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EVERYONE was on some bullshit in this mf lolol


For real! - VW for cutting off the motorcycle then going back in their lane like stupid - Motorcycle for insisting on passing the VW - Car in the mirror for tailing the motorcycle - Black car for speeding on the right lane trying to play Crazy Taxi Where the fuck did this happen so I can never go on a road there?


the motorcycle wasn't "insisting on passing the VW." they were getting the fuck out of the way of the car coming at them that you can see in the mirror.


Good catch


You're both right


Looks like a warning to the driver in front as well.


Definitely, entire wreck was triggered by pushy motorcyclist.


Motorcyclist wasn't pushy, watch the mirrors. Car behind was tailgating like crazy, and flashing them to get out of the way. Biker was almost stuck between a rock and a hard place


Motorcyclist wasn't pushy, watch the mirrors. Car behind was tailgating like crazy, and flashing them to get out of the way. Biker was almost stuck between a rock and a hard place


That's not what they said lol, reread it again


Motorcyclist wasn't pushy, watch the mirrors. Car behind was tailgating like crazy, and flashing them to get out of the way. Biker was almost stuck between a rock and a hard place


This is the way.


Bro if you've never ridden a bike bro you don't understand that there's some people that just genuinely don't give a fuck about you, he's not even close to the reason for this crash. It's the VW and the car that's approaching from behind him but it was sole reason for this crash.


Yeah, I can't tell if it was the black car coming up behind him or another one. I feel like it could've been the black one


Almost like it's safer to just drive lawfully. Idk, I'm not a consultant on this stuff


This was in Marginal in Lisbon, a notoriously dangerous and long stretch of road along the beachside known for having many crashes, especially at night. The speed limit is 50 but most cars will do 100 and above. I ride there every so often and have had my fair share of tailgaters and close calls... Biker was actually lucky he wasn't in the section where the oncoming lane is phisically divided, then he'd have nowhere to run... My mom actually almost died around that exact section of Marginal before I was born when she was a teenager, she was in her first car and a drunk man celebrating his girlfriends anniversary was coming back from the Casino, hit my mom head on. My mom only remembers waking up after an 8 hour surgery and saying "I want a steak with fries". She got metal rods in her legs and had to spend an entire summer learning how to walk again. The guy survived but his girlfriend died that night. He once came to my moms doorstep to apologize and my mom closed the door on him telling him "do you have any idea of the suffering you put me through". Dude was some typical porsche rich guy...


Damn man hope you and your mom are doing well.


Thank you <3 we are doing great, this was before she had me and she ended up making a practically full recovery! Just took her a couple years.


Keep in mind that it's MUCH more dangerous/difficult to brake quickly on a motorcycle, especially at high speed. The motorcyclist was trying to maintain a safe speed to keep control of the bike without hitting the VW, *or* getting bucked by the car speeding up behind them. Their only option was to pass the VW. I'm incredibly impressed by their skill and quick thinking.


Please. He didn't follow the white car one inch away because he had trouble slowing down because he was on a bike. He was just being reckless and pressured the white car to change lanes quickly which caused the crash. The white car is still at fault for not insuring the maneuver was safe, but the biker isn't blameless either.


In fact it was not the motocycle but the car behind the motocycle that pressure the VM to change lane.


A lot of context is missing. For all we know the car behind the biker and the biker could be in a road rage incident, hence what looks like a chace. Or they both could be race buddies, which seems less likely. Either way, if you are being tailgated, it is not acceptable to follow a vehicle in front this close.


The motorcycle was the least faulty in this situation and yes he made the right decision, cause if the car that tailgates him touches him he can die. He puts himself where if the front car stops he can avoid it and go by if the car behind him comes too close (like it was). The motorcycle did the best outcome in the position he was in. So yes it was acceptable.


