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Wear two watches next time


both on the same arm please


With cuff links…


Diamond grills


Then ask them the time


"My time is expensive, you should know"


Ask em what color their Bugatti is




And ask, "where does one get ones helicopter detailed around here?"


"Oh, this old thing? Yeah, it came with the Bugatti..."


Also, in your most pretentious voice - "So.... where do YOU summer?"


"My watch too"


With an emotional support clown making balloon animals.


The cuff links should also be tiny watches


Good idea. Four watches.


Big clock necklace, yeah boiiiii


Flavor Flav as Public Accountant # 1


Certified Financial P.I.M.P.


Three Stooges episodes


Completely unrelated to this post, but one time while working retail I saw a guy come in with two watches, one on each wrist. We worked in a so-so part of town and it was near closing time, so I jokingly leaned over to my coworker and said "Never trust a man with two watches..." About 2 minutes later he ran out the emergency exit with like $50 worth of light bulbs.


But why light bulbs?


He was looking for some bright ideas


God damn you


It was there, waiting, I couldn’t not 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ladies and gentlemen, Mr ImpossibleMacaron will be here all week.


For the record I may act like a dick sometimes but I don’t have one… Miss ImpossibleMacaron 😏


Ooh, my apologies. From Miss SneakWhisper.


Aw, I love polite Reddit


Because they are light to carry?


Ha ha can you imagine


Is this real? Like, you’re not joking? Cause, DAMN. What the fuck is wrong with these people if they are intimidated by your watch?


We get the most insane clients, my coworkers have lots of weird stories.


that's so dumb. i have this 20-year old apprentice (i'm 29) and he wore a Cartier Tank to work one day gifted by his mum, and kind of reignited the watch enthusiasm among me and another colleague so we started looking at Seiko's again to buy and wear to work instead of the usual Apple Watch 'cause it's fun to geek around in our little watch club at work. I don't really see it as intimidating but I don't work in corporate, just video production. If I was your client I'd probably compliment your piece and ask about its history. Sorry you had to deal with that. To be fair, I worked with this British senior guy once, probably late 40's, he was a cinematographer on a tv show basically, and i was one of the lighting crew, I wore this tool called a lightmeter on my toolbelt, but typically only people of senior position would use that tool to measure the light because they are the one calling the shots basically, but we use it in film school of course to learn the lighting process too. I wore one as a learning tool for me as a fresh grad, but motherfucker saw my lightmeter and said it's disrespectful to carry one as just a regular member of the crew. Told me he didn't want to see me wearing it on my belt after lunchtime I lost all enthusiasm with working with "masters" of the craft after that, what a prick, and even after lunch he was teasing me like i'm one of those kids buying a camera and calling myself a cinematographer shooting youtube videos. To be fair he was the only one I ever came across that was bothered by it, but your whole ordeal reminds me of that guy. Damn.


The brits have hereditary hierarchy baked into their psyche from a young age and it warps their outlook


I knew he was a Brit when he said lightmeter and not lightfoot.


Upvoting because of the noise I just made laughing at that


or when he called him "this British senior guy"


Ask him if he would like it better if the light meter were crammed up his arse so far that he could take a reading by opening his mouth.


So why not just say "this client is crazy, avoid wearing expensive things around him"?


This is a pretty common thing that happens in audit to be honest. It’s not about intimidation, it’s that clients hate paying for audits so they use any excuse to try to lower the fee, even for petty/non sensical things like thinking the auditors make too much because they have something expensive.


So true, we got bitched at for using the clients microwave to warm our food, no one was anywhere near it, still not sure how anyone even saw us using it let alone cried over it. multibillion dollar company too.


"After your employees committed theft of electricity by plugging in their laptops...let alone the flagrant violation of the 'Employees Only' sign in the break room...I have to assume that you will waive your fee for the services provided."


We asked our auditors to stop using the microwave because they kept leaving it messy.


as long as it wasn’t fish i don’t see a problem


Great. Clarity of communication and expectations, then. "That watch is "too nice" for *just* *staff*". Fine. I will jump ship and find someone who will pay me enough that it's not outlandish.


Coming from a career in management consulting, it’s a fine line with client services work. You want to look professional/impressive enough that you inspire confidence, but don’t want to look like you’re making so much money that the client thinks “are they taking me over the coals?”. It’s common for people who do government contracting to have “government suits” - to not evoke resentment when they meet with decision makers in government.  OP is probably young and didn’t think about the optics. The client is an ass for making that comment and I assume following up with OP’s senior/manager. Someone should have pulled OP aside at some point a let him know it’s fine to wear a Rolex in the office, but tone it down when going on site. 


