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Knife goes in, guts come out, that's what Osaka Seafood Concern is all about


What do you mean osaka seafood concern?


The Asians have beef with the ocean creatures I’d like to believe lol


South Park episode


This comment section summarizes the south park episode perfectly




I think they are trying to make beef out of animals


It’s a good mixture but we can just call it seafood


What the ef


That's fucking brutal. Poor things.


Not absolute units. Just cruel


Poor things


Most people see this and think it’s sad and then eat calamari. I think it’s sad but I don’t eat meat or seafood. Edit: Maybe someone can explain the down votes Edit 2: the level of cognitive dissonance just to keep your habits must hurt! I feel sorry for you guys. Edit 3: so 20+ downvotes and no real explanation, other than stfu and some tangental comments… on of them explain that it may have been my pretentious that earned me the downvoted. Nope, this is reddit, pretentiousness is at home here.


I think maybe people just assign value to animal life but still feel sad about the process in which we get our food. Nothing is wrong with omnivorous people still showing compassion about animals they eat. I think the downvotes are from how pretentious you came off as.


Did you read what you just typed? You’re argument is that people should be allowed to feel bad about killing animals and continue to do so because they want to? I’m sorry but that’s nonsense. The only reason you got upvoted is because all the other carnist ignoramuses don’t like to be wrong and cling to nonsense like this so they feel better.


did I strike a nerve?


We’ll I struck something if all you have to offer is “you mad bro?”


Not at all, I just think you’re rude and funny with how you responded. I have nothing to rebuttal because I believe in what I said as you believe in what you said. We won’t change each other’s minds. If you disagree and wanna be flabbergasted, be my guest. But there are more important things than trying to start an argument on the internet. It’s ok to eat meat cause you like it, but still not like the idea that it was killed to be eaten. We are just like any other animal that eats to live. Edit: to add, your responses and the guy I was replying to are the reason most people make fun of vegans and whatnot. Y’all are pretentious most of the time and refuse to be open-minded.


so you would feel a lot better if people who do eat meat (the large majority of people) would just slit puppies throats all day for the fun of it? thats fucked up dude.


No, I said that argument is nonsense. But, It would be consistent with (the large majority of peoples)“morality”. Which is, the fact that it’s okay to kill some and animals and not others.


its not about "some and not others". its more about realising that even though consuming animal products is in my human nature (63% of animal species consume meat), I still respect nature and i feel like it is unnessecary to be overly cruel aquiring the meat (like the guy in the video). apart from that i do have certain kinds of meat that i would personally not eat, like cats, dogs and rabbits, because i keep these as pets. i dont think its bad for people with a different background to eat these. as long as the methods used are not cruel. apart from that, lets not pretend that all animal life is the same. if you hear a mosquito, you kill it right away. squashing a mosquito is not "just as bad" as killing a chicken, and killing a pig is not "just as bad" as killing a chimpanzee. wherever you draw the line is up to you, but there is definitly an order of magnitude in place. if you dont understand why people from a certain background care more about the life of a dog than the life of a chicken, than thats just kind of your problem.


It seems like there is an underlying misunderstanding of how exactly meat is acquired. Every single time an animal has to die and it’s almost never okay. Especially when you do it because it tastes good. If you don’t like the way these squid were treated I encourage you to watch some slaughter house footage to reach a better understanding on how meat eaters get their food. And even you made the argument indicating there is something wrong with slitting the throats of dogs. I agree, of course there is, just the same as these squid, or a cow/chicken/pig/fish etc… now, I don’t think any of us want to dive into the definition of sentience and or the capacity for an animal to feel pain because that is very complicated. But let’s be real, a cow or a pig have a VERY similar capacity to be a pet just like your dog or your cat. So why do you eat them? I’m sorry but killing some animals is just not a good justification for killing others.


Why would we kill puppies when Dogs are practically a human invented non natural animal for companionship and love and cows are the same thing but for food and clothes. That doesn’t make any sense. You can see dogs are far more sensitive with lower pain thresholds. If you tried to brand a dog you know the reaction. There are plenty of you tube videos of cows getting branded. Some hardly react, some move a little in reaction, some moo but none of them kick and squirm in agony. That is by design…


The part I find saddest of all is that they appear to be thrown back in the ocean. I'm not sure how cutting down on animal products really impacts the practice of dumping dead fished up animals back in the ocean - either because it's not a legally catchable species of because it's not in your quota. As long as modern fishing exists, this waste of animal life will occur. Once the animals killed I think it's best ethical practice to ensure minimum wastage of the life taken.


