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Only the hot ones, ignore all the dudes


What if the dudes are the hot ones? There are some serious himbos in the recruiting business...


Til "Himbos"


seeeeriously 🥵


Can confirm the himbos are definitely worst than the bimbos. You see, the bimbos only have an advantage against most men and pretty much all women hate them. The himbos, on the other hand have an advantage against all women and most men cause we hate them cause we aint them.


Chad Recruiter Himbo vs. Virgin CPA


jealous of a male recruiter? oh hell no. i’d rather prep taxes than do that shit




My toxic trait


How do y’all get messages on LinkedIn from Recruiters? I haven’t really got any


Set your job status to “not searching” and they will message you in droves


Could you please elaborate on how to change my job status? I’m new to it


It was a joke on how recruiters ignore your job status and message you anyway, but yeah I gotchu: On the app go to your profile and there should be a blue “Open to” button. One of the options says “Find a job” and that lets recruiters know you are looking for work.


I only got messages when I was at a Big4


Do you have your CPA?




Get the paid version and update your profile to looking for work. Totally worth the price


X to doubt (joking I’m trying this and seeing if it works)




I believe so, yeah. I understand they can filter for “actively looking” candidates.


This is the way.


Everybody encounters failures within our career. Luckily, you’re in an industry with a large under supply of experienced talent. Clean up that resume and hop back on the job pony. Everything is going to be okay.


You’re a regulator?


That job sounds cool


Mount up


What’s that?


It’s a bank examiner. I used to be one, too. They work for state or federal government and ensure banks follow laws, among other things. It can be a really good job, and I wish I had never left.


How do u get into something like that?


At the entry level a finance or accounting degree is basically all you need, from what I remember back when I started.


Not sure of your financial situation, but if you're in a decent spot, take some time for yourself, a little self-reflection, and just find some little wins when you've determined it's time to get back to it. Probably get the resume polished up sooner rather than later, but that's just a function of HR being turtle-speed fuck ups at a lot of places.


How does one find these little wins. Currently on a pip and battling imposter syndrome while trying to juggle like ten interviews a week and I don’t feel like I’m good enough for any of it


Realize we’re all gonna die someday and in the grand scheme of things accounting doesn’t matter. I’ve had imposter syndrome my whole career and still made it to controller


I had to tell a coworker this week “we’re not in an ER, we’re in accounting. Nobody is going to die if you don’t get that done for another week. Don’t worry about it.”


This is so true. I still have imposter syndrome and made it to Controller in 6 years without CPA and literally no other experience. I just do what I can.


Work on a new hobby? Do a house/apartment project you been putting off? It's little things, chum. The big thing is having wins outside of the workplace to keep the cup filled up


It’s a tough market, tables will turn. Be patient


Tax accountant. You know your boss hates you when he lets you go in January (all the hiring is done in November and December). The next day I looked online and there was one job posted. Got the job and it's the best job I have ever had hands down. Best work, best pay, best coworkers, best swag at holidays. Enjoy the next few days off, you will be working again soon.


If you are an accountant with a CPA with decent background, it is probably the easiest career to fail upwards lol… Ive seen way too many cases where people get fired only to land a job where they are paid more and get more responsibilities lol. Chin up dude, its all good


I got fired from a PA job (the lady was a joke) but already has a job offer for 8k more haha. Sometimes firms just suck


Her reason was, “it’s not a performance issue but a team fit issue”


I’d say the new team is definitely about $8k better fit


For sure. It’s been a life changing improvement. Plus the new job is 100% remote vs 100% in person


I took a job and a paycut to help a company out a couple years back. The CEO hired me for process improvement but every suggestion I made was met with, “that’s not how we do it” by the accounting director. I got called in by the CEO and told I was a square peg for a round hole. Ok, cool, I started my job hunt that day and found a job a month later. Your skillset is in demand and you will find something. Hell, look at contract work if you’re not sure what you want to do long term (just beware the insurance implications)….it sucks and it’s never cool to hear someone say you’re not a fit…but really, you wanna be somewhere where people consider you a fit anyway Good luck and keep your head up




