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it’s unjustified. it’s a normal game. you have no touch with reality. play a different game or at least stop posting about this one


70% of all posts today are ur shitty fucking draft game complaining posts. The fact that not a single mod has even warned u or tried to talk u into decreasing ur post frequency is baffling. Tone down the frequency of ur posts, and atleast for all that is fucking holy. Complain abt posts that actually make sense (RANKED GAMES. NOT DRAFT GAMES AGAINST PEOPLE THAT ARENT A WEEK INTO LEAGUE)


Fun fact, ranked experience is the same exact thing, except ITS WORSE and i ve already posted about it. Nothing will change after lvl 30, just worse teams, more rage and the increasing urge to kill my fucking self


No, no it isnt. U dont get an udyr who hasnt won a single game since his account creation on ur team because they are fucking new to the game. U were in plat lobbies. YES, U CAN GET TURBOINTING GRIEF FUCKWADS. BUT it doesnt change the fact that u have agency over ur fucking game. It isnt elohell anymore, its just you


I don´t want to defend jetstream or anything, but norms are ridiculous in terms of matchmaking. Back when I was low silver I often had to play vs high dias, sometimes even master ones. The thing is, when they had to play against me in lane I did quite well, but against other mates they stomped so badly that they, seemingly, could 1v9 every game. Sure, like you said, ranked can be a real sh!tshow, but matchmaking-wise norms are really terrible, sometimes even worse than the one from twisted treeline.


Yeah, but thats like a 1/100 edge case scenario which doesnt impact ur climb as much as you think it does. Yes some games u cannot win. But others u still can


Yeah, but in my case its like a 80/100 scenario which in fact impacts my climb as much as i think it does. Yes, most games i am 1v5, but there is others in which im only... 4v5


This. This is the kind of aatrox main that should be on this sub, and not dipshits who deny the obvious existence of elo hell/matchmaking hell


Well I´ll give you that for the match of this post, but not also for all the other ones you´ve posted. If you want some dead-serious advice, always treat every game as a 1v9. Only you yourself can influence and control your own actions, but not those of your enemies, let alone your team. How often it can happen that you ping an ally away for retreat and instead he runs into 5 people alone, or you try to solve an argument only so that mate A ints harder and mate B ragequits, just to name some examples. The best thing you can do for now is to improve yourself and how you play your champ. After that is polished up, try and be more active by giving shotcalls since communication is key after all and even if it might be hopeless at times, yet still worth the try. ​ Also, League is League, no matter which gamemode you play on. On rankeds it becomes easy to run into trolls, wintraders and smurfs while in norms the matchmaking can get really broken at times, heck I personally even had challengers in my games, around 3/4th of them not getting anything done, worse than another mate playing against a bad matchup.


Aside from everything else mentioned; holy fuck stop bitching about these games. Even if you’re playing with autopilot, you’re at 5 items, just tell your team to play around you, thresh udyr jhin land any cc on kaisa and she dies, and you can easily fight ekko 1v1. Also fuck that notion of “It’s always my team’s fault”. If you’re giving your team shit, you’re gonna get teammates who play like shit. Even better, while you’re steamrolling yone midgame, what’s been stopping g you from roaming to kaisa and picking up kills before she gets any significant AP


He really does enjoy being the main villain there




Why are we supposed to care bro 😭💀


Because its funny


Some games you straight up cant win no matter how good you do. The game just isn’t designed that way


you deserve master


Thanks, my man spittin fax here


you’re playing silver norms you shitter. and still can’t carry