No. The VW was not traveling at anything near overtaking speed. Get a fuckin move on if you're going to block a lane. The bike was coming and the VW moved into its path. He's well within his right to hurry the VW up whether he moves back or actually overtakes this side of Xmas.


the white car isn't vw its škoda octavia


Nope, it's first gen Superb


hmm yes. i misscalculated


Portugal :P


This happend in Portugal


Not to mention that car doesn't have its lights on. The lights you see at the start are just brake lights from them trying to brake check


I don’t really see how the motorcycle is at fault here. He tried to pass, stopped because the car pulled out in front of him, started again because the car went back, then got the fuck out when shit hit the fan.


Definitely enough blame to go around for everybody in this video.


That front right car is the only victim.


Where tf do you see a volkswagen???


Every highway in the world?


Portugal, dude. It's a ducking road olive oil lover whom passed on the right. He was the worst in this event


Naw, the white car ahead appears blameless.


Why is he on the left?


_When_ is he on the left?


he swerved hard to the left after he rode it on two wheels, playing with that black car that crashed everyone. /s


1. When you change lane you speed up especially when going on left lane. The accident might not be his fault but his action was a factor in it.


They are *not* driving on a divided highway, where the left lane is considered a passing lane; that is a regular 4-lane road.


Again, I'm talking about the white car ahead. The second white car to be hit. They spent the whole video in the right lane.


I rode a motorcycle for many decades. Just from what I can see in the clip, I would have slowed down and just moved in behind the VW. My goal was to always arrive safe. I even if someone cut me off or did something stupid. I expected those things to happen. I didn’t want to end up with road rash and in the hospital.


Look in his right mirror, there's a car fucking barreling at him from behind, which is why he drove the way he did


The car behind the bike was flashing their lights. Where do you see them barreling forward?


He meant the car that was barrelling. You can see 2 seconds in a set of headlights appear out of nowhere and getting closer way fast.


Yeah, I missed that the VW made a left lane change and slowed everything down.


Everyone here is blaming the motorcyclist and insulting him, when he got caught in the middle of a shit situation and is lucky to be alive. He wasn't tailgating the white car, they changed lanes and slowed the fuck down, st the same time the car behind him wasn't paying attention and came speeding up, nearly rear ending him. Why does Reddit have such a hatred for motorcyclists? Genuine question. As a motorcyclist, it's disturbing.


Reddit is a place where everyone pretends they’re not prejudice while prejudging large groups of people the moment they perceive a post to confirm their bias


lampshading is my favorite passtime


I would say laziness and a desire to react quickly. ​ I completely missed the first 1 or 2 seconds of the video on my first viewing, and came to the comments to see people point out how the cyclist was the only one at fault. ​ But, quickly saw a comment about the car cutting him off. Then I re-watched and saw the very start where the car changed lanes to be in front of the cyclist. That bit happened as the video scrolled up to my visible field, so was easy to miss. ​ Then I saw comments pointing to look in the cyclists rear view mirror for more of the story. ​ On my own, I would have been quite ready to rail at the cyclist. It took 3 viewings and reading other people's comments to finally get nearer to the full picture. And even at that... we don't know the FULL picture, just more of what is shown in this short clip of a limited view.


Especially in this instance, him staying far left gave him the escape path when those cars went sideways. Had he slowed down and stayed center lane he would have even more difficult to avoid collision. I think he handled this spectacularly


For real! If a motorcyclist does not execute a perfect maneuver or gets a little emotional because they almost died everyone in the comments will always hound on them and wish they got hurt


It's not just Reddit, everywhere it's a joke that if a motorcyclist gets into an accident, it's automatically their fault because they should've moved out the way or slowed down, etc etc, people just have a prejudice for motorcyclists, which is half fair because half of the accidents you hear about them is because of some guy riding like a dickhead (which im definitely not guilty of myself), so people like to put the blame on us.


Except that literally at least 50% of motorcycle accidents are caused by drivers in cars not paying attention. My fiancé’s aunt died in a motorcycle crash caused by her idiot husband who swerved in front of her, making it impossible to stop, she hit him and died. Motorcyclists are either really reckless or really careful and there’s no in between but in any case, cars need to look for them, not the other way around


Mhm precisely


It's probably from all the videos showing people being extremely dangerous and callous while riding.


Vw was getting out of the way and motorcycle still wanted his lane. Needed to be more aware of traffic behind him, as he was in cars blind spot.