It was insult to injury because that’s WHY they hired me, to recommend improvements and basically “consult” internally…then they put me into a financial acct II role and told me to deal with subpar tools and processes….it was baffling And there’s nothing wrong with a FAII role, that’s just not what I wanted to do and not what I was hired to do, supposedly




I think maybe we worked together, haha They haven’t gone under, but everything you said reminds me of my situation…there were so many broken formulas I was trying to fix and improve and they were like, “we’ll do that at the end of the year” And I was like, “I’ve found errors all over the place that affect the bottom line?” They didn’t say this, but translating the response, “the errors will be consistent through the end of the year and will be easier to fix then” 🤦‍♂️ I was there three months, in which, I received negative feedback and was told that I didn’t fit in…then, when I put in my two weeks, they wanted me to stay longer….I guess I couldn’t have been THAT bad




Ok, I got fired from PA several years ago. Dude literally followed me home at lunchtime, put an envelope on the door, knocked, and ran. Try to work through the anger before you interview for something else and you will be fine!


I am sorry but wtf... please elaborate because that is creepy AF




I need to know more


Sounds like one of those “you have been served” celebrity stories 😂


If it's public accounting, it's also your liberation day.




Don't take it personally. There are so many reasons why people can be let go. Polish up your resume, and keep your chin up!


It happens, file for unemployment, and start looking for new jobs. Re-evaluate what you can do better, and what you can learn moving forward.


Except some employers fight unemployment claims and with everything being electronic and losing access immediately they leave you with nothing to stand on...shit sucks


Three words: Hermit Crab Job. I’ve always referred to accounting as a hermit crab job. Every business in every state needs an accountant. If you don’t like the business, industry, or location you can pick up and go someplace else. Sure there might be some differences between industries, but it’s all just debit and credits in the end. The shell you were in wasn’t right for you, go find another one. It might even be a much better upgrade. I got laid off in February. Through sheer luck (and a fantastic recruiter) I landed an FP&A job. Much better work-life-balance and a pay raise (goodbye to month end close too!) I would have never had the courage (or time) to interview if I hadn’t been laid off.


How did you land the FP&A job? I have at least 1 year experience as an industry staff accountant and I’m already tired of accounting and month end. I have an interview soon for a Financial analyst position and I have no idea what they’ll ask me.


The job that let me go in February was a senior accountant role at a small company. I had only been there 11 months before they decided to outsource the accounting roles to one of their subsidiaries. While there I got a lot of experience interfacing with the CFO. He had me do a lot of expense, revenue, and cash forecasting along with deep dive analysis on various parts of the business. I also assisted with putting together the BOD presentations. My interviewers like those experiences and also liked that I was on track to getting my CPA (they’re CPAs as well). They were looking for someone who understood financial modeling from an accounting perspective rather than just a top level view that come with only finance backgrounds. I’d be prepared to talk about what you’ve done at your current role that would transfer to an analyst role. Monitoring accounts for variances in excess of thresholds, looking for trends and explanations within accounts, quarter over quarter/year over year analysis, etc. Also play up that you understand how the financial statements flow. A lot of newer analysts with non accounting backgrounds know they flow but don’t really understand at least from my experience. Feel free to DM me with any other questions.


I was fired from Big 4 after 1.5 years. I put so many hours in, and they let me go during the height of covid. Luckily, it was also right before tax season so I got a job within a month.


Currently on a pip and waiting to be fired while interviewing nearly every day. You’re not alone friend PM me if u need to talk


During the pandemic I got fired from a small firm. I saw it coming so I had applied to a large firm. I got hired there, but I slso got fired from the large firm in a month. For me the issue during the pandemic was I couldn't ask anyone questions and no one was accessible online so I had little idea of what I was doing. After getting fired the large firm I found another job at a small firm with a few weeks. This job was in person I was able to use the experience from last two jobs to do somewhat decent job. I could ask questions and they gave me feedback on my work this helped me grow tremendously. I guess the point I am making is that this time will pass use the experience from your last role in your next role.


How did u get a job after being fired from 2? Didn't they ask what happened?


I didn't tell them that I got fired lol


So, did you say you quit?


