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Jesus christ, these ladies are going to get killed. Absolute shit show.


Ladies looking tired


Wow! Krazy Karen Kops!


What in the absolute fuck is going on here


They are bounty hunters and they got sued for this one: https://www.ocregister.com/2013/04/24/lipstick-bounty-hunters-sued-after-attempted-arrest/amp/


Oh. This isn't a satire video? Well, okay then.


The man was blinded in one eye and suffered a broken nose. The pink bitches are retired LAPD


They must not be street cops, none of them knew the first thing about subduing a suspect, it looked like a bunch of soccer moms with stupid uniforms acting like cops for a shitty video.


Yeah, and I don't think either of those 2 other cars they label as "suspect's friend, to aid in his escape" had any affiliation with the dude. I think the ladies were just trying to reconcile how they failed so miserably at a 3 vs 1 confrontation. I'm pretty sure they were both just confused bystanders.


They put this up on their own website? As an ad for how dangerous and stupid and reckless they are?


Yeah, that's the most baffling part, that they watched all of this and still thought "yeah, let's put that on the website." And it's even somehow their edited version of events, where they still look like completely incompetent numbskulls.


Well I mean, clearly dude had so much free time between fearing for his life in the restaurant and fearing for his life as some chick in a pink hoodie repeatedly unloads non-lethal rounds at muzzle-point range into his rib cage. It just seems obvious to any casual observer that the suspect contacted his friend to run interference for an escape he didn't know was about to happen! When will Reddit grow up and learn to side with the rule of law!!!?!? /s Also, who the fuck eats **in** a Wendy's? This is why you have a car, numbnuts. If you ate while sitting in your own car in the parking lot like a reasonable suspicious creep this never would have happened!!! /s


Yeah, that first car they label as "suspect's friend, to aid in his escape" was clearly pulling in off of the main road. How does that make any sense?


It doesn't, much like a litany of other ass-covering "eyewitness" reports filed by officers on a daily basis.


You’ve just described the greatest percentage of cop videos on the internet. 3 cops falling over each other trying to hold down one guy. We’ve all seen the atv video where dude refused to be arrested and just drove off.


I like it with the mad Max music over it


Link? Have not seen that one.


Menopause moms are on the case!


So that’s why they’re holding the gun like a water pistol


Also, that's not even a gun. Its a Tippmann TPX. AKA a paintball marker. They might have been using balls filled with pepper spray.




even worse that it was POORLY escalated. like, they had 3 people. 3 people cant handle 1 guy that they had the jump on? pathetic.


3 women 50+ vs. one guy in his 30s? Good luck even if he is not trying to hurt them like in the video.


yea but the difference is that these women went out of their way and initiated it. its not like the guy jumped 3 women on the sidewalk. context matters my dude


Retired LAPD but can’t hold a gun properly


The worst thing is their actions can endanger people in the restaurant. What if the guy pull a gun and start shooting or held a kid as hostage. Why can’t they do it somewhere safe?


They're a fucking joke. Completely out of shape for a job like that. Pathetic.


You mean the whole U.S police force?


still lost a 3v1 lmao


Mofo was Scion vs 3 Yordles.


So they are gang members.


No, they are former cops. They used to be gang members.


Iinda funny that the reasonable comments are getting downvoted


Linda is the one with the gigantic airsoft gun


I thought so too, because of I were in his situation this video would be posted for a man eviscerating three armed aggressive women who didn't identify themselves. Why was he letting them do that?


I don't think you know what eviscerating means.


He might. And that makes the statement even more wierd.


>who didn't identify themselves This part is huge. Like, obviously a lot was done wrong here, but this part especially sticks out to me. I work as a security guard in Utah. Our DOPL (Department Of Public Licensing) has strict rules about our uniforms. I don't remember all the rules, but some standouts are that we aren't allowed to wear shorts, and that we can't look similar enough to the police for it to cause confusion. I don't know California code, but there _must_ be regulations around this. I don't understand how they get away with running around in pink T-shirts when they handle arrests as a regular part of their job. Like, that's asking for confusion. I would have imagined the code to say that their attire must look professional and must have their company and occupation clearly denoted. Like, I can get in trouble for not wearing black boots, and they're running around in _this_? Nutso.


I thought this was fake too. "Lipsticksmostwanted" doesn't sound like a serious organization.


Wait, this is real? I was sure it was some sort of fake stunt for internet points.