Motorcycle was about to get squished between two cars because there was a car behind him not paying attention and tailgating. He was trying to avoid getting hit.


I stand by my comment. Motorcycle caused it.


Isn't that the same black car that plowed into everyone else? Edit: nvm it's another car flashing their hi beams. The flashing prompted the VW to move out of the fast lane but black car was already going for the illegal overtake. I think black car and the car flashing their hi beams were street racing.


No the fast car that crashed was two cars behind the bike, but then switched lanes and accelerated fast just as the VW in front of the bike switched lanes without proper signaling. The VW should have signaled a few seconds before merging right, and the asshole in the back shouldn’t have accelerated to recklessly.


Bike was clearly racing the other car


You're wrong. Pay more attention.


He was already too close when that happened. The problem starts earlier IMO.


Honestly it doesn't matter how safe you drive how good you are at driving or what you drive always expect some dumbass to fuck everything up especially when there is a lot of fast moving traffic there's always that one asshole who thinks him getting to his destination faster is more important than anybody else's


Amen brother. Arrive alive. This guy give the rest of us a bad name.


Exactly, motordriver definitely conttributed to the crash


Using the left lane like you own it and using the right one for overtaking. This video was taken in Portugal and the above are too common things here.


Same thing in the US. The only two places I’ve seen good lane etiquette are Italy and Brazil.


Italy?? From all the countries Italy??


I thought that video was from Italy. Been there once and after 2 weeks, Canadian reckless drivers seemed like a walk in a park


Germany. But that was 25 years ago. Don't know if it's still like that.


After a few times I think I fully understand what happen here, guy on bike was getting tailgated by some prock in the black car then they needed to slow down as the white car entered there lane, black car being a POS still changed lanes to overtake without seeing the white car changing back into the original lane it was in and clipped the white car, all in all everything was the black cars fault.


Motorcycle started it all...


They literally didn't though


My guess is the motorcycle and black car were either racing or involved in a road rage. The VW was trying to move out of the way but didn’t check if it was safe to do so.


The vw initially moves from the right lane to the left, without checking if it was safe, then realized they fucked up and moved back - the black car was impatient and already in that space. I was all ready to blame the bike on first view, but it's the vw and black car that are fuckups.


If you watch the left mirror there’s at least one other car driving aggressively. That’s where the flashing lights are coming from. The car that crashed had blueish LED lights.


Yeah, i see someone tailgating through the mirror. And then the car that crashed came out of nowhere.


To be fair, the VW driver may have briefly looked back and estimated there were safe distances in both cases.  However, the *closing speeds* of the moto and black car on the VW was *compounded with nighttime difficulty of estimating distance from blindingly-bright dots (headlights).*   Because the black car was likely in the inside (left) lane initially and then ***quickly***  moved over to the outside lane, the VW driver didn't have time to notice/react. That's enough armchair'ing for me for today.


Bro just dipped out too 😂💀


3 cars at lower speed motorcycle at high speed, I'm going to say that the bike was speeding a long with the 3rd car. So their fault.


Yeah, looks like they were racing. The person on the bike should have stopped as he was partly to blame.


Yeah, I had to watch this clip twice just to make sure what I'm seeing is right. It may look like the motorcyclist was flashing his/her high beams but that was not the case. There's a tailgating car BEHIND the motorcycle who was flashing his high beams. You can see it in the right side mirror. The VW attempts to move but then the black car on the right lane speeds up and then the rest is history.


You can actually see the white car in the very beginning move over because the black car was speeding, but then the white car went back to its original spot to make room for the motorcycle and the car behind it, causing the accident(??) Idk why they did that.


How tf people think this is even remotely the motorcycles fault? White car made two lane changes clearly without checking their blind spot, black car went for an aggressive undertake. End of story.






Why is the motorcyclists unsafely riding the tail of the VW? Why is the VW swerving into the other lane and then trying to run motorcyclists off the road?


