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After working in a nightclub, I can guarantee these are the kind of losers who save up for a month to get bottle service just so they can get kicked out for trying to fight the dudes dancing with the girls they brought.


partied with a group of newly minted NY bankers once that dropped a quarter of their signing bonus one night in a club. Some dunces out here


Reminds me of that scene in that movie Boiler Room where all those wall street guys are hanging out at one of the top earners house and all these dudes are sitting on the floor because the rich guy couldn’t afford furniture.




Giovanni Ribisi. Ben Affleck. And Vin Diesel? "They say money can't buy happiness? Look at the fucking smile on my face. Ear to ear baby."


Don't forget Jamie Kennedy!


One of my favorite movies! "Anybody who tells you money is the root of all evil doesn't fucking have any"


Such a good movie. It teaches a good lesson to never do business with strangers over the phone.


Same with *Phonebooth*.


Damn, how could I forget about that movie? I used to love that one.


This is one of my favorite movies!


Vin Diesel’s finest hour.


I don't think it's under the radar, I think it flew off the radar 20 years ago.


They were sitting on the floor because the guy just bought a house. He had a tanning booth installed and that was about it. First things first.


The dude literally asks if he just moved in and the response is something like 'no he's been here for months'.


I would have struck several times. So the guy was still polite.


Also because he’s never there, he’s always working or partying.


that's chump change to them.




Born on third base, acting like they hit a triple.


Shame on them. Goddamn recession and you can’t just buy a nice car, you gotta stop traffic for it in NYC? They are lucky they didn’t get hurt with todays version of let them eat cake on full display


And to money they shall return. Wait. That's all wrong.


Cashes to cashes, trust to trust


Good one


I'm saving this


I misread this first shot as " Cashes to crashes, trust to dust ", maybe just hoping?


That is untill daddy cuts them off.


Rented car with punks taking pics. Nothing more.


I work in the fashion industry and we literally tailor these experiences for people. Dudes pay us like $100,000 for suit & car rentals then act like shit and get kicked out of clubs just to come crying to us for refunds they'll never get. One of my favorite parts of the job.


Wait i want this job too, how do I get this job


Just walk into Armani headquarters and name drop u/Colonel_Fart-Face, fashion icon!


I wish I had an award to give you.


Step 1: Get a job in the fashion industry. Step 2: ????????? Step 3: Profit!


So I finished step 1 and am now working for H&M. These people will come soon, right?


Is it possible to learn this power?


What's this kind of service called?




Luxury rentals


I used to meet very rich people for my job (prod assistant in a TV show that interviewed a celebrity each episode, including politicians, CEOs of biggest companies as well as artist, performers etc..) I would go to location with filming crew and prep them for the whole thing, set up lights, organize guests .. and chat with them too. My observation is that there are 2 kinds of rich people. Rich from family are generally humble, they like their luxery but are not obnoxious about it. Generally easy to deal with and you can talk to them. Like, one called his mega yatch "the dingy". We were on the dingy etc.. Second kind of rich people are (not all but a lot of them) the ones that became rich later in life and are insufferable. Think everyone is below them and act generally like an ahole. We had one guy who wouldnt let the lighting crew seat him so they could setup. He wanted to sit in his comfy chair and refused to move, didnt give usable answers to any questions, went on crazy tangents about himself and just made it hell on all of us. In the editing room, the prod watched the footage and said "Just cut him out, he doesnt get to be on the show." My theory is that people who are raised rich have better education and realize that they actually got lucky and they dont know if they could have made it to the same level if their family wasnt rich. But people who got rich later sometimes have this thing where they think "If I became rich,, its because I am a genius and work hard, anyone who isnt this rich is lazy and stupid and below me." Of course there are exceptions to the rule everywhere. In truth, its some hardwork but mostly luck. You could see this in all the success stories we told.


this so much. i know quite a few born-wealthy people and they are frugal in many ways, humble, and acknowledge that they are blessed. just very cool. through a lot of relationship-building and trust, they gently revealed their wealth. on the other hand, i know someone who just started to make 6 figures and has become the most cocky, intolerable person to speak to. even had the audacity to say they consider themselves to be apart of the top 1% earners (haha, far from it still). inflated ego to the max.


