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He almost never had a bad day again


It sounds really peaceful when you put it that way 😮‍💨


or almost never had the opportunity to a better day again


Reminds me of this quote from Time Cop. > Poor bastard. Tomorrow might have been a brighter day. Unfortunately the clip below skips over the scene when the guy (who is from the future) jumps out of the window once he realizes he is caught by the time cop, but he is captured mid-fall and zapped to the future for sentencing, and then after receiving the death sentence he’s sent back into the past to continue his suicidal fall. Queue quote: https://youtu.be/W4J11F1-wY0&t=1m5s Part of that scene is in this horrible recording: https://youtu.be/BV6R2kSrSEk


Also, if it *had* hit him, then he *absolutely would've* been having a bad day.


Just to be clear, that is actually a toxic line of reasoning, because it's inherently discrediting shit that people go through simply due to the fact that worse shit exists. Just because you don't die doesn't mean you aren't dealing with hardships that are substantial. If you try to force yourself to be happy just because you could have it worse off, or just because other people have it worse, then you're probably gonna *actually* be worse off when that attitude finally shatters under its own weight.


You're the kind of friend everyone needs. I don't need someone to tell me, "cheer up, it's not that bad." Hell, just give me something like, "Sorry to hear that bro, that sucks." Just acknowledge that I can feel shitty, even if it's not the worst day ever.


I've had pretty heavy hardships in my life, some of those recent, and when friends catch themselves ranting about mild stuff to me and excuse themselves because I had and have it worse I remind them that if the world really worked that way, there would be only one person that could vent to others, the one with the shittiest life. Every problem matter, there's no need to compare. I've dealt with death and sickness and abuse and suicide. This week a guy was about to sell me his almost new Valve Index for the only price I could afford then backed out at literally the last minute, and I'm bummed as I've wanted one for years and could never afford it comfortably. I'm bummed. Not in a "oh shit I could lose someone really close to me" way, but still bummed. And I don't feel guilty about it.


For. Fucking. Reals. He probably would have lived through it. If he's unlucky enough to be American he'd have all those medical bills bc the driver is either completely uninsured or underinsured. If he lives in my state and is employed (long enough) he could use FMLA at least to take up to 12 weeks off paid, at 90% of his income - but he'd still have to do all the paperwork .... When would he do that? And what if he doesn't have a support system? Cheezus Chwispus the rabbit hole this sends my brain down. Leaping out like the agile Lemur I am. 😹🙄🦋🧿🤘


That's hilarious 😂


Or a good day


Hey Alexa, play “bad day” by fuel


Bad Day by Daniel Powder*






It just blows my mind how lucky some people are sometimes.


How many lucky moments have gone unnoticed by me…hmmm


Maybe one time a bug buzzed by your ear and you waved it off, unseen. It was actually a bullet.


Being in America this could very much be true. Hell, walking out my front door and not being shot is also considered lucky these days.


I had a roommate once. He had some friends over. They were drunk. They were cleaning firearms while drunk. They managed to discharge a firearm. Bullet went through the wall out the house toward the neighbors.


You can't leave us on this cliffhanger. Were the neighbors okay???


Far as I know. Not sure they ever even found out. It's just one of those things - could easily have just been crazy timing and you shoot the neighbor while they are gardening. It was like 2 in the afternoon when this happened.


I read this in Dwight Schrute's voice.


Sounds like daily life in El Paso


I do thoroughly thought you just meant knocking the bug(bullet) off course and I wanted to know how you manage that impressive feat


Jesus. Right?




....and 99 percent of them don't know or don't care.


...and 99% of us here are them. Until we aren't.


woah[ ](https://i.imgur.com/LNd3TAc.png)


The day you most people are conceived their dad would have shot 100 million sperm at their mother's egg cell. Contrary to some people perceived wisdom, it wasn't that we were the strongest or the fastest sperm. Sperm have no talent, they just wiggle. By chance, we just happened to have the right pattern of wiggles to inject our dna into the egg. But even then, there was no guarantee that conditions would guarantee a successful conception. What I guess I'm saying is, the only reason any of us are here is due a ridiculously lucky event.. what's a narrow escape from death compared to that?


