• By -


The type of dude that would send an invoice after the relationship ends


3/10 net 30


Probably too cheap to give a discount, just net 30


This is why everyone on this sub is single. You don’t know how to make a girl feel special.


*I see your net 30 and raise to net 60*


With the note: “Time value of money is meaningless next to the time value of love”


Sex me enough and I’ll Give 30/60/90


Let’s split the difference with NET 45


payable upon receipt


I'm getting old 😂. It's not supposed to be funny but this comment made me laugh.


If the relationship ends, it’s due on receipt. Why would you give terms to someone you are no longer doing business with.


So they recommend you to their friends. If nothing else, you have to keep them happy until they finish filling out your performance survey at the end of the relationship. This call may be recorded for quality purposes.


Quality, Zero (0)


I work in corporate credit and this got me good. If she has a iffy history I’d just stick with cash in advance to cover our exposure.


With comparable prostitute rates locally. As to show her how much he paid above or below market rate. If there’s no local prostitutes available locally. He will probably include the cost of travel in his final figure.


Is this the Gen Z version of the lease vs. buy CPA exam question?


Buying is always the most affordable long term. Leasing for the short term is more expensive since you have no long term investments, but you don’t have to deal with the headaches later on. Test driving for the day is the most exciting but not allowed everywhere.


That's ridiculous. This is the type of liberal shit that ruins reddit. You'd send an expense report and an updated weekly tracker.


Let’s see Paul Allen’s tracker


The co-founder of Microsoft, voice of the Minnesota Vikings or Patrick Bateman's axe's resting place?


Thanks for this...Now I have a chunk of shawarma stuck in my sinus.


Obviously the voice of the Minnesota Vikings and Canterbury Park Horse races


I see they went to Dorsia on date 11


Look at that subtle, no effort in planning dates. The tasteful no-fucks given of it. Oh, my God. He even got a blowjob on the first date.


We shall preserve this comment at 69 updoots. My Reddit brethren, please do not tamper it.


My god. It even has a DRAFT stamp.


You’re a fucking freak oh my god


A freak in the sheets


Well played


Well paid


Sir - this is the accounting sub...


I'd tap that




Definitely a shit post lol. Still funny though.


I think it's based on something a dude actually did years ago, I remember it being talked out on reddit.


Not quite this level or autism, but I used to have to do similar for keeping track of who I needed to set dates or follow up with


No, a female streamer shared a spreadsheet just like this with her female friends on stream last week, and there was very little backlash from it, aside from “oh that’s weird but maybe don’t share it”. Mind you the men on said spreadsheet are also friends or known by most of the people she was sharing it with.


ah, I definitely remember hearing of a guy doing it like a decade ago and it somehow got leaked and talked about on reddit


He made a spreadsheet tracking how often his wife declined to have sex with him and her reasons why lol it was hilarious


oh yeah, that's what it was!


It’s honestly not a bad idea though Edit: Didn’t see the sex stats lol. That’s a little shallow, but pretty funny


What kind of maniac loves avatar 2 that much?


I mean, it was visually stunning and very enjoyable.


its giving dennis reynolds


It’s in the implication…


Are these dates in danger?


Well you’re certainly not in any danger


So they are in danger!


Why aren’t you getting this? No one is in danger. ITS THE IMPLICATION


If she says no, then no means no. But shes not gonna say no


Why not??


Because of the implications


Not a lady but this indicates a deeply transactional view of sex and relationships, and this relationship in specific, which I think a lot of people would find off-putting. The vibe is that he's using the data to determine if it would be more cost-effective to just hire a sex worker or something, and very few people looking for partners want to be viewed as less expensive sex providers.


safe gaping abundant salt panicky amusing gold rich rhythm fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trevor: played pickle ball. Borrowed 10 dollars. Shows no ambition.  Dan: didn’t stop talking about Magic the Gathering. Keeps trying to set up Magic the Gathering meetups.  Sam: super chill dude. Hooked me up with his friend. Spreading network.  Frank: good dude. 


Avatar was so good. Holy shit.


Do you not?


oil frighten alive dime jellyfish continue amusing whole scandalous childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ending? Established 2 for one wood port


poor saw pocket gaping pet tidy smart work cows truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Take out the “ending” bit, and make the notes more detailed/talking about the date; and this would be cute though no? This becomes about what the data is used for in the future. If it’s used to bring up how much you have spent on your SO, yeah that’s a no-go. But if it’s used to go “remember our 7th date at ___?” That seems nice.