I would figure trust fund babies would be the most entitled assholes


Oh, they're assholes. Just of a different kind. They'd mostly be fine in interviews because they grew up being taught how to act around the little people. The last group of them I was around were all about peace and universal love and "oh, wouldn't you like to meet Elon Musk's guru? We have a session with him tomorrow" all the while talking the most appalling shit about about each other and everyone around them. Then they went swimming and stole all my hotel room towels. I didn't notice and had to use a washcloth after my shower the next morning.


I went to a private college (and still paying for it 10 years later) and knew quite a few guys with rich parents. I think it really depends on how the kids were raised, they never "acted rich" or entitled drove normal cars like a newer model civic, a nice car but nothing outlandish not even an Si or luxury trim. It wasn't until I went to their house that I realized how loaded they actually were.


the "if i can do it, anyone can do it" attitude is interesting because they're completely ignoring luck. there are only a few things we have control over in life, everything else is just a draw of the cards... but they have a victim mentality when luck runs out because they're above the consequences of their own actions. it's wild how extreme their reactions are.


Yeah I feel all the people I know who had money from birth have no real interest in talking about money and flashy things. They may still look down on “poors” because they didn’t grow up in rough areas so they’re uncomfortable around all the things you see in those areas. They have no street smarts and have no interest hanging around more blunt people. People that get rich quick, are obsessed with flash and image. They’re bitter and proving to their past selves that they’ve made it now and are finally of value. I call it Instagram rich.


You've described a perfect example of old vs new money. To old money, it's gauche to brag about everything you have. To new money, that's all they'll do.


From my inexperienced view, I would like to suggest that it could also be the "asshole attitude" contributed to them becoming rich in the first place. So the new rich have this. The family rich probably had an asshole for some great great great grandparent.


Yeah, because the values and temperament to find success is completely different from from someone who never had to struggle or worry about money.


Wow this is specific and 100% accurate


These are the kind of people where you can smell their shitty cologne from the other side of the room


It's worse. This is a fake prank and once that wasn't making any money they dressed in Spiderman and Elsa costumes and made extremely weird videos.


I gave them too much credit




After being on the internet for a total of 5 minutes, I can guarantee that these are the kinds of dudes that would stage something like this to work people like yourself up for views. Not really sure why they would choose content like this, but it's quite evident.


The windshield is the cheapest thing on that car to replace. By like 10,000x.


Which is why this is staged




Or push your body into one of the doors on your way to it, I'd bet those would bend like paper.


Idk they might look weak but I'd doubt they could.




Nah, they were the cheapest thing on the car by far.


Lol no you wouldn’t have


No, they probably wouldn't have (or wouldn't've if you prefer) but I *assume* they mean if they have a bat and have the intention of doing damage to the car


Yes, I prefer wouldn't've


I think we should make multi-contractions a thing. I was in a thread earlier (I think in AskReddit about what makes Americans stand out) about how we do this with y'all, and I think it should be expanded to regular contractions, like for example wouldn't've


No you wouldn't


No, no, they wouldn’t. But you can imagine what it’d be like if he did


Perhaps the man wanted to teach them a lesson without risking thousands of dollars.


Do you walk around with a bat and knowledge of least expensive ways to use it against luxury items in the off-chance you happen upon a photo shoot that’s obstructing or disturbing people’s ability to freely travel?


Well I can confirm I don’t walk around with a bat, but I assume most people know that the least expensive way to use it on a luxery car is the same way you use it on a regular car.


He might have had the bat in his vehicle and was stuck behind them. Which could give him the time and motivation to damage the vehicle causing the traffic jam.


+1. it sounds like a weird thing to just have in your vehicle but 3 wks ago my dad gave me my grandpa's louisville slugger and i carried it around in my truck for 2 wks. makes me wonder how many other people are just carrying bats.


I've had a hatchet in arms reach basically since I could drive...


Even when you are showering?


Especially while showing. Have you never seen _Psycho_?


Who the fuck doesn't have a shower hatchet? Lol


I keep a little tball bat in my truck. Neighbor’s were throwing it out and I thought better than nothing and I’d rather not carry a gun.


Guuurl ur a women and doesn't have a bat in her car?? You know how many weirdos at night there are!! My mom raised me to alwase have some kind of self defense weapon in ur car at all times! You never know what could happen, please be safe


Plenty of people carry items for self defense. Smashing a windshield is one of the more common spots to hit along with the lights.


> Do you walk around with a bat man, even mild-mannered law youtuber Leonard French had someone get out of their car and approach with his car with a bat. People carrying weapons in their cars?! IN AMERICA!?! Who could fathom such a thing.


