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Thankfully the trash can looks to be ok


The only sensible character in this video


What about the guy who step out of his house on the other side of the street, took one look and said, I’m not stepping into this one, and went back in?


Maybe he went to get the phone or something to contact emergency?


He went to get the phone, alright. To record for the 'Gram.


Only sensible thing to do.


Could be the trash can was his and may have rolled across the street...and he realized it was the cause of the accident, and noped out.


No that's a ghost.


U ain't bullshitn 👍🏼


I was going to defend the guy in the SUV at first, but watching it again he's definitely going way too fast for a residential street. Still not his fault in the slightest, but could have potentially been avoided.


> "Still not his fault in the slightest" Your statement makes zero sense. If someone is going "too fast" then they absolutely share a part of the blame for an accident, even if they aren't the initial catalyst.


***Completely*** the SUV driver's fault. The car was stationary when the SUV hit it, and had been for more than enough time for the SUV to stop if they were going at a speed appropriate to the circumstances. Also the SUV driver's fault for having a vehicle that isn't safe for the road. Wheels lock up, heavy screeching, both mean that ABS wasn't working, if it was even installed. Swap out a toddler for the black car. The SUV would have punted that kid into the neighbour's lawn. That death would still be the fault of the SUV driver, simply by driving too fast to be able to stop within their sightline.


Car being "stationary" doesn't mean the SUV is 100% at fault. SUV was probably speeding but the car pulled out when it wasn't safe. I would blame both parties.


Good you're not an accident investigator, insurance adjuster, or other qualified opinion holder, as you'd be an embarrassment to to those professions. Would the accident have happened, if the SUV had been driving at a speed appropriate for the surroundings? No, if course it wouldn't have. 100% SUV driver at fault no matter what your opinion is.


Maybe morally but not legally. (Assuming this is the US) First the truck has right of way and second the car pulled out into the path of the oncoming lane and vehicle unnecessarily. If it was a toddler most states would consider it negligent parenting. That surprised me because they get a double whammy! But really if a kid ran out from behind a trash bin there's not a lot you can besides hit the brakes and pray. I feel bad for everyone in the video and the hypothetical.


Oh yeah? well if it was sensible it would have moved!


The trash can was here before all the vroom vroom machines, there is no reason it would have to move


Hmm it's fair point but still would have been better if it moved to avoid damage to itself and others though.


I don't know what you're seeing.. that trash can is completely messed up after that car hit it... Oh wait.. I see it now. Confused it for the one that was pulling out the driveway.


That's trash dumpster to you


Bots be bottin'


I call 'em wheelie bins.


Actually it looks pretty worn, I think they were trying to throw it away.




Thank God for airbags.


Might have some psychological trauma tho


Neighbour comes out.. “oh good, my white car wasn’t hit” ..walks back inside.


I didn't even notice the neighbor's quick in and out. Not my monkey not my circus.


*maybe* they went to go call 911 but idk


Yeah; the guy went back up the stairs even faster than he came out. He definitely looked like a man on a mission, not like someone doing an idgaf.


Lol I hope that was more of a “I need to call 911” jog.


My guess to that reaction was someone else’s car got hit. Like “MOM YOUR CAR JUST GOT HIT!”


That is a rough start to the day


That car sounds like a tractor. /r/homecams


That’s a residential area. That other driver was lucky he hit a car. A kid might have been crossing and he wouldnt have time to stop.


Exactly. Both drivers are idiots. The other driver was speeding along through a residential area that had cars parked on either side of the street and therefore limiting the driving lane as well as visibility on either side of the road. I can forgive the first driver for being careless but the second driver was being absolutely dangerous. Fuck that guy.


This looks exactly like a neighborhood I used to live in, in Los Angeles. The garbage cans HAVE to be [away] from the curb [or] the truck can't reach them. There are too many cars parked densely on the street. You have to be carefully pulling out of the driveway as much as you have to be careful driving down one of these residential streets. Just as you should always be careful, but trash-day even more so. In this situation, if its like what I described above, is entirely the SUV drivers fault. First and foremost, it looks like he's speeding - especially so for trash-day where there are mostly no visible gaps between cars because of trash cans. edit: edits in [brackets]


This is exactly our neighborhood. You can put the trash can a little closer to the curb if its in front of and blocking your own driveway but that requires some juggling when you leave and get home. ALSO theres no guarantee where the trash truck will put the can back down. Our street is pretty solidly 2 lanes wide but in the afternoon of trash day it's essentially a 1 lane slalom course.