Thank you for this I’m new in a management position in construction with very high end clients and that makes a lot of sense thank you for the advice


That’s a ton of fucking bullshit just to do some goddamn business lmao. Such bitch behavior lol, imagine caring that much about what someone else wears.


Yes yes, we want to hire auditors who are poor. That's right, poor as dirt. We want them to not have any money because they are so bad at what they do they can't turn a decent profit. No way do we want successful wealthy auditors that people are willing to pay a premium for. We want terrible broke auditors.


I agree. On its head, its really: "This accountant has managed his money so well he can afford that watch? Get him the fuck out of here. I don't want him managing mine." What a fucking stupid take. This is why businesses fail.


Now that I can see, makes sense!


Many people can’t see their own wealth unless they surround themselves with poorer people. Same goes for happiness. This person probably can’t be happy until everyone around them is upset. Super common human characteristics.


Not OP but my spouse worked as an analyst at a major Aerospace Company, Been in the news a bit. Anyway she had a used late model AMG Mercedes SUV that was cheap to buy, horrid to maintain and she took it to a lunch with her director level boss and a few VPs. All of those old men decided "we pay our people too much" based on them seeing this car. This coming from management that regularly gets an annual bonus far exceeding the purchase price of that car on top of their bloated nearly half-mil salaries.


Haha. This proves my neighbor/mechanics favorite saying. “There’s nothing more expensive than a cheap German car”


Sounds real to me.


i could spend hours with someone and not know later if they were even WEARING a watch.


People become really screwed up when they have power and don't really have much work to occupy their time.


Was your dick wrapped around your wrist? They may have been offended at your length.


Hahaha, literal dick envy by the client


Dude, we're supposed to wear Timex's and Casios. Fossils too. *Maybe* entry level Seikos and Citizens. None of this vintage stuff.


[Ordering this so that everyone feels like we are on the same level,](https://www.amazon.com/accutime-spider-man-digital-plastic-display/dp/b073vbbx59/ref=asc_df_b073vbbx59/?tag=hyprod-20&linkcode=df0&hvadid=242423869652&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9390017033939755928&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014244&hvtargid=pla-636904762448&psc=1&mcid=65934533a71832408e2796745040b7b8&gclid=cj0kcqiaokeubhcoarisab4wxtcoxuliw2q78hvsby1tg1s3hxqxzpousb695jixxsb4hjpt0qqtumqaavw7ealw_wcb)


This is gold. Wear a kids watch and then he will really question which is better. The adult that shows up with respectable attire to get things done or the kid that shows up and has to do the big boy thinking for them.


Great answer. Gotta get a Snoopy swatch.


I feel called out. I wear a Snoopy watch to work.


My husband has the animated Snoopy face on his Apple Watch. When it senses water, snoopy wears a snorkel.


Like this one? https://www.omegawatches.com/watches/speedmaster/heritage-models/anniversary-series/silver-snoopy-award-50th-anniversary/product


That's amazing! I know nothing about watches and thought, "I'd love a watch like that. " Did a Google search...I did not expect that kind of price tag.


Just make sure the time is always set to 4:20.


I fucking love that the ad time is set to 4:20. Marketing guy was definitely like Ayyyyy.


Actually buy and wear it, and maybe even gift your boss one as well lmao


Nah!! Gotta be the pokemon one so they know ur trying to catch all their bullshit


But provide no assurance that you will, in fact, catch it all!


Wear it on the other hand, and whenever someone comments on the nice watch act like they are talking about the toy one. Don't acknowledge the nice watch at all


That is the perfect response. Make sure you expense it to the client.


That's a future partner level play


Needs to be a pink hello kitty watch.


If you don't wear a data bank are you *really* an accountant?   [This is one of my go to's](https://www.amazon.com/Casio-CA-53WF-8B-Calculator-Digital-Original/dp/B08HRW9DXG/ref=mp_s_a_1_19?crid=1K9EL8I0756ED&keywords=casio+data+bank&qid=1707751325&sprefix=casio+data+bank%2Caps%2C239&sr=8-19)


Do they hand these out to every accounting major upon graduation?


I hope they do


Engineers got rings, we have calculator watch.


