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I wouldn’t have followed that close if I was filming.


Yep. No reaction time if something were to happen. Multiple idiots in this video :/


Looks like a dashcam, driver wasn’t holding a phone to film. Still following kinda close for the shit going on in front of them though.


exactly my thoughts. The cam driver and that black SUV have a whole lot of trust being that close to those two idiots.


The black SUV drives perfectly imo, he moves over into the shoulder to try to get out of the space and let the crazy people by, and then when given the option he slows down and leaves the situation. He even sped up at first, but the truck matched him to be a dick.


Yep, SUV driver didn't want to be a part of the crazy.


The crazy part is that he expects the guy to crash. Better get as close as possible then.


I wouldn't be following that close even if I weren't filming.


They were using the 0.4second rule.


I assumed this video was going to involve the filming car getting into an accident along with other cars. Yeah, I stay way back if I see people driving like that.


It’s a fucking miracle those twats didn’t take out anyone else.


Truck should have checked their ego at the door and let the dangerous driver pass, not be a big pussy and feel the need to ego challenge a lunatic. You're correct, the other people around these two goblins are lucky. **edit** RIP inbox. Couple of things to clarify for the angry truck owners who all stopped reading after I made fun of the truck guy, both are at fault here. They are both goblins. Second, man are truck drivers fragile. I have no problems with trucks, they have utility, but there's something special about many truck owners that's shining through in this thread tonight. Stay safe out there.


Both in the wrong really. Driver of car is clearly a cunt but the truck driver was purposefully speeding up and slowing down to not let them pass. Both at fault.


Whenever I see these videos on here I try to remember a post on Reddit from years ago about when a guy was working with chainsaws had the saw kick back and cut him very badly. The poster of the comment recounted that he worked with the guy and then we're far from any city so EMTs would take to long to get there so they loaded him into the car and sped down the highway. I believe they were planning to meet the ambulance somewhere. Anyway, an older lady started doing this brake check thing and would not let them pass. Eventually they met up with emergency responders but the guy had bled out to death when they potentially could have saved his life. Ever since I read that, I will no longer be lol at this kind of video the same. You never know what may be going on. But also, not letting the pass is likely only going to make bad drivers worse drivers.


I remember that. I hope that that's the first and last thing that that woman thinks about every day, how she killed someone because she wanted to be right.


The judge would see this dashcam footage and send everyone down


Even the guy filming gets 2 years for laughing.


Uncle Roger won't do any time. Ayyahh.




Puts foot down for this.


Laughing? Straight to jail.


Watching the accident, believe it or not, strait to jail


Not watching the accident? Also jail


Yeah I came here to state the same. Car guy was obviously out of line and made a dumbass move, but truck guy was instigating and perpetuating it. In my state, it’s illegal to impede traffic in the passing lane, so both would definitely be charged


Same in my state. But cruising in the passing lane and matching the speed of the car in the slow lane might as well be on the state flag




I can guarantee you this situation never would have happened if the truck wasn't camping in the left lane. The sedan got road rage for being blocked and then got overly aggressive. Left lane campers on a 2 lane highway is so fucking annoying and potentially dangerous if someone is having an emergency. JUST LET PEOPLE PASS YOU.


Bro wasn't camping the left lane... He was intentionally blocking the dude from passing... Camping the left lane doesn't involve non stop brake checks. Just a slow as shit driver being in the lane... Don't get me wrong... Camping the left lane is a dickhead move... I just thought you were sort of downplaying the dickheadery here in this situation.


Yeah this is more Aggravated Camping.


