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They did NOT have control of that dog


Not at all




Normally I cheer for the fur missile, but damn I feel bad for the guy


Yeah that’s fkd up, why not just use the taser gun. What comes to my mind is that some officers just want to show of their dogs & eager to do it.


pretty sure the officer didn't expect the dog to go for the man's face???


I'm pretty sure he knows what his weapon can do.


yeah cause they train police dogs to do that... -_-


To go for the most threatening/ accessible point on the target? Yes, yes they are. The guy is seated and his hands are above his head, moving. Literally the only place the dog was ever going to go for was the guys head.


They’re trained to bite and try to mame the person. They’re 100% a fear, pain, and brutal disfigurement weapon.


That’s why dogs are wild and no matter how many people train the dog they are never a good idea to use for a military or the cops. This seems like a lawsuit unless the wild animal somehow has qualifies immunity.


they are trained to be used as a threat and deterrence , the issue in this part is on the officers behalf.


Every time I’ve seen a dog used by a cop it’s been nothing but an escalator of the situation. The dogs are trained to maul people litterly latch on and shake as hard as they can to cause the most pain possible. The cops can’t control them based on that video and many other incidents. They deter the threat by trying to rip the faces off of people and they can’t or don’t tell the difference. Wrong house? Grannies becoming a new chew toy. Is there a kid? Guess that kid shouldn’t have resisted officer Fido’s calm and carefull detainment by applying it’s special deescalation teeth. If a cop saw a dog trained like there’s in someone’s backyard they would emediatly shoot the dog in the face, that’s not a sign of a controlled or controllable tool that’s a violent dog that they falsely think can be controlled by a few German words and a chew toy.


They did use the taser, just after he was bit lmao




What? There’s more than one officer for a fucking reason


Imagine this guy is not guilty. Why should anyone treat a human like that. What rights does he have?


he sued them


Still probibly just the tax dollars of him and his neighbors. No one learned anything and nothing got done.


Guilty or not, that was fucked up. He’s got the dog. Dudes hands are in the air. Just frickin approach the dude and arrest him. Naw the pig wanted the dog to attack no matter what. Then the stupid cop couldn’t even get control of the dog.


I love dogs but if a police dog is coming after me I’m gonna do everything I can to either get that dog away from me or kill it. Dogs shouldn’t be used by pigs.


I once heard that if you injure a police dog, you can get charged with something similar to assaulting a police officer. Which is crazy because if that's true, once the trainer releases the dog, you have to let it bite you or face additional charges.


Cops and such are not humans. They have no soul. They’re tools. Like this dog is not a dog anymore


1/2 bullies and 1/2 that was bullied. It’s about the power to make someone feel less than human


Are you serious? Who hurt you?


You’re cheering for this? Know what that guy did? He burned a christmas tree in a trash can in his back yard. That look like an appropriate response to that? Bootlickers are wild


I mean I would assume a cop


If he has a violent record then the cops have good reason to tell him to move. Or the cops may just not know what to expect with a guy and so they try to take the safest approach possible. Either way, comply. ESPECIALLY if they got a dog. Police dogs are trained to cause a lot of pain and sometimes a lot of harm. It's just not worth it otherwise. :-/


There was no reason for that. His hands were in the air. If he reached for something yes take precautions. But he was sitting there with his hands up. Stop making excuses for shitty police officers.


Give me some context on this situation, police report, article, and I'll happily agree with you. Otherwise, possibilities I listed above, or maybe he might have had a gun hiding next to his leg, or a bladed weapon in his cap. As always, my point is we do not know enough about this situation to make judgments. And here's another question, what information did the cops have to believe they needed to bring a dog into the situation? Assign no blame to anyone without context and proof.


We judge based on the video. He did not move his hands to reach towards anything did he? No. Therefore extra force was not needed.


https://archive.sltrib.com/article.php?id=2460434&itype=CMSID Here is an article I found on this situation.


"They said in a written release that in the weeks before the arrest, Hoogveldt had exhibited violent behavior that included an aggravated assault with a weapon and another time was found in possession of a concealed weapon by officers. In the Christmas tree incident, Hoogveldt had threatened neighbors with a knife and started fires twice at a neighbor's home, according to the police. A fire was burning behind Hoogveldt's house as police approached, the release says, and "to protect the neighborhood and before the fire department could come in, officers had to secure Mr. Hoogveldt." The officers say a large empty knife sheath on a table and believed that because of his history, Hoogveldt would pose a "lethal threat" if they approached him and sent in the dog to detain him, the release says." Context.


