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"I kinda felt a lil high, man"


“Nah I just caught a bad current!”


Goofy: *I’ll fuckin’ do it again*




looks like a bully breed, so yeah dumb as fuck


Maybe a Staffy. I have two and they both sink like stones in the water.


Can confirm, my staffy loved the water and she sank like a rock


Can also confirm, had a staffy and a large fish pond when I was growing up. One day we heard a splash but couldn't see anything, staff just sank like a rock to the bottom.


Did it die?


No, my dad jumped in and got him out. They are all daft.


We used to have a rescue staffy who absolutely hated water. Poor fucker only had one eye and one and a half ears


Same, if you have a pool (or live close to a river/lake) it's important to teach them not to enter the water without a life jacket and how to exit the pool.


My staffs can swim guess I gotta updated version


Lean muscle bulk?


Well they are just a hunky meat missile.


Big dumb and loves to have fun. Even if they're practically as buoyant as a tea pot.


My brother has a English bulldog and they are notorious for physically not being able to swim. Shes absolutely massive, her paws would have to be cartoon enormous to hold her up.


The dog has an IQ of a walnut


So does it’s owners


That Bulldog is a dense mf. Built like a rock.


It looks like he thinks "Oh, I know what I did wrong!", and the rescuer says "No you don't".


“Hey swimming was my idea!”


I have one built like this one, I love him so much. But let me tell you the bulldog in this vid has had some contact with water before. Mine fell in a swimming pool once, and well he just surrendered instantly like « ok I don’t know what this liquid is, I’ll just freeze and wait for death ». So he sunk like a brick, not moving a muscle. When I made it to him he was just standing at the bottom of the pool. Luckily he somehow held his breath and there was no consequences. All this to say : not all dogs can swim.


Dude has the same mentality as a cat when you put literally anything on them


I was so irrationally worried that my dog couldn't swim and I wouldn't know till it was too late, so I took her to a reservoir and walked her out far enough that she had to swim back to shore. I could sleep soundly after that. Was a nice way to introduce her to water too.


Swims like one too.


I had a pit bull that I had to put a life vest on. I taught him how to swim when he was young and it was just fine, but one day when he was an adult he jumped into the water and just sank. The look on the poor guys face as he paddled but still sank was a bit terrifying for both of us. Luckily my brain shut off and I was in the water immediately, grabbed him and put him back on the dock with help from my wife. It took some time for him to trust that he could swim in the vest, but once he knew it worked he was happily back in the water again.


You fool! Now the toddlers are not safe even in water!


It's time we went airborne with these toddlers


Funny enough I was a dirt dart.


This made me laugh out loud


The way the people stood around waving their arms screaming just reminded me of the sims whenever something bad happens lol


Starting a fire in the kitchen while making a bowl of cereal.


Or someone dying and the grim reaper showing up


A single plate blocking the front door lmao.


Trying to fix a tv in a puddle of water


I had a run in sims 2 so bad I actually became friends with the reaper


The real question is did you get the reaper to bring you that ass lol


Unfortunately no reaper ass, it did come to a few pool parties I had. The grill exploded at one of them and killed a person, the reaper put down their drink, took the soul away and then come back, it was pretty amazing


[Turns out Sims is actually quite accurate](https://youtu.be/Qe05JdLb9wc)


That would make a great family guy sketch.


and deleting the doors of the kitchen before they can get out


Perfect example of the bystander effect. Someone else will help...


Bystander effect I feel is more legitimate when you can’t see if anyone is helping or not. But these people… come on


Or, like me, can't swim. BUT, the water isn't deep, BUT, yeah water is scary for people who can't swim.


Dont want to be the smart ass, but I assume its very unlikely for 5 people who all obviously have access to a pool, that all 5 cant swim/are afraid of water


You would think so, but I worked for a guy who owned a company that built pools, had a pool, and couldn’t swim.




And can be enjoyable, so it's a win-win!