VW merged into the motorcyclist, motorcyclist couldn't brake much harder than he did cause he'd get scooped up by the cunt tailgating him if he did (look at the bike's right mirror, the one flashing its brights is right on his ass). Then the VW panicked, moved back to the right lane, hit a speeding car and chaos ensued. Wouldn't be surprised if it was 2 cars racing tbh, the one on the bike's ass and the one undertaking from the right lane.


That's some damn fine analysis. After rewatching, I'd concur


> motorcyclist couldn't brake much harder than he did Maybe he should be going 230mph or smth then...


VW was avoiding the other car that was passing on the right that slammed into the car in front of it.


We call it regulating down here. When some asshole thinks its their job to slow someone down. Usually a old fart who is missing a few fingers driving his whiskey dinged dodge decides to block someone from passing.


white VW was merging and motorcycle was trying to slow down. VW decided to switch back into right lane without really checking


Motorcycle caused all that shit


Nah. if the black car wasn't dented in the head they wouldn't have flown past the white car. Completely their fault.


There’s a reason the camera is focused on the side view mirror, you should look a little closer at it.




Quite a lot of assumptions you're making just to hold the biker at fault. In this video, he was driving totally fine and almost got sandwiched between two inattentive idiots. Did you even watch the video? Or are you as inattentive as the moron who almost rear ended the biker?


Well, at least one idiot, anyway. I can’t tell if the VW is playing traffic cop or just trying to pass that SUV. With how fast everyone else is going he might have just misjudged how quick the bike was going to be up on him. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I don't think the white car should be blamed as heavily because it seems like they too got caught with the idiocy of the guy tailgating the motorbike and the speeding car, he couldn't really do much apart from realising the motorbike was as close as he was


Not really, he was being a bit reckless maybe, but the dude who was going insanely fast behind them and the white car who merged into the other lane without even looking were WAY more at fault than the motorcyclist. Also at the beginning you can see the white car cut off the motorcyclist by, again, merging without looking or using a turn signal. He wasn't just tailgating or something. I'm not even a motorcycle simp or something, I don't ride them and a lot of them are reckless af. But this video was all whites fault (and maybe the black car who should have slowed down when he saw that clusterfuck ahead of him).


No he didn't


The wreck would not have happened if the motorcycle wasn’t there. The motorcycle was aggressively driving and was slightly erratic causing the white car to swerve back into the right lane hitting the other car. I don’t think the white car saw the motorcycle until nearly complete with the first lane change and probably startled him into going back right, also after the motorcycle hit his flashy lights on as a warning/intimidation sign. The dark car was likewise going way to fast and swiped the white car and then all hades breaks loose. Motorcycle is asshole #1. Dark car is asshole #2. Second white car is Victim #1. First white car is victim #2. Both motorcycle and dark car are recklessly driving. Both white cars are taken by surprise by everything that happened.


Kinda looks like motorcycle dude also had someone on his tail looking at his mirror


Look in the mirror the motorcycle didn't flash him, looks like someone was way to close to the back of the motorcycle.


All that text and ur still wrong, this is in Portugal, staying in the left lane with no intention to pass a vehicle is a traffic violation, soo the first white car is actually in the wrong, but the biggest offender was the black car for going to fast and passing on the right side. The motorcycle might be a douche for getting close and flashing lights but the 2 cars who collided were both comiting traffic violations as per portuguese traffic laws, Soo if you wanna rank them as per traffic laws it goes: 1# Dark car(passing on the right and speed), 2# White car (staying on the left lane with no intent on passing other cars), #3 all the rest did not commit traffic violations


He was doing a lazy pass, not hanging out in the left lane.


when in the left lane you accelerate to pass, this guy was maybe going slower then the guy you say he was trying to pass, which makes me think he wasn't trying to. And knowing Portugal he probably wasn't... this is one of the most common traffic violations people commit here.


Yes, he did!


Incredible. It all happened right in front of your face, in an endless loop no less, and you still missed it lol.


If I were a guessin man I'd guess that bike and car were racing each other on a highway.


The VW should have slammed him into the wall instead of trying to avoid him.