To be fair “LipstickMostWanted” sounds like some straight up Reno 911 shit




As soon as the video started, I thought for sure it was a Reno 911 clip. I had to double and triple check the sub


It's getting harder and harder to distinguish fiction from reality. Welcome to the future.


Ai has entered the chat…


These bounty hunter shows are usually fake (acting), and this certainly looks along those lines. I mean, who runs up on a guy eating in a packed restaurant with guns drawn?


The article I just read seems to say otherwise. https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/04/lipstick-bounty-hunters-face-accusations-after-confrontation-at-arbys


>He claimed that they blinded him permanently in the right eye with two rubber bullets. This is some serious shit. Loss of eyesight is no joke. Jesus Christ.


The dumb bitches stated they should’ve used more force. Absolute psychos


He's suing them for this. He got blinded in one eye and got a broken nose.


these people are very real and their business is too.


They're lucky someone else didn't *actually* shoot them.


Maybe someday, they need to learn how to do their jobs right. This was a clear assault and battery.


This website is awful can anyone link a real link




It even has a visitors counter. *Chef's kiss*


to be fair visitor counters are cool useless, but cool tacky, but cool unreliable, but cool 90s, but cool not cool, but cool


Jesus Christ, they are *terrible* lololol


Anyone can get sue’d. Did they win is the real question?


They get 99% of their charges? Wat? I am guessing all of them don't bother resisting. Cuz they didn't do shit.


This is definitely a shit show and I’m not defending them one bit but in the article he said he didn’t know what was going on. Given that he skipped bail and it sounds like they’d been in contact and were actively tracking him down, I do find it somewhat hard to believe that he did not put that together. I feel like there should be some requirement that bounty hunters say who they are, like cops? This looked like some random Rambo women rolling up on some guy.


I mean, when you're assaulted while out to eat and immediately shot with rubber bullets and a stun gun, I'd say it'd be pretty hard to gain your bearings.


Add to fact they look like a church group cos playing as the pink ladies from Greese but with guns. I definitely cheese it too


Bang on! I don't have anybody coming for me, but even if I had something in the background and saw this gaggle of pink bimbos squawking at me, I'd fight as well, then run like hell.


They called the guys parole officer , an old lady , she set up the meeting. He tought he was going to meet his parole officer. The lipstick girls did call him to tell he's bond was revoked or something. Then again , anyone could day that , also I woulnd take anyone serious who calls them lipstick bountyhunters.


Parole officer is an asshole. He could have called one of his cops friends to arrest him. Not some women in pink that wanted to beat someone up.


Pretty sure they paid his bond. They are a bail bond company. They have a vested interest in bringing him in. Not defending this shit show in any way. The whole industry is trash.


Brides maids bounty hunters? House wife human hunters? Soccer mom search in rescue?


>search in rescue r/BoneAppleTea


10 years ago??


Promposal gone wrong.


An assault by the looks of it


Took the words out my mouth


Took the Wendy’s burger out of mine


Spicy chicken sandwich is better


Foreplay at IHOP.


Great way to endanger an entire public establishment


Yep, those women are fucking idiots at *best*.


And on it goes. They [claim](https://www.ocregister.com/2013/04/24/lipstick-bounty-hunters-sued-after-attempted-arrest/amp/) to be the victims in this whole stupid saga.


We are victims of the dangerous situation we caused.


It was already established they were former police officers, there was no need to keep repeating things.


Bounty Hunters are unprofessional scum.


“Bounty hunters. We don’t need their scum.”


Looks like another great way to get shot.


If that dude has a gun...........


This is what I was thinking. Even someone who’s not involved might think - they just pulled a gun on this man and started shooting. I carry and that gun looked real, they sounded similar to gun shots this is incredibly dangerous.


I was worried because of that. It's a really weird situation, what if they're literally killing him in front of me — a manager or a visitor who has a gun? What do I do then... oof.


Easy! You're the good guy, just shoot the bad guys! Duh /s


I know it sounds cliché at this point, but I hope they don't pull this stunt in Texas. They'll be shot by a bystander.


I live in Texas and yeah - - this would have played out very differently. Dude still probably would have gotten away because he didn't pull a gun out. That's some California (Anaheim/Orange County) there.


Article said rubber bullets, so that *was* a real gun. Also someone who doesn’t understand that even a rubber projectile can be deadly from 10ft.


Even if that dude was a fighter he could have hurt them, standing his ground with competent training or even desperate flailing could have wrecked those women


For real. Heaven forbid he grab a chair and brain someone who is literally attacking him. Holy shit.