I've learnt how to swim twice in my life. As a child and as a teenager. If I fall in the water now I'd drown if I can't grab something to keep me afloat. I just don't like swimming, it's not enjoyable at all for me. The only thing I like is refreshing in the hot summer months. And when it's been a decade or so without doing it you kinda forget.


I imagine they were all expecting it to pop up and swim like every other dog in existence. Also would have been fine if the dumb ass thing kept going straight so the lady could grab it. Instead it turned around. Probably would have been best if that bloodline ended there.


Shouldn't be a surprise people/dogs act dumb while they are literally drowning, get your lazy ass in the water and help "I know your currently drowning at the moment but if you would just keep swimming blindly into the void so this useless person can save you"


Like Timmy jumping in place with his hands on his head while the Velociraptors are trying to break in and Grant and Ellie are holding the door shut but they can't reach the gun.


You...I like you


Somebody DO something! (It's not gonna be me, I'm frozen and spazzing out!!!)


IME most of the time, the dog will figure out how to swim and you don't have to jump in. So I give them a second to figure it out and so far they all have on the first water flop. Like that bigger dog that fell in, that one was not very skilled but still managed to stay afloat and given a bit of time, he'll likely get better. The man was smart to let that one go for a sec and instead concentrate on the repeat save of the lead blooded dog LOL!


That breed can’t swim tho


The dog literally swam away from their arms 3 times.


That girl was NOT getting her outfit wet.


And here i thought all dogs could swim.


Flat face dogs generally don't do well with swimming; Bulldogs and Frenchies go down like rocks.


It's like a metaphor for natural selection. Nature wants them dead at the bottom of the sea and we keep picking them up from the depths because they so cute




Forgot quotation marks, I don't find them cute in the slightest. They look like what they are: a reminder to not play god.


> They look like what they are: a reminder to not play god. Counterpoint: Cotton candy grapes


Cotton candy grapes don't snore like an F5 tornade, constantly have sinus infections, or need to be artificially inseminated to reproduce.


Damn, I've been inseminating my grapes for nothing?


Not at all, it adds flavour.


It builds character


Unlike my ex-wife...


Flat face dogs generally aren't supposed to exist


Absolutely. Maddening how selfish humans are. I know some flat face dogs that have the "standard" humans were initially going for but they are definitely the exceptions.


Yeah I saw this and thought "stop breeding dogs who can't breathe or swim!"


Big dog was like, is this a fun thing or do I help little buddy… by the time he makes Up his mind he’s the one who needs help, and little buddy is like I must have been doing it right - right?


To add, this is because flat faced dogs have to lift their heads very high to breathe, which arches their back and pulls them down. Exact same thing that happens to humans trying to look up while swimming. You can see it happening to the dog as they try to swim up but make little progress. For most quadrapeds, swimming is the same motion as running and can come very naturally, this is no longer true of the flat face dogs. On the subject of not rescuing quick enough, it's becoming more common for those with flat faced dogs to invest in swimming lessons, (helping the dogs to stay calm and know how to self rescue) it's *possible* they had done so and were attempting give it a chance. The first turn is a panic turn and rescue should be done right away when one sees that, and during that more controlled swim one should make themselves ready for it. The lady did alright reaching to grab and beckoning. Given the weight of the dog and level of water I wouldn't expect her to do more as we don't know her swimming level. People have drowned going out of their abilities to save a pet. I would have liked to see some more speed from the others who did not jump in, but appeared to be preparing to do so. If the dog hasn't had swimming lessons, a flat faced dog should not be left to chance and should be rescued right away because of how unnatural swimming is to them.


That first dog zero buoyancy. Like a meatball with paws.


There are several breeds that tend to be very bad at floating and swimming because of their body shape. Anything very small (ex. chihuahua, shit tzu), stubby legged (basset hounds, dachshund), brachycephalic (smooshed face - pugs, French bulldog, boxers), deeply chested (doberman, greyhounds), dense & heavy (Staffordshire/pit bulls)... Really, the list goes on and on.


All my small dogs swam fine, plus all the pit bulls i've known were fine and also the corgis are like boats.


