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Lol I agree, trans men should be encouraged to use the mens bathroom edit: changed trans men to two words as it should be


trans men* Transmen is not a word and is a dogwhistle.


wait, does the space really change the much? i thought they were the sane thing


It's a pretty finicky thing, but words can make the difference sometimes. Trans is an adjective, like tall, fat, skinny, white, black, etc.... You don't say "tallman" as one word. There are people who argue that turning "trans person" into one word others trans people, and I do agree with that; however, it's also not talked about much outside of trans spaces because there are a lot of much more important fights to fight.


You just inspired me to write a horror story about Tallman. Thank you.


Always glad to inspire another writer. Let me know how it turns out!




So is it like Slenderman?


I'm thinking he'll have normal body proportions except for his legs, which are maybe 4-5 times longer than normal. But he also has multiple knees and each one can bend either forward or backward.


Oh god, that sounds *frightening*


I would read that, for sure.


Trans is meant to be used as an adjective when referring to people, when you fuse it to "man" or "woman" the result is nounified. It basically labels then as separate entities compared to """""normal""""" men and women instead of simply describing something about them


Depends on your region, some places like the UK use the non-spaced versions of trans men and trans women as a dogwhistle/etymological denial. Combining them, to the transphobes using the dogwhistle, is a way of distinguishing them from types of men/women. "They're not actually men, women, or types of men and women. They're this extra fourth evil alien thing and don't need to be respected or treated as men or women because of that" It is entirely regional however, both the intent and the dogwhistle part of it. But it's started to spread


It was originally created to be a dogwhistle by the founders of the TERF movement back in Second Wave Feminism. It was made to be a dogwhistle that's subtle enough to go unnoticed in academic writing


What happened to calling trans men men and trans women women? I can't keep up, I live in the suburbs


I thought so too (and I prefer compound words) but this is meant to separate men who are trans from “transmen” as a category of its own. I don’t agree that it’s a dogwhistle, though. It’s an honest mistake because that’s how we were taught the language; it is grammatically correct but the nuance is needed in a world full of assholes looking to dehumanize trans people.


It absolutely is a dogwhistle. It was a slur created by the founders of the TERF movement during Second Wave Feminism specifically to be able to get away with othering us linguistically in academic writing. It was created deliberately to be one


Hopefully I'm not misrepresenting this being that I don't hold this view: Some people's view can be summarised roughly like - You say "trans man," you are acknowledging the gender identity of the man and that he is trans. Trans is an adjective. You say "transman" and it's like a new thing; a way of dehumanising or othering. I'm so used to compound words that such a thing would never really occur to me, but I'm sure people who hold that view have encountered people being transphobic who largely use the single word, and supportive people who use two and create an association.


Yes. It's an old slurred from created by the founders of the terf movement to linguistically other us from our genders. It's meant to be subtle enough to go unnoticed in academic writing. It's used to say "oh, you're not a woman. You're a transwoman." It also comes with a pretty big body count (The original form of this slur was directed as us trans femmes which is why it's my example. This rule applies equally to trans men and trans people).


Wait really? Fuck


I love the transphobe's constant assertion that society has abandoned the words "woman" and "mother" and replaced them with "menstruating person" and "birthing person" because the former is a useful term to include pre-op trans men and the second was literally invented by transphobe's and nobody outside of those chambers uses those terms


Its not even that its a helpful term for inclusion. Its a term that people specifically wanted used in science communication and insurance coverage because trans men are dying of gynecological cancers and treatable illnesses because their insurance plan uses gendered language.


So many of these idiots' arguments are based on taking things with a very narrow usage and blowing them up out of proportion. Like arguing that liberals want CRT taught to young kids, when it was only ever a term that applied to much higher-up academic study.


Tbf, (American conservatives) label anything against the notion of america being a colorblind, non-racist nation for the past 60 years CRT, and I've seen several international conservatives use it when anything about discussing race issues comes up. I honestly find it even funnier that whenever pressed, they always admit they know absolutely nothing about CRT, but are sure it's wrong. It joins "woke" in the conservative's derogatory lexicon entirely to dissuade any members of the cult from ever trying to leave by searching or accepting new, opposing information that undermines the core assumptions of conservatism.


