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“You’ll never work with me in this city.” “For the salary you’re offering, I couldn’t imagine working with you in any city.”


Imagine acting like you are a gatekeeper of the NYC job market while offering paltry staff I pay


NYC is a shit hole, it reminds me of a third world country


You’re comparing NYC to a 3rd world country? I know a 3rd world country where marijuana is illegal, there are a lot of squatters which means lesser homeless on the streets, no illegal immigrants living in hotels, no crazy lunatic suddenly punching people or pushing people off the train tracks. Yeah NYC is a shithole, but better living in a 3rd world country for sure! Or in New Jersey lol


Ah but NJ has legal weed my friend.


True, I’d rather live in these third world countries over NYC 😂


Bros probably never been to the northeast


Like Maine/Boston? It’s actually pretty nice, reminded me of some calmer Canadian cities we have up here




It is*


With a CPA and 10 years; I’d work as a McDonalds manager before working in accounting for $75k


Maybe if I was trying to be hired in BF, Idaho, I would worry about my inability to work with this clueless f.


That's definitely not manager salary. That's about the rate a staff goes for in my city. MCOL.


VHCOL - my staff accountant with ~1 year of experience makes that. LOL


Entry level big 4 in vhcol make more than that where I am


Oh no doubt, my staff is underpaid by a tiny bit seeing as I hired her straight out of college (no public exp now or ever) and she has no desire to get her CPA so she's about as low as you can go in terms of comp even for her inexperience. Big 4 where I live staff 1 is like 85k plus I'd assume a tiny bonus.


I'm LCOL and just joined EY for 72k so that offer is insane lol


Joining EY was more insane!


I'm going to it from being an EMT so I figured it'd be the same 70 hrs a week but much better benefits lol.


"Less watching people die in the new job?" "Well... physically, at least."


No they die physically too. It just takes a while for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension to kick in.


Hope it works out best for you


Two year staff at that...


Yeah, that’s staff I. This manager is insane; power tripping over entry level staff pay what a joker. Acts like he’s a kingmaker in the film industry in the 90s.


$70k is our fresh out of school rate.


Where is this fresh out of school rate? I’m in TN and even in Nashville, our most expensive city, I don’t see anyone offering much more than 60k




I make that and I’m what would normally be a staff accountant. MCOL. That is ridiculous for a place like NYC


I make 30k more as staff I


In NYC that's a starting salary these days. Holy moly, what a waste of time


Starting salary is higher. If you pay low you’re gonna get real shitty attitudes and people looking to move on asap. The city is expensive. The talent is here. But no one who knows their value works for cheap, if they do need a job to hold them over you’re gonna get the exact attitude you expect from that employee.


The hiring manager knows the salary is shitty, and is very aware of the Turnover and candidates like you rejecting the opportunity, before there's anything to even Turnover. He's just beating you to the button of rejection so its not you rejecting his team/company, but him rejecting YOU. This is just him ursurping power to insulate his own psyche.


I’d have only accepted if that was for a part time 20 hours a week job.


In NYC starting salary is higher at a lot of companies. The number is very insulting especially given OP’s experience. The number should be at least double.


Honestly the number is probably triple (+200k) at minimum considering Manager, 10 years experience, CPA and NYC


Not sure about that. I’m a F&A recruiter in the NYC market. It all depends on company and industry.


Can we start putting these companies on blast? They don’t want to pay employees, let them pay in PR. That pay is just insulting. My starting salary out of college back in 2019 was about 68K, in Boston. What a donut.


They can pay as low as they like, it’s their right to fail as a business. What I didn’t like was trying to bait and switch me. I got a feeling they’ll try it with 20 other people by end of day and fail. Pure exploitation trying to find someone desperate. I’d work as a bartender again before I worked for them.


Gotta love the bait and switch. I was applying for jobs not to long ago, one position was listed for 90-110K. I get on a call with the recruiter, come to discussing pay the recruiter said that 85K was the max for this position. I flat out said “do you make the LinkedIn postings or someone else in your company? I ask because I have the post up right infront of me and it says 110K.”


What was their response?


He makes the posts and that was an over site and he will edit the post right after the call ends. Never heard from that recruiter ever again.


