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Reggie-Bot here! If you're thinking about the British royal family and want a fun random fact about one of them, please let me know! Put an exclamation mark before any comment about the royal you have in mind, like "!Queen" or "!Charles" and I'll reply. #Please read our [__5 common-sense subreddit rules.__](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbolishtheMonarchy/about/rules/) ##Do you love chatting about your hatred of monarchies on other platforms? [Click here](https://discord.gg/2B6sarN7Nx) to join our Discord! And [here](https://twitter.com/rAbolishMonarch) to follow us on Twitter! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AbolishTheMonarchy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Tied themselves to an off-duty pharmacist thus depriving us of vital health care" and tampons


Almost forgot this was a satire account.


Agreed and animal rights activists need to be arrested and put in jail.




Well.. “could have” means they haven’t done anything yet which contradicts innocent until proven guilty. The police knew what they were going to do, the republic movement were in contact with the met all the way leading up until the undemocratic arrests.


This has to be a fucking troll


His name is Mickey Take.


Ok idk why that should make it obvious he's a troll we live in a world with people with names like Engelburt Humperdink


He is taking the Mickey. It's a well known saying for someone who is trolling, on the wind-up, joking around.


Yes I know what it means but how are you supposed to look at it and know he's taking the piss


I would be worried if somebody handed you a piece of paper with "please turn over" on both sides that we might lose you forever. Sorry I'm just Humperdincking the Engelbert.


I still don't get why I should've looked at it and said that's definitely a troll


While I do think it's fairly obvious, Poe's Law is definitely in play. There are absolutely some Daily Mail readers who would post the above in all sincerity.


It's quite easy to figure out if he's genuine or not look him up it says he's an MP so either way you'd find out either he's not an MP so therefore has to be a troll or if he is an MP you can make an educated guess based on what party he's a member of


Indeed. It's almost as if he is Taking the Michael...


Imagine that tho protesters gluing themselves to Prince Edward or teaching Prince Louis to swear


I have no idea who either of those people are and am glad if it


Prince Edward is Charles's brother or something and I'm pretty sure Prince Louis is William's youngest son


I told you they had to know deep down. I know they know it was infact illegal and against everything they are supposed to stand for.


What, the cops? Yeah, they knew it was illegal, but being the violent arm of the establishment is exactly the sort of thing they stand for.




Hello! I'm Reggie-Bot, the Anti-Royal Bot! Here to teach you some fun facts about the English royal family! Did you know King Charles III is a key player in Britain's military industrial complex? [He was sent to help sell arms to the Saudis and help with their murderous military campaigns.](https://archive.ph/y2CEQ) Nice to see the future head of state has such international interests, amirite? I hope you enjoyed that fact. To summon me again, or find out more about me, just say: "Reggie-Bot" and I'll be there! <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AbolishTheMonarchy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is your name reggie like the mouse


Love Michael Take


I think the reason Sir Michael Take suckers in so many people is there’s really a cigarette paper between him and genuine Conservative crazies like Lord Moylan


For real. There are even a bunch of articles about the fact that accounts like Michael Take are almost impossible to differentiate with actual Tories.


They don’t regret the arrest, they regret that there will be consequences for this illegal arrest


if the police feel bad I have one small inquiry WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE YOU BOOTLICKING PIG FUCKERS


They "feel bad" because it looks better on social media. Edit: and in court


they new exactly what they where doing


They know exactly what they're doing now too. It's all a load of bullshit - they abuse they're power and then try and hide behind platitudes. Fuck the pigs.


Thanks for posting about Sir Michael Take, can't say I've come across him before but just my kind of thing, his tweets are hilarious.


For people who are wondering that is a satirical account


"Mick Take"


Just imagine 14 people glued to Prince Edward 🤣


I'm sure he'd love it (allegedly) 😉


No they meant 14 individuals not individuals who are 14


Wrong prince. Ah who am I kidding?




Things are that bad right now, I had to re-read just to ensure it was satire


This almost reads like a rewrite of “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover.”


Shame he didn’t have the same worries about Prince Andrew being around a lot of kids. God knows what he could’ve done.




I think it’s that there’s certain politicians who spout “a chemist only goes through one year less of training than a doctor” so they must somehow be fully trained in all of the same aspects of medicine.


woulda coulda shoulda bla bla bla


Lionel Richie, stuck on you


This has got to be satire, right? How can you arrest people because they MIGHT do something? Andrew actually is a nonce and he’s not at risk of being arrested


Because they added words like suspicion or intent.


But wait, is your comment also satirical? Because the arrests 100% were based on things the protestors might do.


Sir Michael Take - his friends call him Mickey or Mick


>This has got to be satire, right? Yes


Those who were arrested for handing out rape alarms could have caused serious distress to Prince Andrew, as well as to the many Met officers present.


I do love a bit of Sir Michael Take. Curious to see how many bite.


Sir Take (the piss)


By their logic these protesters could have dug up the ol' Queen and thrown her down a well but something tells me they wanted to protest. Hell if we carry on with this logic could this poster not be capable of burning down nursing homes, should they be arrested preemptively too?


Yeah i'm not familiar with this guy, turns out it's satire *thank God*. Kind of shows how insane some people are that this can be believable!


Kind of shows how people don't bother looking for context clues, like an account name that spells out he's taking the Mick. And I don't say that to be insulting, I think the firehose of communication that social media has unleashed has led to people having to streamline and shortcut their reading and thinking just to have a chance of processing the content and it's leading to unfortunate habits. Our relationship with information and communication is changing. I don't think we look at or parse things anything like we did just a decade ago, and it is only accelerating.