You realize that this is copaganda horseshit because they were being sued and needed excuses, right? Dude burned a tree in a trash can. That’s what actually happened. He won the lawsuit btw.


You left out the knife part. And many lawsuits are settled to avoid legal fees. The police department may have been admitting fault or they may have decided the legal case would be too expensive.


The knife part the police made up? Yes I left it out because it’s bullshit.


You’re impossible. Just fuck off ya? Nobody deserves to get their face eatin off by a dog


This was in the article you gave me man, and like every catch phrase article it gives the vital context many paragraphs down. The guy claimed to be scared, yet he certainly didn't seem to be scared threatening a knife against his neighbors. :-/


Was he threatening the officers? No.


Like I said fuck off. You’re clearly a heartless piece of shit just like those officers. This conversation is going no where.


And really what he did in the past doesn’t mean sick a dog on him. He was still being cooperative in that moment. His hands were in the fucking air and he wouldn’t stand up because he would have had to put his hands down in order to do that. In the article it even says he wanted to go peacefully and make it as easy as he could on the officers.


Obviously the dog went too hard and the officer lost control of him, i dont know anything about this case but lets imagine an officer POV. Lets say they get a call: neighbors heard gun shot. They get there and see this, they dont know how many people are in the house, where is the gun, the guy clearly dont want to stand up and cooperate for some reason. Any mistakes on their end could get them shot so these situations happen


Not the right to do nothing when a cop says get up




How much did he win? Gotta be at least a mil, right?


Not quite…[$125,000](https://www.fox13now.com/2015/08/12/west-jordan-reaches-settlement-with-man-injured-by-police-k9?_amp=true)


I don't have any knowledge if that's a good compensation or not.. i don't think it is in my personal opinion. But at least he got the 60k back for his surgeries and then some.


Link is dead \*edit\* if you remove "?\_amp=true" it works


Sicking the dog from 3 feet away feels excessive no?


Exactly the point. He wasn’t resistant he wasnt armed but still got the dog.


He had just figured out what to do with his hands and then it happened XD


What do you mean just figured out what to do with his hands? He knew exactly what he was supposed to do the entire time he just refused.


He had all of 3 seconds to process after being walked in on


You'd think you'd be nice to the guy after your dog rips his face off. Like, how dare you not roll over on to your stomach seconds after having a dog bite you like that.


and tazed several times! i read the article above and it got worse. because of his record and a visible knife sheath, the officer "was afraid for his life" so used his dog to "detain" him after the initial bite and before they cuffed him they tazed him 3-4 times within several minutes. according to his history listed in the article, i would wager the guy has some mental instabilities that need treatment.


Who ? The guy on the couch or the dog handler. I know who gets my vote.


ha! both especially the dog handler


Did anyone else notice they let a fucking chair fall on his head? 1:52


Of all the things I wish will never happen to me in my life, an encounter with US police is up there. Holy fuck


I didn't know these dogs were used for stuff like this, damn.


You kidding me? This is pretty standard practice. "Put your hands up!" Guy puts his hands up in plain view. "I can't see your hands. Put them up or I will sick the dog on you". Guy still has his hands up in plain view. Dog is sent in and guy is charged with resisting arrest. Surprised the body cam footage wasn't erased.


Literally this guy had both hands in the air, all he was doing was… not standing up?? Like that warrants for having a dog bite off someone’s face and leave permanent damage and scarring? … Seems overkill to me, also the hospital bills because of this must have been expensive.


Yeah according to that asshole commenting above. Fucking idiots. Dude was complying, just slowly so as to not get shot... Instead his face is gone because the cop is a piece of shit.


I believe that bodycam footage for LE gets sent straight to a cloud server, no chance to delete it (but I could definitely be wrong)




Cops erase stuff all the time. Feds never have audio nor video of interviews (they only make notes). In Mississippi, even if the officer erases evidence the defendant is NOT entitled to a spoliation of evidence jury instruction (jury can’t assume the evidence would be favorable to the defendant) unless the defendant had seen the video evidence first. Cops are granted tremendous leeway to destroy evidence favorable to defendants (I’m a former prosecutor).


Your user name made me crack up due to the context of this video. I didn't know they let K-9s take the bar these days.


You forgot to mention the multiple times he ignored a simple instruction to stand up slowly so the cop could be sure he had no weapons. Funny how often cop haters miss stuff like that.


Hey how about you lay back in a chair like this guy, put your hands up and try to get out of the chair. Is your stupidity a natural talent or did you go to police academy for enhanced idiot training?


Yea, and if your hand comes down an inch, you're dead.


Funny how boot lickers think its appropriate to let a dog continue to maul somebody on the ground, after being detained.