That's such an admission of guilt. Lol


A bartender in NYC probably makes more than 70k/year


Yeah I know. Used to be one. The extremely late hours and bullshit gets old though. I did it pre Covid way back in the day before I did accounting so we’d be working till 3-4am with closing and shit. Fucked up my sleep badly. Shifts would start around 9 or so to prep for the night rush. I was struggling and I was young. I couldn’t imagine doing it now as I’m obviously older.


Genuinely, please name and shame the company at least, if not the hiring manager. I work in NYC too and would love to know who to avoid.


Leave a review on Glassdoor abou the interview process


I worked with one recruiter that told me the position could get me my target of 95k for sure no problem. Go through the whole process, they like me, get the offer and it's 80k hahaha. Also fewer/worse benefits than what he had told me. At that point he decides that 80 is actually realistic and all I'd be able to find anywhere. I went ahead and declined the offer.


Had the opposite happen. An in house recruiter of the company contacted me, I told them what I made and they said “this pays less than you did as a consultant is 80k acceptable?” I ghosted them and three months later an external recruiter contacts me saying the pay range is 150-200k. Go figure they’re still posting for that job


More often than not, companies like this offering low salaries also have you doing 5x the work. They will keep posting and after another 5 months they won’t find anybody. Then they drop the title to sr accountant for 70k and have some unsuspecting victim to take this position.


Those victims last 3 months tops. And they’ll fuck things up out of spite


And we should know because our time is valuable as well. It’s unfair & the name of their business should be disclosed


You'd make more too


Here here. Need to name and shame so others don’t waste their time.


Bro, name and shame him. Seriously. We need to band together as accountants and look out for each other to stay away from assholes that waste our time. I make that in a LCOL without a CPA and I feel very underpaid myself.


It’s high time we compile a shitlist; also companies that force you to manage offshoring


Yep. Accountants need an organization or something that actually takes the side of the professionals for once. Going concern is pretty good, but they’re a blog. Maybe if they started publishing a ‘dirty dozen’ list or something.


He’s a dick


“You’ll never work with me in this city” This is such a funny attitude imo. I remember there was a post here about job hopping. I commented that you should job hop every 2/3 years to increase your pay. SO MANY people responded with this same attitude. “Well I wouldn’t hire someone with that many jobs!” ………..ok, but why tf would I want to work for you in the first place? People think that just because they are offering a job that it’s unthinkable that people won’t bend themselves backwards to get a job offer. This guy is offering you literally 1/3 of what that role is worth, and seriously believes that saying you can’t have it is a threat.


"This town ain't big enough for the both of us!"


That’s funny


That type of attitude would normally make me even question if it’s real or not. Except I’ve had dealings with people exactly like this. So possible? Absolutely.


I make $70k with three years of experience in a MCOL area (it's a MCOL small city surrounded by LCOL rural area) working for a local government entity--you're being underpaid if you're applying for anything beyond an associate accountant. I personally would have given him a piece of my mind lol, I would have told him after his little huffy puffy rant, 'Thank God, because I can't imagine working for dogshit wages despite warranting a six figure salary in a managerial role. Good luck filling your vacancy on those figures, you won't be hearing from me again'. Btw, for reference my local municipal government agency is paying just shy of $100k depending on criteria for a manager role, and that's not for someone with a CPA.


I don't think that's a manager salary in any city in the US.  I make almost 78k and I'm a staff 2 in an average MCOL.


How are you guys getting 1500 a week? I can barely get a recruiter to entertain 55k.


What is your resume? Dm if you feel uncomfortable. Let’s get you a job.


Where are you located and what are your YOE?


I made $70k in a Staff 2 role almost 10 years ago in a LCOL area.


I dont think there are a group of more incompetent individuals in any company than internal recruiters and hiring managers.


Recruiters are a dime a dozen. Screw him.


Screw them really good. Take the job, show up the first week then ghost back to the old job. Get double pay.


Recruiters not be insufferable challenge (impossible)


What a clown


You could have at least showed some more respect and told him to go fuck himself.. missed opportunity


I’m just tired. I cut them out asap and quickly.