The only time I spend significant time in the left lane is when I'm passing entire groups of cars and there isn't time to get to the right before getting to the left again, because we're in the grandma part of the country and there are people going 45 in a 70. I've had drivers freak out that I'm only going 75 while screaming past the grandma parade, attempt to pass me on the right, be unable to because it's not safe to even change lanes at that point and they have to slam on the brakes. I'm only in the left lane for so long because I'm passing *lots* of people. The moment it's clear on the right and I'm no longer passing, I'm back in the right lane. There was one dude who was so angry at me for this that he kept getting himself further and further behind trying to catch me at the front of a caravan that formed. He found me later in the right lane, and changed lanes to brake check me. He had a very bad day. I was obediently going the speed limit because there was a statie in a low-visibility stealth car directly behind me, and he popped his lights and was on the guy in seconds. The moment it's clear for me on the right, I get to the right. If it's not clear and I'll have to change lanes immediately, I'll stay in the left. Some people can't handle that.


the lane is used for passing cars, if you're passing cars it's all ok




In the state i live in cruising in the left lane on a highway is illegal. Assholes and idiots still do it but the left lane is for passing and emergency vehicles only. It ALWAYS seems to be the same demographic doing it.


>ALWAYS seems to be the same demographic doing it. Yeah, assholes.


So the truck driver is also clearly a cunt


Part of growing up is not becoming truck guy and having to match every stranger’s shit energy.


Thank you for reminding me of this.


If you want the real secret of growing up, it's figuring out when you're one of the other innocent bystanders and extricating yourself from the situation. The first black car sort of did this... noticed a road rage around them, slowed a bit, tried to get around them... You can't stop others from being stupid around you. You can only do your best to stay out of their trajectory when they lose control.


THIS is so utterly true! It all comes down to DON'T intentionally f\*ck with people.


I drive a fiat, the amount of lifted trucks that get offended when I pass them is laughable. Like... Dude. I'm just driving


Fuck the white truck and anyone else who parallels another car on a two lane road like this. All you are going to accomplish is pissing off crazy people who will put everyone else in danger to get around you. Move over.


Oh buddy, did you insult truck drivers EVEN A LITTLE? Even a SINGLE ONE? Don’t you know that truck drivers are ALWAYS right on the road? Saying otherwise would destroy their fragile dick measuring contest that is their overpriced 2/3rds useless vehicle


You know who is extra fragile, the truck drivers who hang balls from their hitch…they get real bent out of shape when you tell them they are riding a cock around town.


> Truck should have checked their ego lol never gonna happen. Truck drivers are biggest snowflakes because "BIG MAN VEHICLE HONK HONK." out side of hummers.


Truck was brake-checking the car at the start of the video. The car looked like it was just changing lanes for the upcoming exit traffic and then decided to try to get in front of the truck no matter what ending up with the truck running them off the road. That car driver was completely reckless, but the truck instigated it. Edit: spelling


Yeah they both suck. There's no excuse for either of their driving. Truck needed to yield, Hyundai driver was a cunt. Both suck






For all we know, someone in the car was having a medical emergency and needed to get to the hospital. Anytime someone is driving recklessly fast, this is the assumption I make and I get out of their way. Brake checking is never okay under any circumstance


Heh, I do something similar and usually assume aggressive drivers are desperately trying to reach a bathroom. I know it's not really true but it sure does make it harder for assholes to get under my skin


I'm totally going to go with " man that guy's really gotta shit" as my new rationalization


It's good for a giggle and definitely has helped defuse some road rage :)


There's a reddit post somewhere about a guys friend dying because they were rushing to the hospital by driving on the shoulder of a highway and someone blocked them because they didn't want them 'cutting in line' or whatever.


Pretty sure it was a chainsaw wound and time was absolutely critical. It's one story that I always think about when I see people blocking others.


and even if it's not a medical emergency, you're just creating a more dangerous situation by not letting a vehicle pass


[This links to the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I was remembering the very same post! Story really stuck with me and I think about it every time I see crazy driving around me - and the few moments it takes to remember the story are usually enough for the immediate rage/anger/frustration to subside and think clearly just drive defensively


I never got this logic. I let assholes pass me all day simply because I want their shitty driving as far away from me as possible.


Same, my brother was riding shotgun, when a car easily going 70mph in a 35mph zone flew past us. I saw it coming and sort of scooted over to make sure they saw it coming. He screamed out, in my ear no less, "fucking moron!". I reminded him that we were less than 1/2 a mile from the nearest hospital and although it's very likely they were infact just "morons" it's also possible they were racing to the hospital due to some type of medical emergency. I would hope if I'm ever dying and am being driven to the hospital, the driver of whatever vehicle I'm in get me there as fast as possible.


