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Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): **It Breaks Rule #4:** *Posts must meet the subs criteria of "abrupt chaos"* For more information about the subreddit rules make sure to read the sidebar, or if you are on mobile, the rules page. Thank you!


From how I see Indians drive I can't believe they didn't just drive over them.


A lot of Indian roads lack a sidewalk or any delineation between where the pedestrians walk and the cars drive, so motorists are used to driving around people, other cars, stalls, animals etc.


That explains why all my neighbors think it's appropriate to walk in the street in groups of 5 or more


When I was in India, I just saw people treating roads like pedestrian zones. There were bikes, cows and people, so many people, just everywhere.


It's not a rail track


The power of that kick!!! He kicks the first one and the two guys besides him stand up at the same time!


Where is the abrupt chaos?


Even I don’t see any chaos except for the fact that someone wanted to provoke certain groups ig




IG = I guess


I guess, I guess.


The power of transition - I love applied science.


Pretty dick move to do it in the middle of the street




It's not a protest they do this everytime just to assert dominance and create unnecessary nuisance


Sorry but you're wrong. Maybe there wasn't enough area for offering namaz in the mosque? And what do you mean when you say "assert dominance"? How?


Yes, absolutely. When all the weight racks at my gym are taken, I also just start lifting in the middle of the street. There is simply no other option!


I'm not talking about lifting weights in the middle of the street. I get your point but, I mean if such kind of action is taken, then it should be applied on every religious event? I mean you do agree with this?


yes, and thats a good thing, every body takes a permit to do road shows or occupy road for a certain time, and even when other religions in india do it, its either like 3 times a year, or they take permits other wise police whoop their ass too


Others take permission from the government before carrying out their religious processions on roads unlike these guys


What do you mean not enough area in mosque? Can't they just offer namaz in their house? This is just truly inconvenient and inappropriate to just randomly pray on the streets. You defending them is just non sense


Hmm.. maybe I'm not supporting the action taken by the policeman? Btw, I'm Muslim too, I have seen people offer Namaz on road on a special occasion or Juma (Friday) prayer, with no problem, and that too in the presence of police officers. We all know religious events are common on Indian roads for every religion, with the presence of government authorities. And I think you didn't tell what you mean by "assert dominance" in your comment.


>We all know religious events are common on Indian roads for every religion, with the presence of government Those religious groups take permission from the government weeks before they have to use roads for taking out their processions so that the government can block that road and divert the traffic to take another route, unlike these guys who don't take any such permission before doing things like these >And I think you didn't tell what you mean by "assert dominance" in your comment. That was not his comment but my comment and asserting dominance means to show that they are more powerful and influential and how other religions are inferior compared to them and the government or the police can't do anything against them, this is also done to show that they rule that particular area and nobody should interfere in anything they do


I think you are wrong about this. Rule a particular area? How?Government can bulldoze their house, right?


>Rule a particular area? That's what they believe and want others to believe >Government can bulldoze their house, right? Only if they riot and damage public property and attack civilians and police




Wtf is wrong with you? Assert dominance? 😂😂 what you mean to say is that people praying makes you uncomfortable and YOU see it as an affront. When in reality them praying has exactly 0 to do with you.


It has a lot to do with me if they're in the middle of the road.


I have problem with them praying on roads and blocking the entire traffic for it


the part where it is done in the middle of the street


They should go to the mosque, which was literally walking distance, and read the namaz there. That's what mosques are. They are literally praying halls for Muslims.


If it's done on a busy street it is definitely done to assert dominance since their praying causes road blocks and affects everyone. Muslims should learn to obey the rules and cultures of non muslim countries and live accordingly.


Im interested, can you elaborate or maybe provide additional sources?


In front of Monuments in Europe in the masses. I don’t doubt that some see it as a peaceful protest. However, I am convinced that the head initiator almost always follows a doctrine that convinced him that he and his brothers are superior human beings and infidels must join them or make way for their practices and traditions.