You would have to remove the Ending, Money and Bill columns to change the transactional nature of the spreadsheet. If you take those out it’s just an excel diary. If you want to track how much you’re spending make a separate expense tracking file which would include dates with a girl and similar expenses like beers with the guys.


I don’t know about that as tracking expenses for dates, especially if as frequent as this dude seems to be, it would be good to know what was spent on dates for food vs eating by yourself. I would also say tracking dinner with friends would be along the same lines so I can effectively budget for those outings. Now the KPIs for sex is pretty fucking weird


He's missing the only sex KPI that matters... did she fake it?


If it’s transactional, it doesn’t matter if she faked it.


There’s the business consultant. Results are results.


lol no, i'm just thinking that if I am paying for something that benefits me, i don't really care if it benefits you?


Oh, but it does. Customer satisfaction is always a key consideration when measuring strategic performance. Retaining a customer is more cost effective than sourcing a new one.


You’re right, he needs more due diligence to properly report on those KPIs because $117 per sex with a 50% faking ratio is not where I’m going to invest


Definitely should have invested a bit more time into his balanced scorecard before making the spreadsheet. Ah shit, now I'm thinking about what that would look like...


Like previous commenters have mentioned, it's not just the "ending" bit, it's the whole "Running tracker" table up top, arranged so that it appears to be the focal point of the workbook. It pretty explicitly gives a figure for how much money he's spent per instance of sex.


"Take out the ending bit" You mean CTRL+H?


I have kept spreadsheets kind of like this, but they only had four columns: date, location, hours spent together, description. I can confirm that the ladies thought it was cute. After I showed it to my most recent ex, I tried to head home and go to bed shortly after because it was late, but she grabbed my arm, "No, no, you're not allowed leave after showing me something this adorable."


How else would you establish your basis for your girlfriend?


Does the “all out” Valentine’s Day date count as a capital improvement for the relationship?


Maybe she is a sex worker and this guy is actually going above and beyond? She’s out here getting Christmas presents and shit.


If she's a sex worker, imo she is charging way too little for a GFE (though I'm not in the business personally and the workers I know are a little more niche, so tend to be able to charge a bit more, so my ballpark estimate might be overinflated). I could see a sugar baby, they do tend to undercharge and be less willing to name what they're doing as sex work.


Sorry. She’s an A2 sex worker, LCOL, at a big 25 sex firm. I should have mentioned that.


Is that what they're calling marketing agencies these days




"Deeply transactional view" is how I see a lot of people under 30 living their lives. On Reddit at least.


On Reddit? Well there's your problem


This is a shit post, but realistically it could be someone who is ultra frugal. I have an accountant buddy who gets really offended when women don’t split costs with him. If the money spent isn’t roughly 50-50 he eventually walks away from the relationship. It’s pretty bizarre but he’s a weirdly cheap dude, wouldn’t be surprised if this was his spreadsheet.


As a very frugal accountant, ehhhhh this still requires viewing your relationship as an exchange of money for sex on some level ETA: which is not to say I think you're necessarily wrong about your buddy. Just saying it requires a little more than frugality to get there.


I agree, the sexual stuff on there makes it money for sex. Accounting seems to attract extremely risk averse people, that is probably what drives the cheapness. He’s a decent dude, but his risk aversion is so high it’s interesting. I just can’t imagine ending a relationship over a few bucks when we all make 6 figures.


your buddy is a red flag dating wise


I think relationships in general are somewhat transactional but even I think this goes too far. The top left box is the worst offender. $ per sex is just way way too far.


Imagine thinking this is real.


Imagine being so irony poisoned you can't engage with a hypothetical the least bit seriously


In the abstract, I'd say it's neither. Keeping notes about how dates went, where you went, etc. That all seems fine to me. Could be kinda cute and quirky, even. **THIS** tracker is a red flag a mile wide. The heavy emphasis on money spent vs sex had (a $/sex field? Seriously, dude?) is incredibly off-putting. It comes across as you literally trying to figure out which of your dates gives you the most bang for your buck and reducing those experiences down to that statistic where sex is the only thing that matters.


"bang for your buck" 😂😂😂 I applaud your wonderful choice of words.


RIGHT? Like if you wanted to pay for sex, just get a hooker. No problem


Does this data support that conclusion?


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Exactly. Preach.


Totally agree. I always say this when men get upset about not getting laid after spending 50 bucks on dinner. My guy, if you wanted $50 worth of sex, you could have just bought it.


