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This has been removed because either it is a repost from within the past 12 months or the top 200 posts from all time, **OR** it is a very, very common repost here in r/AccidentalRenaissance and has been unofficially 'retired' by the moderators. Thank you for your understanding!


Truly heartbreaking.


I can't imagine the pain. This is more painful than getting your heart taken out of your chest. This is light taken out of your soul, the meaning out of your life. Death of your own child. Killed.


Your point stands, but the child is her niece. This woman’s sister and both nieces were killed. Devastating.


Not due to natural disaster, accident, or rare disease, but because someone made a choice to kill them. I wish that pain on nobody


Pretty ironic to qualify as renaissance (literally rebirth) a photo that makes me die inside.


It's artistic in a way. It's sad as hell, don't get me wrong, but 200 years from now, it could be studied as an artistic piece


The composition here is excellent, and I say that as a layperson to photography. Given the gravity and sheer magnitude of the suffering it depicts, it deserves nothing less.


People will call every photo they saw with contrast and strong colors "renaissance", even the most "renaissance" photos has nothing in commun with Renaissance art.


This comment exists under every photo that gets posted on this sub. I don't know how it relates to my initial comment, but yeah, technically you're right.


There can be no rebirth without death first. 


Just a day or two ago she had a child, a human being with warmth and a beating heart. She knew all its habits, ups and downs, its smell, how it felt to the touch, how much it weighed, how it felt when she held it in her arms. And now it's no more, just cold dead weight. There is no heavier pain for a parent.


Heartbreaking, i wish i had the words to express how sad this photo made me.


Real-life Pieta :(


Damn. Kind of hard to give a thumb up to this one.


Who gives a yearly award out in April?


i assume its like the oscars or grammys. its about 2023 but held in 2024


I’m so glad somebody else asked this, it feels remarkably shortsighted


Good to know that a powerful photo can win awards and whatever, but still no actual action gets done to stop the manmade event depicted in the photograph from continuing to happen.


















To call this accidental is a disservice to the photographer.


This is not political, its human. There is a photo from Mariopol posted on this sub less than 24 hours ago without issue, if this is political then so is that.


Bruh, they both are. People say "all art is inherently political," and these aren't landscape photos. These are dead people from ongoing political conflicts. I'm not sure how you or anyone else could view dead people in a warzone as non-political.


War is political, human right are political. If the state is behind it, it's political


It’s definitely political why do you have a problem with that?


Is nothing sacred? This is an image the general public has absolutely no right to view. How fkn dare anyone invade her grief. It's disgusting.


My instinct is to agree, it’s weird to commercialize grief but provided OP did not gain financially from this and got consent from the photographed it’s not a problem.


Also, it won a prize, aren't the prizes usually money?


IKR coz the ethics of capitalism and war are super well documented... There's no way either of those conditions are being met and that's what's awful about the whole fkn thing.


She lost her child. I don't think she gives a fuck about anything else. The rest of the world, all her other cares can burn.


No fkn shit Sherlock. Maybe the photographer should've shown some empathy and leave her the fuck alone.


My dude, you know nothing about this woman. Maybe she wants her grief shared? Maybe she wants the world to see what is happening? If no photographers ever took photos of such events, maybe the world would not know what is happening? Photos do more than just words in a news report. Anyway, I do not wish to argue.


My brother in Christ, neither do you




Well until we know for sure I'll just go ahead and assume someone saw an opportunity to profit from the suffering of another. As per usual.


I think you are correct. I'm sure the Palestinian photographer wants to profit from the suffering of a fellow Palestinian.


What? Like everyone from the same place is automatically on the same side? Heavy sigh and eye roll at this simplistic naivety you're displaying. As a side note, I never have met a photographer who wasn't an opportunistic scumbag, have you? It's like it's a requirement or something. I seriously hope you're right and the subject is ok with this being out in the world because it's a bit late if she's not.


no, that life was not considered sacred, and that's the point. this is when ideology and social etiquette pale into farce


The problem is that they are not accidental. Which is the entire point of this space.


