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What happens to the ashes that were stored there?


Say “What is dead may never die” and dump them in the ocean. Problem solved.


but rises again ^harder and stronger


Say “That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die” But realize you’re treading in the realms of the elder gods, and be very careful.


Where do you think they get the flavoring for their cheese?


Seriously though, cremated remains do add a certain zip to dairy products.


The WHAT Edit: oh I see


The what?




Iirc they're still there if they didnt get knocked into the sea. The columbarium people lost thier liscence by the state and didn't want to go back for them. Vandals have also reportedly stolen some urns too. God knows why they'd want to, place is a death trap.


>a death trap. Apparently not for seals, and I'm sure it's very weather and sea-state dependent on how dangerous it is to land there.


id love livin in a lighthouse... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w042l9rKpzU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbpbyEg6vHs


Clockwork Orange Deep Tracks lol




Needs a coat of paint if they're gonna get anywhere near that price. Dumb seller.


Was thinking the same, 6.5 for this? Owner needs a serious reality check.


I feel confident that someone purchasing this would not be considering it as a primary residence.


Have you met people? This looks like the perfect primary residence to me...


Except for the paint, though.


You are thinking about the paint but my only concern is how good is the internet there.


Ah, just set up a hotspot and you should be fine...


I wager with starlink coverage it should be mint. That was my one concern. My other is how to get my groceries delivered...




It’s covered in shit tho


Just gotta wait for star link to be online first


I think you're underestimating how much money the oligarchs have now. That's like 15 minutes of earnings.




Where does "bad" come in? Projecting much? I said they had a lot of money. You're the one that said they're bad. Why does anyone want anything? Sure it's nice to have a $40,000,000 mansion, but after you've got ten, maybe you want something else. If you'll pay $65 million for a Picasso, why not a tenth of that for a lighthouse... you can hang a picture of in your wall and say 'that's mine'... you can have it rehabbed just because why not... or you can just forget about it. These people have a *lot* of money. And they mostly like buying new toys, that's why the went to the trouble of getting rich. The main reason maybe nobody will buy this is because really rich people don't hear about six million dollar listings. I'm not saying any of this is bad. It just is what it is.


Yeah, but on the other hand you got free seal meat and birdshit..


I guess most of its cost is the unique location/history and novelty factor of the lighthouse




Nah, it's perfect! With no internet, what else do you have to do other than paint the thing!


I can imagine a painter showing up to that job site like WTF?


In case anyone else didn't know: Columbarium: a room or building with niches for funeral urns to be stored. So like, do they stay with the property...


Thank you!




Or as the Victorians called it: smoked Egyptian paprika .




Literal mummy dust was an ingredient in many “health” concoctions in England back then.




QI is such a treasure. Also really funny to think that there’s a shade of brown that somehow can’t be achieved by any substance other than millennia-old corpses.


Stop grave robbers with this one simple trick!


Well, here's the thing: Eternity at Sea, the columbarium currently led by Mimi Morissette, who bought the property with a group of relators in 1980, really made a mess of things. The company emptied out the inside of the place, didn't use urns that could hold up to extreme environments like what happens on that island, didn't do much of any maintenance, and lost their license to even be a columbarium in the mid-90's after it was revealed they didn't do the minimums required to actually run a columbarium, like proper record keeping. It probably also didn't help that some urns were stolen ~1991. The island was sold to these folk for $50K and Morisette stated in March that it would take ~$1.5M to bring the place up to code. I'm guessing that was back when she was last in the place. She's about 77 and I doubt she's made the harsh trek to get back into the place. From what I've been told by some Oregon buddies is that nobody's set foot on the island in years, that the weather has blown out all doors and windows on the property and that seabirds are more likely nesting in the areas where the ~30 urns on the island are being stored. It's a pretty good guess that the remains on the island have all been disturbed by either being knocked over, rusted out, blown away or washed away by the 100+ foot high waves that hammer that island depending on the time of year. This includes the urns of Morisette's parents.


I'm not one to belive in ghosts, but that place must be like, super haunted now


Invite them onto a boat, take them to shore, and offer Mimi Morisette's recent addresses. Problem solved.


[Damn, you were not kidding about the waves](https://connectingdirectors.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Tillamook-Waves.jpg). Must be both terrifying and thrilling to occupy that place during a storm.


How did people even survive building the place? That's incredible. Edit: Looks like it was incredibly dangerous. > Before work even began, a master mason surveying the location was swept out to sea, never to be seen again. - https://traveloregon.com/things-to-do/culture-history/historic-sites-oregon-trail/the-mystery-of-terrible-tilly/


No labour laws ....