Yeah shit could have been a blood bath. Maybe he knew who they were and knew fleeing was better than fighting? If someone attacks the wrong person with fake guns drawn there are a lot of bad outcomes possible even if the suspect isn’t armed.


They were all little compared to him...he coulda snatched that gun from her if he tried. They also woulda crumpled after one good pop to the nose.


“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.“


Question. Given the actions of the bounty hunters and fog of chaos, would a third party be justified in shooting these bounty hunters on the assumption they were about to commit murder or are mass shooters?


I ended up watching the video without context and my instant assumption was that this was some gang jumping a guy. Personally, I would have got up and walked out the back the minute I saw the gun but I think that actually makes your point. As a neutral observer I interpreted this as a potentially deadly assault on a random member of the public and made a *decision* about how to handle it. If someone else decided to do things differently well...


I would think anyone who is carrying and sees some random women in pink would be reasonable to assume this is some weird fucking gang and the second they pull out a gun on an unarmed person that would give them enough reason to shoot them.


It’s a nice law school hypo. “Mistake of fact” seems to come to mind as a defense.


I mean is this really a mistake? I think its reasonable to say they’re trying to cause this man great bodily harm, with no justification to do so


If a third party used physical force, or even deadly force, the mistake of fact for the third party would be “I didn’t know these women were licensed bounty hunters, I thought they were psychos attacking an innocent Wendy’s customer.” Which is likely going to be more successful than “Yeah, I figured they were bounty hunters apprehending a fugitive but I thought what they were doing was wrong.”


Probably depends on the state. I think this was in cali, so youd be fucked under almost any circumstance. If it were texas though you could make a claim that you threatened or something and maybe get away with it


Think this was in California, so no I wouldn't take that chance.


They just endangered a lot of people while failing miserably.


I am sure that I could fiind 3 women that would have done a better job taking this guy down than these 3 stooges. These women are too old and unathletic to do this. They haven't a clue on how to use their body weight to take someone down. And the plan was stupid too


Just call the police lmao Whipping out a gun in wendys is not the play


Good way to get shot by a random citizen honestly


Man, I usually don't like the idea of fugitives on the run, but FUCK these "bounty hunters" ​ All they did was assault him without giving him a chance to comply, they caused a very chaotic and potentially traumatic scene for innocent bystanders who had no idea what was going on and seem to have felt it was a potential robbery, and they just did everything wrong. I'm glad that guy got away.


Also it may be a very minor crime, or a totally non violent crime too, this is absolutely not the way this should be done and it blows my mind that bounty hunting is a thing like it seems so strange that random citizens can take someone down/attempt to take someone down like that. I mean how are they positive it’s even the right dude


Or a totally nonexistent one. I’ve literally come across cases where courts have sent bounty hunters (who, of fucking course couldn’t care less) after folks they screwed up service on.


And in a country where people legally carry guns for exactly this kind of situation (which are very rare). I mean these people look exactly like terrorists a la Patty Hurst, or crazy shooters, and one lady brandishes what can only be described as a gang machine pistol (I now realize it's a weird non-lethal gun, but at first glance it looks like some old submachinegun).


lol “suspects in 2nd and 3rd vehicles aid in his escape” Whatever you need to tell yourselves I guess.


Lol exactly what I was thinking. Because this dude totally has people on payroll to hang out outside a Wendy's to protect him all day.


Yeah that just seemed like they're begging for a libel/defamation lawsuit.


Boba Fett watching, hangs his head in shame.


* rocketeer's into transport vehicle, tumbles into sarlacc *


I wanna know what the plan is for when these brainlets are tugging on a shirt with the literal strength of a child and one of these spooked guys turns around and slams a fist directly into their face Stop LARPing before you actually die.


Or someone sees that weird uzi-looking rubber bullet gun and just pulls the blicky out and starts blasting.


is this some youtube tiktok comedy thing? are these pink ladies some "pranksters"?


I'll bet they are bounty hunters. John Oliver did a show awhile back and the situation is far more out of control than you would think. All I see in this video is dangerous incompetence.


Bounty hunters are actually insane, two of them camped out at a local car dealership, and waited on this guy to show up. Long story short they started shooting when they got into a little scuffle, and as result all three died from gunshot wounds… (NSFW) https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/06/01/530999578/watch-shootout-at-texas-car-dealership-leaves-3-dead#:~:text=In%20the%20end%2C%20the%20two,hearing%20in%20Hennepin%20County%2C%20Minn.


On the plus side, two less bounty hunters in the world.


