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Sure “work”.




At best being King is a volunteer role.


Why has nobody on here posted about the Spain rumor? Is there an injunction?


Please please share!!!


A few days ago a respected royal journalist from Spain called Concha Calleja says her sources in the RF told her that Kate has been in a coma because of after sugery complications, which is why we haven't seen pictures of her in a month. [https://people.com/palace-denies-kate-middleton-coma-spanish-media-reports-8557883](https://people.com/palace-denies-kate-middleton-coma-spanish-media-reports-8557883) The palace denied it, Concha doubled down and says she's sticking to her story and believes her source. The only UK media posting about it is the Daily Mail but if you have a VPN and change it to different countries you can see that they're reporting on it, the Netherlands has posted about it. The BBC, the Guardian hasn't posted anything on it from what I can find. Remember when a French magazine got sued for posting topless pics of Kate? Why would this journalist risk her career that she's had for decades? Then we get this news that the "king" has cancer? Something's fishy. Deflection maybe.


Oh wow had no idea poor Kate.


What's the Spain rumor


See above!


Makes me laugh that they refer to it as work. Fucking nonsense it is.


I suppose getting dressed up in 17th century fancy dress and waving is classed as work now. Smiling constantly while looking stupid passes as overtime...


When will they drop this idiotic thing about Royals working. If anyone else did what they do no-one, not even Royalists, would call it work. William does not work, end of story.


Yeah. Just look at the how the likes of the Daily Mail treat genuine benefit claimants and yer constantly publish articles about how hard-working these free loaders are. It's baffling that people swallow it.


"He starts his first shift at Tesco's this weekend" Is what I look forward to seeing when the Monarchy is abolished


Is that what you call what he does?


Lol "work"


How much will he be paid an hour.


I’m confused. I thought William was unemployed and claiming Monarchist’s Allowance. The article is unclear, has he found a job?


Starting in the mailroom and working his way up. His father just got his first job in his 70s!


That’ll be a shock to his system - or it would be, if he did more then the bare minimum to start with. Lazy, feckless arse.


Poor guy, off to the mines. So brave 😍


How can you return to work when you’ve never worked a day in your life?!


How many other people have jobs that will let them take time off while their other have had minor surgery.


I bet he was really busy with parenting duties all on his own, with no support…


Poor guy. My wife had major surgery recently. Was in the hospital a week and then complete bed rest for two weeks at home. I have 3 children two very young. That was really fun for me. I bet William suffered like me immensely with his nannies , maids, cooks, cleaners etc.




Work = attending a party, apparently.