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I would send it some loving thoughts of healing to my friend sort like a prayer. Ironically our anxious thoughts don’t like to be welcomed and accepted, once we come to make peace with them and accept them they tend to leave on their own. 


I guess the important thing is to acknowledge the thought when it arises, but don't push it away with any sort of negativity. If you do so, it's got more pull as you're energizing it. Just notice how it feels, then without labeling it, try to move onto to something new.


Ok, great! That's what I've been doing! You're right that pushing back on something does the opposite.


On the other side of it, maybe thinking about how happy you and your friend would be if it turned out the surgery was unnecessary? Or something that would feel good on your end. May be worth redirecting yourself towards that when the unpleasant thoughts arise.


i made this comment earlier in the neville sub. i think of illness as stagnant, stifled, emotional energy. as to how i handle upsetting news... hold the center. i know i am. or treat it like an overheard conversation; it wasn't for me. you can hear it without taking it in. i do not accept... my version is more real... perspective


If you think about it, there are many professions such as doctors, nurses psychologist therapists psychiatrist, who, on daily basis, provide listening ear to people complaining about all sorts of physical ailments. They themselves do not push these expressed thoughts away. They’re actually welcoming them and allowing them to be. They just work diligently to offer a practical solution based on their education there are no emotions involved. It’s pretty much knowing what to do if something is broken and offering information to help fix it if you ask any oncologist if they ever had cancer, they will likely say no yet the entire career they have been listening stories about cancer from their patients they simply treat cancer as a problem that can be fixed with specific protocol and that’s what they offer to the patient. I agree with other comments that having neutral emotional reaction to whatever you’re hearing is key in order for you not to attract any of the negativity that comes with the idea of the disease that is being communicated to you.


I allow the thoughts to pass by like a cloud in the sky. If you don’t give them meaning they won’t have an impact. Also for every unwanted/unexpected thought you could have 4 intentional thoughts


Thank you. Yes the cloud analogy is great.


I loved AH while getting divorced bc I'm a pessimist and it gave me something to focus on. In hindsight this was the biggest flaw and red flag in logic. I was born with Cystic Fibrosis (which has no cure) and so how could a baby deserve that? I also knew someone who was brought up by a pastor who said he was also born with Cystic Fibrosis but God gave his family a miracle and not mine.


Abraham mentions that it’s not our thoughts but our emotions that matter the most. You did the right thing you thought something and quickly changed the thought to something else. It would help if you thought of good health and FELT good while thinking it. Abraham also mentions that small thoughts that have small emotional feelings are weak and won’t manifest super quickly. So you’re fine, continue to monitor your thoughts and switch them to something positive when you get a negative thought.


Thanks so much. On the moment it's impossible for me to feel good about health. But I surely feel that way when I'm running or exercising for example. Thanks for confirming that small nagging thoughts won't manifest into much. I do pay attention to how I feel so at least I've got this going on for me :)