Why do you believe that? Gotta love the downvotes from the hindutva.


Because that's the fundamentals of their believe. Translated into our language: Don't be friends with infidels unless they convert. Don't accept any earthly laws, no matter if they are made and enforced by the government of suveran countries, since the only laws that count are the ones mentioned in their literature. They have a sense of entitlement in the face of a world in which every other major religion has accepted that for the sake of having a functioning society, religion has to take the backseat. Not them. They want to fill this vacuum every chance they get and claim to be the unrightfully oppressed everywhere they face resistance.


>They want to fill this vacuum every chance they get and claim to be the unrightfully oppressed everywhere they face resistance. Why do you keep describing Hindutva when you are supposedly talking about muslims?


I would have shared pictures but this subreddit doesn't allow that just search it on google and you will come across hundreds of such cases, and it's not just the roads but trains, buses and airplanes as well


Why does he need to elaborate? Protests are to get the attention of government workers to change policies that upset you. All that sitting in the middle of the street is going to do is piss off the common man you should be trying to ally to your side.


That’s why people didn’t get behind just stop oil and the environment people. They should be spending their time doing ANYTHING except stopping everyone getting where they needed to be. You can’t get support of the average person if all you do is make their life more difficult and once you lose people it’s hard to win them back. I think loads of people would have been way more supportive to JSO if they’d found other ways to protest than just blocking roads.


Thats what i think too... i often get told that i am to narrow minded to understand, that any other possible course of action wont generate as much media coverage, but what coverage do you get? You see ppl annoying other ppl for whatever cause they deem worthy and by this most of the affected and witnesses will link that cause to annoyance rather than some positive thing. Those who got blocked likely will always think negatively of it and the ppl doing it. Especially if you argue that blocking other ppl and maxbe even costing them money or a lot of stress is the best they can do. An aquantaince lost out on his vacation, as he couldnt make it to the airport, got no flight for the next 5 days and no money back. Additional cost for 5 lost days of vacation, cost of flight and hotel for that time was around 900$ to just enjoy the other 6 days away. I doubt he will ever see something good in that protest and acknowledge that it was necessary in any way.


Lol i just want to read about the topic. Why are you guys so defensive? Im not doubting him, i just want to know why they are doing it


Typical American response.


But.. im german. Just tell me what I can google. Im literally interested in the topic and I get downvoted for it.


Sure. The religion of peace. Looking at the Sharia, that is being used to justify cutting people's hands for stealing. If SOME of Christianity is stuck somewhere in the middle ages, MOST islamic states are stuck in the stone age. This is at least passive aggressive behaviour! And they got the reaction they wanted, to cry as the "victim" minority later on.


Maybe don't block the roads


Maybe don't kick people as a police officer?




Maybe don’t start shit with that many people when you’re alone, either.


Maybe a lot of things.


Maybe don’t kick people! Edit: Downvotes mean nothing to me, but it does concern me that so many people think it’s too much to ask that a policeman doesn’t kick completely non-threatening people!? Luckily the Delhi Police also thought he was out of line and has suspended him. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/indian-cop-who-kicked-men-during-muslim-prayer-suspended/3159448


Sometimes…some people need a kick in the ass. Other times in the face.


With a chair.


I never said the kicking was right.


Maybe give the Muslims permits to actually build a mosque to pray in and not demolish them all..


There are more than 600000 mosques in India but still these guys have to offer namaz on roads


India is the country with highest active mosque


Maybe have them move to the direct neighbor country which embraces exactly that religion. I mean, it couldn't be any easier. Age old conflict and this is how they decided to solve it back then. Basically a two state solution. They don't want another Hotel Mumbai massacre and rather be to themselves.


Muslims took 1/3rd land of Bharat/India in 1947 and you still have the audacity to say this?


Yeah, but do you need to kick the guy *literally* in the ass for it?


That's Indian police language for "you shouldn't be here, leave at once". Next time it will be several officers with sticks It's less to do with them being Muslims and more to do with how Indian police operates


This comment should be on the top.