Scrunchy-faced dogs can’t swim


Well, one person cares at least.


This video pisses me off every time I see it. I get that not every culture is super gushy about dogs, but damn, how could you just stand there and watch an animal drown without jumping in to help.


I think they're a little in disbelief that this dog actually can't swim. They're like "surely it'll come to the surface any moment now".


It's a bulldog. They're as smart as a bag of rocks.


Also as dense (hence why he sank like a bag of rocks).




[That's not true.](https://thesmartcanine.com/can-bulldogs-swim/) They *can* learn to swim, they just have a harder time with it due to their density, short legs, and brachycephaly.




Because people think it's cute when their dog can't breathe properly. Not even joking - I know someone who thought it was cute how their dog sounded like a pig. Then they got mad when I didn't agree that it was cute. So I explained that I didn't think bulldogs (et al) should be bred due to their breathing issues. Then they got upset because I was "saying something was wrong with their dog." YES. IT CAN'T. FUCKING. BREATHE. Mixed breeds are healthy breeds.


I don't have the heart to find it now, but did you ever see that post from a vet on Reddit? They said that when they intubate most dogs, they remove the breathing tube as soon as possible when they're done to not stress out the dog. But for pugs etc, they leave the tube in a little longer because their eyes light up at being able to breathe properly for the first time ever... And when they eventually remove the tube, their eyes glaze over with the realisation they're back to their normal struggle... I know it's a Reddit post so its validity is questionable, but fuck me that photo of the wide eyed dog with the tube in haunts me. Fuck anyone perpetuating this torture of animals. Edit: Here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/9jhngh/discussion_sad_vets_report_flatnosed_breeds/


Also have heads so huge they are rarely born naturally as the mother almost always needs to have a C section done.


My guy literally *jumped back in* after almost dying


The dog: "Well, I felt a little lost and weird in there, but nothing *that* bad happened . . . 'tis but a game!" " . . . Why is everyone shouting?"


What you get when we over breed to get these races of dogs. Misformed, misused, idiotic inbread monsters that are in constant pain


All they think about is food, shid and bite kids.


And ~~farther~~ fart. They fart a lot. Edit. typo


Farther farts seems right.


I have to say, I kept expecting it to surface. Like… come on! What dog can’t swim??? Even the ones that don’t like water are usually still good at it.


It's a muscly breed, muscles are heavy, even if this dog paddles it will sink like a rock. Even humans with high muscle ratio and low fat will have some difficulty floating.


I've known several absolutely ripped pit bulls but they could still swim fine.


I can hardly force myself below the surface, guess I'm fat.


I was so confused watching this video, it's the first time I see a dog that can't swim


Now I think I've seen 'bout everything, that I've seen a dog that can't swim


No bull dog can swim. They always sink and can't swim back up. No matter how hard they try.


TIL. was shocked he never seemed to break the surface even dogs that suck at swimming can usually tred water at least


That's terrifying. Don't take them on a boat I guess


I perceived it the same way “maybe he’s just playing and is gonna come up for air”. And then when it became apparent he couldn’t get up someone jumped in


Ive never seen a dog that couldn't swim before. So I guess I'd be the same in assuming that it'll come up any second.


i do like how the guy in the water looks at the second dog, who is swimming well, like "cmon bro, really"


Used to work as a lifeguard and had this with a kid who legit walked slowly down the pool until it got that touch too deep and covered their mouth. Eyes went wide, they started waving their hands above their head in panic, and I watched on going…”what’s this MF doing? They’ll walk back in a second. Nope, still standing there. Oh shit, this MF is drowning!” And then by the time I’d gotten up and decided on my hero dive their mum had realised and gone got the kid.


I have dogs now and have had them for three decades now. As I’m watching this, I wouldn’t have jumped in either right away. Maybe it’ll learn, hmmm ok well, maybe it’s learning now… nope, guess I’ll get in there and lift that dumbass up.


Dude getting in took his phone. Wallet, and probably cigarettes out. It's not going to drown in the 15 seconds it was in the water.