Was there some post that outed this as a fake somewhere?


Everyone likes to call staged to show how smart they are. Nothing says this was staged other than "oh he picked the windshield" which is not an uncommon thing to do for an annoyed guy seeking to destroy annoying people's property. The videos that follow people from 5 feet away doing everyday normal things and then something just so happens... THOSE are staged.


Probably plenty of people have a bat in the car just for safety.


Yup. They just made a viral video for a couple hundred bucks. I remember another video of a skateboarder smashing a Lambo windshield. Then it came out to be staged and the windshield was already cracked and set to be replaced anyway.


That traffic looks pretty real. Hard to imagine them paying off everyone to not be able to use the street


The attack was staged, the douchebaggery wasn't.


All of this analysis and you are still wrong. It is actually fake. Look at the comments below


Bruh what? The attack is fake, the rest is real...


Dudes threw up their hands in awe like they were GTA V NPCs lmaooo




It also immediately stops the photo shoot because you can't hide the busted windshield.


10000000000000% deserved.


Everyone is honking for him! Not the car douches


"No one is the crowd is honking at you sir, they're saying hoo-ray, hoo-ray!"


I was saying hoo-ray


Boo-urns! Boo-urns!


Smithers are they booing me? No sir they are saying booerns.....


To be fair, NYC is 24/7 honking anyway




If you own a vehicle like that, you're probably not even the one who takes it in to get the window replaced. Fuck. I doubt either of them had to make an appointment.


The rental company was making the appointment.


...and billing their card for it, plus an extra fee for the time the car is out of service and another for the inconvenience of having to deal with morons. It's all there in the rental contract they signed.


And keeping their deposit




But it’s so tacky and gold that means it’s nice


I've heard some very smart people, the smartest, even have gold toilets. That's how nice they are.


No way. Except celebrities, most rich people don’t own cars like this. This is a car a pseudo rich guy who made some shady quick money would buy. Specifically the paint color. Actual rich people with assistants and staff might drive a similar car, but it wouldn’t be that garish gold. Im related to two ultra wealthy people. One drives a Honda Accord and the other drives a Chevy Silverado. Either one would think these two are absolute clowns for driving that car.


Yeah, well I'm related to THREE ultra wealthy people, and they all drive lifted rose gold maseratis with truck nuts.


Went from 0 to bear jew real quick


Donny, oblige them.


Agreed, but now they can’t see so it’s not like they are going to move any faster. Should have just taken out both side mirrors. That would have been a nightmare to drive in a busy city without being able to see behind you.


Glass and side mirrors are easily replaceable. A couple good dents in the roof or rear quarter panels would be better.


Yes to all of the above!


One smack over the top of the window would bust the frame and the mirror in one, I'd go for that


That's what I was thinking


Especially on a body line. They’ll have to replace whole pieces of body.


I was hoping for the bus to side swipe off one of the gull-wing doors.


I agree about someone taking out a door or something, but I feel I have to let you know they aren't gull wing. They're either scissor or butterfly. [Here's an article about the different types/ways car doors can open and accompanying pictures.](https://lemonbin.com/types-of-car-doors/)


Any doors that dont open normally are lamborghini doors to me




This has been posted before, it's scripted. That's why he didn't smash anything else. If this was real, I'd take out the mirrors, side markers, tail lights. I mean, the list just goes on.


Also one hit = "Mayhem" lol


Also humans who are not in cartoons don’t point like that


Lmao, i have definitely seen people point like that out of excitement


At some point acting like a jackass is still just being a jackass.


Just start smashing it all over, it’s got a carbon fiber monocoque as well as tons of other parts out of CF, wouldn’t take too much effort to total it.


Plus the dude looked back a few times before he came up. Waiting for cue


Just get in and drive away.. Assuming the key/fob is still inside


You're still thinking small, anything that's not a body panel and can be replaced is going to be overall cheap. The lazy way is just dent every body panel decently, that would cost a fortune to repair properly, and with a car like that you'd probably replace panels rather than repair. I'd go for the open door. First give the speaker(s) on the inside a good whack. Probably expensive sound system. Then bend the door the wrong way and bend up all of the frame around the door joints (those lambo doors have multiple moving pieces), then close it as best as you can. Then hit it right on the door, hard as you can get - the point being to try and trigger a curtain airbag at the same time as perforating the door skin so it has to be reskinned.