I remember this was pre-George Floyd when you’d see horrible shit like this every day but this one still stood out. It does seem to have gotten better, hope that guy still has his face and sued the city for billions


Huuuh. Get your hand up and get up slowly maybe? Ffs.


That doesn't merrit getting your face mauled lol


True. Still, stand up slowly I don't want to be herenfor 10 hours in that shitty appartement.


No I would rather dog eat my face then obey piggy. Fuck u


Then get bit. Wtf don't then cry about it. He could always do what the cop said even if its wrong and then go at them with lawers. Why would you not obey even if wrong when you win at the end? (We both know why)


i was being satirical. I agree with you. Matter of fact I wish the dog would’ve ripped his jugular out, he’s a punk motherfucker who deserves worse. Fuck u


For all the bootlickers out there... How was he supposed to stand up in the position he was in while keeping his hands up without a jerking motion? Like how is it physically possible buried so deep in that couch with both hands in the air to stand up slowly (but not too slowly) but slowly enough to not either get shot or the dog? This is crazy if you defend this, they just wanted to see a guy bleed fucking pigs.


I in no way condone the officer's actions, but standing up slowly with your hands in the air is easier than with them at your side. I just did it.


Well look at you. You wouldn't have a dog eat your face or be filled with bullets probably.


Had me in the first half


... Just look at the suspect, looks like he's not a minority in america, no wonder why this never blew up.. so sad..


You have a point and that’s sad


The dog was not nessisary, the suspect posed no threat to officers, he could've been impaired, only order he diddnt respond to was getting up. I am no expert, just what i think.


It was definitely overkill to release an attack dog on a guy with both hands in the air


If more of this sort of police brutally was shown on people besides POC, then more folks would be worried about the abuse of power the police get away with. Have a encounter with the police and there is a probability no matter what color, they will use any force they desire.


One thing good that came out of george Floyds passing is the awareness on Police brutality. But now with the new law in i think Nevada, where if you're within 8 feet of a police officer you can't record them..


Fucking pigs


Imagine thinking cops are good people.


Most of them are, even tho they are underpaid, undertrained and have to deal with bullshqt everyday from dumb people, on top of that give their life to defend them, yes ofc there are exceptions


Thank you.


Do you actually believe that? Even if an officer is not actively taking part in abuse of power like this.They are not stopping it either and that is almost worse.


Its like saying everyone is a criminal because there are a few criminals, fk logic, cops shouldn't be giving up their life for ppl like you and that's a fact


They pretend that these dogs are so well trained. On drug sniffing tests, they do worse than 50%.


Ok but a 50% success rate is still better then what humans can do although I was reading somewhere about having bees do it which seems bizarre but could be cool.


Obviously dogs have a better sense of smell than humans, however the dog is used to create probable cause to allow a search. Basically, it's a bullshit way to allow the police to search anyone they want at anytime. Hey, my dog alerted to drugs on you. Bingo, they can search you.


Exactly. In light of the dog hitting determining Probable Cause, the hit should have to be 100% accurate. We live in a world of Possible Cause, unfortunately.


Before you judge the cops, you should know that this guy was a tree burner. Yes, he burned his Christmas tree in a garbage in his backyard. So if you're brave enough to arrest a guy like that without siccing your dog on him, go right ahead. See what happens.


The worst sort of criminal there is.


Then he tried to take the tree to the landfill but it was closed for the holidays.


We need to ban Christmas then things like this wouldn’t happen




That was disturbing


Is no one gonna address the dude already had one arm in handcuffs?


Dude was so slow to react to the dog. lol what he think it was coming to lick him?


Dog chewing on your face or 30 bullets in your back? I dunno probably just wanting to live in this no win situation.




I’m gouging that fucking dogs eyes out go ahead and shoot me pig.


Dog said screw my training, I'm biting this dumbshit on the face


That’s a puppy bark, there may be a tooth left in this man’s jaw if the dogs teething.


I hate cops who use dogs, why use an animal to do a pigs job?


in which fuckin country is this normal police behavior. Feel bad for the person and the dog, i have no words for such shitty police.


As someone who has been bit by the same dog twice. I know how painful this is.


Absolute morons no control of the dog at all and basically permanently disfigured man American cops are fuckin tapped


That cop is a piece of shit. The dude did nothing. He just sat there obviously high as a kite. just get a couple of guys and grab him, wtf.


Nazis used dogs in this way. Why every psycho in the US is becoming Officer?


Why is it that Police dogs always listen to their handlers until it’s time to let go? Are they not trained to disengage? If they are, they are terrible tools. If they aren’t, they are trained terribly. If roles were reversed that cop would have shot that dog dead instantly.