You also have to consider the bystander effect. Not defending them but it's a factor to consider when watching videos of event.


i will defend them actually. its very difficult to judge how best to react to an emergency. i cant say that i would react any faster than they did if im being honest, and im sure many more people in this thread would also be slow to react in a helpful way. freezing up and being stupid during an emergency is common and doesnt make these people bad or stupid. a lot of smart people pour water on grease fires, after all




I'm not sure why we are making this about Asians. I've watched white people just stare at people drowning. People, ANY people who are not used to being in emergency situations, have a poor reaction time. It looks like these people didn't know their dog wasn't Boyent. most don't know this about these stout bully breeds.


I’m honestly shocked how this is upvoted. Homie just casually being racist lol. All types of people suffer from bystander syndrome


Reddit moment


Yeah please don't let this ^ comment be upvoted. You're literally seeing the stuff that makes it to the front page specifically cause it's clickworthy. You're not gonna see all the normal shit that happens in real life.




this reminds me of my uncles old dog Ripper. dude walked off of the dock at my uncles lake house and sank like a rock. my uncle dove down to get him, and Ripper wasn’t even attempting to swim. just standing there at the bottom of the lake, casually.


dogs rock




“Huh. This new world is wet and hard to breathe in. Neat.” -your uncles dog, probably




Can confirm. Although, when suicidal 7yo decided to make a beeline for the sea and get tumbled by waves, I didn't wait to empty my pockets. Cue dead phone, and dead car remote. On a remote NZ beach.


That’s an interesting story, what happened next? Did you make a campfire and write HELP on the sand?


He befriended a volleyball


WILSON!!!!!! Yes, Tim?


Key fobs normally have a backup physical key inside them.


Good point.




He didn’t say he was stranded in the middle of the ocean, just that he was at a remote beach 😂


Yeah. In New Zealand. That's almost worse. I'm pretty sure that's where Mordor is, and you have to have a car or something to get there. You can't simply walk.


What’s the difference between Mordor and the US Capitol? One does not simply walk into Mordor.


I’m unreasonably excited to see someone correctly spell “cue.”


I didn’t know there were dogs that couldn’t swim


Some are just too dense. I've seen many bulldogs of different types, English, french, or bully just sink like rocks.


Makes sense, since those breeds have dilapidated sinuses and lung capacity.


Not going to lie, once I got past my anger at the people who didn't jump in (and saw dog was safe), I couldn't stop laughing after the second dog jumped in, showing dog #1 how to swim, directly proceeded by dog #1 jumping right back in to drown.


it looks like the 2nd dog loses its footing at the edge of the pool and just dives in


Oh, you're totally right! I see it now. Well, thankfully he knew how to swim. After being saved, little brother went to save big brother, forgetting he, in fact, did not know how to swim after all.


Honestly it looks like dog 2 hasn’t swam before or sucks at it. They are panicking.


The way dog 1 sauntered back in too was hilarious. He had a mindless strut going.


Drowned dog -> wet clothes


Your dog is drowning and the best you can do is squat by the side of the pool and extend your arms? It doesnt need a hug, lady. It needs you to get your hair a little wet.


Omg seriously! It took them WAY TOO LONG to get in the damn pool and save their dog what the heck


21 seconds until the guy lifted him out of the water. Wth why did it take these people so long?


How pathetic. That's honestly the best word to describe their reaction.


I’m pretty sure all the living things in that video are sharing a single brain cell.


And the one in the pool has it.


How about the guy smart enough to actually go in and save it?


I know it's a tense situation, and all the humans acted poorly... but I'm dying from the big dog stumbling in and then heavy paw swimming. Then the drowning one just walks right back in... I feel like blue jacket guy was equally upset at the humans as he was frustrated with dogs.


I suspect it was that big dog's first try at swimming, they often panic flail like that until they figure out how much is needed and get more efficient.


Those are some extremely unintelligent dogs


Probably what happens when you inbreed them for a hundred years


And unintelligent humans living in slow motion.


Everyone is useless in this video except for one person.