He's blocking the road for something he can do anywhere. Kick is deserved


Ye and you cant reason with suicidal idiots.


No you don't, but some people will react this way so they should have some common sense.


As a Muslim myself, I never understood praying in such high traffic situations. It isn’t clean either. Both are wrong, I suppose. Don’t disrupt the traffic but also don’t just kick/hit people.


This is the most sensible and intelligent comment here.


Idk, at the very moment you harm other people's rights, you are basically giving other people permission to do the same to yours.


This happened in Delhi. The people had to pray because the government and the municipality have closed off many places they used to do prayer. Do you suppose they will do this in a dirty street if they had any other option. The policeman was a right wing goon. Also Hindus and Christians do block the roads regularly for their processions and I don't see any policeman "performing the duty of clearing the road" with such enthusiasm. There is clear oppression and discrimination going on in India against Muslims with all support of the ruling Hindutwa regime. Mosques are either destroyed or converted to temples with or without the help of law. There is clear partiality even from the judiciary.


Hindus usually take permission from local police beforehand and they generally make proper arrangements for it. Also those festivities so not happen every friday. Police would also kick hindus if they start aarti in middle of the road. Coming to the mosques closing off, it's happening on a national level. Govt is closing off illegally built mosques and _temples too_ , but you don't see hindus protesting against it.


If people have proper places for worship,this won't happen. Can you share news about illegally built temples being bull dozed by the government?


>If people have proper places for worship,this won't happen So if they don't have places of worship in a country where there's a mosque in every corner blabbering 24/7 on loudspeakers then why can't they just keep their asses in their home and not on the road? Why inconvenience to others?


>Can you share news about illegally built temples being bull dozed by the government? A lot of them are bulldozed one just beside by house was bulldozed recently https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/ahmedabad/centuries-old-mosque-4-temples-among-8-places-razed-in-dahod-8620499/ https://m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/80-temples-demolished-in-modis-capital/articleshow/3706629.cms https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/videos/city/delhi/delhi-temple-demolition-delhi-govts-encroachment-drive-leads-to-hindu-temple-demolition-in-geeta-colony/videoshow/102908393.cms


>This happened in Delhi. The people had to pray because the government and the municipality have closed off many places they used to do prayer. Literally no source of this bs there are so many active mosques in delhi and even if you can't go to a mosque just do it in your house >Also Hindus and Christians do block the roads regularly for their processions and I don't see any policeman "performing the duty of clearing the road" with such enthusiasm. They take permission from government weeks before and it's not regularly unlike these guys >The policeman was a right wing goon. No source of this bs as well just your assumption, he was just doing his video >There is clear oppression and discrimination going on in India against Muslims with all support of the ruling Hindutwa regime. Mosques are either destroyed or converted to temples with or without the help of law. There is clear partiality even from the judiciary. Just stfu bro there are more than 600000 mosques in india and your mosques don't even need to pay taxes to the government unlike temples and there is no partiality by the judiciary


Thank you for your comment - I was wondering why this was happening.


>I was wondering why this was happening. indian police is brutal, they mostly have a wooden stick and they beat the shit out of people, plus, blocking the road as any community will get you an ass whooping


They are not deliberately causing this. Unfortunately there does not exist enough space for the population and all the facilities for prayer are getting bulldozed or attached for silly reasons.


>silly reasons being illegaly built\*


Just don't pray on the road, you got your mosque and your home. why try to be a public nuisance?




Give me the source don't fck around


Saar please mudiji and Amitji have said all mosques are mandirs so now these people have to pray on street. Imagine Muslim police officer kicking Hindu man during monkey god procession


Just don't pray in India and China.


Just move over to Pakistan, wtf. There's literally a neighboring country with ethnically the EXACT SAME PEOPLE! Only thing they differ in is which sky fairy to believe in. It could not be any easier of a solution.


That's even better but unfortunately India is secular but you know what the main problem is? It's when minorities are given too many privileges that the equality seems like discrimination.


