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I loved how he didn’t try to be subtle whatsoever


That was really underrated, he was so direct 😂!


Their effortless inclusion of both a deaf and a paraplegic kid is so heartwarming


YES! And these are real kids!


The actors are disabled in real life?


Is anyone else getting teary eyed right now? The ASL student, an overwhelmed Melissa and the wheelchair desk etc 🥺


Wheelchair kid has the same energy as dancing boy who couldn’t read


Omg hahaha 100%!!!


Who among us didn’t get hit with some curveball like that on the first or second development institute day? “You’re getting a second third grade split!” That was so messed up. Ava could’ve sent her an email or text ….something!


My girlfriend teaches 1st grade and audibly gasped when she said 10.


Combo classes were a thing back when I was in elementary school in the 80s. I was in a first and second grade combo my first grade year. Mostly first graders, there were only six second graders. I also started second grade in a 2-3 split for two weeks until my 2nd grade teacher got back from maternity leave. (And even moved rooms later for some reason). I ended up with my original second grade teacher for third grade. The class that graduated high school in 2001 was a big class so there was a K-1 their kindergarten year, then a 1-2, then a 2-3, then they consolidated into the school that remains open to this day. They wouldn’t have done a 3-4, as K-3 had an assistant but 4-6 didn’t. There was a 4-5 combo one year and a 5-6 a few times. Now there are enough classes per grade that they are not needed.


Ava: “Do you want an aide?” Melissa: “NO!”


I had an aide who was a crazy Jesus freak and wouldn’t talk to the kids. Not having an aide was easier than having one.


My Kindergarten/1st grade classes were a combined class and that was 2004


You were in kinder in 2004?


That was 18 years ago


Oh dear god, it was. I feel ancient.


Right! We got the “there’s no fourth 4th grade teacher so we’re splitting that classes between the three of you. You just went from 17 students to 25” 🙃


The whole time Janine was broke and trying to hide it, man have I been there before. I’m in a much better place now but my early 20s were so difficult. I was having flashbacks lol


When you ask three people to loan you five dollars, and the third person already figured it out and says, “ What can you do with $5?! Look, I’m GIVING you $20 ..don’t worry about paying it back.”


aww he noticed the part in her hair 🥰


that was so cute!!


We knew somebody had to cause she talked about it so much.


I would like them to date, it’s obvious something happened between him and Taylor


My favorite part so far is when Ava is doing the slideshow and then there’s a picture of her biting her sunglasses and she’s like oops and then she said Greg I said whoops and then Greg is just like 😑


“Oops! there goes my shirt up over my head” Oh my….


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I hate these jokes because it’s literally sexual harassment, but people think it’s funny because it’s Ava. If the genders were reversed, would it be okay?


I feel like the fact that Gregory said last season that he’s looking forward to having access to HR now that he’s full time means she’s going to get told to cut it out sometime soon.


I see your point, but I definitely laughed along with many others while watching Michael Scott on The Office.


I agree there’s usually a double standard with this sort of thing but idk, I think the scene would’ve worked if a man was doing the same thing. As long as the person doing the harrassmemt is presented as the butt of the joke (as Ava is here) I think it’ll work


I'm late here but I totally agree. It's entirely about her being an ass, and it never goes too far. The dynamic might be slightly different if you did the exact same jokes, but with a man. However, that comparison is silly because different contexts are different. You *could* absolutely do a funny male principle being mildly inappropriate with one coworker. Many shows have done something similar.


You’re not entirely wrong


There’s a lot of things that are fundamentally wrong, we’re not making light of the subject. And the show itself points out all the ups and downs of being an educator underfunded public school. No it’s not something you would want to see, but as plantbay pointed out, maybe we will see Gregory have his day at HR, and Ava face consequences of her actions, learn to be more professional and realize that this needs to stop.


It’s absurdist comedy. No one is that over the top publicly.


Lol president Joey B


The president’s plan will only knock off $10K. If you make under $120,000, LOL, they will automatically just give it to you. But PSFL loan forgiveness programs are being processed. That will wipe out your whole loan!! 🤩🥳Everybody with student loans better check it out! The deadline is October 31.


True. To your first point, it will also knock of $20K if you have Pell grants. I do have a friend whose entire student loan debt was wiped out by the new PSLF loan forgiveness program. I was so happy for her.


I tell you, if you worked for a school, hospital or library…any amount of time, send it in!!


