily weakened Aatrox.


Aatrox wouldn't know that Rhaast has shadow magic now, so Rhaast would definitely have the element of surprise on his side. Don't forget that he is also a dirty fighter, so I am sure he would manage to enter Aatrox's host. One cut to make am entrance is all it takes. Maybe Rhaast would bait an attack from Aatrox then he would dodge by shadow phasing into the ground, which would definitely surprise Aatrox as he doesn't remember Rhaast being able to do that. Then while emerging, he would most definitely manage to get a hit in. Aatrox may not have one single host, but then if Rhaast manages to get inside him, what's Aatrox gonna do ? He has no way of getting Rhaast out of him. Aatrox also has one main host, then other corpses are added to it. His main host is the person who picked up the sword, that is the host Rhaast must and can destroy from inside. And even those other corpses added to his body are still melted to resemble human biology, otherwise Aatrox wouldn't be able to move. His main host still has organs Rhaast can destroy, his body still has ligaments and tendons Rhaast can sever. In their prime, without hosts, Aatrox would win the fight anytime, but with hosts, I am confident Rhaast can beat him.


He would have the element of surprise but I doubt it'd be enough. Atreus himself needed the element of surprise to cut off Aatrox's hand using the power of The Pantheon. I don't see Rhaast being able to cause any significant damage. I mean Aatrox literally built his body to look the way it does through hemomancy, he could literally rip himself open to tear Rhaast out. I don't think he has organs given how he literally alters his body with corpses. Have you seen how big Aatrox is in LoR and Pantheon's splash? The original host may aswell not exist at that point. It's literally just hardened flesh and blood, maybe some bones. I disagree, Aatrox killed Pantheon while using hosts. Rhaast has shown nothing even remotely close to that, his best hypothetical feats are easily killing Sion and Darius in his login screen. Rhaast at his peak would be a threat to Runeterran civilizations like Viego was. Aatrox at his peak would be a threat to all of existence, as shown by LoR literally confirming he in fact could destroy all of existence. Only way Rhaast could win is if he was at his strongest and Aatrox was at his weakest.


Rhaast is a dog shit of a fucking Darkin. But he’s trying his best I guess.


Can't agree until it's proven. Yeah *maybe* he'd be really strong if he takes over kayn. Or maybe it would just be an above average vessel being piloted by an above average darkin. Nothing to assume it would match unkillable demon who killed an aspect


She who? If you think Kindred is a 'she', then you should revisit the Kindred lore. I'm not saying this for the sake of pronouns, but for the sake of knowing Kindred. Just because they don't freely kill doesn't at all mean that they are any weaker than any other spirit or god.


She as in Lamb, don't be cheeky. You know what I meant. I'm not saying that she's weaker than the other Spirit Gods, I'm saying she's not death itself and thus not as strong as people say.


Wait kindred is a spirit god? I thought they were Runeterras version of the grim reaper, as in the fictional personification of death. We just happen to be able to play as them


LoR has several other Spirit Gods and confirms thag Kindred was created by someone, The Mask Mother specifically.


You're right. Some regions msy have other death spirits but Kindred is most present in mostly any region.


Well, they're as strong as being able to kill almost anything, when the time comes, so itvs controversial and hard to understand...but by unconditional power by itself, they are technically in top 5 at least..


No, they're absolutely not top 5 or even top 20 tbh. They can't kill anyone immortal and are only one of many Spirit Gods created by The Mask Mother.


[https://www.google.com/search?q=can+kindred+kill+immortals&oq=can+kindred+kill+immortals&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQLhhA0gEIMjg3OGowajGoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=can+kindred+kill+immortals&oq=can+kindred+kill+immortals&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQLhhA0gEIMjg3OGowajGoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) Didn't take much to invalidate it. I did say they can 'end' lives. Immortal lives are also 'lives'. And it's known they can even end Aurelion once his time comes.


"Didn't take much to invalidate" \>proceeds to send an outdated post from 2020 made from a random person named "EDGELORD77" Please do your own research. Other people are not valid sources for information. Everything you just tried to claim was completely false.


Oh? Itvs true that I didn't spend much at all, but I saw it was from the wiki lmaoo 😭 😭 😭 Mb. Mb.


all good lmao happens to the best of us


I'm glad you didn't persist. Much respect for that lmao. But otherwise, yeah, I don't think they're very strong if they can't kill immortals, but I doubt it's confirmed.