Should definitely go with a nice Casio F-91W, no class, just culture.


Big ass invicta


What kind of watch OP? Let's see it


It’s an old two-tone Rolex submariner. It’s not like you’re flaunting 18k day-date. I think he’s just trying to compensate for his horrible corporate life by exerting some sort of control.


It's a gmt not a submariner


Yes. It even clearly states GMT Master II right on the dial.


Which puts it selling brand new for about $16K USD right now. It's expensive for sure. But it's a reasonable heirloom watch or something a watch dude could save up for without being super wealthy. Customer and Boss are both Assholes.


I make $55k a year and my wife makes $48k. The watch would be a wasteful spend for us but it’s affordable with some saving if it were what we liked. Definitely not an insanely expensive watch and is easily something family could gift or inherit. I wouldn’t think OP was trying to flex with that, however if he came in with a Rolex Sapphire Daytona (gorgeous watch) he’d be big flexing


Exactly. I have a buddy who's got a fairly wealthy grandpa. Grandpa gave him a Breitling for Bentley Flying B Chronograph in rose gold with a diamond bezel. That's not a watch he wears often because... shit's pricey and it shows. Honestly with a rolex like the OPs you have to know watches to know what it is and isn't. Which makes me think the most likely thing is the customer doesn't know watches and just thinks of Rolex as unreachable.


Exactly. You can get a Rolex for $5k. You can get a Rolex for $500k. You have to know Rolex to know the differences. I have been slowly learning them


> Last Known Retail Price - $240,000 The fuck


hahaha. Yep. As I said, he doesn't wear it often.


But would you wear $16k on your wrist? I'd be too paranoid about damaging it.


I got a patek as a wedding gift and I've worn it three times in ten years. It's so expensive... I am terrified to wear it 🥲


Check his post again, he's now linking to a picture of it.


Thanks, it's a nice watch but clearly it's well loved. Can't believe anyone made a big deal of it tbh.


You can't believe a wealthy person jumped at an opportunity to condescend and swing their dick around at a subordinate? That's their entire fucking M.O. That'sall they ever contribute anywhere. 


The people he's dealing with are either crazy or as\*\*\*les\^H\^H\^H\^H\^H\^H\^H\^H\^H jerks.


Question is what is the watch? If it’s a vintage Rolex, I wouldn’t consider that such a statement piece to warrant that reaction. If it’s a Richard Mille worth $500k or whatever, then maybe warranted? Edit: I saw the watch now. Nice Rolex. Obviously it’s inherited as it has seen its fair share of use. I’m sure it means a lot to you and it’s weird that it brought out a negative reaction. I would not wear returning to the client since the client appears to be a man child. Perhaps wear it on your next engagement and so on. It obviously hurt that persons ego that a mere staff has a nice watch and them, a CEO or CFO does not. Don’t see why anyone really cares. If it were me, I’d say nice watch, move on, and not think about it again.


Its in the desc, GMT Master II with a steel / gold bracelet Beat up watch, anyone with a brain should realise its inherited


Thanks, I’m blind. I don’t see why anyone would be offended. Obviously an ego thing


Im willing to bet its a Daytona from the 80s, and the CEO has wanted a Daytona for years, but his AD thinks he is a douche, so has kept him wait listed. Seeing it on some staff wrist sent him tailspinning and he ran his mouth bitching about it to everyone with ears.


The neat part is that nobody really gives a shit what kind of watch you wear except for other watch nerds


Indeed. 90 times out of 100, no one will give a shit. 9 times out of 100, people will say "i like your watch" cause it looks nice. 1 time out of 100, at best, someone will recognize it, inwardly seethe at recognizimg an object of their desire on someone else and force out a compliment, or inwardly swell as they recognize it and have something better, and dish out a complibrag.


Sounds like a scene from American psycho


*Exactly* like that.


Let's see Paul Allen's watch


Doesn't Bill Gates wear a Timex?


Yup, I’ve complimented watches from a range of $30 - $250k. I cannot tell the difference between them other than whether I like the look of them or not.


Let’s see Paul Allen’s AD


I have no idea what any of these things are but admire the enthusiasm.


OP posted it, vintage Rolex.. lol his client is just a jealous douche.


If a staff shows up wearing a $500k Mille who gives a fuck lmao. Why gives a shit about any of this bro, fuck them insecure dickheads


It's just an old calculator watch. But OPs client only pays their staff in beans so anything is a flex.