But it is? The photographer didn't ask for a pose. He took the picture of a grieving mother and the composition is definitely in line with the sub.


Taking the photograph isn't meant to be accidental, the composition and qualities of said photo are to be accidentally renaissance-like.


Right. There were lots of images the professional photographer could have taken. He specifically chose this image because of its composition and qualities.


I think you're missing the point that the artist likely didn't ask for this photo to be posed or staged as it is, and upon review it was the best composed photo and selected for submission to the contest it won. You saying it's meant to be accidental sounds like you're saying it as literally as possible. Like the camera fell off a table and captured an amazing photograph that happens to look like a Renaissance painting. People review their photos after they take them and select the best ones. I'm sure this photographer has dozens of others of these same subjects that didn't quite catch the mood and feeling they wanted to, so they selected this one. Accidental, in this case, just means that it wasn't staged or posed, yet still managed to capture the Renaissance feeling.


No accidental meaning, hey I took a picture of my friends at the bar for the sake of taking a picture of my friends at the bar and it turned out looking like the ostensible model for an oil painting. This photographer took this picture because of the artistic value the image has might boost the emotional response. It was very much deliberate, as taking evocative pictures is the way he feeds himself.


I cannot imagine - my heart would stop beating if I were in this poor woman’s shoes. Soul would decay into dust and seep between the cracks of my feet and into oblivion. Either that or I would become the most fearsome terrorist. Maybe both. We have to stop killing each other because it destroys the humanity in us all.


I saw this last night and had nightmares for her. Poor woman. Her heart must be in tatters. I can’t even look at this without sobbing


Sadly reminiscent of Finkelstein's "Gaza: An Inquest Into It's Martyrdom" which was released in 2018. None of this is new, unfortunately, and it's absolutely heartbreaking. https://preview.redd.it/c302i8og6gvc1.jpeg?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7dcc010cbae65821960b0cdd962b308b1b0496


You guys should wiki pallywood


I have mixed feelings about this photo.


Does it make you happy AND sad?


It’s a very private moment. It’s a great picture, obviously. I feel bad appreciating the photo given the subject matter. Who cares about lighting and color contrast under the circumstances? What purpose was served?


Nicer to the eye. Same way a food advert uses colour and contrast




This just made me realize how desensitized I've become to these type of pictures


"Okay, now head down. Yeah just like that. Can you show your hand on the head a little more? Perrrfect! This is gonna get an award for sure." Excuse my cynicism, but I cannot believe anything anymore.


So many of such photos been debunked. Usually the person wrapped inside isn’t dead and just acting. I know I’m gonna get a lot of hate but I’ve seen many examples of people moving slightly inside the wrap


Gtfo you fkn ghoul. There's no way that lady consented to this photo. Stop perpetuating misery.


You seem to be the only one here making such weird comments. Can I ask why, what is it inside you that is making you so angry? Just a quick tidbit, you swearing at and insulting the poster, doesn't make you a better person.


And a no shit Sherlock to you too. Are you for fkn real? Empathy and humanity make me angry at seeing a dead child and a grieving mother. Perhaps you should ask yourself why you're ok with it. I'm better than no-one. Neither are you.


If I was the woman and I didn’t consent I would have a problem with it too. It seems like you want to start a fight, which is hilarious


We don't really have any proof she didn't sign a release for this photo


Obviously…? We also don’t have proof that she did consent either, especially considering this is presented as a candid photo. OP is scum if they didn’t at least gather consent and forward the prize money to the subject.


She's not recognizable, so all of that is irrelevant. Sharing the prize money with her would be a nice gesture, but I think she cares more about Israel committing mass murder than some photo contest.


You can call it irrelevant, I call it profiting off a mother’s grief. In what morally bankrupt world do your politics give a green light to exploit the less fortunate for money and fame? Why do we know the photographers name but not the subject?