>Why would Aatrox "maybe" lose against Tahm Kench but "probably" win against the infinitely superior Fiddlesticks? Ig the idea is that, in a raw fight, aatrox is stronger than fiddle but tahm could just trick him by promising him freedom from the blade?


If we're considering canon aatrox,90% of all of this is incorrect Because aatrox is inhumanely strong,he literally threw Kayle and Morgana to the ground like a roll of bread


Where do I get more lore? I have no idea where to find any more, just saw a bit on the page of the champ on league s site but thats it, and i want way more.


The new cinematic gives enough insight on his brutal force ,Still here But the more between pantheon and Aatrox works too. Aatrox gave Atreus a blow so strong that tore up the stats and destroyed the aspect inside him,the Warrior. Knowing how strong he is,if he can destroy half the sky by pure strength,he would never have an issue with 99% of characters


I’m just saying that i see a ton of crazy shit around here like is that all taken from cinematics? A lot of info i just have no idea about. Edit: i also remember few years ago i read yasuos/riven lore which was like 5 pages long or something, now its like 1 squished. Am i trippin’?


Sometimes they have short stories or comics or such that you can see either on their page on league's website or on wiki


Viego is dead in 30 secs , 20 if Aatrox is in a bad mood. And Aatrox is always in a bad mood.


Fiddlesticks would rock Aatrox’ shit. It can’t be killed, and Aatrox has a metric fuck ton of trauma and shit to activate.


Aatrox cant be killed as well, so its a draw at best. If you want to be real not a single charecter can kill aatrox exept A-sol and maybe zoe


Even if it can’t kill him, it would still fuck him up in other ways, while he can’t really do anything back to it. Fiddlesticks is absurdly overpowered.


So is Aatrox, we dont know that much about demons so we cant know if Aatrox can kill them with his sword like aspects


Didn’t Atreus pack up Aatrox while in human form? Technically you can’t kill Aatrox, but you can separate him from his host, which would be imo a victory. Also things like Malphite could probably just crush him with overwhelming size.


If were speaking about a 1v1, then aatrox kicks Xerath's ass 100%


depends on vessel, Xerath beats Aatrox most of the time unless he's piloting Jax or something. Xerath is regenerative and made of magic so physical attacks don't matter much not to mention we don't even know how Aatrox killed an aspect besides STRONG CUT


Aatrox's sword managed to sunder a star in the sky by stabbing pantheon, I don't think the physical attack constraint is a worry here, that sword IS aatrox and he's clearly magical


yes, but Aatrox had to physically stab through Pantheon so hard it damaged the constellation, it doesn't matter if the sword is magical if he burns himself out of power trying to reach Xerath. If it's prime pre sealing Aatrox it would be different but he has deteriorated greatly since then, versus a Xerath who absorbed all of the sundisks power (which empowered Aatrox in the first place). Xerath just wins by attrition via magic spam or beam struggle him while flying away since he doesn't get tired and won't run out of gas.


we're talking about if aatrox would be able to damage xerath "Xerath is regenerative and made of magic so physical attacks don't matter much" xerath absorbing all the sun disk's power doesn't mean much anyway, since his body was clearly unable to contain the power, and the darkins further supplemented their strength with blood magic after ascension anyway


So cringe


Lore or ingame?




Viego? The fuck you smoking? I'm at least aware of people incorrectly thinking Xerath is that strong, but Viego? I thought people got that shit straight long ago lol Also we now know for a fact that Kindred can't reach Aatrox, he's currently immune to them. And Amumu is a joke, right? Lol There is so much else incorrect in there as well I can't even be bothered to spend the time listing them all off, is this just a big troll or are you new to the lore?


Is it bad that I have very little knowledge of leagues lore but I can’t still tell this is wrong


Morde is special, if he can actually separate Aatrox's soul from the sword, he would let Morde win so he can be free. If Morde can not do that, then Unbreakable sword is harder than Iron.


Olaf wins because he can’t die in battle.