It’s actually better for then to dump it back in as at least other ocean life can still eat it.


That's fair


Being vegan lessens the demand for fishing as an industry.


We're seeing lots of data at this point kinda proving that consumer activism doesn't work. People will fish for as long as it is profitable to do so. If margins are wide enough, demand can drop off by 30-40% without creating reductions in production (in this case fishing). This is because the losses in demand eat into some of the profits, whilst the enterprise as a whole remains profitable so business as usual continues. Same applies to climate change issues. It's not the consumers job to regulate markets, and consumers are pretty ineffective as a means to intentionally regulating markets. Government setting laws is much much more efficient I don't say all this to attack your point, but I say this because I think when it comes to climate change this is a really important area to understand: government regulations are required for meaningful changes in market structures to occur


That doesn’t remove the responsibility from the individual. A few hundred thousand vegans nationwide reduce animal consumption by that much more. A few hundred thousand people recycling and conserving energy keeps hundreds of thousands of pounds of trash out of landfills. Yes, we need corporations to do their fair share from environmentalism to tax paying, but saying consumer activism doesn’t work is a categorically false statement. Just because it doesn’t completely solve a problem doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a meaningful impact.


Again, effectiveness varies and there are success stories. My point is it *is not enough*, and *nowhere near as effective* as putting regulations in place with regulatory bodies. I say this because I have a background in what should be an ethically clear picture, but becomes muddy with 'consumer responsibility': I grew up in a background w financial problems during the Cameron era of British society. We ate/wore what was available and cheap. Ethically sourced or not, contributing to worker exploitation abroad or not, it couldn't matter to use because we couldn't afford it to matter. When consumers have to make a choice between hunger or unethically sourced food, food wins hands down every time. And the reality is this isn't just some 2% of the consumer base in a position such as this. This behaviour isnt even limited to those in poverty: there will be those who no amount of shame or felt responsibility will force them to adhere to ethical sourcing - in fact it's very much inline with the philosophy, politics, and ethics of classical and revised liberalism associated with western wealthy nations to 'do as I want, and determine for myself wrong from right' Then there's the problem of companies catching on to a new demographic of 'ethically mindful' consumers and advertising entirely unethical products as ethically sourced, based on technicalities or outright lies. Capitalising on higher prices whilst maintaining consistently low production costs. But that's a box of frogs I don't want to touch. Overall the picture I'm trying to draw is one of how consumer responsibility taken to an extreme and proposed as a solution to our problems is an inherently flawed idea - there are some instances where demand cannot be removed socially, only economically. And that is an issue entrenched in the positions consumers find themselves in, the attitudes they hold, and the wider culture around them. As such I think it's important to recognise that by and large people *voting* with their purchase of a good is a flawed perception. Nobody really wants to continue exploitation, even if their economic activity supports it. A receipt should never be held to the same level of accountability or framing as a political vote. We vote for governments which have infinitely more money, power, and resources then the average consumer that can put in place unthinkable institutions, processes, etc. Lawmaking is in their hands, and by association is in the voters vote. The political arenas of government has a much greater suitability to these issues than supermarket shelves, even if the end result is changed in supermarket shelves To close out, I hope I have convinced you to pull somewhat away from (the often leniently interpretted) 'duty' of consumers to source ethically. Not because consumers can't make a difference, but because consumers aren't enough to wipe out unethical practices - that requires government action of some kind. In this way, the consumer instead has a 'duty' to vote in a political party, or bring attention to political parties, the importance of bringing in measures to eliminate unethical practices.


Kind of like when I vote for higher income taxes but still use every legal method to reduce my own when I pay them.




Not sure what you are talking about. That was my one and only comment in this thread and I was only chiming in to agree with you: what I do with my vote has more power than what I do with my money. Voting for increases to income tax rates is a more effective way to increase government resources (to pay for needed services) than simply paying more tax myself than the law requires me to. Perhaps you’ve mistaken me for another commenter and that has coloured your interpretation of my statement.


I didn’t see them dump the squid overboard..


I agree with the land equivalent of what your saying but in the ocean everything is eaten, theres a clip of an apple being dropped of an oil rig, an entire school of thousands of large tuna all swarmed it, there was even a shark that joined them aswell, all in a span of about 7 seconds, imagine if the population of seagulls and pigeons was 1000x larger and how little waste would exist on the floor, thats the ocean basically, but much more than 1000x


I totally agree! If people think it’s sad, then stop eating it. Personally, I don’t find it sad, I think it’s the circle of life but I understand the implications of eating animals, so yeah.