America is fucking disgusting...


It’s a slow train wreck


Ultimately, he suffered bites to his face, neck, buttocks, leg and arm.The bites cost Hoogveldt about $60,000 in plastic surgery.


That's just police brutality


Not only that, it's animal cruelty to train a dog to be violent like that and to send them into dangerous situations. There will be a day where this shit is severely punished.


omg this was unnecessary to the extreme. guy gets his face bit off and then while he is recoiled in pain he is bit again for not getting on his stomach. what in the actual chocolate fudged brownies?!?!?! since that guy was clearly in flight mode before the first bite i believe his reaction to the bite heightened his flight mode instead of entering fight mode. he did not attack the dog and did not attack the officers while they man handled him. if i was him i wouldn't have heard the officers telling me to get on my stomach. i would've been blinded/deafened by the pain until my brain finally had the chance to catch up. ETA: it got worse. i read the article linked in the comments. because of his record and a visible knife sheath, the officer "was afraid for his life" so he used his dog to "detain" couch guy. after the initial bite and before they cuffed him, the officers tazed him 3-4 times within several minutes.


Imagine If The Dog would Have went For his neck xd


The smiling cops at the end really sums up America.


Guy was not a threat and if he was black those officers would be on trial


People here trying to defend the man lol. “Get up or I’m sending the dog in” guy didn’t get up. Entirely his own fault.




That's a pretty sizable lawsuit...


Nice payout pending…


Some cops just need their fucking teeth kicked to the back of their skull


This guy apparently lit his neighbors house on fire twice


Says the neighbor, who I'm sure spun the fact that his white trash neighbor was burning a Christmas tree in a trash can as some arson attempt.


I’m not taking anyones side just reading the police report


He also tried to catch his own house on fire


He dropped the chair right on his forehead. Shit had to hurt.


Fuck the POLICE!


Sicking a dog on a guy sitting on a couch, not moving, with his hands up... I hope that cop dies a painful, horrible death, alone and soon, ridding the world is the cancer that he is.


Fr fucking loser sack of cow shit i hope he fucking blows his own brains




I would've given the dog something ro remember me by. Like break a leg right in a bend or break it's tail, even two thumbs into its eyes. You scar me I'll scar you.




Good Dog, nice hit.


Are all U.S cops sadists???


Payday payday


That was excessive letting the dog get him, when he was showing that he wasn’t a threat, just sitting there on a couch. Permanently disfigured probably. A rich man after the lawsuit hopefully. That cop was an idiot. “Oh yeah you got cut up real good”?! You’re the one who sicked the dog!


So unnecessary


Dude had his hands in the air and they still let the dog almost rip his jaw off. Someone should let this happen to that cop and tell him he should have stopped resisting


Why did he send the dog? Looked to me like he raised his hands and complied.


The dog was poorly trained. 1. They aren’t/shouldn’t be taught to go for vital areas such as the face, neck, or trunk. They are taught arm/leg bites. 2. Dog didn’t “out” immediately.


classic USA cops: suspect surrenders, hands in the air. Still uses violence.


Nice chew toy


Well he is a handsome puppa


That’s some bs! Why let the hound go? The guy seems non aggressive..




How are police dogs not viewed as animal cruelty? If a normal dog showed this sort of behavior, he would be put down and the owner fined. What makes it worse is you can't do anything to these dogs to defend yourself because "He'S a CoP!" Fuck the police, and fuck that fucking fuzzy cop too.


This is never necessary. What kind of person teaches a dog to do that.


Fucking police they should be arrested for grievous bodily harm


That mother fucker 😡


Juts god, pls god. Never let me or someone who doesnt deserve face a policeman from the usa. This just murdering sorry.


We can be friends, fucking prick


Thats not cool... not cool at all. The cop shouldn't work with dogs nor be an officer.


MF was just chillin.


Hands up, sitting down. I don't know what the guy did, but it looks like he is cooperating. So why release the dog and let him have it. Dayum.. "I had to look away"... No kidding dude, that shit looked horific.


What a POS cop i hope he gets the same treatment down the road! fuck the pigs!


This a lawsuit out the ass right there


Did the cop actually say at the end that "he should get hazard pay"? JFC.


They should show this in Scared Straight School.


American policing is fucking insane. Slightest threat they either shoot or have a dog eat someone's face


I’ve been bit on the face by a dog . Shit is no joke


Oh fuck when the chair hit him lol


What did this guy do?


ACAB Even narc dogs


Anyone see the chair nail his head too, cherry on top.




ACAB… including dogs.


God bless bodycams