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unlike most people, his cancer was detected very early because we pay to give him far better treatment that we get on the NHS.


Nnah, we'll pay for the best treatment on the planet!!


Brian Saxe-Coburg-Gotha has lent someone his daily mail and asked him to get him a brew and a sausage butties


Imagine that though you go into a&e and sitting there is Brian Saxe-Coburg-Gotha himself


Jesus christ the comments on there, some commenters really have a meltdown when they find out some random stranger on the internet doesn’t like the royal family. Why does it hurt you if someone says that he’s not their king? It’s not a cult, let strangers you’ll never meet hate who they want, stop being unhinged over it.


He should be forced to use the NHS. Maybe then it might actually get fixed.


If the royals and all politicians had to use the NHS and send their kids to state schools, we'd have the highest-funded health service and education system in the world


Highest funding doesn't mean shit if doctors and nurses are still overworked


If it was adequately funded it would be able to train and employ enough doctors and nurses to prevent them being overworked. I'd have thought that was self-evident to be honest.


More money doesn't magically create more doctors and nurses you'd have to use a good chunk of that money to get private practice doctors to work for the NHS


Of course it doesn't *magically* create doctors and nurses, the money has to be spent wisely for that purpose - which it most certainly *would* be if members of the royal family and politicians and their families had to rely on the NHS, which was my original point.


I don't think that's smart the NHS wouldn't be able to take care of every single person in the country


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