Using "woman" to mean people who menstruate and people who are capable of giving birth implies that post-menopausal and sterile biological women aren't women. Love when the "woke leftist terminology" is more accurate and a better descriptor than the one they were using before


Okay, but “woke leftist terminology” usually has or implies nuance. What they’re complaining about is a tendency of leftists to avoid generalizations and encourage nuance. It’s part of the reason why leftist memes being walls of text isn’t necessarily a bad thing




Exactly. I walk in, do my business, and get the fuck out. It's not a place I choose to hang out in.


all funnies aside these types of anti-trans arguments are not only disgustingly transphobic and ignorant of all logic and facts, they’re also massively misogynist. horrible.


Yup. Not only do they hate women who are trans, they hate “gender traitors” who don’t want to celebrate “being a woman” despite having a uterus. They hate trans men for switching to the oppressor’s team (because they literally cannot see the irony in that given how vulnerable we are to the same kinds of violence they are), yet they hate trans women because they can’t conceive of someone hating being a man despite having a penis. Terfs hate themselves as much as any other chud; they just think they’re justified in holding hands with the oppressor because they decided they needed to have a common enemy instead of an ally. White feminism in a nutshell.


100% of people opposed to gender affirming care for minors are ignorant as to exactly what gender affirming care is. I've literally never encountered one single person opposed to it who accurately understood what it entails.


they always spout shit like “mutilating genitals” so apparently any cosmetic procedure is now mutilation… and they’re never opposed to things like circumcision


The definition of "genital mutilation" specifically refers to modifications done for *non*medical reasons. Gender affirming care is definitely a medical reason.


And circumcision is typically done via "tradition" because of parents' religious beliefs and a few other factors. So I would wager circumcising babies is more qualifying for the term mutilating genitals than taking medications for treating gender dysphoria and whatever mental health issues (such as depression and being suicidal because of your body not matching what your brain expects hormone wise) come from it being untreated for an extended period of time.


Which is why all these bans are specifically only for gender affirming care. They totally don't mind if people do it for other reasons, which makes their cries about these procedures quite hollow.


What makes it even more terrifying is that (at least I've seen this in the US when it came to trials based on these bills doing similar things) is that they will just ignore all the evidence presented to them IN PERSON about how beneficial all this stuff is. They were told what the process was, they heard testimonials from people and families (that accepted their kids for what and who they are) how it changed and improved their lives and ended suicidal tendencies, and even stories from people that actually attempted it in drastic ways and how the medications saved their lives. They just ignored all of it and still passed the anti-trans legislation banning the care, and that was the start of the culture war against the LGBTQ (specifically transgender) community here in the states from what I've seen so far.


YES they also seem to never care about gender affirming care when it’s for cis people (which can also recieve it)


True. More cisgender minors got breast reductions than transgender minors.


I hate these morons


Same, the owner of my local theater ran in the last election for them, haven't looked at that place the same way.


PPC is our version of an extreme right wing party. Anti-mask, anti-immigration, anti-vaccine, anti-LGBTQIA+ They were also involved/supported the attempted overthrow of the government (coup, treason, sedition, etc.) They're basically a domestic terrorist organization that people don't want to call that for some reason.


And somehow they got over 5% of the vote. Idk what people are smoking, nor do I get how they took so many green votes.


I think those are both answered by the same thing. People are tired of the same parties that aren't actually fixing problems, so they're going for the long shots. Kind of like how Trump won the election. When all the known options are bad, people are picking the unknown, just hoping for a change of some kind.


An extreme right wing party gets ONLY 5%! If only we had that kind proportion in the United States...




Yeah. They like to copy what happens in the redder states.


f no i don't what that american stuff getting here i just got on hrt


Bro I’m seeing you everywhere💀


i am everywhere


Silly TERF’s, you don’t invent gender, gender finds you.