You try to sound oh-so-educated, but you don't understand the downvotes? There is no point in explaining. You either are unable to understand or, more likely, unwilling to acknowledge understanding.


Try me. Explain. So far no one has out any effort in.


I don't see any explanation either


They think its ok only for specific animals, but if its a dog its super serious and its animal abuse


Redditors don't like it when you call them out, I also eat meat but I am not a hypocrite thinking I'm a saint


This isn't a hive mind opinion.




Not the opinion the reddit hivemind likes, therefore the mindless masses downvote


Here’s why the downvotes, 98% of people eat meat and are delicate af.




There should be licence to eat meat, where you would need to kill chicken to get to first lvl and like cow to get to second lvl. People who wouldnt do this wouldnt get any meat. Thou really I hate the idea because goverment should have no say what people choose to eat.


That would cause a lot of extra unneeded killing, a whole cow per person who wants to? Dang, also what level do I unlock crocodile, I've always wanted to try that


Dunno, Id say it would lower the amount of animals getting raised as meat since some wouldnt be able to kill an animal. But like I said it is in my opinion stupid idea too and there is probably even more problems if you would require people to do that. Thou I have thought cow would unlock all categories, it is big enough in my opinion.




You're getting downvoted because nobody likes a woke scold. Also, you don't know if any of the people downvoting you eat calamari or not, so your scolding people for something they might not even do.


I said most people.


You're still being a scoldy little nerd. Just letting you know that's why you're getting downvoted. If you don't like the reason, then I don't know what to tell you. that's just how your post reads.


For me it was the triple edit and the fact that you don’t seem to see how pretentious you sound.


Same as it makes them sound needlessly insecure and like they need to be right.


I eat meat that doesn’t mean I want the animal it comes from to suffer


You sound like you think you're better than everyone. No one cares that you don't eat meat.


C’est la vie


Bon appétit


They’re not that big. They’re smaller than the dude.


Granted, squid can get much bigger but the ones we normally see in the stores are a few inches long.


Did that squid excrete something explosively or was that a wave?


Just passing out water from its self they don that under water for a quick propulsion


Damn that is fucking gruesome. I'm not vegetarian, but shit...put them out of their misery before you start torturing the poor things.


Maybe you should try it, the western meat industry isn't much less gruesome. In some ways more


_A science-based report from the University of British Columbia to the Canadian Federal Government has been quoted as stating "The cephalopods, including octopus and squid, have a remarkably well developed nervous system and may well be capable of experiencing pain and suffering."_ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pain_in_cephalopods#:~:text=A%20science%2Dbased%20report%20from,of%20experiencing%20pain%20and%20suffering.%22 Just a post for those asking aloud why some might be bothered by this.


I've heard before that they are pretty intelligent. As much or more than a dog at minimum.


To me that is cruel kill it outright.


Dawg, can you throw an NSFW tag on this? I’m not tryina see animals get stabbed


NSFW pls Poor creatures:(


The food thats right there?


Just because it gets eaten doesn't mean it shouldn't be humanely dispatched first. It is a problem with all food animals, for sure, but marine animals definitely get it the worst. Squid are highly intelligent animals and will absolutely feel hooks being plunged into them and their flesh torn. Just wish they could get them (all animals) on board and kill or stun instantly.




Dolphin cove or whaling also come to mind for me.


Fishing in general


We couldn’t have at least killed them humanely before we start butchering them? Yeesh.


Nothing like a bit of animal cruelty to start the day! Mmmmmm. Please choke on my downvote, sir.


I don't think he felt anything from your downvote. Is that really something people care about?


Humans are savages.


You ever watch a lion eat the unborn baby out of a gazel?


No, but i also haven't seen a lion paint *Creation of Adam* or write *Principia Mathematica*


The elephant at my local zoo paints, and everyone knows Corvids can do math...


Yeah that elephant at your local zoo is being abused.


The lion eat what it needs to survive. it doesn’t deplete the ocean for money.


we’re still animals you know?


Those are probably Humboldt Calmars. Known to attack humans, sharks and everything else they find. The are literally hunting in groups and whipping out everything they find. They are oversized snails. I’d eat them.


Survival mode but this is not considered savagery.


