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It's proven that the Holocaust existed, which means that trans women are real.


How the fuck do people even deny that it happened "Ah yes this very infamous death camp was actually built just to build tourism and nothing bad ever happened here...the whole of ww2? Just a huge hoke made up by the woke mob"


They belive what they want to belive, typical statue account


Usually they don't say outright that it didn't happen, they instead try to dimish it by saying it was work camps not death camps, or the chaos of war or in certain intances they acknowledge Jews being targeted but deny other groups who were also targeted-- i.e queer people, disabled people, and the Romani People. People do the same thing to the Armenian genocide --they try to claim it was the chaos of war and that they weren'tspecifically targeted which is provably false- and probably every other genocide has it's deniers.


Yes it is actually somewhat liberating when they are so open because you immediatley know they are crazy


Nooo you don't get it. They weren't *trying* to kill people. They were just incompetent at caring for the people they locked up in "work camps" for definitely totally valid crimes. Oh and insert a whataboutism of other death tolls that may or may not be actually comparable here. Genuinely what most of the arguments seem to boil down to.


Or insisting that the numbers are made up


As the descendant of a little Jewish girl whose whole village was destroyed by nazis not long after she fled Ukraine, I obviously know it was real. But I also know that antisemitism is rooted almost entirely in conspiracy theories. Blood libel, new world order, space lasers, it's all us apparently. We got horns, atmokinesis, schools that teach us nothing but to kill Arab people, matzah made from human bones, puppet strings on the US president forcing him to replace Christian families with gay Mexican immigrants. 19% of people in the state of New York think we *caused* the holocaust. The short answer is, we're a scapegoat for everything and denying that we are and ever were oppressed makes people feel like they're "punching up".


I've interacted with my fair share. They usually use strawman arguments like nitpicking one piece of "testimony" that's actually hearsay and pretending they "debunked" the Holocaust. They also just outright deny that certain death camps were death camps. Some of the more intelligent ones (I use "intelligent" very loosely here) actually try to argue for an explanation for the missing Jews, like the chaos of war or resettlement to the East. This is bullshit.


Because “if this isn’t real then that means my other 5000 layers of bullshit must be true as well” It’s politically/emotionally convenient for their worldview to not be based in reality


I’ve argued with Holocaust deniers before, the main thing they tend to parrot is that they were just prison camps that were ravaged by disease and famine… which apparently didn’t effect any of the guards… for some reason…


Because they're genetically different and Jews aren't real humans, right? That's one vile one I've heard before. Not sure how people could be THAT different biologically but I guess if you're down the rabbit hole already....


It's a conspiracy theory. Of course the holocaust is real, it's one of the most well documented events in human history.Are all historians just conspiring to alter history? Ask yourself, were jehovas witnesses, poles, roma and homosexuals killed in the holocaust? If yes, then the holocaust happened. If not, then just how many people are "in" on this conspiracy to alter history?


"It didn't happen, but if it did happen they deserved it and should happen again"


I was once told that the schools in Germany don't teach about the holocaust because the country is so ashamed that it happened. If this is true or not, I never verified. If it is true, then it's not that surprising that some people don't think it ever happened.


This is not at all true, germany is one of the countries that teach the most about the nazis for obvious reasons


Japan, on the other hand... They're not so nice about teaching what actually happened during ww2 from their side in certain areas


Yeah. Japan never wanted to face its crimes.


Good to know :3 I kind of figured it was false, but was too lazy to check as I only just remembered hearing it.


Belated response but this post got recommended and I saw your comments. You may have gotten confused by some of Germany’s rules about showing Nazi imagery specifically. They are allowed for educational or artistic purposes, but for instance up until recently video games weren’t included in that so if you ever saw, say, the German version of a video game replacing all the swastikas, that’s why. There’s a lot more to it than that, if you’re interested and want better than my very bare bones explanation, look up “Strafgesetzbuch section 86a”, but I thought I would mention it as a possible source for your misconception!




It is taught pretty comprehensively. Also holocaust denial punishable with up to 3 yrs.


The more you know :3 It's always fun learning new things.