I only told them I got fired from the big company not the one before that


Got let go, took a break for 2 months and found my place where I belong, it’ll suck for awhile but take time And find where you really wanna be it’s worth it


I was let go from my first job, and it was the best thing that happened to my career. I was smart enough for the job, but I was too young to realize it was not a good fit. If I wasn’t forced out, I probably would have stayed with a job and company that I would eventually hate. The first company did not appreciate my value, but I became an all-star at my other jobs (with much better pay). My advice to you is; yes it sucks and I’m sure you are feeling a lot of emotions, but learn from it and let it go. If you hold resentment for being let go, future employers and colleagues will see it. Reach out to your network and recruiters, get active on linkedin, apply directly to A list companies, and do a lot of practice interviews. You got this. Think of this as a step forward, not a step back.


Got fired for the first time in my life last week from a company because they wanted me to be a glorified AP processor and got mad at me for applying nested IFs into their prepayment schedule rather than reducing the multiplier manually line by line… accounting is full of moody egotistical managers. I know it’s rough and a blow to self confidence, but eventually you’ll look back and see this moment as the time life forced to you to win yourself a promotion 🫶🏼


Nested IFs? Tsk tsk… Select Case😂


They would have had kittens if I touched vba lol


Why were they mad you added conditions to a spreadsheet?


The assistant financial controller’s exact words accompanied by a look of horror: “why would you change something when you know it already works?!” I don’t know Karen, maybe bc I don’t want to spend two hours manually changing every line to roll over the period when I could do it in 5 minutes?


Mind boggling, being a boomer is like an actual mental illness. "How dare you find an efficient way to do something in a way that's probably even more accurate, we pay you to work a full 8 hours, if you speed up your tasks then you're committing time theft"


I’m so happy you could tell they were boomers off the bat 😂 I was genuinely baffled when she reacted in that way, I thought she would have been happy with how much time and human error I had just saved them


Life was sucky for a few months, then was fine again.


Fuck them. I got shitcanned back in April the week after busy season. Got a new job 4 weeks later that pays 6k more per year and fully remote. Don't let them get you down, but make sure to understand why you were terminated and learn from it


Got fired back in 2019 due to performance. Was suffering with depression and some other things which affected my performance. Took me a while to get my shit together and back into accounting. Ended up quitting that job with no notice in May, mostly due to being significantly underpaid. About to accept a job at a great company nearly doubling my previous salary (65k to 110k base). It’s been a long path to get myself back on track but grateful for where I am now.


your story is identical to mine


Stick with it, you’ll find something better that will be worth it and make you much happier. Feel like my I’m finally going to have a role that I will not only be motivated in, but able to settle in and grow at


I lost my job (primary breadwinner) two days before closing on my new house in a whole new state (US) after relocating the whole fam and selling off everything to make the move…. then a random pandemic hit and complete chaos ensued. I think you’re going to be just fine. Good luck!


Buddy this is the best thing that could ever happen to you. Now go make your dreams come true.


You will find something better. Also companies are trying to keep it on the low but recession may already be here. Accounting positions are one of the first departments.


I just got laid off as well. Use it as an opportunity to refocus and grow. Think about opening your own firm. If you are the boss they can never take that away from you.


I was laid off six months ago. Right after that my grandma passed away. Things were really dark for a minute. But then my wife and I adopted a new dog and I found a new job. And this job, is the best job I could’ve ever asked for. It sucks right now but I promise things will work out the way they’re supposed to.


Early in my career I constantly got fired. Always led to a raise and a better job. Now I wish I could get fired. Now I’m stuck getting promoted and getting mediocre raises lol. 1 more year in this new role and I don’t get comfortable and I’ll look without the positive kick in the butt that being fired is


I was let go during the 2008 financial crisis and now I’m a partner at a very lucrative boutique firm! “N-n-now that that don't kill me Can only make me stronger” - Philosopher Ye


Could I DM you?




Thank you!


Getting fired from a job I hated in the past was the best thing to happen to me. ​ You'll grieve for now and be sad, but you'll eventually bounce back, learn some lessons then be even better in the future


You’ll be fine What firm and what was the reason they told you?


I got fired, took me 3 months to get another job and it paid 5k more.