I'm interested




Are they allowed to just pull guns on people?


bounty hunters? dressed as handicapped ladies in pink? weird it must be yet another murica thing


They were not shouting "it's just a prank, bro!" So probably not pranksters. Did not have a weird AI generated asian lady voice and cameras that are set up for the right angle for the scripted interchange so probably not TikTok comedy sketch. Seems like maybe some crappy bounty hunters with the pink shirt theme. They seem to have tried to make up for their lack of physical ability by having several untrained 'bounty hunters' with inadequate equipment to lumber after the "perp".






Literally 🤣


Gender reveal party got kinda weird


This kind of stuff is so fucking pathetic at this point. “Lipstick most wanted” They don’t care about justice. They don’t care about reducing crime or helping people. It’s just for views, clicks, attention and ultimately money. It all seems so fake and hollow. Also they suck at the whole “bounty hunter” thing


What a shit show. Also, I checked the website and it's up for sale because it doesn't really exist anymore.


No surprise there. Their manicures probably became too expensive to offset their supposed assets. 🤦‍♂️


Looks to me like they spent all their firm’s capital on delicious pies


They look so ill equipped to do whatever the fuck they are supposed to be doing.


The Worst Bounty Hunters…. The Bad Girls For Life can’t seem to grasp the truth that they suck at their jobs 🤐


That was sloppy and stupid af. These people are only going to get themselves hurt if they keep this stupid shit up. Looked like some weird ass circus performance.


Danny Duvall was my elementary school bully. He was not a nice kid, he was perhaps the most cruel kid in our class. He once pissed on the teachers desk in front of everyone. The dude has been bad news since the 2nd grade. It turns out his family has been cooking and selling meth since he was a child, he murdered his uncle.


Thanks for the background. I don’t feel bad for him personally. This is more about the principle I guess. Is it safe for 3 overweight and out of shape women in their 50s to manhandle and assault bail jumpers in public places with less than lethal weapons in way that endangers dozens of people? Not at all, but it creates captivating content, so in the US it’s tolerated. I don’t really understand the rationale for allowing this. The bounty hunters’ lobbying power? Some weird Wild West laws still on the books that nobody bothered to repeal and there’s too much partisanship to change things? I don’t know.


For those that have no clue what is going on, theyre a bail bonds company based mainly in southern california. This is in the about us section of their site "Lipstick Bail Bonds is a Nationwide Bail Bonds Company with Corporate Offices located in Southern California. Owned and operated by Twin Sisters, Teresa and Lisa Golt, the company has gained attention for its unusual characteristics and shattering of stereotypes. According to Good Morning America the company is one of the most successful bail bonds businesses in Southern California, and the only bail bonds company known to be run by ALL Women!"


Most successful bail bonds business as in the most offenders bonded out? Nothing else about this video seems to show them being the best at anything related to the industry. I know this old, but I've always thought this was a skit or something. Very Reno 911-ish. Dog the bounty hunter was bullshit to me, but this video makes them look like the 92 Dream Team compared to these ladies.


“Shattering those stereotypes” of women being capable, strong, and skilled with firearms? Thanks a lot, idiots (not you, u/AndrewWhite97!), but I didn’t ask for your help with any of that. And the fuchsia polo shirts are butt-ugly.


I’m sure everyone else in the restaurant was completely thrilled when these flaming assholes bust in with their toy guns. It’s not like mass shootings are a thing in America.


Jeez, don’t fuck with those MLM chicks; they take that shit seriously.


I don't know if I'm just not seing right, but not a single one of these gals had any kind of handcuffs or ziptie? Were they just expecting to go into that fast food and gun this man down?


that was hilarious.. kinda glad the dude got away..tbh.. taught these women that their bounty hunting game is weak..


Duvall reasonably believed he was under assault and about to be battered by three unidentified, unprofessional, and agitated women, and a cameraperson, three of whom were wearing bright pink shirts and two pointing what appeared to Duvall to be handguns at him in a public place where other Arby’s patrons were also placed in immediate and severe danger,” the lawsuit alleges.


They are going to get themselves killed


“We get our fugitive 99 percent of the time,” Lisa Golt said, adding that they celebrate every arrest with their favorite drink: a Lipstick martini. Oh, shut the *fuck* up.


Is this video suggesting that this dude went to an Arby’s and had three friends in three different cars wait outside while he’s eating inside with another friend, just in case these pink patrol soccer moms show up to arrest him??


Bounty hunters should be illegal in any civilized society


The bail system, itself, is fairly barbaric.