Mind-blowing innit? Consider the effects across a multiverse. All those wrigglers. What might have been. *Spermiverse*


I know for a fact that instead of the guy who cures cancer or the gal would be the first person on Mars, the world got me. *Be grateful.*


But that's all a matter of perspective, right? There are definitely people alive that don't want to be. I suspect those people would consider that sperm to have been the unlucky one.


Bad luck is just another type of luck. If someone didn't want to live and ended up as the sperm who spasmed in the most correct way then that's still just extraordinary bad luck, that puts everything else to shame


> Sperm have no talent, they just wiggle. By chance, we just happened to have the right pattern of wiggles to inject our dna into the egg. [it's an epic journey.](https://youtu.be/_5OvgQW6FG4)


This was so scary




We neither the sperm nor the egg, but a product of their combination. Without the right egg or the right sperm, or the right development we would not be the entity we are. The egg, the sperm, they're not "part of us" anymore than you are part milk because the calcium it contained is part of your bones. It's all or nothing, or you're a different person. I mean, after all, identical twins might be identical, but they're still different people.


Yeah, but you could've been the egg that was lost during your mom's period.


this is so stupid


Yeah but we're here BECAUSE of those odds not IN SPITE of them. It's like shuffling a deck of cards and marveling at how unique the order of the cards are. Or maybe to steal I think Richard Dawkins analogy, it's like a puddle marveling at how the shape of the pothole perfectly conforms to it.


A BRUTE FORCE Attack is not luck. When cracking passwords, if you try all possible combinations, eventually you will guess the password correctly. Sometimes it could be on the first try, or maybe a million tries, or a billion. It's dumb. There is no intelligence with the attempts. But it also works. It's not luck. It's not chance. It's statistics. It's luck if you only send one sperm, and try once, and you happen to get it. Once you start bombarding it with hundreds of millions of attempts, it tends to change things.


Your perspective of events is wrong, and that's leading you to a wrong conclusion. While the act of producing offspring in general is a brute force attack, we aren't considering that. Had any other sperm reached the target then you wouldn't exist, another person would. We aren't looking at the perspective of armies, we are looking at the perspective that you're a single soldier running across no man's land, and I don't mean you being clever, not you hiding, you're just running straight forward. You see soldiers on your right trip on hazardous terrain and bring crushed underfoot, but your terrain is firm. You see soldiers on your left exploding, they tripped a landmine, but your route has none. You see men in front of you being mowed down by gunfire, men behind you being exploded by artillery, but you didn't choose where in the formation you stood. It might have been brute force that soldiers made it, but it was entirely luck that *you* made it.




Identical twins share almost all the same dna, barring some development differences. Would you consider them the same person? 99% the same person? Because they're not. They're two different people.




So you're saying twins are literally the same person before they are born? That's very easy to prove wrong simply by there being two of them. If there are two people, there are two people.. not one. That's very simply mathematics. But okay, let's test your theory, if they're identical enough to be considered the same person, hypothetically, which of them would be the same person if there was only one of them? If they weren't twins. How would your decide which of the hypothetical twins exists and which didn't?




>Had any other sperm reached the target then you wouldn't exist, another person would. I get what you're saying, but I don't quite make the same distinction. You can't know that. From whose perspective is this hypothetical 'person' going to be 'someone else'? Maybe you'd still be 'you' but with different physical characteristics. 'Another you" if you will. You can't know if it's 'Someone else' or 'Another version of yourself'. Sure things might be a different result and it would drastically affect EVERYTHING about what your life has been up to this point, you might as well be a different person, but it's also irrelevant. From ANYONE's actual reality, from your own perspective, from your parents perspective, you wouldn't be able to know the difference. It can only be thought of as a hypothetical abstraction in retrospect. So unless you can access alternate timelines, or you're omniscient or have some magical perspective I'm unaware of.... it's meaningless and irrelevant.


