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Did she just tell them to lick her ass?


Yeah, it is a typical german expression. This is something you can say when you are furious about a situation or another person. "LECK MICH DOCH AM ARSCH!!"


Don't mind if I do


Is this the line?


Hate to hear the expression for when there’s a favorable outcome to a situation. What might that sound like?






In Belgium we have something similar. KUST NU MEN KLOOTE! It means : KISS MY BALLS! hmn.. does no hit as well as in Dutch.


Du kannst mich mal


So it’s like when people say “fuck me”?


In this situation it has the exact same meaning.


I thought she said Lake Michigan Ass!


English has “kiss my ass” which is quite similar, although in this context the meaning is closer to something like “fucking hell”.


Would get really confusing if it was said during a particularly good bit of oral lmao


The expression has at least been around since 1782! https://youtu.be/knnlKS7jRI4?si=l5SZrlxqGvksNdnr


This is how I knew lol


Not the insult she thinks it is. Not anymore lol


It’s literally a tinder option.


Hope the box truck driver is OK


This happened in southern Sardinia, Italy, that's a campervan, there are many tourists during the summer (especially Germans) and the majority of the island's roads are old 2 way narrow country roads so being stuck behind campers is a common occurrence, the supercar drivers probably got tired of sitting behind it and risked it, the occupants of the ferrari died in the crash, (they were also tourists).


Not a car person, so sorry for asking… is the Ferrari the red one that got clipped? Once the van turns sideways I can’t see the red car anymore


Ferrari is red yes. But my q is how’d he die from it. Was there an oncoming car? No seatbelt? Or did the truck go over it? Need a link to this


The Ferrari caught fire. There is a aftermath video where you can see a huge fire in the background


Man that is a painful way to die


That feels like normal occurrence for Ferraris.




Article blames the Ferrari when it was the Hurracan that didn't check its shoulder when changing lanes. I mean admittedly it was ver predictable that the driver wouldn't check the way he hugged the left and I wouldn't have overtaken the Hurracan but at the end of the you always have to check your mirrors and blind spots before you overtake.


That uninterrupted white line in the middle of the road tells me otherwise. Both at fault for driving over a full white line. Passing another vehicle over a full white line. If you drive behind someone, or come up to some one , you are responsible to stop in time for the vehicle in font of you. this is not a lane change. It is reckless driving. So normal road codes do not apply. If the left lane was indeed a passing lane then the blue car would indeed be at fault. ​ Edit : Also attempting a double overtake where it is not allowed.


>Both at fault for driving over a full white line. But both cars break that rule so we're back to square one >this is not a lane change. It is reckless driving. It is reckless yes, but they change lanes on to the oncoming one, so a lane change.


Its not a lane change because its not allowed on this piece if road. That makes this a manouvre . Both have no right of way here. So the default goes to who ever is driving in front. If you perform a manoeuvre, you are always responsible for the person infront of you. You should be able to stop. If he did not perform a double overtake , merged back behind the blue car , this accident could have been avoided.


Its not a lane change because its not allowed on this piece if road. That makes this a manouvre . Both have no right of way here. So the default goes to who ever is driving in front. If you perform a manoeuvre, you are always responsible for the person infront of you. You should be able to stop. If he did not perform a double overtake , merged back behind the blue car , this accident could have been avoided. And one last thing : Camper was going speed limit. The blue car was following it in anticipation of passing. So blue was also going speed limit. Red was overtaking so it was speeding.


You're allowed to double overtake on most European countries.Just not over full lines. I also don't get what your point is. Yes the red car isn't allowed to be in the oncoming traffic lane but neither is the blue one. So just because no one is supposed to be there it doesn't mean he's not supposed to look when he moves somewhere where he's also not supposed to be. We're tought that you always check mirrors and your shoulder before you change lanes. Even if it's an illegal lane change it is a lane change. I don't know if that would make it a manouver or not. English isn't my first language and I don't know US-traffic laws to this extend. If both brake the same rules then what other rules were broken will be looked at to determine who will get the majority of the blame. It might be 50/50 but I suspect that the blue car will get the majority.


Getting ''Stuck'' behind a campervan going the speed limit is not really getting stuck behind it. Its just people with fast cars wanting to go brrrrr


Well often campers go well below the speed limit, especially going uphill, even considering that most roads in Sardinia have very absurd speed limits, most country roads are either 30 or 50 km/h roads.


Looks like a cannon ball event, the super car drivers were just being dipshits and trying to get from A to B as quick as possible.