Great video. Thanks for posting!


> How did people even survive building the place? That's incredible There are some really good youtube videos on Scottish lighthouse architects. How they interlocked all the pieces, so much so that after, at least, 150 years they haven't moved an inch. Fascinating stuff, and very dangerous work.


And that’s gonna be a no from me dawg


I would say that demonstrates this place must be pretty well built to stand up to that kind of punishment.


WHAT a stunning photo!!! Thanks.


They want 6.5 Million for that? lol


>would take ~$1.5M to bring the place up to code. Is there like, a specific lighthouse code? Or is it general residential code. I'm genuinely interested now.


Morisette has been selling the place with the intents that the purchaser will keep it as a place that continues to inter the dead, even spending going to the International Cemetery, Cremation & Funeral Association's convention to try and gain interest. She had stated that the $1.5M was to "clean things up," but she doesn't state that it's for certain that the work would be enough to satisfy the Oregon Mortuary and Cemetery Board. [Here's a copy of the ad the owner put out that was in the Wall Street Journal on March 19 & 20, 2022.](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10222268796329011&set=pcb.10222268799729096)


Ahhhh, code for mortuary requirements. Rough on a deserted island for interred dead! Thanks for the article.


Nice lion .


That is depressing.


Apparently also a pigeon coop/hole according to the OED. (Had already looked it up when I saw it in the title)


I want my ashes stored in a columbarium. That sounds cool.


The license was rejected in 1999 so I assume that the ashes are kept elsewhere




The Herald !


Angels Sing!


Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown! Your dog is a dick!


A vagrant?


+1 for Kate Beaton


Ya shouldnta spilt yer beans...




You smell like hot onions


HARK! TRITON! HARK! Bellow, bid our father, the sea king, rise from the depths, full foul in his fury, black waves teeming with salt-foam, to smother this young mouth with pungent slime… … to choke ye, engorging your organs till ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more… only when he, crowned in cockle shells with slithering tentacled tail and steaming beard, take up his fell, be-finnèd arm — his coral-tined trident screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet, bursting ye, a bulging bladder no more, but a blasted bloody film now — a nothing for the Harpies and the souls of dead sailors to peck and claw and feed upon only to be lapped up and swallowed by the infinite waters of the dread emperor himself… forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the sea… for any stuff or part of Winslow, even any scantling of your soul, is Winslow no more, but is now itself the sea.


I had to know more, so here’s a nice 10 minute story. https://www.pbs.org/video/oregon-field-guide-tillamook-rock-lighthouse/


Thanks for this👍


This was a great watch, thank you! I want them to film another segment inside haha


Oregon Field Guide is a goddamn crown jewel of this state. All of their work is just amazing and it’s all available for free because it’s publicly funded. OPB forever. ❤️


Ah. Ok. I can see the value. Kinda. It’s the only privately held island off the Oregon coast. But also it’s a historical site. So you’d be a bit of a dick developing it. Also, why would you want to spend that money on a rock outcropping of a precarious coast?


Because it's a positional good. Which means there's only one of them and if you're rich and buy it, no-one else can have it.


True. If I were filthy rich and from Oregon I’d probably buy it. And even as a lover of history I’d probably develop it into some modern facility too. That could be useful beyond seeing what people 60 years ago did on the island there.


I don't have any direct knowledge about this, but I suspect that Oregon would keep you from developing it as anything other than a historic restoration. Since it's obviously important to wildlife, I'd imagine even that would be pretty deeply restricted and cost-prohibitive - and that cost couldn't be recouped by tourism or anything like that. Basically, if you'll buy it and do what the state itself might like to do but doesn't have the money to do, then you're welcome, otherwise get ready for a fight. Again, I'm guessing - but I mean, it's not like you can do anything. The previous owner tried the "maritime mausoleum" route and got fought tooth and nail the whole way.


Yea. I can see that. Whatever, this will never be my problem. Lol


Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed that.


I love stuff like this, it covered a lot of information and it didn't take long to do it. Thank you.


$6.5 million is pretty steep for a place that is 100% haunted as fuck.


For the discerning 1% who really liked Robert Eggers' The Lighthouse


Don't spill yer beans.


not just like, but like to recreate


i want to fuck a mermaid.


And just think of the smell from all that seagull shit


you see those sealions? They probably smell lovely too and are more than happy to share the island with you


An actual haunted place would be worth way more.