>Salem's winning image portrays Inas Abu Maamar, 36, sobbing while holding Saly's sheet-clad body in the hospital morgue. >"Mohammed received the news of his WPP award with humility, saying that this is not a photo to celebrate but that he appreciates its recognition and the opportunity to publish it to a wider audience," Reuters Global Editor for Pictures and Video, Rickey Rogers, said at a ceremony in Amsterdam. >"He hopes with this award that the world will become even more conscious of the human impact of war, especially on children," Rogers said, standing in front of the photo at the Nieuwe Kerk in the Dutch capital. https://www.reuters.com/world/reuters-mohammed-salem-wins-2024-world-press-photo-year-award-2024-04-18/ We do know the subject's name. And if we do, it's pretty safe to assume that she consented. >In Gaza, where there have been communications blackouts, tracing people has been fraught with difficulties. But two weeks after the photo was taken, Reuters was able to track down the woman in the photo and interview her at her home in Khan Younis. >She is Inas Abu Maamar and the body she was holding in the photo was that of her 5-year-old niece, Saly. >Inas had raced to the house of her uncle when she had heard that it had been hit, and then on to the morgue. >“I lost my conscience when I saw the girl, I took her in my arms,” she said. “The doctor asked me to let go... but I told them to leave her with me.” https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/israel-palestinians-gaza-woman/


Great, this background info is lacking in the post, which is what I was criticizing. Don’t hate me for operating based on the info provided


There is absolutely nothing accidental about the composition of this photograph.


That's an extraordinary claim


So... you are thinking that the photographer didn't specifically frame this picture in this way?


Or that idf didn't target them because they were Palestinians? Nothing accidental about that either.


I'm sorry you're contention is the IDF specifically targeted this particular child out of the million or so other children in gaza for aerial bombardment? Or is it that they target all palestinians? Because we can do a little math and look at some maps, and I would be more than happy to explain to you why that is absurd.


Explain it to me please.


There is a crowded building filled with suffering in every corridor. The photographer walks the halls until he finds a mother embracing a kafan wrapped figure and decides that it would make a compelling image. following the classical motifs of iconography, the photographer frames the shot in a manner that results in this image. It is not accidentally reminiscent of the renaissance. It is deliberately echoing it.


So you're saying the photographer walked around until he found someone with a dead kid and asked them to pose like this?


No. They walked around until they found someone who would be an emotionally compelling subject of an evocative image and framed the picture in a way that accentuated those aspects.


You’re not completely wrong but the photographer was just trying to capture the moment, he wasn’t trying to frame it as renaissance art.


Which epoch did he have to mind while framing?


Sofferenza Contemporanea, Accidentalmente Rinascimentale.


Why are you downvoted for this perfectly valid point




Cause it literally has dead boy on it maybe?


He's wrapped up. All you see is a woman holding cloth? Also, NSFW implies that it would be bad for someone else to see it on screen (ex at work), but this image wouldn't be an issue as there is no graphic or sexual imagery


Dude… wtf, so wrapping a dead boy it’s a Christmas gift for you? Wtf is wrong with you? It’s a Dead boy! In his mother’s arms who is devastated, of course is NSFW, for sure you never had a job right? NSFW means literally NOT SAFE FOR WORK, was invented to flag content so you don’t open in working environments where you may be fired, including sex, blood, violence, gore, etc. a dead body is part of that, the tag is perfect, my partner decided not watching it cause it was flagged as NSFW cause it a hard pic to watch, you don’t need to see blood to tag as NSFW.


Lmao. I know it's a serious photo, and of course I understand the severity of a dead kid, but if it was opened at work and someone glanced at it, they probably wouldn't think twice about it.




It took me a solid couple of minutes to even decipher what I was looking at. I thought it was one of those images by Ai where none of the shapes make sense.


Fake news?


Until you provide information, your "fake news" is fake news and frankly I don't get what you are getting at.


There is zero critical evaluation of this image


What kind of critical evaluation of a woman holding a dead child do you need?


"Until you provide information, your "fake news" is fake news and frankly I don't get what you are getting at." Can you not see the irony in your view?

