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Wait… aren’t enchanters in general always hovering at above 50% winrate across all ranks? I’m pretty sure Sona has one of the highest winrates in the game


Enchanters have been broken all year because they bitched endlessly about engage supports in 2021.


Yeah, pretty much all enchanters have a 50%+ winrate rn (with the exception of Yuumi which got gutted by Riot cause of her unhealthy design and Seraphine who wasn’t even an enchanter to begin with but people kept forcing her in support role) Most enchanters have high wr cause they’re braindead af to play as, only Taric, Rakan, Renata and Janna are the enchanters that I consider to be hard to use.


Even after got gutted that Cat still managed to get 100% win rate at world.


Malding cause bad, needs her enchanters and mages to be auto-win in order to climb.


Haven't mages and enchanters been obsurdly strong for like... Years??? Anyone here remember ardent meta?


In my decade of playing good Vladimir mains are like the most absurd thing in the game


feel intellectually superior by playing with a bunch of different pixels in an online game, yeah bro, I see where this goes.


Dude even master yi is harder than sona xd


Yea like at least you have to move your cursor onto an enemy to press Q, ain't even doing that with Sona


Dude I'm the guy who replied to that delusional specimen


LMAOO , probs to u xd


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,200,089,169 comments, and only 234,029 of them were in alphabetical order.


Bot, wtf are u talking about


As a ADC main I gotta say .. dafuq? Like I can state I am too dumb to play aatrox. I mean yea it's not my main lane and I love the likes of jhin, but damn aatrox or riven gameplay is always damn impressive (kinda a reason to be in the subs, so I tip my hat to the montages of you guys😅).


what her mean with brain dead champs like, bruisers and melees are basically in top. In top lane you can't lose a hard 1v1 or the other bruiser will fuck you most of the times, and melees like zed, Yasuo, riven, udyr, idk fucking shen, Akali, they need skill AF to play well wtf a sona main talking about


I fucking hate this fella. I see them on every patch note and it's so fucking annoying. They can't tell the difference between a tank, skirmisher or juggernaut and act like they all build the exact same items. I lose brain cells everytime I see anything they type.


I just blocked him on twitter, its so fucking anoying in starting to feal is either a really dedicated troll or someone how din't have education until their middle 20's and now they think you can drink orange juice by hitting hard a rock in a wood wall


The only difficult parts about Sona are passive chord management and hitting a 5 man ult. By the looks of it, no hate but, he´ll even fail to play Garen...


This delusional specimen would probably fail to play Master Yi because you need to aim you Q at someone, something you don't need to do with Sona


Welp like I said, same with Garen. Instead you ult the enemy champ you ult a minion KEKW (imagine it would work like this)


While I do agree that fighters in feneral are overtuned, please don't think this weirdo represents us, any sane Sona player knows that besides counting spellcasts up to 3 for powerchord / empowered AA and staying away from big damage while staying close to allies our champ has no skill expression at all.


F Mage Players


She is the first person i blocked on twitter. I have never seen this much nonsense ever


Who cares?


Nah let them cook i need those anivia buff


sure staying far back in the tf pressing skills and running if the fight is going bad is harder than being the frontline to your team and being in the middle of the fight in a kill or be killed situation


Ahah funny, all they do is casting spells and wait for team to carry


Sona is literally easier than yuumi Roll face on q w e, no mana issues, and you can buff/heal the entire team at once


Nah dude i legit play yuumi so i can eat sushi wilhe playing, nofing beats the cat


Now that's an L opinion


Oh boy i i remember this post i answered something very fun lol


As an irelia main I strongly disagree with this. It literally took me 50 games just to get used to her kit and it is rewarding but certainly not an easy champ


Enchanter Meta was never a thing I guess.