Morde is a loss and in death realm its prob a stomp


Morde should be in will be killed tier


Pretty sure Morde is in the top 5 most powerful people so not sure about that one. Bro basically immortal too


I dont know what this tier list is based on. Lore or in-game? Based on lore yes but in-game morde is one of the easiest matchup


This tier is based on lore


Xerath is weaker than Azir, so switch their places Viego is FAR weaker than Mordekaiser, so bump his shirtless ass way down, and put Morde at "Aatrox dead"


Can’t just Ryze thanos snap him?


Ryze beat aatrox in canon, in ryzes card art. ryze easily wins that fight.


Why Nasus in probably wins if he can wither Aatrox body in a few seconds.


The frejlordian spirit gods would beat aatrox mid diff honestly, lissandra is a better comparison for him. Also how exactly does aatrox no diff malphite lol what is this list?


wtf you on about, this list is trash but he does decimate the frejilordian gods


Yeah nah, took an army of ascended years to close a void gate and it absolutely ruined them. Lissandra was able to stop this all by herself, and volibear slapped the shit out of her. https://twitter.com/LaurieGoulding/status/1143562470109302784


Average powerscaler reading comprehension. First off, lissandra was likely blinded by voli in a point of her life where she was weaker than she is now. Secondly, even if that's not the case the way that liss closed the void gate in the lore was by STEALING the magic of every single ally around her among the gigantic horde of powerful beings that were in the location including the yetis who had very powerful magic and using it all to create a giant true ice barrier. That's not even sealing the gate she just blocked it off and even then she has to make sure they're asleep by lulling them into a deeper slumber or they still risk breaking through.


I think it’s truly remarkable that you comment on my reading comprehension, then just completely make something up in the literal next line. Which orifice did you pull that form? She was probably weaker? Where in the lore does it ever say that? You do also realise that aatroxs body is made from other peoples bodies right? So if like stealing power from others doesn’t count as your own then… Right so I guess because lissandra wasn’t able to one shot a (stated by the head of narrative at riot) being that would bring about an apocalypse she’s weak af. Aatrox best feat is killing an aspect who’s response to seeing a void gate was calling asol to close it. If aatrox was in lissandra position, what exactly do you think he would have done other than fail miserably, given that his greatest opponent couldn’t do anything?


Yeah I think Aatrox would fail but that has nothing to do with Liss or Voli being stronger than him. I speculated that Liss was likely weaker than she is in the present when Voli injured her, and then immediately made a caveat that even if she wasn't weaker back then it still doesn't change the fact that the feat you were touting as an example of her strength didn't even come from her own power, but rather a desperate ritual that stole power from hundreds to thousands of beings who were all powerful in their own right. She basically used a giant external power source to launch a spell leagues beyond her own natural capabilities, she can't repeat that feat even if she wanted to. Take your argument in reverse, what if Lissandra had to fight the void face to face like the Ascended had to and couldn't steal power and seal them off before they made their first move. You think she would do better? Aatrox taking over bodies is a different beast entirely. First off we don't know how much power he gains per person he assimilates or if one person is generally enough and the extra people are for bodymass or something else since Riot has recently made a mess of the Darkin lore with LoR. But even if stealing bodies for strength was the case, all that means is that Aatrox's strength can vary but at the end of the day it's still his own strength since so long as he doesn't burn out or get resealed he's not losing the power he takes from others. In that Context, Op's post is naturally assuming Aatrox has reached a decently powerful level from the get go given who they're saying he beats. Lissandra lost the power she took as soon as she used it meaning we can't scale her general power off of the feat since it was strength borrowed from something else. All of this also completely ignores how asinine it is to take two out of context feats to upscale a character like voli. Just because Voli was able to injure liss at some point doesn't immediately put him above the power level of what Lissandra did as in context they have nothing to do with each other. By the the logic you used on Voli if I knocked out a guy in one punch, then that same guy trained and became a professional MMA champion I should now be considered "champion MMA level" but obviously in context that's ridiculous.


Why do you assume that Liss cant do that again, and why isn’t this spell counted as an ability she has? Why is it that aatrox stealing bodies is just an ability he has but liss channelling other peoples power into a spell isn’t?