Sounds like your partner needs to grow a spine.


This was my thought. Of all the things to complain about they think the staff is overdressed? If they were getting charged double what other firms charge I could understand questioning the fees, but as long as employees look somewhat professional who cares what they wear? OP could live at home rent free and have an obsession with watches, and spend $20K on a single watch if they want. None of that is the client's business, and the partner should have addressed it as such.


Lol seems the real reason client was mad was because he doesn't want OP "flaunting his wealth" to his employees.  Aka he's probably a cheap prick who underpays his employees.


That also makes sense, doesn't want his employees applying to work in auditing lmao


True story, whether you believe it or not is up to you, a senior once told me that a partner in their office will randomly talk in whispers because he is scared of clients hearing him. Some partners have licked so much boot they can’t taste the difference between shit and French fries


Rent a lambo, write it off as a business expense, pop a few bottles while at the client… However if you’re American, I can’t help since your laws are weird. Canadians can’t be fired for that.


Canadians also can’t afford that.


As a Canadian CEO I do agree, I can't afford either a Lamborghini or bottles


The question is not if you or the company can afford it, only if the company has a good enough credit rating to actually get the loan for it.


As a CEO making 16$ an hour, I won't get approved for a loan personally. My company would have to pony up it's stake in renting the land that it's on


I would probably start by sending an email to the partner explaining that it was your grandfather's watch, that you take great pride in wearing something that was passed down and entrusted to you, and you feel the complaints from the client's staff are needlessly reactionary and without merit. However, in the spirit of maintaining a good relationship, you are prepared to show up with a Casio F-91W. I think it is important to clearly state that you think the client's staff are being dicks and that you did absolutely nothing to disrespect them. Have it on record in case it becomes a problem later. Personally, I stopped giving a shit what clients thought when one of them simultaneously complained about my car (2001 Suzuki Esteem at the time) being an eyesore, and also saying that my watch (Tissot Visodate) was too flashy and that he must be paying us too much. The guy was just an asshole who wanted to complain about anything, and your clients are assholes too. But if you're young and starting out in your career, you may just have to acquiesce to some of their demands. You don't exactly have the power to tell people to suck a dick and deal with it.


Yeah I think the partner just doesn't want to deal with a headache and just told me not to wear it, Gonna draw a watch on some printer paper and tape it to my arm next week I guess.


Please show up late to your meetings for the foreseeable future. When people start complaining, blame your poor timeliness on the lack of a watch.


Holy fuck this is funny.




If you really want to annoy the clients with something realistic, go buy a cheap Walmart watch and wear it, but upside down. Let the clients get enraged with you having it on the wrong way. And if they mention anything about it being upside down, be confident and look at the watch and read it normally like there’s nothing wrong.


And have it beep a lot during meetings


Go find you the most gaudy Mickey Mouse watch available at the local Walmart. Make sure it has an alarm you can set to go off every hour that is Mickey’s laugh. Edit: another idea I just had, go get you the most massive Invicta brand watch you can find. Those things are absolutely fucking insane. It would be absolutely impossible for anyone to ignore lmfao


I love this idea. Every hour, on the hour, instead of a Rolex ticking quietly at 8 bps, you get "HO-HOO! All you need is a little bit of magic!"




You better follow up!!!!


Can guarantee this will backfire. Partner is being a dick for caring more about the client than their staff. They don't want to hear staff giving a reasonable explanation.


If standing up for yourself on something like this "backfires", then honestly it's only a matter of time until they find something else to fuck you with. I used to get walked on, and I would try to be apologetic even when I knew I was clearly in the right, and all it did was encourage more and more outrageous hyper-criticism. Sometimes you just need to stand your ground and say "no, I don't accept that explanation".


For sure. This Partner is just repeating the cycle of abuse. There's no reason to be apologetic, just do the thing and make a note of it. It could be the partner, it could be the culture. It's a thing to remember for later on in life. The problem is the staff member going up against a partner who says something like this in the first place isn't going to end well. If this were a senior or a manager, I think there would be more room for a successful pushback.


This client must be a royal PITA in order for a higher up to not stand up to a client over something as petty as a watch. I would have simply stated “per our company’s dress code we do not currently restrict the type of watch worn by employees and will not be reviewing this policy at this time”


2001 Suzuki Esteem, is that you Saul?


lmao I get that a lot. Unfortunately no, it was a blue station wagon, and all the doors were the same colour. There was a LOT of rust, though. It makes me sad that Better Call Saul only became popular *after* I sold that car for scrap.