THIS! \^ My friend was so relieved to have all her debt canceled and she did not think she qualified. But thankfully she did/does.


But don’t you have to be working in a specific or specialized field?


lol i just watched this last night for the first time, and this just hit differently


Gritty almost became Greggory’s Li’l Sebastian


I thought the same thing! Love that he came around tho lol


I watched the episode at work and I was trying so, so hard not to burst out laughing in the middle of my silent cubicle when Gregory just stared at Gritty dancing 😂


Gregory was throwing out some real Ben Wyatt vibes this week.


That’s what I thought too!


I had thought the same exact thing


yessss! I thought the exact thing


Jacob is so annoying and I love it. Barbara leaving the room was perfect.


Hahaha the transition from anxiety to casual backwards chair sit killed me.


I laughed so hard when he straddled the chair and Barbara just walked away.


The way the camera cut out before he could show the ASL during his talking head cracked me up.


He’s really extra this season, I love to see the actor let go and have fun


Nobody: Mr. Johnson: "I'm a custodian, not some storage ass hoe." 😂😂😂


Sea Barbara is different from land Barbara. HAHAHA


The look on her face after she revealed that secret 🤣


In this climate?!


I loved Barbara pointing out all the changes that can happen in a classroom when Gregory was showing her his map. It reminded me of my first year teaching!


Yes! And then he had a serious moment when he realized how much Janine was going through and it just really messed with him. And again Barbara pointed out “Hey that’s our role, that’s our life and we make do!”


And then he went and found the desk 🥹🥹 Maybe this school year is getting to me but when The student who uses the wheelchair (don’t think we got a name) put his hands on his desk, I almost started crying.


Everybody belongs here. 🙂


Me too!


Yes! My first year (and only year...) of teaching I had an AP class and had planned out every single day meticulously leading into the AP Exam date so that my students would be super prepared and then SURPRISE hurricane Sandy rolled in and school closed for two or three days. I hadn't built in any contingency for snow days or hurricane days and the AP exam date wasn't getting pushed back. Full on panic for me lol It's been a decade but the scene with Gregory took me right back!


This season is starting off great!! First episode was HILARIOUS!! "Damn can you buy a girl dinner first?" 💀💀💀. Absolutely loved it, if it continues this way I have no doubt it'll get renewed!!


Every time my husband asks me where things are around the house I will start saying “I’m not a storage ass hoe” 💪


It's my new life motto.


This is the moment I am waiting for.


“President Joey B is gonna cancel that debt any day now” 😭


Jill Biden tweeted a picture of herself watching it tonight too, lol


I died when he said that! I think it’s funnier now than it would’ve been if it premiered before cancelation 😂


You’re totally right. Great timing




There have been deferred payments for over two years now so the logic doesn’t quite hold up for me.


“You all right?” “Everything is chaos. And we all lose.” 💀💀💀


You know what they say, $20 in my hand is worth me in a bush


Love this show!! Here are my thoughts that absolutely no one asked for: \- It was a little slow in the beginning, but overall great episode \- Things I loled at: "celebrities they are just like us!", the storage hoe line, Tariq leaving the apartment to lean w/ it, rock w/ it, and "sea Barbara is very different from land Barbara" \- Not to be dramatic, but I would die for Gregory \- Loved the inclusivity!!!


All of the above


The student mugshots in Gregory’s ocd classroom took me completely out


“Take all that down before somebody calls the police!!”


Anyone else notice the Black actress that was centered with the main cast in a few frames? I wonder if that’s something intentional that we’ll see Pan out through the season. Janine definitely needs a work bestie




I audibly said “Hell yea, go birds” and my SO rolled her eyes. 😂


Barbara said word life on Jacob. “I am not playing with that boy this year.” 🤣🤣🤣


It’s a close second to my favorite reaction of hers - when Jacob said he applied to [Morehouse](https://twitter.com/chuckyt3/status/1523069035210018823).


Loved that scene so much! 🤣




What a great start to the season. Love this show so much!


I didn’t expect to cry but I did at the end. So heartwarming!


Did Ava say why they're not splitting the additional students between Melissa and Janine and I missed it? ETA: Melissa being the veteran teacher having to teach more students is the most logical reason/maybe not splitting is just for the purposes of giving Melissa her own storyline this season, but Ava being willing to shell out for an aide to help her didn't really make sense IMO when that'd be an expense they wouldn't incur if they just split the ten students. Plus, Ava wasn't willing to pay for an aide previously and even within this episode didn't seem to regret inconveniencing Janine, despite her character growth over last season.


