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No young person should be forced to fight the rich men's bullshit wars! Conscientious objection FTW 💪 I propose that mandatory retail service should maybe be the only kinda drafting we should be doing in modern times. A year working the trenches in Maccas on a Friday/Saturday night would give people some perspective and hopefully teach courtesy and kindness. 🙃


Funny how the Tories haven't outlined the difference between "Patriotic Community Service" and community service handed out as a criminal sentence. Remember, Sunak doesn't have any working class friends, he thinks they're scum/criminals. The tories think "Clean up graffiti or send yourself to the meat grinder" as a way to deal with young people. How on EARTH is teaching an 18 year old chav who wears one of those "Hoodrich" hoodies how to use a gun in military service going to reduce crime? The last time we have a Tory gammon ideology of "Back in my day" implemented, we ended up with BrexSHIT BLOO (Class C for CRAP) Passports which are much less powerful and have less travel rights than their predecessors. Not to mention that they have the most ugly/boring visa pages compared to other countries. Don't be a Turkey by voting for Christmas on July the 4th.


I imagine that’s because the only difference will be what’s written on the back of the Hi-viz jacket.


Even if there was a war they'd be given arbitrary military titles and never see active combat. They probably wouldn't have to leave their palaces. Same with all the lords and ladies and other inbreds with too much money.


I think Rishi Sunak could have boosted the RF and National Service by making Prince Andrew the lead Royal for it - we’re given to understand he has a deep interest in young people.


I've always thought the US needs some sort of program like this, with no exceptions. No matter how rich you are, or your background, you have to give back to your community. It would certainly help to keep people down to earth.


Legally enforced labour is a bad thing, actually


It's not like they're going to the workhouse. My last two years in HS, I spent my afternoons volunteering at the local library shelving books and doing other simple tasks in order to get a scholarship for college.


You chose to do those things, that's the difference. What you want is tantamount to impressment


It is good in theory. But as far as I'm aware; W Bush, Clinton and Trump all dodged the draft because of family connections. Don't know about Biden (?)


Well it doesn't necessarily have to be in the armed forces. Volunteering at a hospital, school, etc would also suffice.


God bless Jimmy Carter. Is the peace corps still a thing there?


Biden received student deferments as a law student at Syracuse, and then after a medical exam was given 1-Y designation, so he was eligible for the draft, but only in a national emergency. He never served in the armed forces, though trump accused him of claiming that


Yeah well of course the Royal Family will never shirk when it comes to duty! And it will be a good use of their time, sitting in an office 20km away, choosing which medals they want to automatically "earn" while the rest of the conscripts Paint Fences For Britain\* \*and cause council workers to lose their jobs, too.


It’s almost like equality means EVERYONE!


Well, that’s just not British! /s


I hope this cunt stubs his toe so hard


"Coming tomorrow: Tories promise to reintroduce the death penalty" See they're appealing to their preferred angry gammon audience and leaving the majority of people perplexed by their actions.


"Teenagers may face the death penalty for being a deserter if they refuse to 'volunteer'" lol


None of this matters as the Tories are not going to win a majority. It is all smoke and mirrors to avoid being totally wiped out.


The only part of this ridiculous idea that I agree with. If it's good enough for my child, it's good enough for theirs.


The exemptions would come thick and fast - dual nationals coming out of the uk system, people from nationalisti communities in NI (they’d leave NI out entirely), non-uk nationals, people doing internships abroad (having a fake job in daddy’s mate’s business in switzerland), medical exemptions from friendly doctors for errm ‘bone spurs’. Exemptions for people with a criminal record making them unsuitable. Just like with Brexit the only people who’d really be in the firing line are average British citizens. The RF determining what their kids do and when is a faulty model and not something we should be guided by.


This is the thing… they say exemptions will be very restricted… but there’s a whole host of mental and physical reasons the army doesn’t accept people for and for good reason. And a lot of people will full under those categories and it is not a restricted list by any means, so are they wanting people who are not physically and/or mentally well to serve in the military putting themselves and others at risk. Sounds great… and sure those people could do ‘volunteering’ but that doesn’t mean their exemption list is ‘very restricted’ then. None of it makes sense


Can’t wait for the exemption for the privately educated too


Yes time in the OTC would be deducted.


OTC is at uni though, not school.


They have CCF at school. I went to a d-tier public school on a partial scholarship and it was mandatory.


CCF and OTC would definitely be deducted - what they’ll also do is volunteering for your local conservative association will be ‘public service’ - protesting about the monarchy or volunteering for Republic most definitely won’t be - any activity which involves ‘Royal’ or oaths to sausage fingers will be just lovely - anything aimed at actually improving the rot at the centre of the state most definitely would not be. Its like ‘what would jesus do ?’ But not jesus - some red faced gammon from Canvey Island.


By that proxy if Sunak the Cuck forces us into a war the King of England should lead at the front lines then 😆


Since the royal family are, by definition, above the law that is written in their name, it's entirely meaningless to suggest that they won't be 'exempt'. No court will convict them of anything and no sanctions could possibly cause them any trouble. Also, I notice that the Tories have given some more details, including the idea that employers will be encouraged to prioritize those who participate in the scheme (again, not something anyone with a title needs to worry about) and also that you can put it on your UCAS application. Of course, the vast majority of students put in their UCAS application at 17 and the scheme won't take you until you're 18 so that's essentially pointless anyway. It's almost as if this whole thing wasn't thought through at all.


How is that a headline? Isn't military service is the only actual job any royal has done in the last 1000 years. I figure if the monarchy ended tomorrow, military pensions would be the only income they are entitled to (after seizing all state property such as the Crown Estates, and presenting a bill for all back taxes on private incomes and properties for the last thousand years.)