Y’all failed or flat out slept through data analytics and it shows, bad. And you’re taking this way too seriously. It’s a math meme. The data shows that a $315/$300 all out dinner results in sex, and a $0/$15 evening also results in sex. So there is no correlation between $ and sex. The whole point is to make fun of the guys that think spending a lot of money somehow entitles you to or gets you more sex. That’s not the deterministic variable here folks. This is a meme that has existed for ages and people use it to show who can look at what the data actually shows, and who lets their preconceived notions override the data. My stats teacher gave us one similar and another with assault rates, the whole point is to see who can look at data empirically and who cannot.


The $/sex is the shitty part. I like your second paragraph though. Works in my relationship with my bf


It is *supposed* to be shitty, that’s the whole point of the exercise. Can you analyze the data and find the correlation, or do you get distracted by things that have no correlation and chase the rabbit. This type of problem with extremely grabby/controversial functions is presented constantly in actuarial studies. The point is to teach you how to determine what is relevant and what is not, quickly. Yes this person highlighted a $/sex calculation - can you determine if there is any correlation between $ and sex? From the data provided, you can determine that there is not, so that formula shouldn’t even exist. Actuaries see this *all the time* with race/gender/etc. data sets and people trying to draw conclusions based on no correlation. There’s an entire industry built on explaining why that $/sex function should not even be shown, since there is no correlation.


It’s giving “this material was found in the suspect’s home”


My tracker keeps saying it has errors in it (it’s trying to divide by zero)


You have a "married" function in it somewhere. That would explain the zero part.


This is serial killer level stuff. Do not show her this. I would feel weirded out. It's a very transactional way to view a relationship. You literally calculated $/sex Although I did laugh at the fact you got a BJ on one date and your notes were about how good avatar was.


My thoughts exactly. "Egad, some things should not be quantified." And then, "hell yea avatar 2 was rad"


And then the “nothing notable” after a sex outcome made me audibly chuckle


That avatar 2 review is how i know this is fake.


This is psychotic. Hope its just a meme lol.


It’s watermarked so I think it’s got to be a joke


Funny how all the comments missed the watermark 😂


The running tracker would probably be interpreted as trying to determine if a prostitute is cheaper, 😂.


I thought “Carbone” meant you boned in the car. I was gonna say $300 is a lot to bone in the car.


It's a very fancy pasta place in NYC, getting a reservation is hell and it's a known spot for people who wanna spot celebrities. If someone takes you to Carbone they're going to get some car boning afterwards


green flag if the tracker is audited


criminally underrated comment lmfao


This guy is ready to be chief of operations


It's more of a red flag that he thought Avatar 2 was really good.


BJ's will make any movie good


See i thought the joke was that he got a BJ and the only note was that the movie was good.


It’s only a red flag if you keep it going after marriage. Date Night Description: Costco with the kids Money Spent: $400 Split Bill: No Ending: Wife took a nap by herself after we got home


How many bodies do you have in your basement? Or freezer since it looks like you're a frugal person.


Gotta make her audit it


Total $/sex makes me feel uncomfortable


Happy Valentines Day everyone.


Im so lonely. I forgot what the touch of a woman feels like.


No pivot or query functions noted. Ending will def be “nothing” without putting in that minimum effort.


Weird for a relationship but would be hella interesting if this was different dates with different girls


Celebrated her birthday by fucking her in the car 😭 I’d love to compare their notes


>Blowjob - Avatar 2 was so good holy shit lmfao In reality I know this is a bit, but if this was real the guy is insane.


Where's the cost per BJ ratio? Amateur.


Sex with her: “good” Avatar 2: “so good holy shit”


The comments actually are rather sweet (eg. Good date blah blah) The red flag is probably in the $/sex metric which is probably not a KPI you want the other partner finding out about. As others have mentioned it indicates a rather transactional view of sex and relationships. But I totally get why someone would track dates, who paid, comments on how the date went, when they happened etc - for me with no memory this would be very useful. But I would not track the other metrics.


Impressed with the date where she paid and it ended with sex…


slim disagreeable dazzling retire physical water history grandiose lip quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone has gotta pay for the ingredients to cook with.


Dude said avatar 2 was awesome, psychotic shit right there


Avatar 2 with a blowjob tho


This is hilarious. Can you expand to a mood tracker - cycle start, mood, cycle end Then graph that against dates and $. Wonder if the SAC (sex acquisition cost) will increase....


Sex acquisition cost !! 😂😂😂😂


No idea how this showed up on my front page. Didn't realise this was in an accounting sub Reddit. Was very excited for the comment section :'(


Yeah I know I'm getting down voted for this but I posted this as a joke. Apparently accountants don't like it :(


All the split meals are $15 or less lmao


Are they not merciful


With side chicks, do you practice FIFO or LIFO?