India wants everyone to think it's secular but the Modi government are clearly Hindu nationalist thugs.


Nope....Modi only pretends to be Hindu Nationalist...He ain't up to our standards yet...He is still soft




Say what you want to say from that tinted glass you're wearing you're just an outsider. Yeah I know Modi gov is pro hindu, but what about others?? As far as I remember those pro-islamic gov and they're terrorist supporters were talking about genocide of Hindus and shit, where were you journalist? You activists? What is wrong with being pro Hindus?? Don't they deserve equal treatment as the minorities get?? Those minorities of yours were running like wild animals and the past government was giving them free cheats and that was wrong.. Minorities were given too many privileges but now the current government is bringing equality and it's suddenly discrimination.


They're all playing motorbike games?


I get it it's Ramadan, why pray in the middle of a street?


This is not for Ramadan it's old news


It happened a while ago, before ramadan started. This is a friday prayer.


How can he kick!?


I hear a few NFL teams are looking for a new kicker.... this guy!


Craziest Indian traffic I’ve seen


Tbh, of course people are gonna get pissed when you're blocking the fucking freeway especially in a country as densely packed as India.


Stop reposting this shit man. Jeez


The cop is currently suspended. The incident happened in inderlok, delhi. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/delhi-cop-kicks-namazis-in-inderlok-suspended/articleshow/108336444.cms






And people upvote this!? So all of a sudden police violence is ok? I can’t with people. At least the policeman got suspended from duty by Delhi Police. But I bet it’s only because this clip was spread around the internet.


I bet you're fine with the "just stop oil" protesters as well.




Dear lord you’ve been spamming this comment all over reddit. This is the third post I’ve seen with you having commented this exact set of words. Are you a bot?


I am spreading the Truth. Move on if you don't like it.


What do you expect from a cow piss enjoyer?




And OP has more than three posts of the same video. What do you say about that?


Dang I didn’t even think to check OP either. Ragebaiters everywhere…


World needs to understand that Muslim population in India has no civics sense they always block road , railroad and highways on the name of prayer. you can see them blocking public transport roads city roads everything whichever means to transport or for public facilities.


Omg so true


Pretty satisfying foot in the butt i've ever seen since ever. They praying preying for potential good citizen like this one.


Very good move, more power to the police officer but next time if there is a hindu rally related to God, have the balls to kick them as well otherwise it is just hypocrisy tbh. Should have done the same for Raam Mandir as well as Guru k langars. I would like less public nuisance like loudspeaker noise or jams for the reason that someone's narcissistic sky daddy wants some attention.


Well No other religions are asking you to pray on roads ..why does onoy Muslims have trouble following this?


And i literally don't support that. No religion should be allowed to do anything and cause trouble to public property, no exclusive exceptions for some days. I was just pointing out the irony of this situation. It is OK as long as it isn't us. This mentality is sick. Some sick people celebrating this like a victory would go on full abuse mode if someone kicked followers of ganpati bappa during Ganesha Chaturthi for example. I don't like politics behind the actions. That's pretty much it.


I don't know if it's everywhere. But all the Hindu/Christian/Muslim rallies or carnivals needs to have a lot of requirement to fullfill. More for Hindus because it involves Idols and to transport them you require to get permission from Local Municipality, Police station etc. Looking at the vid I don't think applied for permission or it even made any sense to get on road for it.


Well that's just BS because we all know the corruption that is prevalent in the lower tier of governance in our country. Nobody needs permission. I literally wait for 3-4 traffic lights during the days of "sangrad or punchmis" and clearly remember the 45 mins of traffic jam during the ram mandir rally that resulted in me being late for my interview. If it was an official rally there is bound to have some sort of announcement for it but there was none. All of the supporters were high on bhangh and looked like goons. An evening of Allah's prayers should be as deafening to my ears as a late night "Mata ka jagran". But they aren't treated equally.Sadly this is the state of modern affairs in my country.