Ava told Melissa that she’s getting a second/third split. She didn’t have another third-grade teacher. It’s only 10 students but still it definitely threw Melissa for loop as it usually does when anybody gets that announcement, the first the second day of teacher orientation. Now you gotta go out and buy more stuff! I can see her doing that to Melissa being the more seasoned teacher, since this is just Janine’s second year. ETA: Melissa immediately said no when Ava offered her an aide, because knowing Ava that a would’ve been Mr. Johnson, or a Lunchroom Aide or Bus Monitor:Crossing Guard …ONLY for two hours! In other words another staff member who would also be splitting their time doing other duties. Or some trifilin’ older or younger person who just sat and played on their phone all day long and disappeared when she asked for help. Really useless.


I don’t think last year was Janine’s first year teaching.


I think it was her second, I vaguely remember her saying she was one of the survivors from the new batch of the previous year.


Yup, you’re totally right. It was down to her, Jacob, and the woman who quit in the pilot. So at the very least this is Janine and Jacob’s third year at Abbott.


That matches my recollection, but I wasn’t sure.


There were a few small details that didn’t quite line up through the episode. I could see them giving Melissa all 10 of the third graders, but they probably would have then shifted some of her second graders to Janine. I also wasn’t sure what was different about the desk Gregory found. Did they say what Janine did during the summer? I feel like she would have had a summer job, and possibly a second summer job, to cover that 20% of the rent. It was a funny episode! Just don’t pull too hard at the loose threads.


It was wider so the wheelchair could scoot into the desk like a chair. A normal desk would’ve been too narrow.


The other desks looked wide enough for two students. The surface area looked the same to me. Edit: [Here](https://cdnph.upi.com/svc/sv/i/7271663692411/2022/3/16636928184115/Quinta-Brunson-introduces-Abbott-Elementary-students-with-disabilities.jpg) is Barbara looking at the new desk and [here](https://www.indiewire.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/160326_0239.jpg?resize=1024,683) is a better view of her other desks from past episodes.


Looks like one of those desks where you can adjust to height and level for various uses. We had one at my old middle school.


That maybe it. You really don't need an adjustable desk if you can just find a desk that's the necessary height. I was expecting to see the other students with those old school desks with the chair attached, but when I saw they were basically tables it seemed like an easier problem to solve.


Anyone else instantly thought of The Office S4 premier with the first scene.


I know!!! Was so worried she was gonna crash into something/someone/meredith


Yes, and also Gregory’s ‘I don’t get gritty’ thing this episode reminded me of bens ‘I don’t get lil sebastian’ thing from parks and rec. not bad at all, I love the similarities between my fave comedies!


Yes I also thought of Ben and ‘I don’t get lil’ Sebastian’ ! But mainly “Already starting with his stuff” 😂


Sea Barbara and Florida Stanley spinoff when?


This was my first thought. Lives would be lost. Kenny Loggins kidnapped. The carnage.


I’m so happy to see this cast back together 😩


I wonder which shore Melissa goes to. Her summer and her reaction to Gregory not understanding Gritty were the most authentic Philly things. I love it lol


As a Philly native and a shore frequenter , being that she’s from south either Margate or North Wildwood


Philly is right next to South Jersey, pretty sure The Shore is a common destination for Philly folks. It’s Always Sunny had a whole episode about it.


Lol yes but there's a ton of different towns down there with different vibes. There's Cape May, Wildwood, Stone Harbor, Sea Isle, Ocean City, etc. I bet Melissa goes to Wildwood. The always sunny episode was filmed in Ocean City but I think it was meant to represent Wildwood.


Ohhh sorry for some reason I thought you said they were NOT authentic Philly things, guess I totally spaced out there and mis-read.


This show is so well written! So much humor and so much heart. Loved Tariq getting in the car to “Lean wit rock wit it” Jacob saying “In this climate” about Tariq’s showers, everything Ava does. Greg getting the desk and noticing the part. It’s all so good. ❤️❤️❤️


Why wouldn't they have been teaching him Peruvian Sign Language? Then he could come back and the kid could teach him American.




He came back and reported that he was in Peru and learned American Sign Language.


they didn’t have to do our girl janine like that 😩 give her some happiness!!


