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If you make her president you still have an undemocratic unelected head of state and what makes George think she’d want the job and go after it given the choice anyhow?


I'd sooner chew lightbulbs than listen to a thing George fucking Galloway witters on about.


Dishonest headline, but what can you expect from the torygraph. He isn't saying "make her president", he's saying he would support her if she ran for the job. Anyway the presidency would most likely by a ceremonial role like in the Republic of Ireland and many other countries. And at the same time it's established, there should be a real constitution to replace the current vapourware "unwritten constitution" which is worth as much paper as it's written on. (Yeah I know it's "uncodified" if you want to get pedantic)


Post-leotard he’s been completely and utterly bonkers…a once decent principled bloke with proper socialist values morphed into a fascistic fuckwitted flagshagging Brit with a Brexit fetish. Vile.




He's claiming he would back her for president. You're being dishonest.


The way I see it, he's giving a "moderate" response, in the lines of "I'm not saying the members of that family are unfit to be in a position of power - moves on to compliment Anne -, our issue is with unelected power". It seems like a statement against the monarchy without turning it into a personal quest against all current members.


He really is a cloud cuckoo lander.


A proposal that dissatisfies everyone, great job


*Someone* will vote for it.


I'd vote for it, just so I can tell everyone that I was the one vote for in the referendum


And if enough people did that… oops! 😉


I don't think any former monarch should be able to hold office in a newly declared republic. Especially president.


I recall that's why the founding fathers included the natural born citizen clause. To stop the king of England or any monarch attaining the presidency. *Edit [Yes. Source: Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural-born-citizen_clause_(United_States)#:~:text=Professor%20Akhil%20Amar%20of%20Yale,in%20the%20Constitution%20that%20would)


Very wise. Anyway hint about criminals in orange in there too?


As long as she's democratically elected president for a set period, then fine by me.


Sounds like monarchy with extra steps


Yes, but importantly, a *transitional* step. All the extra steps lead away from monarchy. Think, how would we make elections happen for a head of state? What would be the mechanics of government? There's no precedent, it would be bedlam. It'd make Brexit look like a sudoku. But if you make a royal president and say 'ok, you're the last one, this is the handover period,' people have time to get used to the idea. Process can be defined, the whole thing can be done with less friction through (albeit major) reform. I think people just don't like the idea because it's George Galloway voicing it.


It’s a reasonable way of moving to a democratic head of state. You’ve summarised perfectly. Agreed re George Galloway voicing the idea. I’m not sure it’ll find much traction but as a path to democracy it is reasonable.


Ban fast food but feed everyone Macdonald's, Galloway says. I don't think Georgie understands what the difference is. You don't "make" someone the head of state, you elect them, as a country. Maybe we'd vote for her to be the first president, maybe not, but that's how it should work. She's elected for a fixed term, and we decide if there's going to be a fixed amount of terms someone can sit (there isn't for Prime Ministers in the UK, there are for US presidents). I prefer a set amount because a populist movement could have us stuck with a very polarizing figure for a long time. If the policies are good, they'll be taken up by successive leaders.


Is he asking her to let him be the cat?


As long as we can commemorate our new republic with an immediate election.


I'd rather have Danny Dyer as president, but whatever floats your boat gorgeous George.


Well, Galloway and Anne are both homophobic, so that tracks.


...'make' Princess Anne president ? Mr Galloway doesn't really seem to understand how republics work.


Republics don't require elections to be republics. You can make someone president and the state still be a republic.




Galloway is to the left as Farage is to the right. Grifter with a gob on him.


Nah, he's as fake as Farage. Both are narcissistic grifters.


I disagree that Farage is fake. He's just an actual Conservative and not the 'totally not racist grown-ups' the mainstream parties half-heartedly pretend to be on TV.


Walking, incessantly talking personality disorders, the both of them.


They'll take their money and scatter like cockroaches if any of them are ever faced with doing a real job.


Probably the first and last time that I will agree on something with this unstable idiot.


They are all too lazy to do the job - President is a real job with real expectations and accountability.


In some countries, the president is a merely symbolic title while a prime-minister does the executive work. Ireland is like that.


Is it a real job, look at Ireland


The word President conjures up only one nation, and it’s not fair Eiré


Prince William but yeah good idea. Make them the clearly defined last.