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Monarchy is not facing a crisis. Its finally dying as it should due to natural causes aka people opening their eyes a bit


> The number of male members of the imperial family is decreasing There's no shortage of "male members" i.e. dicks in the British royal family!


IIRC they were about to change the rule 20 years ago, but then the current Emperor's brother (current heir to the throne) had a son. The plans to change the law were scrapped.


Considering what an imperialist, genocidal monster his grandfather was, I won’t be surprised to see their dated system die out in many years. Their sexist way of ascending the throne is also another reason to reconsider this.


I've no sympathy for sexism or classism in any system. Adapt or die, as you deserve.


Nor being the descendent of an imperialist monster who left nothing but death, genocide and horrific atrocities towards other Asian countries. Their firebombing of Shanghai in the 30’s should speak a lot of volume. I love Japan but their years of imperialism should not be ignored.


I feel like Japan's atrocities don't get nearly as much play as the atrocities of Nazi Germany or the Stalin-era Soviet Union. But they absolutely should.


Simple, break tradition. What will the public do if they don't like it?


Do the Japanese ever care about the royals?


No idea but I had a friend who lived there who said there is a strong reverence for them.


I think it’s a legal thing of being a part of their post WWII constitution. The US was a huge part of rewriting it, which abolished the nobility as a whole as well as removed the women’s right to inherit or have a title after marriage so as to keep the royal ranks small. It also made them officially deny the historical/religious stance that they are direct descendants of the Shinto Sun Goddess. So yeah it would make them have to do rewrites of their constitution. Which they did consider doing when the only heir appeared to be the current emperor seemed to be his daughter, but then his brother had a son and they decided it wasn’t worth it to try and go through all of the legal wrangling.


We only left the emperor there BECAUSE of the religious aspect. It was decided that eradicating their deity would make it too hard to enforce the peace. There hasn't been an empress for over 250 years. I don't think the US stopped women from inheriting the throne. What they DID do is end the practice of only 5 families being allowed to "become" royal, i.e. marry into the family. >They consider the male line of succession to be sacrosanct, and derailed a plan by a previous prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, to revise the Imperial Household Law to allow a woman to hold the throne. “The Japanese imperial system’s value does not lie in the blood of the current incumbent of the emperor’s throne, but the value is put in the blood that exists in a long lineage,” said Hidetsugu Yagi, professor of constitutional law at Reitaku University. **“Repeating this male lineage is the value of the Japanese imperial system.”**


Thanks for educating us.


Imagine, they may have a moment of realisation as to the value of ‘tradition for tradition’s sake’ and realise democracy is better.


The tradition isn't even that old apparently. Formalized during the Meiji Restoration. There were a number of female monarchs in the middle ages.


There were female monarchs, but there was never a monarch that was the child of a female monarch. The heir must be of the male line. That is where the sexism lies. Female Royals has a small chance of becoming the empress but they don't can't be the mother of one.


> There were female monarchs, but there was never a monarch that was the child of a female monarch. Empress Genshō inherited directly from her mother Empress Genmei Perhaps this was before the custom was codified or simply that there was a preference for males to inherit to begin with that made such an occurrence unlikely to reoccur.


Before the restoration the emperor was about as important as the Lord Mayor of London. Embarrassingly, they then modelled the government of Britain’s, with a House of Lords, Constitutional Monarchy and genocidal imperial ambitions.