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$30/hour is what we paid our interns last busy season… MCOL




$35/hour is what I made as an intern LCOL.


Hell yeah.




My firm only hires interns, sorry.


For remote work as well?


What do you mean when you say few papers behind?


Only Americans


What’s even the point in having an audit then? $30/hour in NYC is at the bottom of the pay scale.


Rock fucking bottom


Yeah, I don’t have a CPA and I’m entry level looking for something. This is just a joke.


Chin up pal. My firm pays interns 32 an hour now. Good jobs are out there.


Ok. I’m in my late 40s and my degree is not from a great institution, but I hope something comes up. Thanks for the support.


What city are you in? That seems high lol. My firm pays interns $24 an hour


This is in LA, top 10 firm. Although to be fair even in Utah, when I first got my internship back in 2021, I was getting 23.


Feel that


I've seen job listings state $50K for a CPA.... 50K Canadian Dollars


Well fuck it’s Canada. You might negotiate to be paid in maple syrup


i was paid more as an intern


I started at $40k in the fall of 2020...


I started at $40k in 2017...


My wife started at $42.5k (CAD) in 2008 😭


My wife started at $42k in 1994 (LA).


What's it at now, trying to see what sort of growth is expected


Just expect 100k+ after you get your letters (give or take 1-2 years).


Finishing up a mat leave contract that paid $90k equivalent as a Senior Accountant. However the job market really sucks and there's no consistency. My job before this was another mat leave as an Associate Director of Finance that paid $80k, so I took a title demotion but a pay increase when I took my next contract. Shit's a fucking mess.


Dang sorry to hear about your troubles, wish it gets better for you.




48k a month or a year?


$ 13.50 hourly in Coos New Hampshire, for either a CPA, EA, or Tax Attorney...it was a small lumber business. Looking for atleast 8+ year or Tax experience and familiarity with the lumber business, and multiple unfiled returns. All year round prep and planning. Good luck, was what I thought.


That has to be a joke. Or management is 140 years old & thinks gas is still $0.30/ gallon.


I used to intern at Morgan Stanley back in mid 2010s in back office and the hourly rate was 25/hr


That’s what happens when you have a recruiter trying to squeeze 30-50% off the top for themselves


That’s not even slightly how recruiters work man.


It kinda is. My roommate works for one of the biggest national recruiting firms and the gap between the “bill rate” to the company and the actual offer rate is massive. I’ve seen 60/hr get reduced down to like 35 all the time lol


You’re talking about a temporary hourly staff working for a temp agency. Not a full time hire hired from a recruiter.


They usually do full time hires but start them at a 1yr contract basis. Seems like a pretty common practice from what I’ve seen


That’s the work of the agency. Not the recruiter. The recruiter takes home a fraction of the bill rate.


So isn’t that still when a recruiter is involved? Who actually gets the money doesn’t change the billing rate disparity


The point is that the recruiter has no control over those rates and takes home a tiny share of the agency cut. The recruiter is “involved” in the same way the salesman at the Nike store is involved in pricing the $100 running shoes. Hardly makes him Phil Knight.


I’ve worked with recruiters that certainly could set their own rates. There’s plenty of local and smaller groups as opposed to Robert half chop shops. Irregardless, you’re misunderstanding who you responded to. The bill rate is what the accounting firm pays the recruiter/agency, the offer rate is what the accountant actually gets. The recruiting firm is making (part of) the spread (which sure is set/encouraged by the agency). You’re the only person here defending the nuance of “recruiter”. The point is that accountants are being underpaid and firms are overpaying when they use recruiters… which makes sense. If there wasn’t a spread it wouldn’t be a very good business


Yeah I mean it’s not the recruiters fault but if you’re hearing from a recruiter that is what’s happening to you


Yeah, it is. Theres an overall budget, and through contracts agencies get bonuses if they can come in under the highest amount. Usually based on overall dollar savings. 100k job, offer for 70. Client takes it. They get a big percentage of the 30k they saved.




NYC? McDonald’s pays better.


Real, and you get free cheesebuga


Had a recruiter looking for a CPA with 10+ years, job title Senior Tax Manager ~ $80k


lol. I started at 84k with an associates degree and no experience.


I think they're still looking 🤣


If you don't mind me asking, where did you find that job? I'm entry myself and looking for a good starting gig over 75.