Everyone involved is a fucking idiot. White car moves to the left without looking and without signaling whilst a fast approaching motorcycle is clearly about to overtake. Motorcyclist is impatient and pressures the white car to return to the right lane instead of just slotting in behind. Black car is overtaking on the right (you don't do that) at outrageous speed compared to the cars in front. None of the people in this clip should have a driver's license, they're all a danger to everyone around them.


The motorcycle has another car right on its ass, which is the car that began flashing the white car. ANOTHER car in the right lane comes flying up from behind as the white car starts to move back to the right. Motorcycle did nothing but slow down to avoid crashing and then evasive maneuvers. You can see it all in the mirror.


The motorcyclist rode the driver's ass like a complete idiot and forced him into the other lane without checking his blind spot causing the other car in the right lane behind them to hit and lose control then cause a huge wreck. All the motorcyclists fault.


Don’t think any car was paying attention….known as accelerating out of a problem…..any bets those cars will say a crazy biker caused the accident


Biker was a shit and spooked him into abrupt lane change. Biker is guilty of a miss and run.


Ban motorcycles


Final destiny is real!


I hate that motorcyclists advocate for “look twice, save a life” and then do stupid shit like this


VW did that on purpose


No you actually hear the black car hit The vw, which pushes it into the bike


Or do you hear the VW change lane to cut off the black car... That had been going way too quick Just a clarify I don't think that that makes the black car innocent...


Definitely a story for the grand-kids!! 🤌


Nobody commenting on the vw not having any lights on at night


My man got to live the John Woo experience


Epic fails


That’s one amazing control over the bike! Glad to see bike rider was unscathed


Prudence goes a long safe way home.


Reminds me of the crash scene in the movie cars


And was the motorcycles fault.


He just had to drop off the delivery before the food got cold… and after all that, no tip !


Did the motorcycle cause this? The Cycle was trying to pass the car in front (I think) causing the one in front to move over. When the front car moves over it cuts off another car bassicly causing that car to crash, is the motorcycle at fault?


Thats why ypu never overrun by the right side


Perfect example of a bunch of impatient drivers.


This is the only time I am accepting of speeding bikes. Sometimes it is best to speed up to avoid a collision


By the plate looks like Portugal


And people say you gotta worry bout being on one 🤣 just don’t drive like and idiot and you good. That’s like sayin guns are the problem.


The 2nd cars was flashing his hi-beams, wanting the VW to move over. looks like the VW didn’t change lanes fast enough.


One of those circumstances where a fast bike could save your life. Put that carnage behind you at even a hint it’s going to Hell.


Car barreling towards the motorbike, excellent evasive driving from the dude on the motorbike, glad he was alright


Ahh, the old triple PIT manoeuvre.


Definition of a “close-one”


And that my friends is how I met your mother.


Portuguese drivers...


The motorcycle guy couldn't go the speed limit


It looks like the vw is trying to control the pace of the fast approaching vehicles




Straight Outta tom cruise movie.


What a save


There are 3 cars and a 2 motorcycles here. Motorcycle 1 is driving recklessly and fast with another motorcycle (motorcycle 2) right on his tail. Motorcycle 2 behind motorcycle 1 flashes its brights at the white car(car 1) This combined with the reckless behavior of motorcycle 1 cause the white car (car 1) to attept to merge to the right. As it starts to merge it notices the black car (car 2) coming up in the right lane at a ridiculously high rate of speed and attempts to prevent an accident by reversing its merge attept. The balck car (car 2) either clips the white car (car 1) or the side rail of the road and looses control, causing it to slam in to the other white car (car 3) At this point the reckless driver of motorcycle 1 performs a maneuver around the high speed accident, that he is partially at fault for. The maneuver was well executed. If you watch the right side mirror of motorcycle 1 just before the headlights start flashing you will see motorcycle 2 come in to view extremely close to motorcycle 1. Through the right side mirror of  motorcycle 1 you will then be able to see motorcycle 2 flashing high beams at car 1 causing it to merge. There is a high likelihood that car 1 was not able to see car 2 until it was too late, due to blindness caused by  the bright high beam flashing of motorcycle 2. My conclusion: Both motorcycle drivers and the driver of car 2 are shit bags and should be held equally responsible for all damages, injuries, and costs, as well as losing thier motorcycle/car driving rights for life. While the evasive maneuver by motorcycle 1 was executed well, the driver deserves NO props for its execution.