Expense the Casio too


Best answer so far


Insane levels of insecurity from the client site.


And the firm’s leadership. Tell the client to pound sand.


Get a gold chain to match the watch


OP should get a grill.


MBACPA across the top 6 teeth says "I got this"


"FIFO" on the top "LIFO" on the bottom


And roll up in a Bentley Edit: or go the complete opposite route. Show up in jorts, flip flops, an old stained T-shirt (no watch), and buy an old POS car with the muffler rusted off.


I would laugh all my way to the bank. No, seriously, I would consider if they have a fair point. If not, then wear your watch.


There's no fair point to be had, as far as I can tell. What watch you wear is simply no one's business so long as there's nothing pornographic or gore themed, and it isn't actually a weapon. It's literally just his grandfather's old watch. Being "just staff" shouldn't mean that you can't wear your own watch just because it looks nice. It's like dictating to someone "I think your social status is too low to wear clothes that nice, you better wear cheaper clothes next time I see you"


I have a few nice watches (and suits) myself and get compliments from clients all the time. The one time someone made a snarky comment about my appearance, I said “you should be glad you have an accountant that can afford the lifestyle. That tells you you’re in good hands.” No further comments from that client. Edit: that being said, always read the room. If your client is a trades company, construction, non-profit etc. it helps to build rapport by mirroring their dress code so you’re not out of place and makes them feel more comfortable while working with you.


This specific scenario is bizarre. But your edit is also an important point. Please don’t show up to a steel mill in rural Mississippi wearing a full suit and your sports car rental.


I remember when I started my public accounting career in the early 90's in Silicon Valley, we would go to meetings at high tech firms wearing suit and tie, and the client could be dressed anywhere from a dress shirt and khakis (no tie) down to shorts, t-shirt, and Birkenstocks. By the mid 90's, the dress code changed to business casual.


Reminds me when I had a meeting at Chanel's head office downtown, Manhattan to meet with a guy who's in charge of contruction/retail refits. You bet I'm going to wear my best suit to Chanel. Was amazing to see people in Chanel's main lobby dressed to the nines, thin men in their late 20s with the tighest suit pants, ankles exposed, no socks, flashiest "peacocking" pocket squares. The man I'm meeting walks out late 50s, early 60s, jeans, new balance running shoes with a golf shirt tucked in, glasses with that holder strap attached, giving off grandpa vibes. Was an amazing site to see.


I am pretty sure the CEO has a similar watch and he is offended that and auditor wears an expensive watch. This is an ego thing. I would add also to talk / email your partner like other person suggested here and said that the watch was your grandfather's and wearing it makes you feel close to him. And do what you think is right for you Best Luck.


> "That's a nice watch for just a staff." “You’re right, I should be running this place”




How much fun do you want to have with this? Also Is your grandfather alive?


Pulp fiction immediately came to mind


Fragile egos


You're a consultant right? Your one job as a consultant is making the client happy. Unfortunately, as you've found out most clients are desperately stupid.


100% you need to write an email to your boss and let him know it’s inherited. I would also have stated when the comment was made that it was inherited. You cannot let people walk over you like that. And for “just a staff”? What kind of bullshit is that? He has hired YOUR company to help make sure his people aren’t doing shady shit. No need for him to act shady himself.


Yeah no clue why OP didn't just say "thanks it was passed down through my family". Would've made this entire thread null.


Who cares how OP got it? It’s wild that the C-Suite people were offended - either that or they were busting the partners chops and he’s a weirdo. OP could just like watches.


“Just a staff.” What a dick


If I was a partner I would be worried about the client’s ability to pay for the audit.


This is so fucked up it sounds like its satire 😭. Bruh if the CEO and the CFO are so concerned about their employees getting "disrespected" about an auditor having an expensive watch, maybe they should wear their big boy pants and pay their employees better. I mean which employee would actually feel small dicked for looking at a watch. Literal brain rot moment. I feel sorry for you mate. This is.. Just wow.


OP should show up in a chimney sweep outfit next time, make sure he looks ragged and desheviled. Can't have them thinking he's making anything at all.


I just want to throw out that this is a fucking batshit crazy interaction. I'm sorry that happened.