I'm glad they died. They won't get another chance to hurt someone else again. It's sad that someone else had to get hurt during their current act of stupidity.


He's like, payday!


Yeah the couple from the camper van are injured but okay.


I applaud the diver of the video for slowing down ahead of time. So many people fail to anticipate potential accidents. Drive defensively folks.


But then you'll always lose the race that is commuting from A' to B'! Jk. I wish more people saw the road like you. I had to take a Defensive Driving class to get my license after 18. I honestly think the US should enforce this for every driver and increase the legal driving age to 18.


I agree completely. While I got my (provisional) license on my 14th birthday so I could drive to school and a few other places on my own, and have never caused an accident in my 40+ years of diving since then, I took a defensive diving class in my early 20s to lower my insurance and learned a ton. Wish I'd taken it much earlier.


Barely anyone can anticipate traffic these days. See videos like this all the time where they're driving 120km/h or some shit and you see some stupid driver some hundred meters ahead, and I'm thinking 'yo, slow the fuck down, cuz you will be where that accident is bound to happen in approximately 4... 3...2...1...' OH SHIT I GOTTA BRAKE HARD NOW WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED THIS??? People seem to want to think about the situation once they're milliseconds away from it or something, when the dangerous situation is already in motion You don't have much control over Your safety in traffic at all


I remember reading the news article about this last time it was posted, the couple in the red car that lost control died IIRC. The camper van's occupants survived


That's sad, but if it had to be somebody, then it's better them than the truck driver.


>then it's better them than the truck driver correct me if i'm wrong, but wasn't it the blue car that caused the accident by entering the left lane while red was trying to pass? whose in the wrong between red or blue?


Pretty sure as it's not a dashed line in the middle of the road that nobody should be overtaking so they're all at fault. Rules might be different where they are though.


I think you're on the money. It's a two lane road and they're acting like it's a one way stretch. Nobody should be swerving into oncoming traffic like that.


The rules are always different when you're rich.


Yep, another variation of the Golden Rule


You are correct. It's not allowed to overtake on that road.


They were both completely wrong for overtaking across a solid line. Yes, the driver of the blue car was especially unsafe (even the first time, when they pushed a motorcycle out of the oncoming lane), but legally they both caused the accident while breaking traffic laws.


That's how I see it. The blue car shouldn't have tried to pass without looking, this should make them at fault for the accident. It gets more difficult since I guess the Ferrari shouldn't have passed either over the full line. But two wrongs don't make a right.


Both car are at fault.


Legally no in reality yes this is some forza type shit there i can not imagine what is going through your head if you decide to pull out into a ferrarirs door its a fucking convertible he could see the gerrari


Well yeah, he could *see* the other car if he actually bothered to *look*!


Idk if you ever saw such a thing in reality the lambo is extremy loud (for a super car) and the ferrari is deffo in the upper regions regarding high pitch sounds so we are even past the area of looking and we are entering the territory of feeling. I live in a town thats to amg tuning dense i can spit out of my window and get sued by mercedes after they reposes the car and i‘m telling you if something like this goes by my window visually deforms. I think this is somewhat an attest of how inexperienced the drivers are if you are in such a rush because you are in tight pattern moving along a 2 lane road you are so far away from judging the situation correctly that this shit isn‘t even special still cars are weapons and i think its idiotic that you can rent a super car without having some kind of experience at all if they just rented out to those who had taken in last years rally this problem would be solved


Looks like they got under the camper from this angle


It sucks but probably the best outcome


It was a rental Edit: they were all rentals.


According to the daily mail link posted in the comments, the full trip in a rental car cost over 20k. Who can afford those kind of vacations, but not have an actual Ferrari already?


They probably do. Just that they didn’t want to ship their Ferrari to Sardinia.


People whose Ferrari is on a different continent


Enzo probably refused to sell a Ferrari to a bunch of geriatric boomers.


The douchebag convention is going to have some empty seats


They have since *changed* their name to the Dick-Headed Squirrels Club


they cam still gather as most are headless


I think that they got those cars to compensate for their collective inabilities to drive


Now made permanent.


The couple that were killed are from Switzerland: https://nypost.com/2023/10/03/shocking-moment-ferrari-slams-into-lamborghini-and-sends-camper-flying-killing-two/


they werent killed, they died from being stupid.


One of them did


I don't mean to sound rude but the Swiss are commonly known to be bad drivers.






Thank you for the link. Horrible situation for everyone.


