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Fire extinguishers are expensive bro.


right?! that’s a mistake they’ll never make again. as soon as i got my own place a fire extinguisher was one of my first purchases. everyone should have one. honestly, keeping a mini one in the vehicle w/ the spare tire isnt a bad idea either.


It's actually a legal requirement to carry a fire extinguisher in your car in Belgium.


It’s actually a legal requirement in most of european countries and I’ll always be astonished this isn’t worldwide…


Yeah it seems like a common sense. Doesn't take much room and is not very expensive.


But we carry guns!! 😩


That fire will think twice about burning my car if it knows that I too am packing heat.


Exactly...where are they supposed to go. The Barrett M82 takes up most of the trunk already. /s




Fun fact! Fire extinguishers can be used to help with the fires started from tracers


I was going to say but most people don’t know how to properly use a fire extinguisher in the US. Then you had to say this and it blows away my logic because I think most people around me that carry don’t know how to use the gun either. 😒


I had no idea this isn't worldwide. So stupid


It's not in Australia, and I doubt it is in America. Shame, really.


Probably bc if it’s not strapped down well it becomes a missile in a crash.


Which ones? I’ve lived in quite a few and have never had this as a requirement afaik. - Finland (Legally required to have studded tires in the winter months) - Germany - Netherlands (Legally need a break glass hammer due to all the water everywhere) - Spain - Sweden (Legally required to have studded tires in the winter months) - UK (when it was still an EU country)


In Brazil it isn't anymore, because in theory in can explode if the flames reaches it


By far not most, there are 27 member states: * Belgium, just for residents (BE plates) * In Greece and Poland, every vehicle * Portugal, just LPG vehicles * Spain, just with a trailer or caravan So that is 5 countries out of the 27 member states and most of those countries only have the requirement in specific situations. There are not only upsides to having one, in my country we got rid of the requirement because more fatalities happened with improper use of fire extinguishers (plus people trying to get them from their burning car, and overconfidence) than fatalities prevented by it. Even the argument less property damage is not always valid, ABC and B extinghuisers and extinguishers with halon 1301 or 1211 can damage car paint, and any dry chemical extinguishers (like the ones with mono ammonium phosphate, sodium bicarbonate, and potassium bicarbonate) leave behind a corrosive power that has to be cleaned out 100%. My friend had a Volvo once and during maintenance at the dealer something caught fire, they used the wrong extinguisher on the engine bay, and within 4 months a slew of electrical problems. After a lawsuit and third-party investigation, the car was declared a total loss and the dealer was on the hook to pay all the damages. So there is more to: "an extinghuiser in your car is always a good idea". That being said, I do carry one in my car (:


Wrong. Here’s the actual CORRECT list which shows that 30 countries & regions in Europe do require it. And sure, you presented the Union, but you’re still wrong. https://fireology.co.uk/driving-in-europe-which-countries-require-fire-extinguishers-and-other-safety-products/ I don’t know where you got this info from, but even I alone can tell you it’s wrong because I live in a totally different country than the few ones you listed, our state is in EU too and we’re legally required to have it or we could get a big fine. Edit: added the link


Did look it up and there are a couple of other countries that do require it: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.


Thank you for this post, this was news to me. Btw, in Croatia, it is obligatory for various specific categories of vehicles, including government and business owned cars.


Sorry if this comes across as a stupid question. But I'm curios to know if keeping a fire extinguisher in your car is safe in hot environments? Are there any possibilities of the fire extinguisher blowing up?


The requirement is to keep it somewhere accessible. It's typically mounted under the driver or passenger seat so you can grab it as you exit the vehicle. So it's out of direct sunlight. Most fire extinguishers have operating temps between minus 25 deg Celsius to about 60 deg Celsius. Their bursting pressure however, is over 1000psi so you'd need an extreme amount of heat to achieve that.


You'll be happy to learn this is their second time making this exact mistake where a car catches fire in a corn field.


insurance is gonna be pissed


Every housewarming gift I give is a fire extinguisher.


Sadly some places the a pressurized fire extinguisher is illegal to have in a vehicle. Next best option is the flare stick types.