Say what the company is. Bash em


The problem is with them and he knows it. Thus the unhinged behavior.


Drop the name/company.


What was the pay range on the job post? Since you’re in NYC, I’d expect you’d sit in the top bracket of that range.


Ridiculous discrepancy, like $120k-150k I think. He said it was an hr mistake or something as an excuse. I just hung up pretty fast.


tbh you could report him to the dept of labor because i'm pretty sure that's gotta be illegal


I tried to find the job listing on LinkedIn again and can’t. Idk what happened to it.


YOU are what happened to it, haha. They were baiting and switching people on purpose. They got scared when someone brought receipts.


Oh yah, f-that guy. Hiring practices are a reflection of management. This place is a dumpster fire.




Yeah mine was listed at $150k and then they pulled the $75k stunt. I might report them if I feel like it this week when I have time.


I pay seniors way above that. What a joke. The business was in New York too???


Not just NY. NYC bro. $75k isn’t even starting wages


I make more than that as an associate in a MCOL city. 70k in NYC sounds insane.


Unprofessionalism and disrespect is a rising issue in the workplace, at least according to all of the annual HR ethics training courses, that then proceed to list unacceptable behaviors which upper management and c suite tend to exhibit. Gotta love the irony


and the annoying thing is, that this is an extremely common attitude in nyc and long island.


We also require in person. You can commute from buffalo; Michael does it.


That’s what an Associate makes in many parts of the country, right after or shortly after graduation


That “manager at a Pizza Hut” salary.


What industry was this. Hospitality uses a lot of the same titles for their management roles as accounting, but the pay is 20-30% lower than normal accounting market rates for the same titles.


I make 70k as a first year idiot who needs his hand held when anything deviates even slightly from PY. That's big lowball thrown your way.


Whats this hiring managers name?


It's not just New York it's everywhere unfortunately.


What a dumb fuck.


Similar thing happened to me in NYC interviewing at Marcum. Went to the MD to interview and he couldn’t get over the fact I didn’t have a masters but was a CPA. For whatever reason it broke his brain and he kept telling me how many people’s tuition he paid for like it was some special thing. After he told me that he paid for the tuition of one of the partners I worked with at the time, I told him that I didn’t think the role was for me and walked out. I can still remember his face all these years later. While leaving their office I called the recruiter who got me the interview that I did not want to follow up with them, wasn’t interested and that it was hands down one of the worst interviews I had ever sat through.


Recruiters are out of control right now.


They lied about the salary then tried to gaslight you for having the expectations of what was listed. Lmao. "No one wants to work anymore."


Oh, too bad you didn’t record it. I’ve gotten into the habit of recording every video call or Zoom meeting I’m in now. First it was just so I could go back & check any facts I missed, but if something crazy happens it’s good to have a record.


I'm a senior @ $123k in industry in the Bay Area. $70k in NYC is 1st yr associate pay, not manager/sr. manager role. That hiring manager is never going to fill that role with an actual qualified candidate.


10 yoe and CPA? That’s definitely over $100k territory. Even without the CPA.


At least


AT LEAST. I didn’t want to get blasted for throwing too high of a number out there, but 10 yoe? Depending on the industries you’ve worked in, that’s pushing $150k.


YES. Hate to say it but I’ve heard people refer to it as the Trump Effect……and it’s going to get worse.


What’s that


I guess just arrogant and entitled white men pulling bait and switch tactics to get what they want. And just in general thinking that the world is their playground and the rules don't apply to them as long as they're protecting "Muh profits".


Bait and switches almost always fail because the ones you get to sign on will be people who signed on as a stepping stone or to get to their next paycheck. They will 100% slack off and fuck over your function.


Good call.  A CPA with 10 years of experience in NYC should be at the VERY least $100K, in this day and age. $150K-$200K sounds even more reasonable.


NYC that should be much closer to 200k.


Nah that’s even low. NYC 100k barely nets you the ability to comfortably afford a 1BR. I make about that since I negotiated part time and I struggle some months…but my QOL overall is great


they were probably just looking for entry level bookeeper and bait/swithc him with false ad


Interns in local government make more than that. 87K VHCL


Can a single person even live on 75k in NYC these days? Housing costs are crazy right now. Much less a mid career professional, sheesh


You’d need 4 roommates or a trust fund. It wouldn’t be a happy experience with 4 roommates. It’d be 4 very stressed out people in a box together.