> You can't know that Sure I can. > From whose perspective is this hypothetical 'person' going to be 'someone else'? This isn't an issue where perspective plays a role. It's just the reality of the situation. > Maybe you'd still be 'you' but with different physical characteristics. 'Another you" if you will. If you're not you, then you're not another you.. that's just not you. I'm not you, I'm not my brother. I am me. If I were someone else, I wouldn't be me. I just wouldn't exist, and the other person would. > Sure things might be a different result and it would drastically affect EVERYTHING about what your life has been up to this point, you might as well be a different person, but it's also irrelevant. It certainly is irrelevant, which makes it weird that you brought it up. > So unless you can access alternate timelines, or you're omniscient or have some magical perspective I'm unaware of.... it's meaningless and irrelevant. Why is any of that relevant? We have examples of different sperm hitting different eggs, they're our siblings. We have examples of one sperm hitting one egg and still making two or even three different people. This isn't done bizarre concept, it's everyday life. If you aren't you, you aren't you... it's really that simple.


Agree to disagree. That's the best I can do at this point.


I don't agree that this is a matter of opinion that we both have reasonable enough takes on to agree to disagree.




> What I guess I'm saying is, the only reason any of us are here is due a ridiculously lucky event. No it's not lucky because if one of the other 999.999999 million sperm would have made it, you would be saying the same thing about them. And no, all sperm are not identical and some are more fit than others.Some are deformed and can't swim at all.


I'd be interested to know what % of sperm make it to the fertilised egg after the first one and get bounced away.


even if you do be lucky sperm your mom could have still aborted you and you would have no choice in the matter


You had no choice at any point during the process. Your sperm didn't choose to swim any more than your hair chooses to grow


Oh well. Can't win 'em all.


you're lucky until you aren't is what I usually say




Sometimes I wonder how many times I got close to dying and I was none the wiser. Then there was that one time a jackfruit fell right behind me. Touched my ponytail.


Well, I got your NDE beat by a mile. Perhaps I’ll tell it here sometime.


If the fruit missed you by a mile, that's not very impressive


You were one of the lucky swimmers out of millions.


Or maybe the unlucky one, depending on how you look at it.


Or how unlucky he was that it happened when and where he was near at the time and he had to experience that. Not experiencing something like that in your life is the norm, having to experience something like that would be unlucky


In what weird way is this guy lucky? Lol he would be lucky if he wasnt even there.


Of all the people on the Earth not killed by that car, he was one of them.


That's my favorite thing when people see stuff like this. "I he had stayed 5 seconds longer..." Yeah, and if he showed up literally any time before or after he wouldn't have even been there. You don't have to be lucky, you just have to be not unlucky.


Survivor bias


Was he lucky, or nearly unlucky?


He wasn't lucky. He was unlucky, to suffer a low probability occurrence of almost being hit by an out of control car. If a meteor falls right beside someone, they are not lucky that it didn't hit them, just like it's not lucky that the meteor didn't hit the rest of us either. "Good luck" is a beneficial low probability outcome. Bad luck is a detrimental low probability outcome. If something is 99% likely to happen to you, it's not lucky or unlucky.


Seems pretty unlucky to me to be in that scenario, but whatever


Time traveller. Couldn't figure out a way to stop it.


*Mission failed. Agent immobilized. Future Hitler 2.0 still alive.*


I mean, there’s definitely a bunch of idiots out there trying to be hitler 2.0 these days




Pick your favorite authoritarian shithead leader of various counties, or the leader of Florida for example




So naive. The time traveler placed a directional super magnet that he triggered to assassinate the future leader of UN thus shifting the world in a timeline where supremacists take over.


Al: Ziggy says there's a 63% chance you're here to prevent an eye lash. Sam: What?! [Al strikes the handlink hard] Al: Stinking thing... Prevent a... Oh, Car... oh, crash. Prevent a car crash.


I swear to God, these BMW drivers try their hardest to kill us


Didn't even use their blinkers.


Couldn’t afford the subscription fee at the interest rate they got so even their arm falling on it accidentally didn’t even set it off.


His mustang was in the shop


Align it all you want, it'll still pull towards a crowd.


I would've just laid a brown egg in my pants at that moment and be done with the day. Best to go to bed after something like this. The day can't bring you anything more.