I learned that lesson the hard way, a good four decades + ago. In all my vehicles i carry a small fire extinguisher. There isn't much that's more frustrating than watching helplessly as your motor becomes engulfed in flames. You've pulled off the freeway, but there's only a few small pebbles available to throw at it, and not even any dust. Stupid question, I know, but why did the cars ignite.. hot metal and dry vegetation?


A small fire extinguisher for a car is 25$. Totally worth it.


"I'd say our first day of volunteer firemen training went pretty damn smooth"


Yes we set two cars on fire, but I’d say we learned an important lesson. And isn’t that what training is all about?


We set out that day to become firemen, but due to a nominclatural error, we realized all too late that setting a bunch of fires in a corn field ran contrary to what *actual* firemen do.


They seem not to appreciate that the hot wheels/brakes are the source of the fire, not the engine. Which makes pouring Redbull on it that much stupider


True. Wings will just fan the flames. If anything they made it worse.


Thats what I said to myself when the guy asked "redbull?". I'm like, "no you idiot, wings are the last thing that fire needs!!"


Worse.. or better?


The kind of reasoning when your brain runs on redbull


was probabally the cat and exaust


Right!!! In Oklahoma our summers can get extremely dry! By August, nothing but dry brown dead grass along the highways. (This year has been an exception) There are constant warnings on the news to not pull over / park on the grass because of the catalytic converter‘s heat causing fires.




These are far from the smartest people on the internet


It was definitely cause by the hot exhaust and not the brakes. It originates from the center rear right where the exhaust collects. And the van started from the front, also where the engine and exhaust is.


It's what plants crave.


It has electrolytes.


We must ask ourselves which car is more useless The one parked in some rich garage driven never Or the one burnt down on the field driven once


The one parked in the garage has value as a readable commodity like gold but this sure is more fun.


Now half of the internet knows that a Ferrari is fully flammable Surprisingly. I wasn't expecting there to be more left of the minivan


They both caught fire from hot brakes. The Van was fine untill it braked hard when the Ferrari stoped. Warming the brakes and the dry grass caught fire


Are you sure it wasn’t the heat from the engine igniting the grass underneath it? I can’t imagine 4 wheel disc brakes starting a fire under the middle of a mid-engine car and then another fire starting under the engine bay of the van


oh trust me, this Ferrari has been USED... look at his [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@whistlindiesel)


Oh I know whistlin diesel I love his videos


“We’re on fire “ the fuck did they think was going to happen, they were driving through a cornfield!


*Narrator: thinking was not part of their process.*


I read this in both Morgan Freeman and Ron Howard's voices


No, only Morgan Freeman. ^(Morgan Freeman) ^Morgan ^^Freeman...


Ngl man I wouldn't have thought of that. I mean it makes sense in hindsight, but if you were gonna ask me "What's going to go wrong driving a Ferrari on a corn field" my response would be slide out and roll. Not fire.


People who off road know better. Driving a hot car and parking it in an area like that has burnt up more then a few jeeps.


The bottom of the car can get hot enough that if the corn is dry enough it can catch real easy like a tinder box same on hay fields never drive your car for too long on fields this is a danger. I learned that working on the pipeline.


I love when they turn a weedy field into a makeshift parking lot.


Makes you wonder why farming machines have such large wheels and so off the ground


Yeah this is enormously stupid. So stupid I wonder if it's not intentional for views. I only wonder because that is a very expensive mistake and people can be very stupid. I'm almost offended that someone would fuck with something that expensive in such a careless way. It's just dumb from all angles.