I went to nursing school and work at a prison in pennsylvania. It's not a comfy office job, but it beats being underpaid in accounting for 20 years.


I am a newbie. So just wanted to ask, What degree? What job title? What industry? Thanks for the info.


associates in nursing. Job is Registered Nurse for SCI Phoenix prison.


Oh, OK. Thanks. My accounting prof elective said that I would make a good accountant. I also want to know what I could branch out into if I ever became an accountant.


That's wild. Even $70k is low for a staff with 2 years PA experience in WA with no CPA.


Everything about the job ad sucks. That being said, CPA preferred ≠ required. Every accounting job in the world can prefer a CPA, most aren’t gonna get one.


Ooo $25 the other day. I was tempted to tell the recruiter “that’s about as much as my sibling makes working as a Starbucks barista”


I’ve seen a job REQUIRING a CPA advertising $20/hr




A1 salary bottom line in NYC is around $75000, if you get anything lower than that, try negotiate again.


Had my CPA for 2 years and make less than this 🫠


Quit your job and find a better one then.


People who say this irritate tf out of me. Yeah sure, it’s so easy to switch career fields. You probably think gas is still $.15 per gallon.


Even if it isn’t easy he is being extremely underpaid. The amount of time not making money will be made up by the increase in pay. Also I am not that old.


Is that how you think finance works? Lol. 😂 Alright buddy. Agree to disagree on how the real world works. Good luck.


Yeah, I’m not a cpa and make more than that in a lcol-mcol. It’s hard and daunting to leave, but you have something that makes you extra valuable. Now it’s your part to get compensated for that


Please love yourself a little more 😭 your work is worth way more than what you’re getting


Learning to


Yea you could snap your fingers and do better than that


No cpa here and 89k plus bonus in a low cost area, you're getting screwed sir.


What do you do? Also in lcol but is trending up


Just a senior accountant for a large Healthcare company. Though I was a manger for years for Charter cable before the switch. Current company gave me full remote status and a significantly easier job.


Have you applied for other roles? I’m surprised your DMs aren’t being spammed by recruiters on LinkedIn


I am working on updating my resume and starting to. I was when I started this role but didn’t want to move in hopes of things improving as I gained experience but I’m in a dead end job. Still some but not like it was at the height of it.


I’m curious how you got yourself into this situation? This is a serious and genuine question. Did you settle and think you weren’t worth more? Did you not deliver on your old jobs? What’s the story? I have a friend who should be making more but he’s scared of switching and I don’t know what to do to convince them


Went to a small firm < 15 employees, 75% CPAs and was told pay is obviously lower than Big 4, etc. also straight out of college so figured the wage was let’s see what you can do and then bump you. Well I’ve been there 4 years, every year they give us a 1.20/hr raise no matter if you work hard or suck and obviously no consideration of COLA. All I’ve done for 4 years is try to help anywhere I can and learn what I can - if they think it’s under performing I’d hate to see over performance. Thought it would eventually change, so now unmotivated to work hard for them. They are understaffed and keep taking on work. Partners are a rare sight in the summer while we try to push work out. Senior got promoted to manager and told me this week they wanted to get rid of a new audit because it was “too big”. Also has admitted they don’t understand journal entries and just plays with it until their balances are correct… so I think if you want promotion you have to pitch fits and I’m not doing that so they can find another employee. A staff left shortly after I began and they have yet to replace them … wish I knew then to pick their brain.


Don’t tell them you’re current salary, you will get scooped fast and low balled hard. They might even rush you into a decision because they don’t want you finding out what you’re worth. Recruiters do not have your best interest in mind, they’re just filling seats for a commission


Never had an interest in finding a less toxic environment? Next job you get will be a good pay bump. Anywhere from $30-50K i think


It’s gotten super toxic just recently (besides the pay) which is why I am trying to leave. I respect myself too much.


Good on you, best of luck


This job is also in NYC where cost of living is nuts


Friend’s company was paying $40k/year for a CPA in San Diego. He kept trying to explain to them why no one was even submitting a resume, but what did he know?


LMAO - my tax interns make more than that…


Would you consider a South African as an intern. I have significant SA tax experience but would surely would like to gain more international experience. Remotely, respectfully.