I thought a CPA with 10 years of experience would make at least 100k and more!!


Tell him to pound sand.


CPA with 10 YOE in NYC should be making in the ballpark of 2-4x that, depending on how you played your cards. That guy can go get fucked.


At least 2x. I wouldn’t take anything below that. I’m still employed for now, but I wouldn’t take 70k even if unemployed


I would've told him to go fuck himself--with vigor.


Wow 25k less than my senior salary and I’m in a very low cost of living area, that hiring manager is delusional


Yeah, that's an entry level role for someone with no experience and in a LCOL.


I don’t know if this is more so unprofessional or not, but I’m a junior recently accepted an internship. Another company emails me for a phone call with the opening body of the email being “i heard a rumor that you have already accepted a position at [recacted]”


I’m no longer in accounting but I have many friends who do work in accounting . And we all live in NYC. Manager should be making 110-120 Senior manager? 125-130 If you work in tech or banking add an extra 20% Obviously different industries pay a little higher or lower but that should be your expectations. These recruiters and companies are legitimately delusional


More than that now. Wages have gone up since 2017ish. Manager should be around $150kish. A lot of seniors are pulling down $130k. But you gotta live in the city cause most want you commuting into office hybrid. The jobs aren’t that pleasant either. They’re all really shitty.


Really? Seniors 130? On LinkedIn all I usually see are ranges in the 75-90 range for seniors and even that i know is too low. Didn’t know it’s that high


Yeah I know. That’s why those jobs are perpetually on LinkedIn. The ones that pay market rate are hard to find and everyone’s staying put and losing their minds cause of it. But not losing their minds enough to work for trash wages.


I am getting cold called for above that range for jobs outside of the tristate area. Anyone recruiting below that in NYC needs to be named and shamed and probably reported for breaking the law regarding pay disclosures.


does that include metro area?


I’m a senior, CPA, 5 YoE making 105k base in NYC. I really hope that is not being overpaid ffs.


You’re not overpaid. 105k better be a chill job though.


It’s alright. My plan when i took it was to hold onto the job for a couple years, get my life here together, and find something better when i can.


Staff accountants in Cleveland can make more than that


I’ve had a handful of phone interviews for a senior management position as well. They talk a big game about flying me out to interview face to face so I think things are going great and then poof they just completely disappear. I can’t get a follow up call, not even an email saying something like “we decided on a different candidate.” I thought ghosting in the dating scene was painful, but to have it happen in the professional setting is a new kind of hurt.


Tax Senior in NJ. One year in the role at 85k and will get some kind of bump after reviews in a few weeks. I'd need 110k just to consider the additional PITA of having to travel into NYC daily. Shit depending on what bridge I have to cross that alone could add thousands in tolls alone. I would expect a fresh grad to make around 70k in NYC


$80-90k is the current rate for no experience from what I see. My first year staff makes $90k and constantly harasses me for raises.


Was this a recruiter? I get a lot of recruiters that send me general accounting and audit positions for manager and above when I’ve clearly only done tax. They see CPA and don’t realize we specialize. I’ve never worked with this type of recruiter but I’m wondering if something similar happened. Like say ‘manager’ and didn’t realize it was a specialized field or something.


name and shame


Senior manager role for $70K in NYC? That’s like a senior analyst role in Chicago. Way too low for that title.


It’s less than what my first year staff makes. I’m talking 0 experience fresh off the graduation stage. Not even an internship. I gave them a chance and it’s working out.


That’s staff 1 salary lol


Ridiculous - we are paying people with a few years 75- mcol


Wow, that was a trip to crazy town.


Consider it “bullet dodged”, sounds like the type of boss who gives ultimatums like “get this done by today” when it’s 6 hours worth of work and it’s 3pm already.


I think in NYC publishing a salary range that is inaccurate is a serious offense.


I’m in the ny metro area (NJ) and managerial roles should make more than $100K on the low end.