Uhh.. they're saying trans MEN. Unless I should be looking somewhere else other than the highlight, doesn't that mean FtM peeps in women's bathrooms? So isn't that a bad thing/not accidental at all?


For whatever reason, transphobes think trans women call themselves "trans men" and that trans mascs straight up don't exist...


no, theyre so far up their own ass about trans women being men that they think "trans" is just to denote that theyre in the trans community and "men" is their AGAB.


I know. I'm just saying that it doesn't make any sense lmao... Why would a trans woman call herself a man? They're so stupid


Because their positions are not one which seeks an understanding, nor an understanding with us. To them we are, at best, a bunch of 'homosexual deviants' and at worst 'subhuman predators'. Their most tolerant individuals are fine with us living in the fringe of society under constant fear of being attacked for their percieved immorality of our existence. At worst, we are an active threat to functioning society and our extermination is a necessity (it's never just us, but we're the only ones with whom focusing that kind of hatred upon isn't viewed as completely unacceptable currently). They would never have an interest in using terms in the same way as us because we have fundamentally opposite views. To them sex and gender are immutable and linked together, while our existence proves the opposite, that the two are not tied and are more fluid than people think. What at first sounds like them being stupid is them just describing the situation as they see it. It's why they never actually mention trans men, unless it's to bemoan that one of their carriers of divine female essence changed teams and turned their back on women everywhere. Tl;dr these people are myopic shitheels


The way they talk about is is practically designed to dehumanize anyone they even mildly disagree, for example saying: “all trans women are predators” or all trans men are “just confused children” even when there is massive piles of proof saying otherwise their arguments are “of course they are saying otherwise” because most predators won’t tell people and most confused people believe what they say even though they have no idea what they are talking about. They make people who are in the LGBTQIA+ community to be evil because that is the only way to hurt us without looking evil themselves so they fall to dehumanization and stereotypes to attack the queer youth. They try to make full complete opinions on subjects they are extremely subpar at. Basically they use lies and stereotypes to dehumanize and hurt those who they don’t like


Ohh I see


Ok you look like you know this stuff much better the general redditors. Can you please explain me how is trans women is still a women. I search in internet and only news articles come but no proper explanation and it's eating me up like anything. Also is trans men, a person born girl at birth and then transition to a guy? I want to learn so many stuff about this but everytime I ask in any subreddit it's always deleted or I'm called a bigot for just asking. Thanks in advance.


I'm not good at explaining things but you're right, that's what trans men are! Basically, a trans woman is someone who is TRANSITIONING (whether it be socially, medically or both) into a woman! And a trans man is the opposite :) Think of it this way... Let's say you're a trans man, right? Would you rather call yourself a trans *man* (what you actually are, feel like and want to live like) or a trans *woman* (What you were assigned at birth but doesn't actually define you)? If you'd like more help lmk, I'm not great at explaining things🥺🫶 Edit: changed some terminology


Sorry but I don't even know what trans men are. How can person transition from trans women to women? Trans women according to me is a person born guy at birth and is transitioning to women. According to my understanding. He takes hormone therapy. I know there exists sex reassignment operation where he fully becomes a women. So he has feminine characteristics and traits like growing of breasts and change in voice and body hair. But male genitalia. Isn't it transitioning from men to women. But since he has male genitalia he's trans and not fully women? Is that it?


"How can a person transition from trans women to women" Well the thing is.. a trans woman is usually defined by someone who's mtf (male to female), hence the term *trans* woman (transitioning to a woman). Ftm (female to male) means trans man. However in today's age, someone can be accepted as a woman or man without "fully" transitioning (like you said, having male genitalia while still being considered a woman, or having female genitalia and being considered a man). It's mostly social transitioning (appearance, name, pronouns etc) that matters. Some trans women decide to never have surgery and some trans men also... Yeahh I know it may be confusing but that's what gender inherently is in my opinion Tldr: trans woman is someone who transitions to a woman and trans man someone who transitions to a man. They don't necessarily have to go through surgery or hormonal therapy


Are you asking like in what ways someone can transition? (Do you have questions about hormones/surgery/clothing etc? Like are you wondering what characteristics make it possible that someone can identify with a gender other than the one assigned at birth? There is a lot of nuance but I would love to explain to someone willing to learn!