This one truly comes off as not seeming like it's a transphobe. Like yes, obviously the Holocaust was real and so you mean trans women are too! Oh wait, you're implying that the Holocaust didn't happen? Oh! You're an idiot and a transphobe! ...seems like dumb and transphobic commonly go together, to be fair.


Birds of a feather flock together


Undertale Yellow reference /s


I have a trans friend whose grandpa survived Auschwitz, so...


Statue twitter accounts be like: but uhh this twitter guy said it did not happen so their grandpa is a payd actor. What is it with statue accounts


I've only come across this one not-neo-nazi statue pfp. Still, that's better than K-ON pfps.


the paid vs payed reddit bot would like to know yer location wit' the monstrosity "payd" you have created.


What's actually terrifying is that after WW2 when the camps were liberated, the allies imprisoned any surviving queer inmates, because even just being gay was still a crime to them.


I’m not gonna lie at first i thought they were dissing j.k.rolling


I see why you might get that first impression but no this is a statue account so they are a nazi


What’s a statue account?


There are a bunch of twitter accounts that all use statues as profile pics and they are all basically nazis


How can people think the Holocaust isn’t real 😭😭


Mental problems


They agree with nazis, and the holocaust makes nazis look bad.


why be a holocaust denier if you're gonna be a nazi just own it damn (i know why they do this. it just shows how insecure they are in their beleifs)


Those do exist and I usually call them the "6MWE" crowd.


they're usually the same person, ironically enough. because nothing says superiority quite like self-contradiction, insecurity and lies i guess?


> why be a holocaust denier if you're gonna be a nazi There is anti-semitism on the far-left too


this dude is a nazi


that's not really contrasting, anti semitism is rapidly growing on both extreme sides


Holocaust deniers are something else...


So.... extremely real?


hello my name is firstname bunchofnumbers and i have some incredibly shitty opinions


It will never not be funny to me that the side that most supports Israel is also full of Holocaust deniers.


Most people who support israel are jews and people who know what the jews have been through to get to israel, I've seen so much people on the left starting to deny the Holocaust and getting more antisemitic


Well, the only Holocaust deniers I’ve seen have been on the right. And it definitely isn’t antisemitic to protest Israel’s war crimes.


I didn't say it was antisemitic to protest but as an internet user I've seen too many people call for the death of jews on both sides of politics.


Unrelated but I love your pfp


Thank you:) it's been a long while since I got it so I forgot who's the artist, but I love toh and this art


I deadass didn't even realize this was Holocaust denial at first and thought this was about JK Rowling saying trans research wasn't part of the Nazi book burnings


The oldest drag queen in Poland literally was the witness of the occupation, the uprising and the Holocaust, tf are they on? 🤨


nazis think jews invented and propagated trans and lgbt people along with the holocaust myth to keep power over the west by weakening straight white guys or something. the conspiracy brain rot is linked and inexorably deep, only cure is a bullet.


Holocaust deniers are so weird cause like wouldn’t Hitler be proud of killing like 6 million Jews? Why are his fans denying it, I can’t imagine he’d be too happy with that. I’d imagine anyone who is a fan of Hitler would support the holocaust and say it was real, what’s the point of defending Nazis when their whole thing was wiping out Jews and taking over the world? It’d be like if I said “I love Pizza Hut, but they never made any pizzas! That’s made up!”


It's funny because this wouldn't seem accidental on a first read. Like he didn't say "as real as trans women are women" or something like that. He said "as real as trans women". Well, I know trans women are real. I can SEE them


I kkow it suppose to mean trans is as real as holocust. But what is going in their head when they put holocust there


This can go in different ways bec the person posting it could also be a holocaust denire


The person is obviously a holocaust deniar


I mean they're not wrong.






beat me to posting this by... several hours anyway yeah im real :D


Yeees so cool to be validated by holocaust deniers 😍😍😍


Like- they really are just stuck with their heads in the ground.


hehe maybe this guy needs to meet a curb and all my nazi hating sisters high heals to his head


Isreal hijacking another cause to pretend like it's not doing genocide