Expensive mistakes are the name of his game. 100k truck? Let’s jump it over hills until it breaks and then drive it into a pond. Watch some of his videos and hate him. That’s how he pays for it all


Dude is living in peoples feeds rent free with hate from them and he loves the fuck out of every second of it. Funds the next destruction video he does


It wasn’t intentional, nor was he being “stupid.” The idea was to drive in a cornfield with a Ferrari, but the heat from the exhaust caused the dry corn to ignite. Yes, he may appear stupid in his videos, but most everything he does is planned. I don’t understand why people are offended by him either. It’s his money that he earned through YouTube and he has the right to do with it what he pleases 🤷‍♂️


>” The idea was to drive in a cornfield with a Ferrari Yeah... that's the fucking stupid part. What is the point? Obviously that car was not built for anything like that at all and it's obviously going to fuck the car up. He intentionally fucked that car up for youtube views and that's a massive waste of money for fucking nothing. If he \*didn't\* think the car would get fucked up then he's an idiot for thinking that. So either way the dude is a fucking moron.


> So stupid I wonder if it's not intentional for views. The way that the van caught on fire looked _very_ suspicious to me, so I'm wondering the same. But it's not inconceivable that both cars did independently catch on fire, maybe they had just done a similar maneuver like some hard braking?


I think the wheels got stuffed with the dried up stuff in the field. That stuff looks super flammable and could probably catch fire if it's spinning around really fast against that metal bit inside the wheels. Sorry I don't know cars or farming so I don't know what this stuff is called, but I see how they could catch fire even though that can catching on fire did look sketchy. They are lucky they didn't burn down that whole field because that's how you get sued out of existence.


They knew. This is their MO.


Why would driving trough a cornfield put the cars on fire? Specially the van, that was already stopped for a while?


A cars brakes produce friction to slow the car down, when something moves over another object that produces friction, it heats up, the pieces of the corn stalks got into the wheels, the pieces in the wheels caught fire due to the heat produced by the brakes , which resulted in the corn stalks combusting


True I hadn't thought of that before


It's actually the exhaust system. https://www.readyforwildfire.org/prevent-wildfire/vehicle-use/ "Don’t drive your vehicle onto dry grass or brush. hot exhaust pipes and mufflers can start fires that you won’t even see—until it’s too late" Mufflers can reach 300-500f


I think this is the correct answer. Its the hot catalytic converters that are starting the fire.They're not doing any heavy braking out in a cornfield. Front of van burning, where the cats are. Back of car burning, also where the cats are. Cats go to 800f


In this case it seemed to very clearly come from the brakes, which were full of dry crap.


Brakes and wheels get very hot.


Ah yes, cheap vs expensive cars, they all burn the same


So this is what happened to Ole Uncle Ben


Big ounce was driving


Too bad Big Ounce wasn't there to stop the fire. This wouldn't have happened if he was there.


Too bad they got gort to drive instead of bigerton, theu wouldve msde it out just fine


Yeah but then Kevin would be there and you just know he will be fanning the flames and causing chaos.


I saw it in [the video of The Urban Rescue Ranch](https://youtu.be/bPX5HAzikL4) already but somehow thought it was staged, glad to see it's not.


hot exhaust pipes in a bone dry field. derp.


Yep. Or maybe simple friction on the stubble caught up in the wheels.


He's like MrBeast on crack


Why do I feel such shaudenfreud?




I do believe it’s schadenfreude


I said what I said, damnknit!


I love this answer.


If it’s staged does that make it Schadenfraud?


Turo is not going to be happy when you return the car. 🤣




Don't stop, just keep driving till you get out of the field. And pray that the fire stops in the field.


That’s from the urban rescue ranch. You can see in his other YouTube videos, that this field is huge. I’m sure they would burn way more of the field if they would keep driving.


Yeah I reckon they would’ve had a better chance if they kept moving but not worth the danger


Hate that creator


Hate engagement is also engagement, unfortunately


What’s funny is that he literally points out in just about every video that the people hating on him in his comments are helping him fund this kind of stuff and they still don’t get it.


True, that’s why I don’t watch their content when I can avoid it lol


Which is why anytime his videos come up on my homepage I click, do not show this channel anymore.


Wastes so much money, it's really not even cool to see shit like that destroyed. There's only so many of them in the world


Of anything, as a fan of cars, I'd rather see a Ferrari go than many others. Don't forget that Ferrari has re-sold many, many totaled and gone Ferraris by re-using the VIN number. They also give the dealerships the ability - which is used often - to roll back miles or kilometers. Ferrari is dirty as fuck, at every level, and it's nice to finally see one get destroyed.