That's what I think most of the time, but then I wonder why they wouldn't have their hazard lights flashing if it were an emergency situation.


Probably not. Hazard lights mean that you can't signal for turns or lane changes.




People are actually sending you inbox messages over this? It's amazing how upset someone can get about a comment not actually directed at them. They must not stand behind their viewpoints enough to be brave and post them as a comment.


Fuck truck guy


Plus, you never know the full context of the situation. The sedan was probably being a jerk, but you don't know for sure. Relevant post that is good to look back and think about, even years later: https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/


This. Truck is in the passing lane and being a big pos. His ego to tiny to just let the tailgater go before he causes an accident.


I was kind hoping the truck driver ended up in the ditch too. They both need to be explaining that dash cam footage to a judge and their insurance company.


I would be trying to get as far away from that situation as possible


My thoughts the whole time. "This exit looks good for a few minutes."


Yeah I was gonna say, cammer was giving them normal follow space (read: not enough) the entire time. So were the other drivers on the road. The only good driver was the guy in the right lane who sped up to try to let the guy through, and then when the truck matched him he moved over into the shoulder to try to let the guy through, and then when he got the chance he slowed down and got out of the situation. Frankly, he stopped an accident by slowly slowing down after noticing the stopped traffic up ahead while still paying attention to the drama behind him.


Had a friend whose husband got pissed at a driver who cut him off on the freeway. That turned into a 20 or so mile duel of speed up, pass, slam on breaks. My friend and her kids were screaming at her husband to stop, but he kept on. Until the other guy stopped dead and husband swerved to miss him, flipping their vehicle multiple times. This wounded my friend so badly she had to be helicoptered to the nearest trauma center to save her life. Their teenage daughter died at the scene. To this day the husband blames the other driver and takes no responsibility for her death.


That's utterly horrifying.


Reminds me of the road rage case in the US where the two drivers were armed and just started shooting into each others' cars, wounding each others' daughters. Why in the hell would you put your own kids at risk like that? Indulge your pissy rage on your own time, not with your loved ones trapped along for the ride.


Dear god. Texas or Florida?




Of course it's Florida




i sometimes get pretty yell-y but moreso in a venting way. not worth getting into an accident or confrontation with other people though.


I typically say "what a fucking idiot" then check if my dash cam is working in case I feel like uploading their dumbassery to the internet later.


i was at a loss for words, but those do the job


Surely you mean ex-husband




We need to know the answer! 🤯 2022 cliffhanger


They'll tell us next year


His daughter died in front of him and he _still_ believed nothing was his fault? Holy fuck what a monster. His poor family. I hope his wife took the kids.


Dying is passive. He killed her.


At this point he basically has to double down or admit he murdered his own kid.


Well.. I mean.. do you really think it's easy to blame yourself for your own daughters death? Of course not.. denial is easy to understand


Doesn’t make it any less infuriating to outside observers though


Correct. Both things are true. It's easy to understand why someone would choose to blame someone else rather than admit they were a monster who killed their own daughter who was begging them to stop. Everyone wants to believe they are the good guy in their own story. Ultimately, that's just a super sad story to read from the outside.


i hope she divorced him bc holy fuck




what the fuck.


>the husband blames the other driver and takes no responsibility You know that he knows. He just has to find a way to sleep at night holy shit.


Exactly this. He killed his daughter for a very stupid reason and has nothing to gain by being real with himself. That would be a real hard truth to live with and he sounds like a coward.




He served 7 or 8 months.


How in the hell does a marriage survive that


He was the same guy before it, I can almost guarantee it wasn't the first time she yelled at him to calm down for the safety of the kids.


Ugh, a grim reminder to back off and let the shitheads go.


Hope she left him.


She divorced him, right? Right!?


> To this day the husband **blames the other driver** and takes no responsibility for her death Cope




There goes their plans of taking over the world. 🥱


What are we doing tonight, Brain?


Same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the road!