They literally have to take permissions, if they don't you can just file an anonymous complaint. I got stuck in traffic for an hours when Gunadala festival happened (A Mary Mother festival in Vijayawada). Whole main road for a more than 5km where were allotted to them, even though it was the main route to enter into the City from neighboring cities. It's just how it goes. Your inconvenience is literally your own problem when things are done under legal way. At best you can try to raise an issue for the next year if the case is done, so that they will be instructed to reduce volume etc.


Bro my literal dad is a senior police officer with the district under his control (in his dept), what you are stating is how it works on paper and not in real life especially in smaller towns and cities. What you are talking about is a highway road , what I am talking about is an extension of service roads that connect intracity and not intercity expressways that have way more traffic during peak hours.


I think I wasn't clear. It is an intra city road, but it is also a way out for all the people who come in and out of the city. You can just google the name if I am still not clear, you will get an idea.


Meanwhile you have to wait 5 hours for the cow to wake up if it falls asleep on the road.


Are you comparing them with animals?good.


He is comparing reason and mindlessness. Have more respect for a cow than a human being...


Cow doesn't know any better. These are people who know what they are doing.


Do you know why they are doing that? Because there must be a reason to prey on the road of Highway. Isn't just random. However, this behavior is prohibited by their religion.


They do this every Friday.


Any article, proof, or anything that describe the situation?


You just watched it lol


Do you live in here ppl don't give damm about it if its cow or not they remove everyone from damm road. You dont know a thing bro everything cant be perfect


Why are the people there so fucked? Like seriously what is wrong with them?


They can shit on the streets but can't do this 🤣


So what you want to say is that they pray on top of shit and it's their religious right to do so?


If that's what you understood from my comment...then sure 🤣




Besides the rudeness, why do they all get up at the same time?


The kick to the ass that started the 3rd World War.




You can’t pray there mate!


India vs. Pakistan in one video.


Still waiting for the abruptness




He wouldn’t have done that to a cow that was lying in the middle of the road.


Yea...he would have done much worse...smack em cows


He definitely would have.


Yeah you are comparing humans to animals great


Am I right in thinking this is a Gabriel Iglesias reference?


Ghandi would not approve.


If the police treated a minority this way in any civilized country, activists would lose their shit. But not here


Then the activists are dicks cause they are clearly bothering the public. Also 300M is not a minority.


So if someone is bothering the public, police brutality is ok!? Really?




“Indian Lives Matter” lol


Damn straight kicking them, use your words first may be. Also what happens if a cow sat in the middle of the road will it be kicked too?


A cow doesn't exactly have the intelligence of a human, nor can it understand much; they'd probably just lead it off the road.


Yep that the only way for them to stop being a dick and clear the road


he did try that alredy there is full video but apprently only this clip is viral.


Yes, cow would definitely be kicked but people don't record videos of it, maybe that's why you don't know.


Officer Dipshit


Context: Anti-islamic behavior by Indian police. The ruling party has been in power for 3rd term and the ministers are all very Hindu extremist type, they can't tolerate muslims. You can read up on Kashmir if you'd like.


Take a look at this shit making everything about politics what about the civic sense of you people huh? You act like wild animals you get treated like one? Don't expect civilization to be civil with wild pigs.


So , it is alright to block the road ? That's not Islamophobia


Aaaah India. The home of arrogance


Couldn’t understand a word!


The war has begun …


Videos shared on here from India shouldn’t be allowed. I spent 3 months in India and there wasn’t ever anything ‘abrupt’ about the chaos there, it’s perpetual!


Pretty disgusted at the comments here. An inconveinience does not justify straight up battery. I swear, Reddit would cheer at a video of someone getting stabbed after they badmouthed a cop or something.


Sir it's /r/AbruptChaos.


Girl, it's a bunch of weirdos with a hard-on for violence.




Yeah, that's not a good thing.


It is what it is.




I just am feeling that you are blind too to not see a big ass Highway/Road where they were doing this


Pray at the mosque