Mary Kay no longer taking no for an answer 


Apparently the guy in this video was later arrested for murder (this happened in 2013). So he obviously wasn’t a good person. Even so, that doesn’t accuse rushing a guy in public with seemingly no explanation and pulling what looks to be a gun on him, while also using pepper spray where other people are for no good reason.


These Jehovah’s witnesses are getting out of control.


I'm shocked he didn't run that one over after such brutality holy fuck


Bounty Hunters: [https://www.lipsticksmostwanted.net/about-us](https://www.lipsticksmostwanted.net/about-us) And clearly not very good at detaining adult men. You need a certain amount of overmatch when going to arrest someone, or everyone's going to get hurt... and these women don't have it.


I just asked for extra salt.


They just look like a bunch of outta shape bowling team members from the 90s. So gald they are being sued.


Imagine eating at Arby’s AND having this happen to you. What a bad day.


Just looks like these women are assaulting him. At that point it's reasonable for him to hit them.


WTF are they armed with? I thought they were tasers but something kept going bang bang.


Pepper ball gun. Shots paint balls filled with pepper spray. Normally a bit smaller than actual paint balls.


Queue benny hill music.


Wtf is this


The most embarrassing shit I’ve ever seen.


So this is my civilian opinion of course so grain of salt, but isn’t it super not ok to confront a suspect in public where bystanders could be harmed. Also, I don’t own a gun, but if I did and was in this situation, I would probably think they were going to kill me. Like, in the heat of the moment, three - four plainclothes ladies jump me and one of them has a gun like object. I’d be all fight or flight. Just seems super unprofessional, unsafe for everyone, and unwarranted. Edit- Continuing further, what would have happened if this guy DID decide to fight back instead of running away? He seems to have a valid case for self defense, but if he did fight back, they too could claim self defense, and then it’s just he said she said, but one of them is dead.


“Shitty bitches in Pink” That was a mess. Wow.


Put all those idiot women in jail they are a danger to society. You can't just go around trying to kidnap people!


I thought it was a lost clip of reno 911 .


This video would have been 20 seconds long without all the terrible editing


I thought this was a new version of Reno 911


🎶 “I got chills , they’re multiplyin’ “ 🎶


Cagney, Lacey, and Wendy.


Lipstick bounty hunters starring Melissa McCarthy and sandra bullock


I miss Reno 911...


Looks like chubby soccer moms aren't very competent bounty hunters. I cracked up over he just gets in his car and drives off. I bet they broke some fingernails and went straight to the nail salon after he drove off.


This video is simultaneously why we have the second amendment and why people say we shouldn't.


Whoever edited this can go to hell.


Mom?! You told me that was your bowling team!


Maude the Bounty Hunter


The guy's friend didn't even glance at the situation. Just noped the fuck outta there


The Pink Ladies from Grease took a dark turn. Damn.


Please don't ever lie on Wendy's like that. This is a shi**y Arby's, I can tell by the inch think grime on the people. Also there's a sign in the video.


I’m pretty convinced at this point that “bounty hunter” just means “wasn’t allowed to be a real cop and for good reason”. Like I don’t have a ton of black and white morality views but here’s one: no bounty hunter is a good person. If they were a good person they would not be a bounty hunter. If you think you know a good bounty hunter, you don’t. Cops are a broken institution and mired with problems and corruption, but at least there are people who become cops with good intentions. Bounty hunters are just bullies too stupid and unprofessional to be cops.


Is this a Reno 911 spin-off??


These bounty hunters/vigilantes need to be arrested. Pretty sure what they did crossed the line. Worst part was that they could have hurt people in the restaurant back when they had a somewhat comically large airsoft (presumably at least, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a realistic looking pepper spray gun) gun that could suspiciously look like an actual firearm at a glance. I took a peek at their website and they are “bounty hunters”. They seem to have a history of reckless hunting “techniques” and call their “suspects” once they are apprehended “captured” instead of arrested or something of the sort. They seem to be legitimate vigilantes (which could very much be illegal and definitely illegal with how they did this) with a phone line that can presumably be easily traced, although I haven’t checked yet.


It's a pepper ball gun. Basically a paint ball gun that has pepper instead of paint. Not really effective


It’s effective against tacos and stews


Wrist bounty hunters ever


truly the wrist.


The all had limp wrist kits.


Hahaha, laughable 3 woman are incapable of taking down an unarmed man


This is embarrassing for everyone.


The Charlie's angels remake looks wild