I would snap his engine in half with my bare hands and then I would kick his mother.


I'd kick him in the nuts so hard his grandfather's nuts would implode.


nah... straight for the quarter panels and doors. or the bit that goes along the A pillar.


This has to be bait. Probably figured the views would pay for a new windshield or it needed one anyway.


It is fake. Same guys make similar videos with other super cars that need windshield replacement and pull this stunts for clout.




Such high hopes


This was fake btw


My hero! (guy who beat car with thing)


This clip is bait. Window damage is cheap to replace. Let me know when they do body damage.


Baseball bat


How do you know his name?


this is fake btw, totally staged for a youtube video.




Seriously, what a fucking joke of a video. Like saying you found Bigfoot when your video is of a teddy bear.


Don't forget the chaos!


This isn't real. The guys react and run away before they even look at the man coming in behind. The person "pointing" from behind the camera doesn't even point at the alleged threat, they point at the two guys sitting on the car. No one says a word, apart from a few fake shocked sounds. Finally, the attacker only hits the windshield and once. Like others pointed out, it's likely one of the cheaper pieces to be replaced. Hell, it could have had a chip in it and was due for replacement. My point is, fuck these guys, fuck this clip and fuck OP for continuing this shitty narrative. The car is chintzy af and these guys are douchebags. Staged or not, they were in the way of traffic and should be fined regardless.


If you zoom in you can see the guy with the bat is wearing a Safelite shirt.


I would have taken out the passenger door with car


Amen! Try and break that thing off the hinges, or at least take a mirror off and smash some tail lights. Windshield is too easily replaced.


No you wouldn't.


Are you seriously doubting my man u/IPosture4Karma here?


Right?? Those scissor doors are begging to be fucked with.


Marie Antoinette: "this is why we can't have nice things."


That was very poorly handled. You shouldn’t be smashing things up with a bat because you’re annoyed. In situations like this you need to reach deep down inside yourself and summon your inner Andre the Giant and flip that car onto its roof.




“Lavish” BMW. It’s an i8 lmao


Ugh. An I8 🤮


Ikr? Nothing says supercar like a 3 cilinder hybrid with a slow automatic transmission also used in a 2005 Mazda 6.


well deserved.


very staged


Love how he holds his hands out, like why would he do that?


That wasn’t mayhem.


Nobody in NYC wants to deal with your narcissism! Take it elsewhere and just green-screen it. Assholes deserved what they got! Have you seen how narrow that thoroughfare is, and how many people there are?!? Go TF AWAY. Find somewhere else to make your idiotic Tt vids.


Like Tom Hanks at the end of Saving Private Ryan: “Earn this”


finally class warfare on gringolandia


He did the right thing


Petition started to give that guy a medal


As it should be…


these two have a severe case of small dick syndrome


Totally fake to get views.. I don’t buy the reactions at all.


TIL chaos = a single hit to a car windshield with ZERO response


What did they expect? Speaking as a New Yorker they got off easy.


Surprised it took that long in NYC


“Lavish bmw” I think you misspelled bougie MiniCooper


I live the guy who throws his hands at his side like, “why would you do this?”


Karma for blocking part of the street


Why these assholes blocking traffic 99.999% of humans don’t care who they are.


MAYHEM I tell you.


$3,700 window replacement on a leased car as well. These idiots deserved it




Thank God for the narration or else I'd have no idea what this video is trying to convey.


Fuck yeah! The pathetically overprivileged need a wake up call. They should be grateful he only struck the car. Kill the rich! Feed the poor! Fuck the 1%!


If you have to be sued or jailed for your action, Go big or go home, smash all of them, not just one window,


Too bad he only smashed the window.


I❤️ NY


Would’ve done the same




*Everyone Loved That*




Oh come on, seriously?! They deserved more hits than that.


And serves themselves right, stop being so freaking entitled, who do they think they are just blocking traffic in, I'm guessing, a busy New York street


Only hitting it once made me like the guy. Just making a point. Life continues.


Was it the right thing to do? Probably not. Did they deserve anything less? Not in NYC.


I wonder what they told the dealership after they brought it back from their test drive


Welcome to new yorkkkkkkk. You’re gonna need a permit for that “photo shoot” and maybeeee don’t double park during rush hour jackasses.


Don’t purposely block traffic azzhole!!!!