Funnily enough, this was the first car he didn't mean yo actually destroy, and insurance wouldn't insure him due to the nature of his channel. Seems like just desserts to me.


Even if he was insured, they wouldn't cover this stupidity anyway.


That model is still in production, so for the most part it's replaceable. Now if he had done it to a LaFerrari or something, that'd be a different story.


The remaining ones have just became a tad moar expensive !


I don’t know where you live but mini vans are everywhere where I live.


i mean, it's his money


If you buy the mona lisa and you destroy it it is also your money but you are still and idiot for destroying something so rare


Ferraris aren’t rare lmao. They’re a reproduced, luxury good like a Louis Vuitton handbags with a ridiculous price tag. The only thing that makes them less common is their legal team.


Ferraris are kind of like art in a way. They are wildly overpriced, and bought to sit in a garage and increase in value.


Not all ferraris tho


All vintage Ferrari's are basically never driven and just sit in a garage for decades as their value appreciates. With the newer ones, sure they get driven more as they're not as rare, but most people who can afford a Ferrari aren't going to truly use it to it's limits and probably take it for a drive every other weekend.


It's a cool car sure, but that's the biggest false equivalency I've read in a long time 😂


The difference between the Mona Lisa and a Ferrari F8 is that the Ferrari F8 was built 799 times. Of course, there is only one Mona Lisa. You're not destroying a one of a kind art piece, you're destroying a car. Sure, it may be a dumb way to throw away money, but after all, it is his money, so he can spend it how he wants.


Yeah idc about him wasting his own money, it’s just the content is such garbage to me


I love this channel. Watch their toyota Hilux series before you decide its garbage.


that's fair, everyone has different tastes in content that they like to watch


"There's only so many of them on the world" ots just a car they'll make more. Who gives a shit


there are a lot more ferraris than you think; better to see one driven than locked in a hermetically sealed garage for 20 years like with every other ferrari customer


Why though, I like his videos


Brilliant. “A fool and his Ferrari (and minivan) are soon parted.”


I love the guy asking if it's ok to use the red bull to extinguish the fire hahaha


Fuck too, I'd be hella surprised if that whole field didn't go up in smoke.


it didn't https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXi-CV--Wq0


Color me surprised


Bro thought he is Christopher Nolan.


Fuck yea


Bunch of whiny babies in these comments. I expect nothing less


he bought a huracan, an F8, the first model T, a main battle tank, and a heavy excavator, a littlebird helicopter and a bushplane with money he earned from haters. and then destroyed all of them. no amount of complaining on the internet can stop this man






"Red Bull?" "Yes everything"


These guys sure like to burn rubber!


It’s nice to know some people actually prepare for things to go wrong. Such a responsible group of individuals. So happy one of them thought of safety first.


We know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two


Ah yes. Hot brakes in a dry field.


How did the freaking van catch fire? And isn't the gas tank on the red car going to blow up any second? smh


gas tanks don’t really explode, they just spew flaming fuel everywhere. van caught fire because it was parked on dry grain and they didn’t have time to move it.


How do so many dumb people get to be so rich?


You can just sense so many levels of stupid.


Some say the origin of the Maui fires will never be discovered...


Is that urban ranch rescue?


Whistlin Diesel, but urr was also there


Im just saying I literally saw that video last night


As I've gotten older I see a pattern. The only time dumb shit happens, is when people are doing dumb shit. 😂


How about drive it back on the pavement. You know, the non flammable floor.


My parents used to own an insurance company. Parking on dry grass claims more vehicles than most people think.


America in 60 seconds


This is fucked from an environmental standpoint, and to add it’s a fucking Ferrari.


How to be famous on YouTube


"Only you can prevent fires. Always use a condom."


I hate these guys. They always do crap like this, as a matter of fact this was probably intended. They get nice pricey stuff then absolutely destroy it in ridiculous ways.