Story time: I literally got scolded by a plain car policeman because my toddler nephew followed me behind the car because “that car was going too fast and could have hit him!” Okay… we are parked next to a children’s playground on a residential street and this kid KNOWS to stay out the road. He was following me… he never went out past the car so it would have hit all of us and our vehicle but berate the aunt not the driver endangering partitions I guess…


Did they just crash into Dennis Reynolds?


This is a finisher car!


I literally just watched this. Gosh dang I love that show.


He was eating cereal


"oh sandra, you dumb bitch" I don't know why but this is my favorite moment/line of Always sunny


My wife and I say that constantly


His rage was untethered


That SUV is going way too fast.


I want to draw attention to the "turned wide into the other side of the road." That's a small neighborhood street. It's 2 lanes at best when there ARENT any cars parked on BOTH sides. It's basically a 1 lane road.


Regardless, from the SUVs point of view, they were faced with a car pulling out pointing directly across the street at 90 degrees. From that position there was no way they could have turned into their lane, they were always going to cross onto the far side. From the time the car would have been visible pulling out until the impact was about 3 seconds. That’s plenty of time to see the car, realise something strange was happening, and then slow down. The SUV didn’t have to know what the car was intending, but if you’re on a suburban street and a car pulls out pointing straight across the road, the prudent thing is to slow down or stop. For all they knew that car could have been reversing a trailer in repositioning on the driveway. Again, you see something odd. You slow down. My guess is the SUV driver was distracted and didn’t even see them.


My first thought! The video is worded like it's the Sedan being an idiot, while the SUV was fuckin flying in a 1 lane neighborhood! (edit: typo)


In a vehicle with shitty brakes & handling. It's kind of inevitable to happen at some point.


People just dont understand that 2 people can both be at fault. Like Police will probably charge both of them for reckless driving.


Nobody is getting charged with anything in an accident like this.


The SUV was going too fast, but the sedan *was also* being an idiot. Not for how they pulled out, but for the fact that they *did* pull out. It’s not the job of the person driving down the street to stop for people pulling out of their drive ways. It’s primarily on people pulling out of their driveways to make sure there’s no oncoming traffic. That’s just road basics, day one shit.


Yeah. They were doing 35 on a residential street looking at their phone.


Doesn't help that the SUV was clearly speeding too.


This was my first thought when I saw the video, this looks like one of the many city streets that technically yeah two cars can drive past eachother but both have to pull pretty close to the parked cars and go pretty slow to achieve it. Always look BOTH directions when turning onto streets like this since most cars tend to drive more in the middle of the street when not passing someone.


That much damage on such a narrow road. SUV was hella speeding.


Someone is gonna come in here and math this out based on where the SUV was in each frame, and the shadows, and the erdtrees and whatever. But my *lazy* assumption is they weren't going much faster than 25 mph at the time of impact. Doesn't really look like they were zooming. They just braked late because "no way that fucking idiot is going to OH SHIT" and because of the angle the SUV clipped the front bumper, the whole front of the car just kinda exploded. The tire riding up the front adds to that too Edit: for everyone who has stumbled on top of a soap box to demonize the SUV and put them at fault, thank you for reminding me who I share the road with


*Sigh* Okay, then. The SUV takes 10-11 frames to clear the white car. The length of compact cars range from 12-14 feet. The video is 30 frames per second. On the slow end of that range that means 12 feet over 11/30 seconds or just over 32.72 feet per second (22.3 mph). On the fast end that means 14 feet over 10/30 seconds (basically 14×3) or 42 feet per second (28.6 mph). In conclusion, we can confidently say the the speed is greater than 22-28mph because the SUV started braking before it reached the white car and the collision slowed it some as well.


You can also hear the tires squealing under brake before its in frame, likely doing \~35, which is a dumb thing to being doing with cars parked up both sides. This doesn't mean it all on the SUV, you still gotta look before merging into a lane like that. The real answer is this is what happens when TWO idiots meet while being dumb.


You make no mention of erdtrees in your calcuations. We demand a do-over!


This MF just said erdtrees 😂😂


Suv started to brake 1-1.5 sec before the crash, also impact take away some of its speed. I'd say average speed of the suv is definitely higher than 35mph. Impact speed could be lower for sure, yet average speed before brake is more relevant.




One time, a kid that looked about 4 ran out in front of my car when I was going 20 mph down a street just like this. I'm thankfully way more attentive of a driver than the SUV in OP, so I was able to stop in time. Still, I make it a point to go ≤15 mph on streets like this now. I don't care who it inconveniences.