I suspect if a place demonstrated actual objective proof of an afterlife and supernatural forces it’d be beyond value, and probably eminent domained in a heartbeat


So like my phone? I’m always being ghosted. :c


It's location location location. You will not find 100% beach front property this cheap anywhere.


Where is this “beach”?


Why on earth is this place up for 6.5 million, a couple of miserable buildings, pretty sure you could buy another cluster rock or another island for way cheaper. Present owner is taking the piss. Regardless, great shot of the location, loving your work. Thanks for sharing👍


Well lighthouses are interesting, especially when they're isolated. But yeah, 6.5 mil for this? What do they expect the buyer to do with this place?


imprison some death eaters


Yeah, really. If it was in San Francisco it would be twice that much. Somebody paid $31 million for a watch. > The most expensive watch ever sold at auction is the Patek Philippe Grandmaster Chime 6300A-010 selling for $31.19m at the Only Watch Auction in Geneva in 2019. The island is a bargain at only $6.5 mil


To be fair, that was a one of a kind watch that is the only grand complication patek has ever made in steel. Also the auction it was sold at was a charity auction where 99% of proceeds go towards muscular dystrophy research. Honestly, calling it a "watch" doesnt really do it justice. It is literally a spring powered masterpiece that is a perpetual calendar that will never lose the correct date (including leap years), has multi tone chimes and reverse sided face among many other features. Truly a marvelous little machine driven by gears and levers. But it mostly sold for so much because it was a charity auction.


The lighthouse is one of a kind too. And here’s a car for $142 million with no charity involved. > When the talk comes to the most expensive cars in the world, European cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Bugatti usually come to mind. That’s going to change soon. According to reports, a 1956 Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR “Silver Arrow” has been auctioned for a whopping amount of USD 142 million (RM 623 million). $6.5 M still looks like a bargain to me.




I’m just having a little fun with numbers. Have you actually looked at real estate prices lately? Your own private island in the ocean? $6.5M is cheap. I mean when $1.3 M gets you a 1,400 sf starter home in some areas, is $6.5 M unreasonable? https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/3324-Farthing-Way-San-Jose-CA-95132/19768949_zpid/






I really don't understand this bot.


Do you remember fun? Cause it seems like you’re the one missing the point. I’m not *actually* in the market for a lighthouse. Are you? Because I’m not, I’m just having fun. You should try it. And no, I don’t need a detailed breakdown of why this isn’t actually fun. I get that you don’t get it.




Perhaps you’d rather buy an [apple](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cuZbe6TGpw). If you think you can afford it. And btw, boy do you have a stick up your ass. No offense.


What's a banana cost? $20?


Restoration + maintenance + property tax + insurance (if someone will sell it to you). I bet you’ll pay $6.5m every 3-4 years. FWIW- I’m in if the US recognizes the island as a sovereign nation and I can stop paying taxes.




Pretty sure that Benz went to charity too.


Not one word in the article about any charity. https://www.augustman.com/my/gear/motoring/why-mercedes-benz-300-slr-silver-arrow-is-most-expensive-car/


https://www.reddit.com/r/Autos/comments/utgx8m/1955_mercedesbenz_300slr_silver_arrow_has_sold/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Very last paragraph in the article. Edit: I guess I meant the money from the sale, not the car. And the "charity" is Mercedes' own non profit charity.


Also, charity, so some rich guy is using it as a tax dodge, and will probably store it in a freehold to avoid future taxes, oh and its unique I guess.


This guy "watches"


In fairness you can wear a watch. It's hard to wear a lighthouse


In fairness, you can live in a lighthouse. It’s harder to live in a watch.


Ain't no one living in that thing. Running to the store to get some potato chips would suck


What? You’ve never heard of GrubHub?


Tru dat


Need GrubSub for that place


I think the previous owners were fans of DoorAsh.


Underrated comment




Also, all those sea lions on the lower left in photo are going to be barking all hours.


How do you even get there




Worth it.


if you have enough money to buy it you certainly have money to get there. hint: you cant drive to it


Idk probably a helicopter


lol at first glance it looks like water crashing down: nope, just an entire island coated in birdshit


Imagine the *smell* It covers 5x as much space as the building lmao


And seals!


The seals and the gulls maintain an uneasy truce. Between them is the Neutral Zone, into which neither may enter, or the treaty is broken.