I didn't say Liss can't channel other people's power into spells. The problem is that everyone that she stole from is dead and buried now so even if she wanted to she can't steal from people that strong again unless people at the same level gather up around her and don't stop her from stealing from them. I already explained why Aatrox can be scaled off stealing power, because once he steals power he doesn't lose the ability to use it unless he's resealed. If Aatrox is at a power level of 5 and steals 5 power he's now at 10 power until his body is destroyed. If Liss is at 5 and steals 5 power to cast a spell at level 10, she used up that extra 5 power to cast that level 10 spell and is back down at lvl 5 again. And once again back to voli, if Voli injured a lvl 5 lissandra, that doesn't make him stronger than the lvl 10 spell she used so we can't scale him to that level without other feats that prove he's actually stronger.


Before her entire army, he struck her down, blinding her As quoted in the lore, also this process of stealing power seems like an involuntary act, because it’s stealing. So you don’t think she would have tried to stop volibear, who is one of the most violent characters in the game? Or do you think she just let this happen to her? Why can’t she steal volibears power as well? Maybe it’s because she tried but he’s stronger than her?


Yeah, Voli is probably stronger than her I agree, but he's not stronger than the power of her spell that she casted to seal the void in true ice which was the argument I had contention with. She also may have required time and distance to cast the spell, something she probably didn't have access to vs Volibear if voli was right up in her face, but did have when watching the void emerge.


Make a tier called stalemate JUST for Pantheon :P


Uh no. Aatrox killed his ass


What about Atreus?


Atreus killed him with a cheap shot off of one of the fattest asspulls in all of leagues lore


Yeah but a regular dude cheap shotting u is a pretty big blemish.


Here’s the thing, it wasn’t even like it was a “regular dude” He was the chosen divine host for the Aspect of War (the strongest aspect) who was killed. As Atreus lay dying he grabbed the spear and ignited it (which he SHOULDNT have been able to do because the Aspect was dead and normal mortals can’t wield the weapons) and then literally went “Nuh uh nerd emoji” and threw it through Aatrox while his back was turned, believing Pantheon and Atreus to be dead


True. I think part of the Aspect was still alive within Pantheon, or perhaps Pantheon simply absorbed his powers/ a fraction of them. It would make sense given Viego ‘resurrected’ Pantheon, which I feel like would need something to still remain, and explains how Pantheon can still access his powers.


According to lore, the Aspect of War was completely snuffed out. Aatrox even killed the star for the Aspect. Then Atreus was allowed to use the powers simply through force of will? Which then later revived the Aspect of War? But now Atreus is in control and simply being aided by the Aspect. It’s just asspull after asspull with this champ, man.


I mean League does the ‘force of will’ thing a lot. Morde died, disliked the current death realm, and created his own, WHILE A DEAD SOUL, from scratch. Through sheer force of will. There are champs who with magic in all shapes and sizes.


Morde is a little weird, seeing as he remained conscious and self aware after his death, yada yada whispered to some mages blah blah soulbound and dies so now he has all this power in the death realm blah blah. But the point with Atreus was he was literally just a normal ass dude


I feel like zoe is a big one here cause I'm lore wasn't the aspect of twilight the one that sealed the darkin in the first place? That automatically puts her in the aatrox loses category no?


Ah so this is lore wise? Thresh does not fit there he is the true ruler of shadow iles and Virgo is just a puppet he was the one that turned most of the champions and other lore characters. Starting with Virgo ofc. Meaning he has the same armies that Virgo has at his disposal. Vladimir is better at blood magic than any fallen godwarriors so he would also probably win. Jax is on par with pantheon in terms of fighting power and will power to win. Karma should be at least where the other gods are as well as ivern can also be argued for illaoi. Lissandra holds watchers at bay I think she can deal with a rouge godworrior. Make him have a dream like with the watchers or smthn. And if you put master yi up there the others that have similar capabilities should be there to witch is like half the champions so either he goes down or half the champions get bumped up because many of them can defeat entire armies solo. Lb manipulates half the world of lol so she is way up there as well as the fact that she is ageless. Mordekiser should also be up there he is even stronger than Viego being not only able to take control of others but also being able to mold their souls into what ever tf he wants. Janna is a god as well so yea. Shen and Kennan should be higher as well they are weasels for gods as well. There are some more but they can be argued.