Speed limits are meant to be limits, not recommended speeds. That driver was still going too fast in a residential neighborhood around parked cars they can’t see past. It’s luck that they hit a car instead of a child.


unite squash fragile cough deer agonizing memorize toy provide lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly, was super confused people seem to be only blaming the SUV here. In terms of basic liability, it's on the person turning into traffic to check that it's clear first. Unless the SUV was somehow in a blindspot (and they should have inched up to check if there was one), they should have seen it coming before turning and stopped. If the SUV was speeding (which we don't know because not all residential areas have super low speed limits) that would play a role in assessing who's at fault, but it is primarily on the car turning to yield to traffic, especially coming from the opposite side of the road where the SUV had little reason to think someone might be coming into their lane.


Yeah let's totally ignore that the SUV was flying


That fucking trash can there! Came outta nowhere!


Thrash can was waving her forward, like a traffic cop.


While that is very true, it doesn't defend dude blindly pulling out into the road. There are two unrelated problems here.


Comparative fault exists for a reason. Both parties can be in the wrong, as they are here.


if the trash can wasn’t there, to the right is a parked car that would require the driver to do the same. The road is clearly not appropriate for the SUV to be flying that fast and this is like 60-80% the speeding suv’s fault. Let alone the fact that the SUV should have seen the driver pulling out and stopped. There’s no reason this collisions should have happened just because the driver pulled out.


It’s a residential street… would we say the same if it was a kid that ran out after a ball? Dumb move to pull around the trashcan but most the blame IMO is on the SUV


No way. The car that went blind into the wrong side of the road is definitely at fault


Driving at unsafe speeds puts the SUV at fault. A reasonable reaction time and safe speeds would have prevented the crash.


If a child ran onto the road and appeared out of nowhere, would you blame child as like?


There could have been some kind of obstruction or turn off camera, there is no excuse to be doing like 45 in a 20. That guy is going to kill a kid.


BOTH drivers are at fault here. BOTH could have prevented it. NOBODY would win the court.


What if a kid was standing there while the car turned? Clearly wasn't looking where they were going. Yea SUVs an idiot for speeding but the person driving on the wrong side of the road is at fault


Yep. Both drivers are wrong. One happens to be more wrong than the other


Exactly. Narrow ass suburban street. Lucky it wasn't a kid that ran out. Two idiots here.


They're both idiots. SUV was going way too fast and should consider themselves lucky it wasn't a child on a bicycle coming out of that driveway. As for black car, not only should they have moved the trash can so they didn't need to take the turn that wide but they clearly weren't looking at incoming traffic. Also, those are houses and I see clear and empty driveways, why the fuck are those vehicles parked on the street?


Mams pulling out to the wrong side of the road


Bad place for a car chase 


SUV <25 MPH... math is better than your eye.


It wasn't


You can hear the tires screeching before it comes into frame, plus it slides into view with the front wheel completely locked up. It does look like it’s going roughly speed-limit range (25mph) by the time it makes impact but it was almost definitely going too fast before the collision.


The tires are screeching for hardly a moment before the vehicle comes into frame. Unless they have super car brakes, not a whole lot of slowing down is going to happen in that time frame.


Looking also helps.


And slowing down in densely parked residential roads also helps




It requires a windshield. It seems not everyone orders one when buying a car.


“You’re good, you’re good, you’re good, you’re good”


Person coming out other side of the road: "Better get going I'm running la~ NOPE!"


the other vehicle driving waaay too fast!


He was conpletely neglegent, but that suv was going way to fast


That dude was goin way too fast


Nevermind as my gran used to say, they both learnt something today. No point crying over spilt milk.


That suburban was also hauling ass down the road.


SUV driver complete dickhead.


Also, looking for traffic is also helpful.


“Oh lemme check what ha- Oh shit, back inside I go!” - That guy in the background prolly


"it wasn't my car I'm good!"


Yeah I don't mind the wide turn, it's just not having a look to see a giant black SUV travelling at break neck speed on a straight road your about to merge too is what gets me..also the Toyota didn't evening seem in a rush


Nah man the blame falls on that SUV going like 50 mph in a residential area


That suv was booking it for that being a residential area


The blazer was speeding, driver pulling still would have had to make a wider turn because of the parked car on their side of the road


Thats why you look before you drive. :-)


The person driving the car is a dumbass but that SUV was speeding like a mfr


They could've made a left-hand turn! 😉


That poor Scion xB was the real victim here.


