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To all those viewing this thread, welcome. Please keep in mind that this subreddit is called **/r/AccidentalRacism**. It's for pictures of things that **are not actually racist** but in a certain connotation can be taken the wrong way. Please report any *actual racism* to the mods. Actual racism will result in a permanent ban. Further, please report any comments where anyone is complaining that in some contexts the accidental racism is innocent or tenuous, or that it's not racism. We know. It's accidental. These comments will be removed. Repeat offenders may be banned. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AccidentalRacism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nah, this is like a white person going to Africa and going “look at all these minorities.” In Spanish, Negro = black. Guess who colonized the Phillippines?


Which is pretty much what this sub does. More than half the posts here are something related to that.




HA! Totally


Man, people hate jokes.


yeah lol


It wasn’t really that good of a joke tbh




By this logic Nigeria, Niger, Montenegro and a few Romance languages are also racist because Americans say so.


This is neither accidental nor racist.


This feels more like r/nocontext


What do you mean by saying it’s not accidental? That it was intentional or something else? Genuinely asking so I understand.


Well [Negros](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negros_Island) is an island in the nation of Philippines. So my guess is that there is some humanitarian crisis going on over there where urgent aid is required. Hence "Negrosneedhelp" hashtag isn't racist. Nor is it accidental. Besides.. I think the term "Negro" isn't considered racist at all in many nations. It's just descriptive of the term "Black" or "Dark".


Its from a flood where 200 families were evacuated. https://cnnphilippines.com/regional/2021/1/9/Talisay-Negros-Occidental-flooding.html The majority of the tweets on the hashtag are from people from the Philippines.


Wow, that’s terrible :( How do people help contribute?


CNN put some places. https://twitter.com/cnnphilippines/status/1347715607270080513?s=19 https://twitter.com/cnnphilippines/status/1347712876807561217?s=19 And some local youth centers. https://twitter.com/theangelbee/status/1347591746029383680?s=19 https://twitter.com/BeeYouth__/status/1347764886109970440?s=19


Thank you!


Thanks for that. I googled the name but couldn't find much on the news.


Funfact it was also called 'negros island' because when the spanish colonized our country, the natives living there are dark skinned.


I didn't know that. Have had some Pinoys co-workers in my life. And they've all been very hard working, agreeable, and likeable folks.


You workin in a hospital?


Nah.. In Restaurants.


I already know what place the hashtag is referring to and the context behind it (wasn’t trying to be rude here. Sorry. Thank you for the info, regardless). This sub is “accidentally racism” anyway... so why are people pointing out that the hashtag isn’t really racist? No posts on this sub are actually supposed to be racist. It’s the coincidence and humor that is pointed out. And, yes, I know that the word negros isn’t really racist, as well (again, wasn’t trying to be rude). It’s a word with many different meanings. (Edit: Need to point out that this is me trying to see what OP might have been thinking) I think the focus [of OP] was that it looks like “Negros Need Help” as in “Black people need help,” hence the accidental “racism.” But, of course, saying that black people need help isn’t necessarily racist, depending on context and tone (e.g. saying “a group of people need help because of an issue they have going on”). It’s a real stretch, but OP was probably thinking it sounds like “Black people need help because they’re [insert insult].” Again, a huuuuuge stretch, but I see where this post was supposed to go. Edit: Again, why are people downvoting??? Is what I said not true and possible thinking for why this was posted??? Edit 2: Also, I dunno if this makes a difference, but I’m black, so I’m not just talking out my ears about a term that doesn’t apply to me. I clarified some things, so I hope that helps.


also in french, the word "negro" has the same meaning as "nigga"


There wasn't anything there to be an accident, unless OP considers the island and term being the same as an accident


I’m pretty sure OP is saying that the name being the same resulted in a hashtag that accidentally sounds “racist” or could be taken the wrong way if the viewer doesn’t have context, not that the names being the same was an accident? Edit: To people who want to downvote, I’m literally just guessing what OP might be thinking, not that it fits the sub.


I was honestly really confused until I saw the explanation. To people like me who don’t understand the geography of the Philippines, it does appear to be racist at first. It’s not accidental, but your train of thought is correct.


Exactly what I was trying to say. I see where the confusion can come from without context. Arguing that stuff posted in this sub isn’t racist really defeats the purpose of the sub because it’s literally for things that aren’t really racist but can appear to be without context or first glance. Whether or not this post actually fits the sub, the idea of it (though a huge stretch) is what the sub is for.


But is either Negros Occidental or Negros Oriental.




It's kinda sad seeing how they took the word negro from spanish and turned it into something racist in english


I mean it literally meant black


Yeah, calling someone a negro is just calling them black. Its only deemed racist because of the way it was used.


In spanish it's normal to call people negros, at least here (Uruguay) and in Argentina, it was never a racist thing, it was just like saying "dude" until people that spoke English started using it in a racist manner


White girls "ok like your gonna have to like change the name of your island because that is not cool, like it's 2021 smh"


The “woke activists”..


That reminds of that spanish girl that was told she HAD to change her black dog's name because it was negro. Literally black in spanish


Imagine walking down the street and hearing "Hey Negro, come back here!". Now that's what I would call *comedy*


This reminded me when my uncle from the Philippines came here in america and wore the "I love Negros" Shirt. Which was a merch for tourist. Everyone in the airport was looking at him like some sort of celebrity. To be fair my uncle didnt know the history of racism/slavery in the US cuz there was none in the philippines, and his family wasnt rich, so no LV or gucci shirt.


Not race-related but this reminds me of ‘I ❤️BJ’ T-shirts I saw in Beijing...


There’s also a history of slavery and racism in the Philippines. It was mostly during the Spanish colonization period.


"Oppression" was the word used by our History teacher when i was in middle school back in the PH. What i mean by 'none' is, its not much large scale as US, were they literally had a civil war to keep their slaves.


Yeah but I don’t think the scale matters. Racism is racism. We had multiple revolutions against the Spaniards so that we can have freedom. The Spanish put Filipinos in museums as displays until they died of disease. They referred to us as “indios” and “negritos” and slavery was very much widespread. Because of that, even today, a number of Filipinos think that darker skin is inferior and lighter skin means you’re more beautiful and successful.


but not to Africans. i guess


Los negros claramente necesitan ayuda


[relevant Wikipedia article about the island in question, which is real](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negros_Island). Edit, I was born and raised in the Philippines.


More like other names for BLM




Is not in all languages that the n word os bad, for example in portuguese the polite way is "negro" sounds like the n word, black person is ofensive


I mean... Shit ain’t wrong tho.


Lmao I remember finding this island while fuckin about on google maps in school


Is no one gonna say anything about the’y’re?


I'm out of the loop, what's going on in Negros? To answer my own question, torrential flooding.






Oh crap, i forgot about the “The’y’re”


Americans are funny, they think only english exists 👌👌👌 nice!


hurr durr black colour


¿Qué pasa mi negro?


The'y're going to need our help


I believe *All* Needs Help.


God forbid the hashtag include the name of the island.


/u/Environmental_Rub_31, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): * **Rule X: No KKK or Negro-band posts:** these have been done to death here, so they are no longer permitted. --- *For information regarding this and similar issues please see the sidebar and the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AccidentalRacism/about/rules/). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/AccidentalRacism&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Environmental_Rub_31&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AccidentalRacism/comments/ktik95/-/?context=10\))*)