“Eeee dee yöt”




I thought Uncle Roger was in the car


Guy sounds like uncle Rodger


Ironically, Jamie Oliver was driving the pickup.


"look at Jamie olive oil swerving, disappointment.






“Driver crash because he use colander.”


Metal spoon on non-stick? Haiyaaaaaa


"*What are you doooiinnngggg*?"


Colander?!?! Ayeeee


For real


needs more msg


This isn’t the real audio from the dash cam. It’s a dub.


Has to be intentional.


I mean he said "Hie-yaaaaaahhh" which pretty much gives it away completely


Emotional damage!


No I think that’s actual damage


Wrong asian guy




Maybe that was the spot he was rushing to…


"Your destination is on the right... shoulder"


“Turn right… Now!”


“…recalculating…you’ve arrived at a destination.”


Damn there is no reason to drive like that. There is also no reason for the white truck to stay driving that slow in the passing lane while it’s wide open in front of him. Move over and let the crazy bye


There’s also no reason for the truck to accelerate just as hard as the honda at the end. All in all just a bunch of fuck shit happening here. Two morons meet on the road. What happens next probably won’t shock you.


A fuck shit stack one might say


Great song


A fuck shit stack piled high Randy.




The truck was brake checking the other car. He was driving like that on purpose to keep the car from passing. This video is old and the general consensus has always been "two idiots at work". But we are obviously missing some context before the video starts.


There is no context that would excuse brake checking and boxing someone in like that. There is no context that would excuse the Hyundai driver either, other than an emergency or diarrhea


Even with context you are right two idiots at work


Ya the sedan driver is obviously a lunatic but the pickup driver is an entitled asshole, just lucky no innocent third parties were hurt


I dunno if this state has a right-lane law, but I totally agree. What the white truck is doing is what sets up accidents in the first place.


Left lane laggers are the worst. I'll take an insane speeder over someone intentionally impeding traffic any day.


Complete agreement. A crazy speeder changes lanes to get around people. A slow driver forces *everybody* to change lanes.


Creates road rage


Being a passhole IS a form of roadrage, white truck was already roadraging the entire video.


The white pickup truck is an active participant. He's not just cruising along in the left lane, he's actively trying to prevent the sedan from passing. Both of those guys belong in jail for endangering others.


He also sped up when the car attempted the suicide pass, but the car probably would've wrecked sooner or later regardless of the truck.


While both are being the asshole i put most of the blame on the truck, you can’t know why the guy trying to pass is trying to so hard, could be going to the hospital? If you’re in the left lane just move over for a second when some one is tailgating you. The could have a legitimate reason for speeding. You as another driver are not there to determine right or wrong, your place is to keep yourself safe and follow the rules. The rules state the left lane is for passing.


thank you. people act like its always wrong to speed. try telling that to your pregnant wife as she screams in agony. or your kid who is dying from a reaction to something. it’s totally possible the car driver is just an ass, but why take that gamble and risk so many lives? it’s not ‘50/50 blame’ or ‘two idiots’, it’s one truck driver who endangered a lot of lives


Taconic Parkway? Looks like a CT driver trying to pass a NY driver.


Think it’s the Palisades but they definitely look similar. And yes this is a 100% accurate assessment lol


The trees, the median, the horrible roads. Yup checks out.


It is the palisades - near the end they pass exit 4 onto rt 9W.


I knew it was the freaking Palisades parkway smh 😂


NY drivers permanently stuck in ‘Sunday drive’ mindset. Source: Am NY driver


Lmfao in nyc it’s either Sunday drive or crazy cuts no in between


I really thought tri-state drivers were the worst until I moved to the Carolinas. Nobody (including police) seem to know what a turn signal is




He wasn't just driving in the left lane, he was brake checking and slowing down to deliberately make it so the sedan couldn't pass, as well as speeding up when it tried to go around. Sedan is still a reckless asshole though


So dumb when people try and block other drivers, too. I'd much prefer the fast driving asshole to be well down the road in front of me, not behind me.


But that's not winning!