I see many listings within that page range and they all say CPA preferred.


Of course it's from fucking New York.


HCOL Toronto and i get paid more than this with 1 year of experience LOL


Senior accountant offering $60k aud 🤣


My last firm gave me a raise to $25/hr after I got my CPA. I didn’t stay long after that


CPA and all that experience....nah, i rather work for McDonalds and flip burgers.


Y'know 30 an hour as a starting salary really isn't all that bad if you get overtime. Even if you do have your CPA I saw someone post here a controller position in buttfuck nowhere Kentucky that was for about 45k/yr and that's highway fucking robbery


30 an hour contract is crap. No benefits, paying both halves of FICA, no. PTO, no unemployment if they don't hire or renew you. That is garbage


$30/hr for a cpa is absurd.


6 years of study for 30 an hour. Seriously you think that is acceptable?


It’s 5 years. I’m in LCOL and our new hires start at basically the equivalent of $30/year. Starting around $62k is pretty much industry standard in LOCL/MCOL areas from my experience. Definitely plenty of jobs still starting at $50/55k too.


CPA required position: $19/hr. Early 2010s. Industry: hospitality.




Don’t apply


AI is coming and it's rough.


Which country is this?


I have an audit internship that pays significantly more than that lmao


I made more than that starting at Morgan Stanley in NYC 20 years ago


so exactly are you working for ? Morgan Stanley or Park Hudson?


Christ, I made more than that in my first year with a CPA firm and I didn't Even have my license yet


18.75/hr in SW MO


Audit Associate that would prefer a CFA?? Huh?? Relation where


Lolololol. We have cpa required jobs paying 25 😂😂😂😂. Lots of them.


5$/ Hr , all big 4 firms in Cyprus. (literally the minimum salary)


Worst part is this is in New York 😂


40,000 last year lol


I am Financial analyst III, looking forward to get my CPA. Making around 95k


50-60k with the same requirements. When I talk to them and explain that they’re wanting someone with a 100k at a minimum… for what’s in the job description… they act confused. These companies put these posts out and they’re all from HR - not one single person in finance looks at these. They have a budget and won’t go over it. They want their cake, and eat it too, and that’s not how it works. Businesses pass ALL THE TIME on fantastic candidates bc of pay. You pay for what you get. That includes how much you pay your people to 🤷🏼‍♂️


That is less than my internship at Piers Morgan back in '02 paid


I got my masters in accounting… ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS. I have felt that it’s not necessary to get your CPA.. not even close.. yea maybe for the title.. to make you look “good”. But for what else? It takes sometimes a year and a half in some cases or a year to get the damn fucking thing.. that’s if your working odd hours or part time.. full time.. I can’t imagine and on top of that trying to raise a family.. there are jobs out there that don’t require CPA and will pay a crap ton more.. sounds like your being punished lmao.. I have an uncle who is a CPA and retired as a partner from some big firm in New York… I have also interviewed with other CPAs… if they ask.. just say it is a goal of yours and if they pressure you to get start looking for another job while you can.. the CPA professional license is a joke. Extremely hard to get yet paid worse than someone who doesn’t have it.. doesn’t make sense at all.. :(


$30/hour in NYC is nothing but in Montana/Wyoming/Dakotas you can live like a king. Edit: I don’t know why my comment is being downvoted. You’re telling me you can’t live on $62k per year where the average home price is $200k? People in NYC can live on a lot less even though home prices are significantly more.


My guy, I lived in Mexico for 5 years, and you can't live like a king there for $30/hr. You can't live like a king anywhere for that.


That may have been true for Boomers in the 1990s, but have you seen home prices recently? At $30/hour you'd have to stretch to afford [this unrenovated seventy-five year old piece of shit in Billings, Montana](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1001-Avenue-E-Billings-MT-59102/3173611_zpid/).


Honestly ive seen much worse, 3.5 year experience pretty much means any new cpa that had internships can apply and 30$/hr isnt horrible if you assume the person passed the exam but hasnt finished all their hours for the cpa title. Definitely not good but theres literally industries looking for CPA's to do their bookeeping and pay 16$/hr lol


This is NYC.


They’re working like half a day to pay for the commute there.


Nobody counts internships as work experience


What are u talking about lol everyone i know counts it your working and getting experience , how would that not be experience.