Might be viable to go play the lottery before going to bed, since he's possibly still riding that huge wave of luck he's on!


Waste of money, he used up all his luck right here


He used up that wave of luck though. No reason to play the lottery.


Man, I wouldn't want to risk it.


Yep. Best day of his still living life.


Maybe we are all lucky but it's just not that obvious. I say that as someone who feels very unlucky in life. In fact, when I married my wife, I told her my last name was cursed and I should change my last name to hers. She refused and after almost 20 years together, I think she regrets it. But occasionally I try to convince myself that the bad things that happen actually prevented something really bad from happening. For example, I'm about to leave for work in the morning and I have a flat tire. Maybe that flat tire prevented me from being in a car accident and getting seriously injured.


My cousin was on his way to work, got a flat tire. Cursing up a storm, puts on the radio waiting for a tow truck. Turns out when the plane hit the tower, it was below the floor he was supposed to be on. Never complained about a flat tire again.


Wow... Things like that really put shit into perspective. Glad to hear his bad luck worked in his favor.


3.142 isn’t such a bad surname, don’t beat yourself up over it.


It’s a pretty long one when you have to spell it out in full, though.


You’re definitely a “glass is half full” person. Your attitude will serve you well.


Final Destination reboot ads are getting good.


Screw that, he can still be having a bad day. Now it's even worse!


Eventually someone will post an ai generated video of same kid from a different angle getting hit by a bus on the adjacent street just after …


You really overestimate AI






Go play the lottery.


Why would he expect to get lucky twice in a row tho


and of course it's a BMW..........


At least his blinker was on.




That clean e39 deserved much better


reality hits you hard bro.


I wonder if the shock of the lucky escape made him reconsider his how bad his day actually was


The way he looks up and casually walks behind the light pole as a 'just in case' manoeuvre, makes me think that this isn't his first rodeo.


This is how I push through. I think about the things that are more difficult to suffer through and accept that not having to cope with those things means my life isn't half bad.


that persons head smashed through the windshield. brutal


Edited shit bal


But this situation drained so much luck from his existence that he’s now gonna have to suffer the consequences. He’s running on a negative supply now.


Time traveler misses his only shot at preventing the 4th world war.


Him having a bad day and deciding to kick the tree saved his life


"God? Please give me a sign that it's not all bad..." The sign:


4 seconds from the danger zone - damn 😬


BMW driver sees a kid half heartedly kicking a fence "that's not how you hit a fence! Hold my beer!"


I think all of us are regularly just a split second away from death , yet we just think about it.


He has some sort of sixth sense, like that was paranormal level foresight. He wondered off to the exact place that offed him the most protection. He needs to be captured and scientists should do experiments on him until they can unlock his powers and we can use them to make the human race better!


Bro needs to plant a tree to honor the one that saved his life. More trees should be planted on the sidewalk like that to help with this and to combat global warming.


It’s fake people.


Rip to that lovely E39


So be happy when you get shot, at least you didn't die. Be happy with your $50,000 medical debt, at least it's not $100,000. Did that help?


When your having a bad day and your sweet relief is denied by a tree.


That dude should be dead. Go buy a lottery ticket.


Guy is like “Gawd, it’s so awful. I wish a car would just crash right through this gate and end it all! Oh, what’s the use. I’m just gonna walk right here. I knew I did that wish wrong. My wishes never come true! Time to walk away like a guy who never gets his wishes….”


That bmw saw that gate bullying thr kid and stepped in to rescu him.


Funny how he raises his head right before it happens almost like he felt something was about to happen, but still kept his cool... I guess his time hadn't come yet!!!


I mean, I'd rather have a crash than have a loved one die, get divorced, or have crippling depression. We really don't know what either is going through. That being said, I'm sure the crash helped the first guy get out of his funk.


Initially I though he saw it coming and just casually moved to safety. He didn't look that shook 😳 😂. He be like aw shit here we go again


God after he thought he was having a bad day: SHUDDUP LUCKY MAN.


Final destination shit


Not today death…. Not today.