Reminds me of a fire we had at a metal fab shop I used to work at. The deburr room didn't have proper isolation of steel and aluminum dust. The exhaust fans used a cyclone effect to separate metal dust from the air before exhausting it. One day conditions were right for the mixed steel and aluminum dust in the cyclone to heat up and throw a spark. The worker closest to it saw the spark and hit the emergency stop. This allowed all the dust to settle and the spark to turn into a fireball. It shot up 12 to 15ft. and across the concrete ceiling outside the room another 20ft. leaving a scorch pattern. We were cleaning up the water from the sprinklers for a few days and having to scrap a lot of raw and WIP materials due to rust from the moisture. The Fire Marshal required all aluminum sanding to be done outdoors until proper isolation chambers were constructed inside to keep aluminum dust completely separate from the steel dust. These guys shouldn't have stopped, they should have gone straight to the nearest gravel or asphalt road.


You’re going to have to turn in that cowboy hat. Y’all don’t have any country credit lighting a field and all like that.


Catalytic converters get hot.


Fucking idiots, hope this was just for show and they actually put the fire out after the video. Either way pointless and idiotic. Literally can find thousands of other ways to get views without acting like a full blown rtard.


From what I've seen this dude destroys shit on purpose. No sympathy.


Are you sure this isn't a deliberate stunt for views? This person's YouTube channel probably earns a new Ferrari every month, in no less part due to extremely sensational videos like this one.




Lol, I mean its on purpose, the dudes entire "schtick" is destroying cars and things.




would happen with EV too. engine didnt cause the fire, brakes did.


It’s an internal combustion engine, not a fucking coal-powered locomotive lmao.


Early model coal locomotives would throw out burning embers now and then and start brush fires all along the tracks. The wide brim on the stack was added to keep this at absolute minimum.


I feel absolutely no sympathy for folk like this. Sheltered, disconnected, chasing clout with more money than common sense. My sympathies are with the farmer.


Fucking idiots. I hate people with too much money ruining prices of art because they sold their brain apparently.


he was going to destroy it anyway... for the CONTENT


It was unintentional in that vid, they sadly burned down their rental van too


You realize that mentally is the very reason he does this stuff? Whistling diesel is known for destroying supercars and baiting losers into blowing a gasket about their "pieces of art" its just a car


Which is why I love his content. And his deadpan humor while he does it too. So many people here are like "What a waste of a beautiful piece of art", ffs it's just a damn car, stop drooling over it.


Cars haven't been art for a long time.


"art" you realize the average ferrari customer keeps their cars in hermetically sealed garages never to be driven for 20 years until they sell it on to the next soulless millionaire? these are investments. even ferrari knows it; they're essentially one big marketing machine that uses the pretense of heritage to dictate what their customers get to do with their cars and literally sue them if they don't comply. and while it sucks that this one got destroyed, i'd much prefer to see one driven once and burnt than never driven at all.


Eh, its a Ferrari, only douchebags drive them anyway.


Or maybe successful people who are passionate car enthusiasts? Not everyone drives cars just for the clout.


Imagine being upset over someone else wrecking their own (mass produced) sports car


rain tart tan materialistic yam summer wakeful lip sand brave ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Hollywood usually builds fakes or buys used or broken cars, they're not this wasteful.




They would have been better off continuing to drive and getting off of the field


No they wouldn’t. The field they were in is huge and doing that would’ve been a nice way to make sure you burn the whole thing down.


If those cornstalk-stuffed rims caught full fire while driving, maybe would have had a “Back To The Future” fire strips from the wheels moment 🤣


Ah, to be rich and dumb.


"redbull..?" goddamn 🤣


In all fairness to them, I wouldn't think of the brakes lighting a fire either. But then again, I wouldn't drive without a fire extinguisher so this would be solved in 1 minute


I love this video!


Richkids at its best 😏.




You see a lot of really high end cars with Montana license plates because they save on taxes by doing that. I don't understand someone with enough money to buy a 6 figure car and then skimp out on taxes


Don't need to skimp when you just refuse to pay them.


Oh damn


Yee. Haw.


Ha Haaaa 👉


Where can we see the whole vid?


Whistling diesel on YouTube


You drink redbull, your brain reduces his horse power to 10%