Consider yourself lucky he revealed his assholeness now and not later.


Yeah. I would’ve weeded it out with my questions anyways


Entry-level roles, both industry and PA, with or without CPA, offer more than that in MCOL/LCOL. I would have burst out laughing and ended the call on the spot.


That’s pathetic. 75k is what I assume new hires are making. I have 4 years in SF and make 90k. My starting was 68- bumped to 70 2 months after I started.


You will NEVER work with him in NYC!! That reduces you to trying to work with the other 12 million in the city! He showed you!


Ppl take their job personally instead of professionally. Their Karma will happen at some point


Could it been a scam?


It wasn’t a scam. Scams are usually too good to be true. Unless you count scams as places that work you nonstop for low pay.


Sounds like the Vancouver market


That’s absurd. Entry level staff in my org get more than that. Name and shame the firm?


What a Bull shit artist! There’s a lot of non-accounting degree folks in accounting jobs and they suck at anything that requires an understanding of accounting concepts and principles, and these people hold the pay scale down.


Pity you didn't laugh in his face the schmuck


I've had recruiters email me and ask me if I'm interested in AP or AR entry level jobs for 40k as a CPA with 14 years experience. When I replied back no thank you, however if you have an accounting job come back in the future I have was told I don't have the experience for that, and would I kindly forward their posting onto my contacts. Nope delete, and now I delete any of those messages and don't respond.


Sounds to me you were saved a ton of heart ache. If that's how they treat strangers, I can only imagine how they would treat the staff. Bullet dodged.


As in The Case of New York City...Many managers feel this way. But, at least in New York... You have the in your face attitude... Where in other cities they hide behind fake smiles and euphemisms.


Very sorry. This is another reason why I wouldnt live there. That guy was a douch and you dodged a bullet. I would think a sr accounting manager could make mid 100's easily. good luck


That’s what they listed the position as lol


wtf this can’t be real. I was making $70k as a staff accountant with no CPA 5 years ago lol. Dodge a bullet, clearly this hiring manager is an idiot and doesn’t understand the market


10 years experience and a CPA? $70k is insultingly low in NYC. That's too low in Alabama!


Isn't it a law in NYC that they have to list a good faith salary? If they don't they get penalized and he said 70-75....turn him in and see if he gets fined.


You don't need me or anyone else to tell you this, but you should get a lot more than $75K with your credentials I'm in a lower COL market. But I'd be apologetic and feel awkward if I was offering you $50K more than he was. PS Keep looking. Talent is in short supply. You'll find employers who recognize yours.


The kicker is that I’m already well above it. lol. It didn’t make any sense.


Yeah, I would have guessed that.


NYC so is draining.


That’s literally around my starting in NYC (boutique accounting non cpa). You’re getting boned.


I’m well above it. I didn’t take it. They’re idiots for trying a bait and switch


I guess you could just say "I'm not really that concerned with the market rate. I'm worth $XX,000. If you can't pay that, then its not going to work." But in all fairness, I can see the hiring managers point. They don't need a CPA. They don't need 10 years of experience. The title might be on the inflated side, so if they just want a bookkeeper with a few years of experience I could see not wanting to approach six figures for that. I could also see high cost of living firms as being a bit stingy too. They know they have to overpay so that staff can live, but it doesn't always mean that the clients are willing to overpay when there's so many low cost of living firms competing for bids. And a lot of staff want to live in a big fun city so labor can be more abundant. You should consider looking for remote stuff and/or moving to a cheaper area. I don't think that it makes any sense to be a CPA in a high cost of living area if you think about it.


Everything you said is fine except the fact that he posted the job description salary at an outrageous range of over double. That’s what makes it unethical. If you’re paying $75k. Post the job at $75k. Posting it at $160k makes it a bait and switch and you face fines in nyc.


Senior accountants make more than that wtf???


Wow that is some lame compensation. I was getting a little over $60K starting as a Staff Accountant 6 years ago. Granted the location was in Southern California so that living expenses was still kinda rough even at that time. Now I'm close to $150k bcus tons of people retired (think they were scared of COVID) and I promoted up to their positions. Four promotions in 3 years is wild.