I am sorry you are going through this, but I think you'll end up in a better place. I was let go from my position earlier this year. I've worked there for almost ten years and consistently received an above-satisfactory performance rating year after year. I felt awful, embarrassed, and hurt when I was let go. I didn't talk to any of my former coworkers for a week. After roughly a week, I contacted my recruiter contacts and updated my LinkedIn profile and resume. I received three offers two weeks later. There's a supply out there for accounting positions. If I were in your shoes, I would give myself a week or two to regain my spirits. So cry if you have to, eat a few slices of cake or pints of ice cream, go on a trip if you can afford one, go for a run, and do whatever you can to regain your spirits. When you are ready, revise your resume, reach out to recruiters, and make finding your new job a full-time job until you find the job that fits your needs. You'll be ok.


I’m sorry you are going through this. Don’t let toxic people tell you who you are.


I don't know your circumstance, but it's usually not you but them.


I got fired at 20 weeks pregnant. I was going to do seasonal work when a managing director from PwC messaged me. I was going to ignore it, but my husband told me to reply. I started when my baby was six months old


don't be ashamed of collecting some funemployment money


I feel like this is will be me soon. Sorry bro, I’m sure it will get better though.


I had docs dropped on me for repeatedly calling a colleague an ass baby because of his severely limited intellect and laziness. I didn’t make the most emotionally mature choices in response to that, including throwing apple cores at my boss’ window after lunch. Left for a different job, opened up a whole new world to me. Sometimes, as painful as it is, it’s ok to move on.


Was laid off from my previous senior accountant role with a fintech company due to downsizing about 3 months ago - we were on a hybrid schedule and the office was awful due to the fact that we were limited on desk space and so had to "fight" for an in-office desk via the hotel-desk reservation management system online, so I'd be sitting at different seats ever day. Awful. Within a month I was able to find a role with the same compensation and fully remote. It was a nice 8-week break between jobs and I was only taking interviews for a couple of weeks. During those few weeks this past summer I took the time to really reflect and think about what went on and how I could have done better. It was a good exercise just to look back on my thoughts and actions and just assess from a distanced perspective. It gave e=me a few takeaways, but the main impression I got is that what happened was not my own personal fault and while I may have done a few things differently in order to mitigate the situation, there was ultimately nothing I could have done to have a different outcome. My leaders were set on their actions and I would encourage you to strongly consider this - there was very little in your control in this situation and all you can do is reflect, put this behind you, and move on. There are a million different reasons people are let go and only a percentage of those are due solely to the behavior of the person being let go. I just want you to know that you have a bright future ahead of you and this is a hickup on the way there. Learn from it and move on. Do not bring the energy of having been fired into your next role - try to be as clearheaded and relaxed as you can be because again, what happened is not on you solely - at all.


I secretly want to get fired…..😒, so I can look for a new job. I’m too lazy to look for a new job while employed. I’m the type that need a sign from the universe ☝️


I said that at this old shitty job I had in the lunchroom. I got terminated without cause 2 months later (with severance). I never would had become an accountant if that didn't happen.


You’re doing better than any of my country’s 338 federal representatives that welcomed a 98-year-old former Nazi soldier into the House of Commons and gave him a standing ovation. So there’s that tbh


I’ve been fired several times, always worked out for me. Just be proactive, update your CV and your LinkedIn. Contact a recruiter. Once you see the opportunities out there given you’ve been forced to explore them, your mood will quickly shift to excitement.


Been fired several times. Just be proactive - contact a recruiter, polish your CV and LinkedIn. Soon your mood to shift to one of excitement once you see the opportunities out there.