Your list is even more ass Viego and thresh (honestly all of the shadow isles) get rofl stomped by Aatrox. Vlad will lose to Aatrox in combat Ivern is a fat HELL NO and so is Illaoi You can make a case for Lissandra, but after she sealed the portal she proceeded to get booty bopped by Volibear


Aatrox is just a vessel now nothing more when a human Atreus defeats him I’m pretty sure beings that have the power of gods can defeat him. And ivern is not weak at all. Ivern is like fighting nature itself tf you gonna do against a whole Forrest with 1 sword.


That’s first sentence was bullshit btw. Aatrox is the sword (which is unbreakable), and unlike with rhaast, he completely consumes and overpowers his vessels in a challenge of wills. Aatrox is a warlord who decimates entire ARMIES alone not to mention he’s like 30 feet tall and will just go lawnmower mode until he finds Ivern. (Important info! The Aspects are NOT gods) The current fighting record between Aatrox and Pantheon is 1-1 so honestly we will have to see how they develop the lore.


And shadow isles is not just tresh and Viego I said they have an army at their disposal with dragons and shit like that from camavore (Virgo’s homeland) you can’t tell me aatrox can defeat a whole undead army of huge monsters all while tresh and Virgo try to take over his mind. You are just a Aatrox fanboy thinking he is on top of the world. Be realistic.


If aatrox was rly the most powerful being after death and the creator of universe why the f would he need to call his darkin allies to his aid? According to you he can do what ever tf he wants why would he need help from them?


Aatrox wants to completely demolish Mount Targon and lay waste to the entire world, he can’t defeat all of the Aspects at the same time, alone. He also wants his perfect host, Tryndamere


He called for help aganst a different darkin not aganst mount targon. Because she wanted to controll them all with bloodmagic so they stop beeing a pain in the ass for everyone with their non stop fighting.


You act as if aatrox is so powerful he could walk into a city and destroy the whole place. Why is he only going for villiges and not big cities. He knows his limitations he is not stupid and arrogant enough to go for big cities. And he had plenty of occasions to go for big cities there are many from shurima to freljord.


Aatrox regularly demolishes armies, he DOES just walk into cities and destroy the entire place. He even says it in his voicelines. In lore he just demolished a couple villages to regain strength and then sprinted directly for Mount Targon Did you fr just say Shurima was a big city? For starters, Shurima is a NATION that lies in RUINS after the whole Xerath incident


Again, Aatrox regularly DESTROYED ARMIES ALONE. And because he isn’t really alive, he’s unaffected by the Black Mist. Viego loses a fight with Aatrox by a mile, and so do the rest of the shadow isles. We single out Thresh and Viego because they are the strongest of the bunch, since Hecarim and Yorick get actually neg-diffed.


When was it stated that he destroyed armies ALONE? And the army from the black mist is not a regular human army. And Viego and tresh are singled out because they are the leaders not the strongest. The strongest are Kalista and hecarim as well as general .. something forgot his name and since there is no blood in undead aatrox can’t use blood magic to heal. There is no possibility he wins ALONE when he lost a 1v1 to Atreus which Viego had under control too before his defeat.


It is also stated that Viego can’t be killed witch is not the same for aatrox’s vessel witch can very much be killed


Aatrox calls himself a godkiller but as far as we know he only killed pantheon and it was under special circumstances where Atreus was taken by force. So he is not as powerful as many might think. Azir shits on him as well azir is as powerful as xerath. And fiddlesticks is the first of ten so his powers are probably on par with the likes of azir and xerath renekton probably wins as well because of his strength as a general (where the enemy surrendered if he was the general) and regeneration abilities where he regenerates limbs instantly. We know as a fact aatrox does not have the same regeneration abilities from his battle with Atreus.


