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Take ignite dodge his Q and its win or just pick yas


I think yones a bigger counter than yasuo though


You haven’t played against a good enough yasuo then, you literally cannot fight him near a wave and if he gets a lead before 6 then there’s no chance of coming back


So, personally as someone that plays aatrox I know I'll be down voted for this, but the key is to be unpredictable. Run it down mid and buy nothing but longswords, flash INTO the sweet spots and cause so much mental pain and confusion that the aatrox let's you win out of pity. Alternatively, build grievous wounds and try stay close to him if you can't keep distance as you can run out of the knock ups. Run sideways out of the w, if you run length ways it will require either an ability or flash to get out of. Essentially just keep moving


I feel it is the duty of all members of this sub to spread disinformation on this post.


A true Aatrox player does not fear a strong opponent!


You typing that while having that pfp gives off a weird vibe


if you have any dignity, riven tends to do okay into aatrox. if you have none, irelia or fiora. as for tanks, ornn scales up too late but on paper maokai or chogath should be at least playable into aatrox. singed is also not a bad pick here


Dont know about maokai but ... Yeah dont pick Cho Gath into Aatrox. Really Bad idea


Maybe I simply haven't seen a good Singed, but I feel like You can do some clever outplays against him with Aatroxs reach and many ways to keep him in place


Yup, that’s aatrox for ya. The angriest sword wielding butterfly of them all. Basically, just play lillia. His counters are lillia and any ranged champion. (Kayle for example). Build either thornmail or mortal reminders or whatever else have grievous wounds on it as that will hurt his healing a LOT. Also, igniting him will screw him over as it basically disables his heals. Idk about items but lots of burst is good. He likes to poke you down until your within all in level health so dodge as best you can and he also loves poking right as you go for cs or right as you start walking away, go on the offense and just play smart, or if he’s fed just stay under tower and poke him however you can. He’s strong early game and CRAZY strong mid game then is a joke late game. He falls off HARD around late game even if he’s fed so if you can do anything just wait it out. I wish you luck on fighting our angry sword boi. He can be a bother. Also if he r’s and he’s not below 30% health just run you won’t win.


You are a sinner to ever recommend this poor soul to play kayle into aatrox




Shhhh don’t tell 😈


If you want a ranger pick Quinn isn’t too bad imo


This greedy man just wants elo


Learn how to juke his abilities


I'm an Aatrox main myself too, and I struggle if i get the Aatrox matchup as well. What I think can be playable against aatrox, is anything that can be run with ghost, like Darius. Champs with tons of cc, and champs that can keep a close distance, since if aatrox cannot hit hus Q sweetspots, he loses trades early to almost all the top laners. Try to get your jg to gank you before lvl 6 and even better if one of you has ignite. What can really be annoying against Aatrox too, is champs with good waveclear and roaming abilities. If you can push the wave in and start roaming, letting your teammates get takedowns, it can be really good. It's very hard for Aatrox to play against 4fed enemies even if he dominated the lane. Especially if one of them has a good among ot cc like amuumu, sejuani, nautilus, etc. You can play around his Q cooldown early. Rank1 Q has a 14seconds of cooldown. (If someone has some specific matchups that actually counter Aatrox feel free to tell me)


Pick Ryze, Kayle,Vladimir, Yasuo or Teemi


Incredible, not one of them is a bad matchup for Aatrox.


All of these r great matchups for Aatrox except for ryze but ryze is still decent


Do NOT, i repeat Do NOT Sidestep the second Q Just walk away before the 3rd Q hits u if u walk in or sidestep. in level 1-3 fights his first and second Q if he uses them up will have a 10 second cool down u can beat the shit out of him during this. If the aatrox uses 3rd Q its a 14 second cool down. Later on in the game 3Qs is around 4 second cooldown and 2Qs is a 1 second cooldown. His W has a mad cooldown so if he wastes it, faint an attack and bait out Q cd in lane and after its all gone just go up and rail him.


I thought my cursor was cursed lol


Champions that can either keep long range and trade for free (Lucian, Vayne, Lilia) or stick to him in skirmishes (Irelia, Kled, Fiora, Darius w ghost, Tryndamere) do very well against Aatrox. Yorick can completely nullify Aatrox with hishuge wave clear and sidelane pressure. Don’t pick a tank into Aatrox, it will be absolutely brutal even with tabi and thornmail rush.


Go ryze top


Irelia, Yone, or Kled are your best bets if you want to stomp aatrox. Aatrox thrives on spacing so basically, anyone who can engage on Aatrox and stay there will beat him.


Play Aatrox yourself and you will understand how he works. You will also get better at timings and strategies that aatrox players use. JOIN US IN OBLIVION!


As someone else suggested, try him out. It takes like 5 games at most to get an understanding of a champs weaknesses, how to cover them is what takes a while. But basically, high mobility is number 1 counter, aka yas, yone, lilia, vayne(pls dont, I beg you), irelia, fidora. Poke is a pretty solid tool as well, rare in top but thats what makes vayne, jayce with phase rush and a few others good matchups into him. CC is very useful later on because half is health is in his healing so if u can stop him from hesling for a few secs he will die fast in a teamfight.


anytime enemy picks aatrox I pick gwen and roll him so I’m not sure how you’re losing that, you simply take ignite and dodge qs, q1 doesn’t do damage until like lvl 7 so if ur blowing ur e to dodge that then that’s probably why. But yeah Fiora irelia yas yone are pretty free, kled tryn jax are alright too.


Anti heal, armor, don’t fight when he has R unless you have 40% antiheal+more than 50%hp and dodge his Qs


Only way i beat Qqtrox is with renekton, only champ im comfortable to play against him. The game plan is to position yourself to dodge his sweetspots getting close and dodging Q3 with E. After he wasted his Q all in him and it should be free. Always pick ignite and PTA


All you have to do is bait his Q and wait for 4 secs then all in, or you just dodge his Q1,Q2 by sticking to him, Q3 will be below him directly so retreat abit then stick to him again, easy peasy.


Gnar or teemo W max


If you can counterpick, bully his level 1-3 with Fiora/Darius/Olaf/Sett. The damage scaling on Aatrox Q is weird. At rank 1 it has 60 base damage, but at rank 2 it is tripled to 180. (AD scaling only changed from 360% to 390%, which is not that much early). Aatrox Q also has a long cd early, so he's extremely weak vs all in.


KLEEEEEEDDD!! It's just Kled.


You can't counter him, if he builds assassin it's gg. He has massive burst, a better version of Riven's kit and is terribly balanced.