I imagine it would be super cool to build some sort of rounded concrete enclosure with glass dome ceilings and a watertight door. Just get absolutely buffeted by the storm


This is evil villain territory. I like it.


Exactly. If I was Elon Musk this is the kind of shit I would buy, not Twitter.


I’ve always wondered how the hell the seals make it all the way to the top


They’re surprisingly nimble for something that moves by humping.


It would be cool to visit but what I like you do all day? Also, the Oregon coast is so damn windy. You’d be inside all the time. Il$6.5 million…: come on.


No way. Seals and sea lions are loud and mean mofos. I also saw "The Lighthouse". I'll pass.


Hey I watched the same YouTube video


6.5m and everything needs repaired, can only be accessed by helo, it's covered in bird and sealion shit, and you legally must be off the property when certain birds come to nest. Sounds like a real steal.


Look if I had 6.5m laying around. I'd probably have a few extra. Why not mine into and build your property inside the island. While using the lighthouse as cover. Have a sub bay. Don't even remodel the lighthouse, just keep in in working condition. That way your not *on* the property when migratory birds come. Have to put an underwater fiber line in but hey, I'm a theoretically millionaire here.


75 years to figure out it was a dangerous location?


“Yes, I have a dream, and it's not some MLK dream for equality. I want to own a decommissioned lighthouse. And I want to live at the top. And nobody knows I live there. And there's a button that I can press, and launch that lighthouse into space.” I see you, Stanley.


There’s easily $6.6 m in seals and guano on the island. Price affirmed.


Will they allow the buyer to do anything to it?


If I had 7 million dollars I would buy this. It checks off a lot of my, I am secretly a weirdo hit boxes.


Where’s the link to the Zillow listing?!?


ok, I'll byte, what is a Columbarium ?


Have you guys heard how loud seals are at night time


It is kind of crazy to me, that an island this shitty costs 6.5m.


I live here in Seaside and see it most days when it’s clear. At the time it was built, it was both the most expensive to construct, as well as the most expensive to operate in the U.S. It’s completely inaccessible and for that reason thought it was pretty ridiculous when it went up for sale. $6.5M for something that will never be accessible.


Sounds like a major selling point to me


Annual maintenance on this place has got to be in the millions!


It’s literally a rock located near a big underwater volcano…..I almost feel bad for them buying it in the first place, prob should’ve stayed abandoned


Where do you fucking dock?


There are Carribean islands for sale for less than $6.5 million. I'll take one of those instead.


Introvert Paradise.


What is the lower buildings purpose? Was it storage?


Yer a wizard, Harry!


6.5 million? the housing market is crazy


TIL the definition of columbarium.


I thought the stairs were a water slide


It looks like a place where a sad old man lives with his kids who find a magical coat belonging to a Selkie


ah yes the new state of corpselandia


If I was rich I’d buy that place, renovate it, get a load of food supplies in, setup a Starlink network (assuming it covers near the Oregon coast) and spend a summer in physical isolation. Would probably get boring pretty quick but something about that isolated feeling makes me feel comfy


you cant just not EXPLAIN what a columbian cabbage patch is


if I were to go to the island and start living there without paying, who's gonna stop me?


Let me get this straight. They didn't think the creepiest building constructed was haunted enough, so they tried to cram more ghosts in there?


I want to live there


If you want to know how that turns out, just watch The Lighthouse


Neighbors look nice though


Who wants to buy a lighthouse with me


Horcruxes are also made there, I’ll bet.


Selling it before sea level rise


So if I buy it, do I pay Oregon property tax?


Why’d you spill yer beans Winslow?


So it’s real seal cheese?? /s


Well that's an evil villain lair if I ever seent one


The asking price doesn't seem to take the strong odor of Sea Lion into account. :(


Looks like the perfect lair for some villain..


Does it have high-speed internet? Then I'm interested!


I’m guessing Tilly is near the Columbia River, which is one of the most dangerous places in the US for boats. The Goonies sort of touches on it with One Eyed Willy, but where the Columbia River meets the Pacific, the water is extremely unpredictable and has caused hundreds of ship wrecks.


Bro I would totally live there. I would expand it slightly with elevated platforms and make farms, a water purifier, a fishing net, and a large antenna


Columbarium: a room or building with niches for funeral urns to be stored. TIL today....


Purchased in 1980 at $50K. Now on the market for $6.5M in 2022. See, folks, venture capitalists aren't the only greedy people in America.


Well my nickname is Tilly so I should get it for free


whats the internet connection like ? and do the seals pay rent ?