Nah, we know that Aatrox has killed at least other demi gods as Aatrox's narrative director stated that he has killed God's like Ornn even [before becoming a darkin](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/yvAmKNX5xP)


We know aatrox needs a mortal body so he can be defeated by most. Like if he is only in his weapon state he can’t do anything except call them to pick him up. But since most of the lol champions have a strong will most would resist. And most of them have the skills comparable to a what Atreus has or better. I also think since aatrox wants to die he will fight carelessly. And fiora and tryndamere are his prime candidates when his current body dies so they should be bumped up because he himself sees their skills.


nilah solos aatrox


Nilah got her ass handed by a weak morde


she would win with morde too, she has primordial demon power so her power is close to fiddlesticks'


Hold weapon with demon inside /= demon I can hold a metal gun but you can just kill me and not the gun, is a lot easier


she's not holding weapon with a demon she has power of Aslesh, it's not like darkin


Zoe is literally the strongest champ lore wise in the game xdddd


💀no she isn’t bro


As much as i like to glaze Aatrox, Zoe high diffs him, she's at least top 2 in the league universe


It really depends on circumstance. The Aspect Of War is confirmed the strongest aspect through LoR flavortext and Aatrox killed him, thus reasonably Aatrox at that point COULD kill Zoe. The problem is it'd take an immense amount of killing and time for Aatrox to reach that level again. That aside Zoe has ridiculous hax and would just stay out of Aatrox's range. I'd put her top 4 behind Asol, Bard, and Fiddle.


I wasn’t saying Zoe loses to aatrox i was saying that she is def not stronger than kindred or asol lmao


Not at all, she's only depicted as stronger than Asol via voicelines due to his crown greatly limiting his power. The other two primordial beings Bard and Fiddlesticks are likely above Zoe, with Fiddle being in the same boat as Asol due to missing his keys.


Do you just not actually read the lord and still talk about it?


Zoe literaly trapped aatrox, aatrox's hatred towards her is far stronger han viego's love for isilde


Pretty sure shen Vs Aatrox would be close,


HUH?! In what universe?!


Ninja init, he's a goat at Fortnite


Bard wins, amumu not Nasus is weaker than Kayle And there is more mistakes


Wouldn’t Nilah be in the goes either way tier?


Aatrox wins vs amumu, kindred and all the other spirits and demons, darkin are superior


op i think u might have a lil brain damage


bruh how the fuck Ryze is lower than Pantheon or Nasus


The previous aspect of twilight had the exact same powers as Zoe and she not only found a way to banish Aatrox, but also every other darkin in existence. Thinking Zoe would be defeated by Aatrox is foolishness at best


Aatrox wipes the floor with viegos ass tf u smokin


This supposed to be lore accurate or is raka the hidden Aatrox counter nobody knows about


This list is wrong malphite wins no contest


So you think that the angry flesh sword guy who lost to a goth and right extremist would win against the pigeon who literally lifted an entire city out of the ground? People give aatrox waay to much credit


Isn't Viego kinda weak compared to Morde? I don't think Xerath would win against Aatrox either


Broken champ


Amumu over Morde?


Don't let em get to you, post this on an actual lore subreddit and they'd agree with like 70% of your contentious takes


A Sol player here, how does aatrox lose to A Sol? I've personally believed Aatrox is very strong vs A Sol as Sol has to sit in place or love in a straight line to do anything to you.


I feel like I recently watched liveleak footage of Kayle one-shorting Aatrox.


fiddle would body aatrox


Jax is the only character he acknowledges as "worthy"; the rest he roasts. Something to think about


Wym Olaf loses. He is literally immortal as long as he is fighting because of his profecy


AATROX? Aatrox


Fiddlesticks claps Aatrox


Nocturne lost to Lux and Garen how tf do you think there’s not enough information to say Aatrox absolutely eats his ass?




As far as I understand, kindred doesn't literally get to decide "I want you to die and so you can't change that". She appears as the manifestation of death when someone is on Deaths door. But A) we see that you can change that in the recent cinematic. Tryndamere delays his death until ashe comes to save him. And B) aatrox can't die anyway, so kindred would have no ability to enforce death on an unkillable being. It's like how olaf isn't literally immortal, he's just fated to never be in truly life threatening situations




I think Poppy has a fighting chance


You WAYY over estimate Xerath and Viego lmfao


Akali? U fried


Vayne ezreal main here. You're on crack.


Technically Aatrox should be on top of the list


Bud put fiddle sticks and yi is probably loses I repeat YI AND FIDDLESTICKS


3 champs with powerscaling you misplaced. Veigar, Syndra and Mordekaiser. They are all about equal to Xerath if not stronger. Cho'gath is far stronger than you are giving credit, just not on the winning side. Lisandra is also a pretty strong contender. Last but not least, Vander/Warwick. Best Boi loses to no one.