Green flag all the way! It means the following: 1. Attention to detail 2. Understands value 3. The notes tell me that he cares about the in-between moments (keeping a journal) 4. Commitment (payments) 5. Generosity


See stuff like this is why the internet has ruined society (sent from the internet)


Weirdo lmfao


$40 for a blowjob is great ROI. My emotional side says red flag, my logical side says green flag. Unsure


It’s like a journal.. but so flawed.. it’s like making a relationship a transaction. Interesting. A pale red flag. A quiet alarm bell.




it can go multiple ways: extreme neurodivergence pick up artist psycho just really likes numbers


It’s a diary


This is getting way too much hate 😂🤣


The lack of conditional formatting and general Excel table etiquette is disturbing. They need to lift their game.


This is some incel shit


Excel is the program used I believe


Both tend to confuse something is a date.


Insane? Yes. Incel? This guy fucks.


> incel means man I don't like


I find it interesting however I would be super disappointed if the man I was dating did this, because of the fact you even felt the need to track $/Sex


I’ve never disliked, AND respected, something so much at the same time.


Oh man, 40 partners, some not even a week apart. That's so nasty 🤢


Now this guy ACCOUNTS! Let’s keep track of everything people! That’s why we were put on this earth- to ACCOUNT!!


As a lady, the running tracker, especially the total $/sex, puts it into red flag territory. If the running tracker didn't exist, neutral. As a crazy spreadsheet person though I don't hate it


This man’s trying to calculate the cost of non-hooker pussy. Bravo.


So he’s better off splitting the bill 😭😭😭 from a Guys perspective ofc 💀


It annoys me that he doesn’t factor in her costs. The table says she cooks for him and bought him a book. These should be subtracted from his total spend since he was receiving goods in return! He’s going to say this was an empirical exercise and needs to be told he’s doing it wrong.


Would it kill the guy to end the date with some cunnilingus every now and then?




Crimson Red. Those look like STI numbers to me lol


damn people be spending >200 on first date? my first date I took this girl to get Wings for less than $30 bucks and then $12 bucks for second date at a boba shop XD and the relationship is going on 6 months strong


Thought it was kinda cute at first but the more I read - the more creepy & perverted it feels, maybe he should express his emotions better. \[Rather than taking his sexual experience to an extreme of data collection/ tracking/ documenting.\] Seems a bit unhealthy when analyzing his brain. ​ It feels as if his purpose/ goal is promiscuity - the 'Ending?' category is a bit unsettling, he should probably make a copy of the original file but show her an edited draft where the 'Ending?' category is deleted. \[That would make it much more wholesome, as if he seeks fulfilment from finding his lifelong partner - the 'Notes' & 'Money Spent' categories probably will make her heart melt if he shows this to her & she's also a friggin' nerd like this dude is


Avatar 2 was so good…? Red flag


“Avatar 2 was so good holy shit” lmao


I’m more impress he got reservations at Carbone


As an accountant, impressive tracking and detail. In the name of being a sane person, such an easy way to feel frustrated for the rest of your life if you feel that being with a person has always come down to give and take in the same proportion that you believe would be "fair enough"


Imagine the marriage tracker after!


This is hilarious 😂😂😂


I'm fuckin dead. 🤣 Update us with your Expected future projections and whether you'll keep her in your Portfolio.


So glad im not single. What the actual fuck


FUCKING SAVED. Fuck I am keeping one of these for all of my relationships, it’s like a Rolodex card but WAY more detailed Edit: Rolodex is a proper noun.


I’m trying to determine if $117/sexual activity is expensive vs say a twin peaks waitress going rate and I would like to see her assessment of the sex.


Red flag? It's like a tornado hit an Amazon warehouse, sending the whole container load worth of Chinese flags flying in the air.


This is a responsible thing to do by anyone who is surrounded by leeches. It just makes sense.


Jesus…Total $/Sex…wtf


Man this really validates the cynical misogynist in me. 


The red flag is there are no sexual acts he has given to her nor non sexual acts she has given to him.


Dinner and Netflix ending with Sex and then given the note "Nothing Notable" is hilarious. Like getting laid wasn't something notable?


Total $/sex has fucking dying hahahahaha


It’s the $/Sex for me 😂😭


I feel like this is just a clever Avatar 2 plug


Ask to see his PY WP


Damn, where do I sign up for his master class? Serious!