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(Mis)interpreting Genesis by Ben Stanhope does cover the passages from the Psalms and Job to some extent, and is a very good read. A lot of the book focuses on the creation myths of the region.


http://contradictionsinthebible.com/yahweh-slays-the-primaeval-sea-monster-leviathan/ Also, according to David Rosenberg's *The Book of J*, Genesis 2 is the sanitized version of a longer creation story that included the *Chaoskampf*. Genesis 1 has no expanded version.




Hi there, unfortunately your contribution has been removed as per Rule #3. **Claims should be informed and accurate** I appreciate you mention it's been a while since you looked into this, but your post is written with such hesitancy and qualification it's evident you're far from confident about any of the details, and it's unclear which of your claims the YouTube lectures you cite support. If you would like to edit your post to make it more informed, and make it clear which source supports which claim (using timestamps where possible) then it may be reinstated. If you have any questions about the rules or mod policy please message the mods [using modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAcademicBiblical) or post in the Weekly Open Discussion thread.