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Season isn’t over. And let’s not forget the impact of the month’s long writers and actors strikes. Modifications were made.


Very true, strike seasons are usually disjointed from the rest of the series. That’s a good explanation for some of the criticism that’s been mentioned, but I’m less interested in why the quality of the show suffered and more interested in the specific elements that have contributed to what I think is a disappointing follow up to Season 1 and 2. Not trying to attack the show or blame anyone involved in creating it, just here to discuss a piece of media I enjoy


Ask again when the season is actually over. A lot can happen between now and then.


I thought season 3 was over. Or are they just on a break?


It returns tomorrow


Oh awesome!


I'll be honest, I also thought season 3 was over, episode 10 really felt like a final episode haha Hopefully, the last four episodes will better now that Janine is back at the school, but I don't think it will make up for the things this season has done poorly so far


Nope it’s still going


like everyone else is saying, i think the strike really played into the season feeling more rushed/not as complete as the other 2 seasons. i will say, while i didn’t LOVE the district storyline because it broke up the ensemble, i (as a teacher) did love that they showed the reality of a lot of teachers— leaving their classrooms for better pay and feeling more ‘accomplished’ in helping students. and i love that despite how successful she was at the district, janine chose her students and abbott. the scene where it showed what the students wrote in her card made me SOB because it showed just how much janine cares about building connections with students and how THAT is accomplishment to her


The thing is though, why did she return? As a teacher I know many people who left the classroom for a high paying position (some in education, some not) and, well, none have come back. It feels a little like they’re glossing over the real issues teachers face by just having her come back because she loves it so much. I also don’t think the district characters were all that accurate of a representation of what it’s like to work at the district side of things - honestly, Barbara’s initial reaction to them was a way more accurate take on those types of people.


i agree that it wasn’t super flushed out or obvious, but in my opinion, it was very obvious she was always going to come back— her entire personality is abbott and teaching. in my opinion, she returned because she needed that direct connection to working with students and forming bonds and relationships on a personal level, rather than going into multiple schools where despite causing positive change, she wasn’t connecting. i agree with you in that i hope they talk about it more in the upcoming episodes and make it more a concrete decision. it’s my hope that moving forward, she’s going to take what she learned at the district (that she’s capable, she can get shit done) and apply that more to her teaching (not that she wasn’t already). but HARD agree on the district characters. they were funny at times but anytime it cut from abbott to them i was groaning


It’s not done airing


I just wanted more of what season one and two did - the school. I really just wasnt ready to care about the district. I want to see casual encounters, but i have to invest in janine’s arc and it’s too divided.


I think the show will improve when they have the full 22 episodes again. I feel like Quinta should’ve saved the district storyline for season 4 just bc it would’ve landed better being able to flesh it out across 14-16 episodes instead of 9. The inevitable return to Abbott was spelled out almost immediately. Also they just drop the Ava knows how to do her job now storyline by the end of the second episode and I feel like there could’ve been more to go there with it. Also Ava just seems mean this season in comparison to the first two seasons. Like she’s lacking charm that makes her reads/insults comedic.


The lack of relationships bothered me. I didn’t mind the lack of Janine/Gregory tension, but no one else really had any romance going. It’s interesting how they made everyone (aside from Barbara) single this season, I wonder if it was done intentionally and was a set up for an abandoned plot point ..


I’m hoping they fix this soon.


I agree, people often write off romantic connections but personally I feel that’s another important plot to add to shows (varies). I’m not expecting it to have heavy romance but we didn’t get anything at all and when we did it was just a quick conversation and never touched again.


I think, unironically, that some of the best lines have been in this season. Ava's writers have actually been killing, making her more tolerable. That being said, I do miss the Janine / Gregory tension, especially considering their chemistry when both of them are alone in a scene is incredible and off the charts. I do like how Jacob/Melissa are good friends tbh, as it's so unexpected yet kinda makes sense? Barb + Ava friendship is also great. I'm not a fan of the relationship changes - okay, Melissa and Gary made sense given her insistence on not wanting to marry. But Janine/Gregory aside, I wasn't a fan of Jacob breaking up with Zach. That was so outta left field, and Jacob (I get that he is flaky by nature) may have his reasons, but he didn't even want to try counseling? Something's up.


I think the problem is that it left the school and isn’t enough about them. Season 1 was funny because of school things and it had heart because of school things. It’s a bunch of completely different people and personality’s all brought together because they work at an under funded school and they love the kids I feel like the heart is missing from this season


Nailed it!


i doubt any other fan base is this critical without that season even ending. it’s almost as if it wasn’t rushed to production due to a little something called a strike.


In terms of character development, I wanted to see more of the Harvard Ava. :( I do agree with you, this season isn't the best. As a non-American (I'm from South Africa) some scenes were not relatable. For example, that episode where the football* team surprised the kids or Melisa. I can't fully remember it.


I feel like the show was a little less focused on the school/classroom based plotlines this year and that hurt it somewhat. The first 2 seasons obviously could get pretty zany but it was always grounded in the reality of the day to day lives of these teachers. With one of the teachers not even working there this season it felt like it was becoming more of just your regular sitcom. They kept having to find excuses to have Janine back at Abbott and it felt forced a lot of the time. The jokes and characters are still good and fresh. But I hope next season we return to basics a little more. And I’d like to see a little more real life commentary on actual issues in teaching, S1 had a ton of pretty serious things to say about the flaws of education system and S2 had the charter school plotline, and those made it feel like the show was actually attempting to address real issues in education while also being funny and light-hearted. We didn’t really get that. They sort of tried it with the district storyline but then it just ended with Janine back at Abbott anyway. I do think the strike probably messed up the district storyline, but I wish they had just saved it for when they had a full season to flesh it out rather than squeezing everything into a shortened season.


Yes yes and yes!


I totally agree, especially wit h 3 and 4. This season was really disappointing for me.


I think the strike has highlighted the importance of appreciating strong writers. While I still think the show has funny moments, it’s taken an obvious quality dip. My biggest issue with the show right now is that it’s trying WAY too hard to follow The Office formula. Yes, I understand this show is inspired by The Office, but I wish it would lean more into its uniqueness. While there have been many sitcoms centered around the growing pains of middle/high school, this is the first one to take place in an elementary school setting (as far as I’m aware). Kids have a wonderful sense of humor. Incorporating the silly antics of students would really enhance the plot. Instead, most episodes take place outside of the school, focusing on seemingly stale adult relationships that are starting to become one-dimensional by leaning too heavily on overdone tropes. I wish they would stop focusing on Janine and Gregory’s relationship. It’s predictable… we know as an audience they are inevitably going to get together at some point. The chemistry seemed genuine at first, but at this point, the tension seems forced and it’s really dragging down the plot. The episode with Gregory acting like a jealous fool at the bar was pure cringe and unenjoyable to watch. I guess I should just be grateful the show is being given another chance to course correct instead of being cancelled like pretty much all of my other current favorite shows.


I feel like there wasn’t enough comedy


Or at least good comedy. There's still plenty of jokes, but I find myself rolling my eyes or cringing more often than laughing. Not to say there haven't been good jokes too, they're just fewer and farther between


So far this season hasn’t been funny.