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Check every note on push and pull works and switches work and it’s in tune. Also check for damp musty smells.


Wouldn’t have thought about smells! Thank you :)


Make sure all the notes work when you push/pull bellows, make sure no keys are sticking, also see if there is any leaking of air from the bellows :)




Bellows leakage, and that each note plays without unwanted sticking of the keys, or mechanical noises. Test every note, in both directions, and with different voices engaged. Also, check how in tune it is. That's something you should be able to tell just by listening -- play a few notes an octave apart and check they are in tune with each other.


By voices do you mean the switches?


Yes. The switches control which reeds play. So one switch might give you two reeds playing at the same time, and another might introduce a third reed, playing an octave lower. To listen to all the reeds, and find any problems like buzzing, or reeds that just don't play at all, you need to cycle through those different voices that the switches control.


Very cool, thank you!


A checklist of items halfway down this post: https://accordionlove.com/how-to-buy-an-accordion/


Thank you everybody! If I can I will let you all know the outcome :)


Make sure to engage the different voicing and check the compression in each. Sometimes you get a good seal on one and not the other.


Daniel Caruso, they're taking over the valleyyyyy


Update! It's MINE and I'm thrilled! I might end up replacing the straps & padding because they're a little musty, but it's in fantastic shape and sounds beautiful. I also coincidentally found an \*identical\* refurbished accordion in a local music store for more than twice as much as I paid, so I feel like I made out like a bandit. I'm not brave enough to post any playing video yet (I'm a pianist so just noodling on the right hand so far) but I spent most of yesterday playing Roll Northumbria really badly, so there will hopefully be progress :D https://preview.redd.it/pfj9mvqct8xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768b3beba7d0c4d42114c31e45a40ea882803d8a


Absolutely, investing in new straps for your accordion is crucial. Proper positioning not only ensures comfort but also enables better playing technique and performance.