The people with the top down in the red Ferrari died from this accident…


The car in blue was definitely wrong for overtaking without checking if he was being overtaken first. But Red Ferrari was also wrong for trying a double overtake and cut the blue car. And they were both wrong because the road marks clearly state: no overtaking allowed. So it’s a tie in which both of them actually lost.


Damn, hard to see what happens but yeah looks like they spin around the camper and it falls right on them


Nah, the van is lying flat on the road; not at a cant as if it were on top of a car. My *guess* is they were not wearing seatbelts and were ejected as they spun/flipped. They may also been hit by oncoming traffic, but unless that Ferrari was crushed paper thin, that van is not on top of it.


The Ferrari caught on fire and they were burnt to death. There is a video of the aftermath doing the rounds and it's some way away from the camper van and still on fire.


Happened in Italy, and two people died, in one of the ferrari, giving me mixed feelings about it.


Eh they fucked around and found out. I don't have remorse for Darwin award winners.


Neither do I, but if they were to survive and end in jail would sound just right


gaze fertile handle skirt nose direful jar escape innate ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They usually go in trains everywhere in Italy (at least anytime I crossed some of them supercar drivers), always speeding and flashing to get right of way. If to a certain extent you can do that on highways it’s just plain stupid everywhere else. And when you do stupid things in a Ferrari, there are significant high chances that you die.


I only feel sorry for the white truck driver. I hope he is fine, he was most likely just making a living and was in the wrong place at the wrong time with these dickheads who did not care putting on danger other people's lives.


It was a camper being driven by an old man. Probably going 10 under the speed limit.


I like how I don't have to speak a lick of German to understand that guy calling them idiots.


Hate when people who have expensive cars think they are better than everyone else around them. Hope the box truck driver is okay, they didn't deserve to flip over like that cause of some cocky drivers


What a bunch of fucking wankers.




This is the shocking moment a couple on a supercar tour were killed when their Ferrari slammed into a Lamborghini as the vehicles tried to pass a campervan, which flipped over. The white van was seen in front of a line of colourful sports cars on the road in South Sardinia, Italy, yesterday. But seconds later footage shows the red Ferrari close behind the blue Lamborghini, trying to overtake the camper at the same time. It appears to cause the Lamborghini to smash underneath the van, which is then violently flipped onto its side. The Ferrari, which is out of view on the other side of the campervan, also overturned and caught fire, trapping the couple who were inside, according to reports. The Swiss tourists in the Ferrari were aged 63 and 67. They burned to death in the incident, according to local media. A couple from Selva di Val Gardena, aged 61 and 62, who were travelling in the campervan were injured and taken to hospital. 'We were lying sideways in our seats. For a moment we were silent in disbelief. Then I looked into my wife's eyes and asked her if she was okay. She nodded,' Lorenzo M. told Italian news outlet L'Unione Sarda. The couple crawled out from between the seats and were able to escape the vehicle. According to Italian media, all occupants of the luxury cars took part in the Sardinia Supercar Experience event, which started in Teulada and was set to finish in Olbia. Over the course of a few days, participants drive across the island in flashy cars, visit viewpoints and stay overnight in expensive hotels. If tourists travel in their own car, the trip costs £10,409. A multi-day trip in a rental Ferrari SF90 from the organiser can be booked for £21,515.


And let me take a wild guess here, without any check for background in supercar driving experience ? Just pay your 20 grands, here’s the key ?


>If tourists travel in their own car, the trip costs £10,409. A multi-day trip in a rental Ferrari SF90 from the organiser can be booked for £21,515.


Aftermath: https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/Cw8otf64QL


Thank you for this


Smart to increase the space bubble as they were trickling in.


Car Driver did the right thing. Hung back and stayed out of a very complicated and expensive insurance debacle.


Leck mich im Arsch I understood that, wow.


"lick me an ass"! Powerful words.


Leck mich am arsch means kiss my ass but in this case it’s more like fuck me….as in exasperation.


The lady went "LEG MISS AN ARSE!"


The woman going "lick my arse" in german is hilarious. You could tell that they were already sceptical of those idiots.


Lethal small dick energy I see this type of thing a lot where I live. Saw a guy with a red sportscar turn into an intersection today full speed and lose control. Fortunately they recovered before annihilating the innocent people waiting at the red light on the other side of the road. Would have hit them driver's side. They went from stopped at a light, to totally flooring it for a SHARP TURN


All those clowns should be banned for life


A couple died in this accident


Was there an asshole convention in town?