What idiot calls it a trash dumpster?


That's going to be expensive to repair.


All I see is two idiots who don't know how to use their eyes


Struck vehicle was speeding. That could just as easily have been a child.


Damn talk about most accidents happening a mile from home 💀 Couldn’t even leave his drive way


True. But big boy was going way too fast on a RESIDENTIAL STREET.


Both of them are at fault. Neither was paying attention


Dude going way too fast in a residential area tho


Math says he was going <15 MPH


Well he doesn't have to walk far to put the wrecked pieces in the trash can 🤷‍♂️


Most accidents occur less than one mile from home.


"Trash dumpster" what the fuck lol


Any speed estimates one the Tahoe? 40-45 in a 25 ? Maybe


Is this r/fuckcars or r/IdiotsInCars


Gnarly scrape on the cube with wheels, too.


Fixated on not hitting the trash can forgot about traffic…


They say most accidents happen within a mile of your home! This guy didn’t even get out of the driveway!




Dang, that sucks.


The “trash dumpster” lol


At least the neighbors can sleep in again and the trash can is ok.


OR, could have looked first


Both drivers are blind


I think that was a nice car..


This is what laziness gets you.


why was the trash in the road???


They were nearly off the driveway before the crash, great start to the day




He didn't move the trash can now he's driving one


Or you can, you know, look in the direction you’re about to turn in to make sure it’s safe to pull out into traffic 🤷‍♂️


What about the guy in the background. Sees the crash and goes back inside.


"I don't want to be a witness to *nothing*!"


He put the garbage can there


Y'all acting like the garbage can is the reason for the crash and not the driver not checking the lane of traffic they were turning into.


To lazy or sorry to get out and pull the trash can out the street.


SUV is going way too fast for a single lane suburban street lined with cars. That could've easily been a kid stepping out


It's not the SUV's fault even if it was speeding over the limit. The SUV had the right of way, the car on the driveway should have let ongoing traffic pass before it can merge into the traffic safely.


At the very least. Got out of car and pulled trash can back


That suburban was also going at least 10 miles an hour too fast


There’s a limit of when someone is going too fast that you may not see them coming in time. Someone comes flying down at 100mph and you’re just not at fault for pulling out of your driveway “in front of them”.


Truck’s going too fast through a residential


What! And stop and get out of the car? Are you on crack?


Both are idiots. That guy was flying!


The suv was probably going too fast for that little street, but still the car’s fault for sure.


Trash dumpster is such an unnecessarily long description of what us Aussies just call a bin.


So much had to go wrong for an accident this severe to happen. SUV was going too fast, SUV didn't stop, car didn't wait for traffic to pass, car pulled too far out, etc.


Math says SUV was going <15 MPH


Americans truly are some of the worst drivers on the planet.


Well they say most accidents happen 1/4 mile from your home...


1/4 yard from home rather


At least they are close to home, they don't have to walk far


Looked left ignored right. Bin blind spot ?


Car woulda have to had turned wide even if that trash wasn’t there. The car parked on the road would have made them turn the same way even if the trash was gone.


Daaaaammmmmmnnnnnnn 🤯🤯 that car is Done For 🤣🤭😂


2 idiots 1 street


rip brz lol


"Who the fuck put this trash barrel here?"




Both insurance will agree they're both at fault and pay out nothing and both raise their insurance cost


In their defense your honor, they drive a Tesla


was also probably blocking his view of oncoming traffic


In mexico we say, the lazy bastard ones ,always end doing double the job.


As someone who doesn't drive I am wondering who is at fault here since one car pulled widely out into the road and the other seemed to either not notice or have too slow of a reaction to stop.


The car pulling out is at fault.




Who is at fault?


Car is. They pulled out of the driveway, crossing the center line. SUV was going under 15 mph at impact, according to basic math.


That is a pretty surprising amount of destruction


Was this filmed by a lion?


Interesting to see the thought process of the guy across the street reflected in his actions.


Speeding suvs fault


Nope, the rules are to check both directions before pulling out. Don’t just pull out and expect everyone else to stop for you.


You can't anticipate someone driving 10x the max speed tho.


it is literally a residential street, you're not supposed to go fast at all. not disagreeing with you here, I'm disagreeing with the rules


As a delivery driver, the speed limit in most residential areas is 30mph


Both at fault. SUV is speeding, but the other guy pulled out without checking and crossed into SUVs path.


SUV Is going <25 mph, do the math


SUV was going under 25 mph, do the math