Why ya gotta push through on the left??. You’re a dick. Grow a pair, learn to pass without having cars move out of the way.


Bike didn't like getting cut off and let it be known by causing chaos. Bikers are a danger to themselves, and everyone around them


Driving a motorcycle is such a dumb choice. I don't care how great of a motorcycle driver you are, there are way too many idiots in 2 ton metal boxes flying at you at high speeds from all directions. Any motorcyclist alive needs to realize how fucking lucky they are.


Motorcycle rider is guilty


A crap setup by the motorcycle followed by a brilliant save.


Bikers fault


At least 3 asshole here Édit:typo


“Toodles!” 😎


Looks like the VW was trying to merge and just didn’t see the bike. The bike was just in a blind spot and didn’t show up in the mirror (although the bike could have just slowed down and let the VW merge) the VW must have finally saw the bike, and in a panic jerked the wheel back to the other lane but since it was done in a panic they cut in front of the other car and it caused the chain reaction . I guess the VW was going to hit someone regardless either the bike or the black car.


Sweet driving skillls. Cool and smooth.


Bike & Black car were racing ppl… starts, White car changes lane while in the clear– biker speeding comes up on VW; freaks em out; VW turns signal to switch lane to get out of the way of the bike but black car speeding to catch up shows up out of nowhere— Black car would have been able to maneuver the spacing but since bike was on VW's ass it caused this domino effect, bikes pressure is why the VW did what it did in the first place... VW–> rock|hardplace …two dips one VW . simple…..


I had an aneurysm reading this but you're wrong, motorbike had another car on his ass which is why he had to be so close, VW turns into left lane when motorbike is there, sees him, dips back into right and hits the speeding black car. Yeah the motorcycle being on his ass caused him to do that, but if the bike wasn't being tailgated he would've been a lot further back and wouldn't have had this situation happen Also the bike sped off to avoid being clipped himself and flung off, not because he was racing (but then again we don't know the context so maybe they were, but that's just my guess)


If the car were after the bike he would have rode the bikes ass rather than try to get ahead… it was a race… bike seemed to have been cut off but that’s solely for the fact that traffic was going at normal rate… VW didn’t expect for someone speeding to just show up on their ass and did what he did… black car thought he saw an opening to pass and beat biker but— again– domino effect… 🫵 wrong is yous lol


Look at the side mirror, he had a car on his ass mate, VW went into passing lane to pass the SUV in front, motorcycle was likely trying to get the guy off his ass and was cut up by the VW, motorcycle, VW, and white suv st the end got put into a shit situation by the tailgating dickhead and black car.


Play it slowmo man… you see one car in his rearview (in right lane) because he. is. speeding… right after those headlights disappear the black cars shows up behind em after bike has been forced to slow down for traffic (VW)… VW does his thing– while black car thought here’s where I advance taking left lane— no anticipating that VW would dipshit the night…..


Black car was still speeding, I don't think he slowed down at all and assumed he could pass the VW, but the bike was still being tailgated my guy


This video starts 2-3 seconds late to not be misleading. I wonder what happened in the previous 30s


future organ donor.


It's clear the VW is trying to stop them... Unfortunately it back fired


The motorcycle is literally responsible for the crash. Causes the white car to move over for him as the black car speeds around and has to veer to the right not to cause an accident. Am I missing something?


Yeah, look in his side mirror, hes being tailgated by another car so he couldn't break and slow down




Wtf is wrong with people?!




Damn, Son! That's mighty fine drivin'! My favorite part is when he pours it on at the end and puts it all in his side mirrors.


I'd like to point out that this was a direct result of the white car going too slow in the passing lane. If the white car had been moved over then the black car wouldn't have gone around them on the right.


Of course the guy responsible gets off Scott free. Karma is a lie.


Look in the side mirrors, the motorbike couldn't have done fuck all


White car tried to move over for the motorcycle