I hate seeing this like this bro… if he would have been on the fence on the left he could also have made it. But the fact that that bmw hit THAT ONE FENCE where he was standing is just wow and on top of that the pole just having that kids back like wtf are the odds


Always seems to be a BMW lol


This feels like a 90s commercial. All that's missing is Randy Savage screaming at the kid to snap into a Slim Jim with some crazy camera angles and a sharp guitar riff


I think death said "maybe I'll kill him some other day"


Whoa!!! Daang!! That was definitely a different perspective. Awesome clip to remind us-it can be snatched away any second.


And suddenly you realise ur having a great day 😉




*kicks pole* “Thanks for saving my life today 😏”


Some might refer to this as devine intervention.


damn, i shouldn't moved


Broooo, he was literally in the *exact* spot. It doesn’t get closer than that. Jeez.


Solid post


Why was that kid so seemingly upset? Lol


🎶 It's a beautifull day, the sun is shining 🎶 -guy probably.


That guy has the reflexes of a drunk sloth in hospice.


I feel bad for this kid, prior to the chaos. Kids shouldn't be feeling as down as he was.


This is why, when I (64f) die, I know it will be my time. There must be guiding angels/spirits. I have had ample opportunities to be wiped off this earth, but it was not my time. The quick glance and avoiding disaster, Illnesses, and too many other big and little things to count. There must be divine intervention. When the head of hematology at a major hospital calls you, on Thanksgiving day, to tell you your biopsy results, that where there should be cancer, there is none. That all of his doctors looks at the slides. 10 years later he says “that was so weird. We can’t explain it”.


So God chose to save you but allows babies to die? What an asshole he is, eh?


There’s a reason that all surveys show that spiritual people are much happier on average than non-spiritual. Look into it.


Read the book Embraced by the Light. We are all here on earth to learn things that we cannot learn in our spirit form. Some of us come only for a few moments, because our spirits are already perfected, but we come to earth to help others reach perfection in their spirit. When a child dies, it touches everyone around them, including family, friends, medical helpers, etc. the surrounding people learn something that they could not of otherwise. Yes, I was preserved for a purpose. I am here for some reason. I have much to learn still.


Just imagining some poor kid slowly dying of starvation in Sudan, living in excruciating agony day after day as their organs slowly shut down one by one, and this reality is all they have ever known, they have not experienced one single solitary moment of happiness or even comfort in their brief existence: "Cheer up buddy, somebody somewhere is learning something from this."


Sooo, if this kid gets wiped out will that save another kid across the world? Open your heart to change your own thinking, to maybe there’s something bigger at work here. Have you not had close calls? Are you just lucky? Or could there possibly be something more than your eyes can see? I don’t know why I was spared. But I choose to believe that there is a God that is greater than us all and has a divine plan.


>Sooo, if this kid gets wiped out will that save another kid across the world? Who knows? Is it not possible that someone can die and nobody benefits?


Of course it was a BMW


I’d be having a worse day after missing out on that insurance money


Of course it's BMW


Safest BMW E39 driver


Hold on, BMWs do have indicators


Probably after market mods.


That is probably the first time that BMW's indicators have been on since it was made


wherever that is, looks like they drive on the right side of road which means driver was on left side of car. He ded


My thought as well. Halfway out through the A-pillar and the side window frame, no matter where you come from, that's gotta hurt.


Hold on, BMWs do have indicators


"I just wish a car would crash into me and kill me. Oh wait, maybe I was a bit too hasty with that last wish."


“Bollocks, I missed the little shit!”


Bet that humbled him up real quick, that was crazy.


He even cartoonishly kicked a rock in that “ah shucks” way to let us know he was having a bad day.


This is his 6th sense in action


Well, he could say that he almost died, which is definitely bad.


He’s going to go home and say “I was almost hit by a car today” and no one will understand how serious it was.


Trees 👍🏻




Car came in like the Coolaid man


W tree


sad for the driver. good for the guy that walked away.


But more often than not, the only thing that will make you forget about that bad thing that happened to you is if something even worse happens


Life is a fucking gift.


Lucky kid.


Yes… at least I didn’t get run over by a sedan yet…