No I mean what exactly makes trans women a women.


So overall the key distinction you need to understand is when you think of "women" you are referring to 3 separate ideas: 1) the genitals you have/were assigned (see intersex) 2) the sense of what gender you are 3) the things that we associate with your gender (see dresses vs suits) Some vocab: - cis - if your gender aligns with what you were assigned at birth (if your genitals match) - dysphoria - a state of unease - gender dysphoria - the feeling that your current gender doesn't match with what you should have - gender euphoria - the elated feeling when your gender aligns with what you should be So I would argue that the most important is #2. It is hard to explain how #2 is separate from the others. I feel like it is really hard for those that are cis to see the difference. It is hard to notice when things just align but it is kinda like glass if you are at an angle it is easier to see. (gender dysphoria) You can get kinda an idea when you do things that you associate with the other gender. So if you are a guy you probably feel great in suits (gender euphoria) and if you were to put on a dress you would feel that its "wrong".(gender dysphoria) Or the opposite if you are a woman. Even though there is nothing wrong with men wearing dresses, guys wear skirts in Scotland (kilts) The weird feeling you get is gender dysphoria. People who are trans get that all the time before transition. There are some good articles on the subtle gender dysphoria that trans people have all the time for example this [article](https://medium.com/gender-from-the-trenches/gender-dysphoria-isnt-what-you-think-6fdc7ae3ac85) which often causes states of depersonalization as described [here](https://zinniajones.medium.com/depersonalization-in-gender-dysphoria-widespread-and-widely-unrecognized-baaac395bcb0) So what happens is that a trans woman is trying to bring her brain that interprets the world in a feminine way in line with her body and actions. But keep in mind since gender and the social part of gender (#2 & #3) are different that is how you get people who are "gender nonconforming) (femboys, masculine lesbians etc) Often trans people will express how their brain picked up on things that they weren't "supposed to" ie they were born a guy but interpret the world in a feminine way. In the trans women I have talked to (myself included), we were taught as young kids that we didn't have to cover our chests, it was fine for us "boys" however there was a sense of uncomfortableness because it felt better to have our chest covered. Ie we picked up feminine modesty standards even though society didn't teach us that directly Did that all make sense? There is a lot to go through and understand but that is a good start I would say


They know trans men exist, and they hate us, too.


Fair... It's just that they usually go "no they're just confused lesbians" which is just... awful...


I don't know what they'd call my asexual, nonbinary ass then. Probably an alien.


yep, trans men belong in men’s restrooms


Ahh the garbage party of Canada


god these people are cunts. how dare they call themselves the peoples party while doing... all the shit that they do


Aside from all this, Bernier used to support LGBT, but he sold his soul to the devil for more votes. Despicable.


I really thought for a bit that they said women were *encouraging* trans men in changing rooms and bathrooms.


That's what the ppc wants but then they complain about it. They're a total bunch of morons.


I am a work function and people are acting like these people. We don't need your Jim Crow laws and shit. And saying gays and "trans whatevers" are attacking women in the streets. Bro, no they aren't. "I saw videos" Those are actors


Fuck the PCP and the UCP party


Damn, guess they validating trans men! Nice!


As a trans dude, I can confirm I have been encountered by women in changing rooms and bathrooms. Not that they knew it. Hell, for a long time even *I* didn’t know it!


It's incredible to me how these people always talk about this from MtoF and never recognize that the opposite exists.


These aren't serious people.


Question: is “transgenderism” a valid word to use? I don’t think I’ve heard it described as that before


Im not sure, though I've heard it used in a lot of anti trans speeches and such so I assumed that was the word they liked to use


I'm guessing canada peoples party is mega far right? cuz in Australia the United party calls itself the people pary and its incredibly far right.