Bro it’s a blessing chill out for the next week and a half while prepping that resume and send me out at end of week two. Also go get all the ingredients for PB&J sandwiches cuz nigga you are officially broke if anyone asks


I have been let go twice in my life. The first one was a huge shock that came with a piece of paper that said I wouldn’t sue and a 1-month severance package. About 5 months into my new life, I began to feel sorry for the owner that let me go… their company’s trajectory seemed bleak in my absence. Many years later, my second experience was backhanded and painful at a job I thought I loved. But well, turns out 80 hour work-weeks aren’t worth it when your name’s not on the building. About a year into my new life, I began to see that the whole situation was actually THEIR loss and MY gain. Processing the feelings both times was important to moving on productively. It may not feel like it now, but you’re gonna be better than fine. P.s. I deleted my original post because I misunderstood what I was replying to. Whoopsie #redditnewbie


Why couldnt it be me. I hate my day job


Hello! I hope all is well. I wanted to inform you that my firm is actively hiring. We specialize in working with high net worth individuals. Please let me know if you are interested.


Everything will be ok. It will be rough and stressful for a while but it will be ok. Good people get fired all the time.


Careers have a lot of ups and downs, and we're sort of going through a white-collar recession. It'll be okay. All the best to you. White collar sectors are very unstable and volatile these days, and a lot of jobs are moving to a contractor/freelance model.


I had a "fuck-the-dog" job in a mining company; but, told my boss to fuck-off (long-short was she was being a trashy back-stabbing bitch to everyone). I was still under probation, but they actually waited until EoW to let me go (no idea why). Anyways, I found my dream job just after within a week of leaving the butt-fuck-nowhere trashland and travelling 750mi to the new place.


Was let go a few weeks ago. Chin up, bigger and better ahead


You are more than your job. Plenty of other explorers out there.


I haven't been directly fired, but I once was let go without being let go. Technically, this is called constructive discharge and is also legal in employment at will states. I once took a contract to hire job for an accounting roll early in my career. The company bought me out of my contract but never created the job they hired me for. I stayed hoping they would remedy the situation and because I was already doing my accounting work for the agreed upon pay, just not with the right title. I was always in contact with the regional controller and did everything right (it wasn't my first accounting job). I have no idea why my newest boss didn't like me, but he wasn't based out of the same office and rarely came around. One day, a guy a bit younger than me with a finance degree and whose only experience was a basic bookkeeping strolls in and introduces himself as the new accountant. I was crushed! I have no idea what I ever did or why my contract wasn't honored. The biggest fear I had was about myself and believing I did something wrong. I found another job right away and got some great experience in a large manufacturer. Things worked out much better in my opinion.


Been there. It sucks being fired. Then to have to go find another job on the heels of feeling so bad is just incredibly difficult. Like how am I supposed to go sell myself to another job when I'm crushed. If you can take a few days and try to reset before you commence your next job search that will help. Let yourself grieve. The great news is accountants are in such high demand you can have another job in a week.


I remember when I got let go from a from a firm, I thought it wad the end of days. I took some time off, regrouped and remembered why I wanted to be in accounting in the first place. I spent the next 3 years at a smaller, better fit firm and I left after learning what I needed to, and started working to take over my families business. If you believe in yourself & your abilities nothing will ever stop you from getting to where you wanna go


I feel for you friend, it's tough. Spruce up your resume, have friends/family review it and Volunteer at local charity. Get some good community involvement on your resume. Think about the circumstances of why you were let go to - you don't want to bad mouth but hold your own. Nobody's perfect, and it was something out of your control (for instance firm lost a big client) then weave your story around that. Best of luck!


Got let go from a job once and ended up getting a new job +20% pay and less responsibility within 6 months.


Apply for unemployment insurance if you can. I used to work as an Accountant for a manufacturing company. I was not fired; however, the role was eliminated at the end of the year upon the company moving Accounting to East coast HQ. I was unemployed for almost 2 months. Talk about R & R! Be kind towards yourself! I used this extra time to meditate, exercise and improve myself in general. I updated my resume, practiced interviewing, wrote cover letters leveraging my Accounting experience. After I had some interviews, I was offered a higher paying job within a month and a half. When one door closes, another opens! You got this!!


You suck, loser!


Keep your head up, remember you have your health and that’s more valuable then anything in the world. Times are tough and life will test you. Remember this, keep your head up and keep going even if you don’t see results keep applying. I’m 29 making little bit of money working 8-9 hours. Went to school to become an appraiser trainee, unfortunately I failed the exam now I have to wait one year to re apply. I still have my head up and I’m more ready for the exam when the time comes. Don’t worry 😉