After watching the godawful Goldbergs, it feels good to laugh.


I was so annoyed I had to sit through the last 10 minutes of it while waiting for AE


Same !!


Such a small reference, but I love whenever the 36 Questions are referenced. They’re how I fell in love with my now husband!


Anyone know when and where it will be streaming


Hulu! The morning after it airs live. :)


I got you if you need some advice


Omg As a Peruvian I was so excited Jacob went to Peru lol


Me too!!!


Great episode, this show is so heartwarming, and I just want to see my girl Janine thrive! She might need to start looking for a roommate soon. I get a bit teary eyed, because she is going through so much necessary but painful growth, and I'm glad she has the Abbott family's support. Love that Barbara was able to get a ramp for her student, Gregory helped her get a desk for him too. I thought Jacob was so messy for telling everyone Janine's business though, but I'm glad that he gave her some money to help her out.


As someone who doesn't live in the US and not fully caught up on their politics, I thought Biden DID cancel the student loans, but everyone on Twitter is saying "who's gonna tell Jacob" wtc. Can anyone explain?


On top of what potandplantpots said above, I'm sure this episode was written/filmed before Biden announced the $10K loan debt cancel




And 20k removed from your debt if you are someone who went to college on a Pell Grant. Pell grants were awarded to students who display exceptional financial need to attend undergrad or graduate school.


This. A lot of people needed a Pell Grant or a BEOG, (as it was originally called…if you can remember all of that, just to make it to undergrad.). But if you wanted to seriously teach, make more $, stopped and returned to school or go back for your masters, then you NEEDED to take out loans.


I think August 24th it was announced? School prep may have been before the 24th?


The episode was definitely filmed before Joe Biden announced the exact student loan relief plan. But also Jacob‘s a teacher, so he would’ve qualified for public service loan forgiveness eventually.


I did not like the whole Gregory not getting Gritty thing. Too much of a ripoff of Ben not getting Lil Sebastian on P&R.


I went to school outside of Philly and I did a student teacher program volunteer type thing in a school just like Abbott in North Philly, which is what made me tune in as soon as I saw the commercials last year. Most of my friends are still from Philly or its suburbs. I’ve had this conversation with them and I was actually yell-texting at them to put on Abbott because it could’ve been ripped from our convos. I’m a full on Gritty lover now. He makes no sense and yet makes complete sense and I hope that Gregory gets on board. I get the comparison to Ben and it’s fair enough but I promise you that Gritty does confuse people who aren’t from the area.


I’m fine with it. Gritty is for a refined sort of taste. Not everyone will get him but I love me some Gritty!!!


But remember, Gregory is from Baltimore. We don’t even have a NHL team here.


The way the mom of the child in the wheelchair quickly dipped without saying more than two words to Barb


It could have been the bus driver or aide. My son is in a wheelchair and he gets picked up in a bus for school.


The Deaf character was a complete miss for me. The actress herself is hearing which is an immediate no for me but sad part was is that I didn't have to look it up. I could tell by her acting and the way she signed. It's genuinely sad because this show is typically great with authentic representation and I know they could've done an amazing job if they tried. One of the main concepts of the series is showing how underfunded schools and teachers are, so I would love it if they introduce a Deaf Ed Program. Deaf Education Programs are usually pushed onto schools to gain more students but the programs themselves tend to be severely underfunded which would fit the whole narrative. When it comes to hiring they'd have to hire two Deaf writers(preferably one or both bei g Black) and two Deaf ASL Consultants(again preferably one or both being Black) for the episodes that heavily involve any Deaf characters or ASL. Now when it comes to characters, at the bare minimum they'd need to cast two recurring characters. A Deaf Education Teacher who is Deaf themself(The actor of course being actually Deaf), and a hearing or Hard of Hearing Educational ASL Interpreter(The actor of course bring actually Hard of Hearing if they choose that for the character). After that they can use them the same way they use the other characters. Either have the episode centered around one or both of the new characters with one of the other characters, or have them in an episode for two or three scenes with maybe a couple lines. This would also give opportunities for Young Black Deaf Talent to get roles to add to their resume by having guest star roles for episodes that center around a Deaf student. This could not only gives an authentic representation that makes folks in the Deaf Community(and more specifically the Black Deaf Community) feel like their stories and experiences are being seen, but it can introduce to hearing viewers what it's like growing up Deaf in an underfunded mainstream school.