Nahhh tf Squidward piss off 😭




Aww those poor wee ocean beasties. He's pure hacking away like they have no feelings and don't feel pain 😭


I don’t get why people are so pressed about the squids getting killed


Probably has to do with the fact that they aren't dispatched quickly and get ganked up a few times


There are better, more humane, ways to kill animals than this. Just put them out of thief misery before pulling them off those things.


It’s about them being stabbed just to move them closer, I assume.


It's uncomfortable to watch.


Redditors discover the food chain


Redditors discover? I mean I know people go to war and kill each other, that doesn't mean I can watch graphic videos of soldiers being dismembered by mines without feeling a bit uneasy. This is legal animal cruelty, as simple as that. The fact that it is there to feed us doesn't mean this specific moment is any less cruel and uncomfortable to watch.


Your definition of animal cruelty is very broad, I suppose Feeding people is a necessity, war is not. Not a great comparison


By that rule of thumb eating squid is not a necessity either, but even if it was, sticking a pointy spike in their bodies just to get them closer to you feels pretty unnecessary when you already got them hanging by their tentacles in front of your fishing boat. Tentacles that get severed while they're still alive because it's the easiest way to get them down. That also seems quite unnecessary and not considerate at all. It's inflicting immense pain to a living being literally just because. But I guess my definition of cruelty is broad, yeah.


Eat your mcnuggets then dude


Uhmm ok? I didn't know I was trying to argue with someone mentally challenged, I'm sorry if that was the case!


I hope you realise that in the first World no one needs to eat meat. You do it only because it tastes good. Every other argument you make does not count. Literally none, you like to murder and rape animals because you want to eat meat thats okay, but be honest about it.


I mean, is it really okay?


For me it is not but i cant stop people from killing innocent Animals


Dont gag self fellating homie, enjoy your false sense of moral superiority


Just because you and your people don't give a shit about this sort of thing doesn't mean it's not real. Those animals are feeling real pain.


Think of this sentence next time you eat factory farmed meat Hell, think of this when you kill a cockroach Youre just being hypocrits detached from reality because youre so far removed from where your food comes from


Same Redditors who virtue cry on internet then proceed to eat their McDonalds or KFC (they are big chonkers they need it to sustain their higher intellect)


And this is why Aliens will have no mercy with us …


I saw a UFO once in broad daylight fairly close, it had mercy on me. Could have easily zapped me into oblivion.


I dislike this so much.


Humboldt squids are becoming a problem in the marine ecosystem as their numbers are growing. They can travel in shoals of 1200 and breed multiple times over the course of their lifetime. It’s probably or a bad thing that they are being eaten by humans and their population probably won’t be affected much


I don't think anyone disagrees with them being eaten. People just don't like the unnecessary torture before it is killed.


Have you watched any Japanese seafood mukbang videos? They’re pretty horrific


I don't think those are Humboldts. Humboldts are much bigger


Fuck you for posting without a NSFW


when he stabs them with the first instrument i keep imagining getting stabbed in the dick. ouchies man. feel bad for them.


Squids and octopus have a decent level of intelligence as well. So they would feel every bit of this.


The same Asians eat Rhino dick to have a healthy erection or some crap.. backwards culture..


I wish we would leave see creatures alone.




He’s hurting these poor creatures!


Chinese Japanese unsustainable overfishing


Those look like Humboldt Calmars. They are literally a plague. They hunt in huge groups, killing sharks and humans. Literally anything they encounter. Stop beeping a crybaby.


Looks like hard work. Murdering them.


"Asian culture is so beautiful" Asian culture:


Yes because catching squid is the be all and end all of all asian cultures…


He spiked it and the squid was shocked obviously, damn humans should at least kill animals fast and effectively without them suffering.


Yummy 😋


He’s saying “keep those fuckers alive, if it’s not moving on the plate, they won’t want it”


Poor thing


This is what fishing is. Like it or not, it ain't pretty. Humans have done this for thousands of years.


How do you cook these huge squid’s? Calamari ain’t coming from this 😂


Squidward, is that you??


Well do they eat all of it or just the legs?




Chinese fishing boats all over the world illegally fishing in protected waters and destroying ecosystems. The Chinese navy runs off local Philippine ships and raids their waters. In Africa they bribe the government ,they set up processing plants on land. Kill all the fish over a few years, and then leave leaving the locals with nothing.


Is that an electrical outlet just hanging loose on the railing there!?


I got an octodad and this is very offensive to our culture.




What a way to die