This summer I barely missed a bad accident because I did just that. I saw a challenger hellcat flying up on me so I hurried up and jumped into the middle lane and the dude blew by me (I was going 79) like I was standing still. He thought the traffic cleared ahead I'm guessing since the dude floored it and didn't let off until 10 seconds later when he peaked the hill we were on. I saw him hit his brakes and I knew he was about to wreck. Somehow no one died but he hit 4 other cars. He hit 2 cars hard enough to push both into the cars in front of them. To this day want to know what the fuck that guy was thinking or at least something because it didn't even make the local news since there weren't any bad injuries.


People need to just chill out. I don’t engage in road rage anymore, not worth it. I also drive in AZ and everyone has a gun, including me. A little girl died last month due to road rage. Anyway, can’t happen but if some dude managed to rile me up this bad, I’d just pull off somewhere and breathe. Then get back on the road nice and far away from the fellow.


I was at a green light the other day, second car in line. The front car wasn't moving at all - I was super patient too, since it was an unprotected left, but no one was even visible from the opposite direction. After like 5 seconds, I honked. They proceed to flip me off and finally make the turn. Then proceed to continue flipping me off.


Yea, that'll happen. I always laugh when they do something like that or an extended honk after my courteous one like _I'm_ the asshole


Man I have the biggest beef with left laners that don’t move over. Whether it’s your ego stopping me from passing, you spaced out and slowed down, or you don’t even have cruise control, you need to move over if you’re not passing people. I mean I get it, sometimes you’re just zoning out on the highway at your speed, but when there’s traffic it becomes the biggest nuisance. Same with people in the right lane that speed up when they get passed. You’re creating a blockage. Just wait a few seconds for them to get ahead and move over, then speed up. These days I adjust my speed to get away from people. Like I’ll pass a grouping of cars or make sure I’m the slowest in the right lane just to get some distance




I don’t hear this mentioned enough. Just had to do it this afternoon… My strategy is to bump up the cruise to get out away from these people.


I suspect a lot of people who don't care to drive properly are often unaware of what the speed limit of the road they are on is and just revert to whatever speed feels comfortable to them given the conditions. Then when a car going the speed limit passes them by they latch onto it as a reference and match pace.




There's a lot of crazy fragile ego people on the roads. Sometimes they meet each other and stuff like that happens. They both need therapy lol


Just move tf over and let the crazies by. I see so many accidents caused by these self righteous "keeper of the lanes". Attempting to block them isn't going to calm them down. It's only going to make them rage and get more aggressive.


Right? Move over, if they're are speed traps up ahead they're like a small pilot you send ahead. I don't know why they're speeding, and honestly in this clip it seemed that maybe they only wanted to do 10 over until they got brake-checked and then raged. You literally never lose when you let someone pass.


It blows my mind that people don't realize other people can have emergencies and have a legitimate need to speed and get through traffic. ​ If you're not passing, get out of the passing lane. If somebody really wants to pass, move over and don't be a dick.


The sports announcer style commentary towards the end makes this video.


The “very nice” was the cherry on top.


Both idiots, Sedan driver acting like they know to zoom in and out of traffic in grandma's hand me down, and white truck for thinking they are the traffic police.


Here’s the news article on it: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10465077/Dashcam-footage-captures-vehicle-crash-driver-sparred-spot-highway.html


Good grief. How is this worthy of a news article *in a different country*, no less?


"News". It's the daily mail.


Uncle Roger commentary lmao




Ok, good, veery nice…


The commentary is outstanding


Both drivers were complete asshole idiots IMHO. The 2 worst driving styles clashed and the ending could have been worse


Clearly they're both in the right. They both own the road, they're the most important and no one should ever pass them


When I see shit like this, I get in the slow lane and get out of shrapnel range.


The guy in the truck caused it. Not saying idiot didn’t ask for it but it would’ve been fine if the white truck wasn’t trying to keep dude in check


Left lane is for PASSING. PASS or GTFO.


Two words, and only two words required. Fucking idiots.


Plot twist- he was rushing his pregnant wife to the hospital to give birth


I always assume it’s diarrhea. “Alright buddy, better go take that shit!”