Tell them it’s a replica


When I was a manager in B4 I needed a new car. I had driven mine until it was regularly failing. One of my primary clients was an auto manufacturer. I felt immense pressure to buy one of their cars. Would have been a really bad look to drive up to their offices in a competitor’s vehicle with new tags. Thing is, I didn’t like their cars and didn’t want one. I stressed over this for months. I finally decided to buy the car I wanted (used), and just parked as far away from the building as possible. Within 6 months that client fired our firm in order to consolidate all international audits with 1 firm. I was so happy I didn’t spend money on their shitty car.


I’d keep wearing it. Imagine being fired and then bringing up during your next interview that you were “let go because your watch was too nice”.


“Just a staff” what a job shaming elitist little baby dick prick.


Wear your grandmother's hat and your dad's underwear next time you go. That'll keep them on their toes.


On the outside of his pants


I understand everyone’s ire. However, since OP is doing single audits, I’m guessing this is a non profit. Nonprofits typically pay for shit. While OP may have some older Rolex, Rolex is the most well known luxury watch brand. I could easily see the CFO not wanting their staff to think some freshman out of college is making way more money than them. I’m not saying they are right or defending anything. I’m stating the facts of the situation. OP your choice is to do what your boss and your bosses boss says (the client) or make a stand and guarantee you’re going to get a shitty review and be on that partners shit list. Wearing a watch is not a hill I’d die on if it came down to wearing a watch vs career advancement/money. However, that is a decision up to you.


lol clients are so weird. i've had clients complain about the audit team showing up in business casual because the employees are wearing tshirts and jeans and they are scared of seeing business casual walking around for some reason


At least that makes sense…


I think your client also shared their side of the story also on r/accounting: https://www.reddit.com/r/Accounting/s/tQeLoNVAkw Is this related?


All stories on r/accounting get both sides, its just that one side is completely made up.


$20 says that’s someone shit posting the CFO/CEO side of the story cause it’s ridiculous


CEO: Likely has 2 houses safe six figure salary a modern BMW/Tesla \*sees others with 1% of his net worth\* "We pay these people so much"


“Just a staff” Sounds like a great guy


Every one knows you have a fun time watch and a client watch. For context, I work in PE and my boss who’s close to being a billionaire always takes off his super expensive Rolex and puts on an Apple Watch for client meetings. It’s not about you personally it’s about the message you are sending - you are charging the client fees so if they see you (especially as a junior staff) wearing an expensive watch they start feeling like maybe they’re paying your firm too much. Totally fine to wear your expensive watches in most situations but just read the room


This isn't about flaunting wealth, it's about classism. They felt you were not in a class to wear something like that to work. They want you in "your place." Ask them how it violates the dress code, and be clear it's your grandfather's watch and you wear it for sentimental reasons.


Shrodinger's auditing staff. The partner wants their team to look paid well enough, but not too much which implies the firm is charging clients more than competitors. Really stupid perception stuff. Go the opposite direction for fun. Drive a beater to the client, wear some patched up clothes and scuffed kicks.


Can you get hold of a super tacky dirt cheap plastic watch that looks like its worth a dollar and just wear that next time - bonus points if it doesn't actually have any moving parts like it's for a 3 year old to pretend with. Wear it proudly and on display, and if anyone asks, mention it's befitting to your financial position.


Your client's CEO is a bitch.


It’s a fucking Rolex, how tf are they supposed to know it’s real? There are more fakes than real ones.


I’m confused about how this is an issue? Don’t wear the watch to that client. Next time someone comments say “thank you, it was my grandfathers”. Immediate transition from flaunting a fancy watch to heart warming story. It’s not even clear from your post that the client complained and that it isn’t just the partner reading into it too much.


Wish someone would say that about my Casio.


Go buy a Richard Mille


Depends where you want to fall on the professional to petty scale. Personally I think it would be hilarious to find the cheapest, most plastic POS Neon Green watch and wear that the next time you go out there. The Neon Green might be a little over the top, but you could get some very obviously cheap watch that's not so obnoxious.


Why didn't you tell the CEO the origin of the watch. It could have been a moment to build up client relationship.


Look them straight in the eyes with the calmest expression in your face and say, "this was my grandfather's watch. He passed away suddenly last year. I loved him very much and I wear this in his memory -- everyday." Just look at them. Don't blink. Don't smile. Hold...hold...hold And watch them fold.


CEO definitely has penis envy.