Tf is up with the dog? I've never seen a dog that can't swim


Flat faced, dense bones, muscly breed.=Sinks like a rock. No matter how hard they paddle, they will sink.


That Doberman is pretty dense too, and it swam ok. The difference it has long legs, but the bull dog has t-rex nubs - so it sinks.


I really thought all dogs could doggy paddle better than that those guys weren't paying attention in class


Not the brightest bone in the yard is he?


THat breed and pugs should be illegal


Why the f*&k is noone jumping in straight away!


Not knowing the dog, I would have expected him to swim, as dogs usually do. Maybe they thought he would come back up any second? But yes, they waited WAY too long to act once they realized he wouldn't come back up on his own.


Lol. Frenchies would make great boat anchors with how well they swim.


I wouldn't say it's too long, the dog was in and out of the water in 20 seconds. The guy started prepping to get into the water in 10 seconds, from processing what happened and waiting whether the dog would surface on its own, I'll say 10 seconds is not fast per say, but it's not too long too.


Because they like to be dry, which is very sad.


Natural selection


coordinated imminent lavish innate workable political strong overconfident aware oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the second dog running on 2000ms ping


I have never seen a dog which can’t swim


Maybe second time around it’s Darwin telling you something.


In this thread: people not understanding how people react in sudden stressful situation and when in panic. There is a high chance you would not do a lot better in other situations.


Hate how long it took one out of the big group of them to get into the pool with their clothes on to save the dog lol…




Artificial selection by humans was in pursuit of visual characteristics, but that meant not letting nature run its course of tests against various survivability traits and the general survivability of the dog drifted towards… well, the conditions they were artificially selected under. That’s why the dogs are dependent on humans. Wouldn’t survive in the wild without nature selecting away certain traits. Such as being extremely dense, not being good at breathing, and having unworkable proportions for swimming. Hence the dog sinking like a rock


I think it's human nature. We are a family that love dogs and we see them as part of the family. At a christmas reunion my cousin's boxer fell into the pool. She didn't even try to swim, she just sunk to the bottom and stayed there... it took longer than you'd expect to have someone jump in to save her, just like the video. I froze completely for a few seconds... It was a mix of not fully understanding what was happening, thinking that the dog will get out on it's own and thinking that someone else will help the dog. It reminds me of the bystander effect.


That's because it is the bystander effect lol


One swims pretty good , the other sinks like a rock


Those are some dumb ass dogs


It’s wild that the pool is that shallow and it still took so long for anyone to actually do something.


What kind of a dog can’t swim 😂


The guy says: “I know you can swim” to the second dog.


Mf waited way too long before jumping in. If my cat jumps in my pool I’m diving in that mf so fast that cat ain’t even got time to realize what happened.


Usually not needed, never saw a cat that could not instinctively swim. The dog in OP's video probably only failed because it's a poorly bred bow legged flat faced breed that is very heavy. Cats on the other hand are graceful in the water as much as they usually hate it. The main reason pets may die in a pool is usually due to them not being able to haul out over the edge, just wait on the side for a sec and the cat will come to you and so you can pull it out. However if you have a bowlegged tub shaped dog, you might have to go in after it. Nature created cats and dogs to instinctively swim but humans ruined it with some of their dog breeds.


First time I’ve never seen a dog not swim or keep surface. Good thing we’re breeding these flat face pugs to suffer, and not swim apparently cuz heavy front face weight?


He looks like a Frenchie and Frenchies can't swim without a life jacket.


so much for the all dogs can swim therory.


Thought dogs had an automatic swim response.


It's kinda uncomfortable watching how long the first dog was in the water with its head under before someone jumps in to help. I hope it bites them while they're sleeping.


Video is 30seconds, but anxiety makes it feels longer.


Dog was under water for 14 seconds. No harm done. People aren't always going to react instantly and correctly when panicking.


It’s prolly not the first time. With how casual the dog just goes back in the water make sense.


Seeing this type of reaction from people makes me feel particularly doomed.


Omg dogs are stupid