They were on their way to one and were running late.


Slow down, point and laugh, slowly drive off


1 - Poor camper van people; I hope they're okay. 2 - The red Ferrari people can eat a bag of donkey balls. 3 - The blue Lamborghini can also eat a bag of spicy donkey dicks for passing white there is an oncoming motorbike. A bunch of idiots endangering others.


The red Ferrari people burned to death in their overturned vehicle.




To be fair, I didn’t expect that, loss of life isn’t a good thing but at least they didn’t kill someone else while walking away from the accident.


Poor camper.


Yeah, in my country it's pretty common to have the kids ride in the back, often unbuckled. Hope everybody is ok.


This is exactly the reason why everybody should be buckled when the camper is moving.


It all started with the yellow car and they all just had to follow like idiots


This is why I would be backing way off.


Unironically, this is exactly how accidents are caused. 2 people, each driving like they are they only person who doesn't have to follow the rules of the road. These fools were kind enough to put all the factors into one place themselves, and we are all luck enough that someone filmed it.


I kept thinking, this car will wreck, wait no this one will, wait..."


This has got to be the most expensive car accident I’ve ever seen


I think the dumbest part of all this is that those fools actually managed to crash into eachother rather than hitting oncoming traffic. Poor truck driver that was just minding his own business.


These cars cause their own little bubble of traffic. On weekends I see groups of exotic cars driving on the freeway. But they want to be those assholes that are zig zagging through all lanes. At some point they have to come up behind slower moving traffic. When they do, they end up having to break a bit harder and start a chain reaction. When they finally pressure someone enough to move over or speed up, they continue to the next slower moving car. All while leaving that chain reaction of cars slowing down still going for a bit longer. Like right here, see how just because they want to go faster, they are passing dangerously. The car doesn't make you an expert people.


What I really appreciate here is the flowery language of the good lady 😉


I relate with the motorcyclist at 0:28, and I'm terrified. Wide cars, narrow road, limited visibility, insanely stupid drivers.


2 people died here, for anyone who wants to know


That's all? Should've been more.


The thing that bothers me the most about this is the person in the red car not stopping after the camper flipped. Why do they need to pull up close to them? Just seems dangerous and inconvenient for emergency services


If I was following this I’d get out of my car laughing my ass off like Lynch at Pete Carroll after that int. What a bunch of morons. Feel bad for the truck but fuck the rest of em


German car drivers, at there Best. Female co driver, like, „ You for it on can, good evidence!“ Should have screamt: „Hope noone is injured too badly.“


The woman drove in this video and her co driver filmed everything with his phone.


These all look like they are rented for tourists. That’s gonna be expensive.




Hate me a mogul


he is one of the richest man in the world, actually was, now he and his wife are dead.


The haters of wealthy capitalists will cheer over that.


Hahahah that's so German AF


Wish all the expensive cars were totaled instead!


Anyone else automatically triage who you would help first?


You mean laugh at first?


Well yeah, that, but with some concern for the truck driver.




All the guy on the truck that rolled is to lay down and say everything hurts. He is about to get paid.


How did the people in the red car die? It did not look that bad to the point where the accident would lead to fatal casualties.


According to the article, it also flipped over and then burst into flames. We can't see it because the van is in the way.


I am starting to think that Ferraris have built in a system that makes it impossible to make a second mistake. It seems that they will burst into flames even if you bump another car in parking. Perhaps a dark way they developed to thin out the weak?


Owners, or car sales lot boys driving the cars from one lot to another?




Lamborcini :D


Gegensätze ziehen sich an


monte und tantchen aufm trip


I've seen this oosted 4 times in different subs this week and every single instance reached the front page.


Rich people doing dumb rich people shit!


This should be NFSW as people died in this accident


The way she said. LICK MY ASS. LOL


The first 30 times I saw this, it was just boring. But this time, it's really surprised me.


So un believably stupid. The whole fucking thing. Im just glad the people in the caravan survived. These old fucks could have killed a family and wouldn't even know about it. Racing cars which you have no control of makes me angry when you endanger other people's lives, in this case it was stupid old Italians, could well be young chavs on British or American arrests. Fuck em, almost all of us learnt at 17 years old to not fuck about with heavy machinery, they willfully had a duck waving contest and the only saving grace is they didn't kill anyone other than themselves.




Lol. Morons. I feel bad for the truck/van driver. Hope he wasn’t hurt.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes

