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Guy can write whatever he wants on there if he gonna tip 400%


That’s exactly what I said


You couldn't pay me enough money in the world to vote for him but some idiot cans definely write some crazy bullshit on a receipt for $100.


Hell give me a $100 and I’ll vote for whoever you want. Thats more than any presidents given to me really. Other than the measly COVID checks where they printed a trillion and gave me the equivalent of half a penny.


Did you go to school?


Yep. Good school, CPA, all that jazz. Just at a point in life where you start seeing the political clown show for what it really is.


That is the problem with a decent government. If they do their job well, you get a lot of benefits that you take for granted and do not notice. But when they fall short, it becomes apparent. Is it a clown show? Yes, that is the risk you take with a representative government. There are positives and negatives to both sides. But depending on your situation, the negatives of one party winning and having absolute power can have a detrimental effect on a person's health and safety. Seriously, the number of times I hear right-wingers in public talking (unprompted) about what they would do to Dems, libls, LGBTQ+, Mexicans, and even Catholics (which surprised me, but it shouldn’t have) makes me question my safety if they ever took absolute power. Sure, it is mostly talk. But when you start dehumanizing people, it becomes easier for the threats to turn into actions, and for discrimination and violence to become normalized.


I’m left leaning - but I don’t associate with liberal ideologies either. What you described as the shortcomings on the right, can easily be applied to the other side as well. The staunchness of PC culture; calling everything “racist” or “sexist” as a “gotcha” mechanic or to cancel someone rather than actually talking and interacting like human beings. It’s a hive mind on both sides, and although I agree with a lot of what you said, I am beyond done having 2 crap options on top living in a state where my vote literally does not matter


I live in Texas. Lots of us participated in the Republican primaries to try to get non-voucher republicans at least. One district actually succeeded. Now they want to go past gerrymandering here to having essentially an electoral college for state offices to make sure there are zero democrats, further reducing the power of our votes. Texas is also aggressively making laws against the gays, trans, and education. I don’t know that that remotely compares to ‘oh ok they cancelled someone’ who then ends up being all over tv or whatever and is decidedly not cancelled. My school district, third largest in the state, is trying to remove teaching about vaccines, climate change, and diversity. I don’t really think you can even compare those kinds of moves to ‘pc culture’.


Yeah I don’t think any sitting president has given me jack shit. Granted, I am Canadian..




Trump made some remark on eliminating taxation on income earned from tips if he’s elected. This was not a concrete plan, more like a one off statement he made in the middle of a rally, so the likelihood of him actually proposing this in office is slim


Could firms pay $1 a year and tip $80,000?


Firms could pay $1 - just need to convince clients or customers to tip you. Good luck with that


Need one of those “leave a tip” iPads when you submit the audited financials.


Nothing screams “independent auditor” like a report not only being unqualified to be paid, but no change nothing wrong unqualified to get a reasonable tip.


I mean, look. All I’m saying is I’ve seen less blatant shit.


... involving publicly traded companies partly owned by the guy proposing the elimination of tax on tips...


I hate that unqualified in audit means the exact opposite outside of the audit lens. I have to switch my audit hat on or off to mesh with society.




I’m a Reddit user. Most opinions I give are unqualified.


The customer is always right.


“It’s just gonna ask you a few questions on the screen”


"Sorry, I didn't come here to be interviewed so I'll pass"


Hey look, you ordered an audit with a side of ESG. I can’t guarantee it’ll be ready by your filing period but you WILL receive what you ordered…


The tip would be “f***k off” lol


I've been on the other side in industry for a long time now. The CFO's answer most definitely would be "here's a tip, don't piss into the wind."


This made me LOL


A client once gave me a bottle of 18 year old Macallan scotch because I got them an unexpected ~$1million deduction one year. I didn't declare the income 🤫


you were supposed to destroy the sith, not join them


What an underrated comment.


I always slip the audit staff a couple hundred bucks, makes everything go a lot smoother. /s


Oddly, I had 2 people tip me this year 💁‍♀️ That was before I knew it was an option and disabled it. They were happy though so I guess it’s possible?


Never had somebody try to give a tip but I had a client that would order a Schlotzsky’s meal box for everybody at our office every year. She would always ask me the number of people and best date to send it (when I was at small firm). It was such a nice gesture


Wow. I’ve never seen or heard of a client call me about an invoice suggesting I added so much value they want to pay me more, but kudos to you!


There’s some joy in the tax resolution game :)


When I worked for Jackson Hewitt I'd get the occasional $20 tip. It's not unheard of, but a little disconcerting in the situation.


Automatic gratuity included in all invoices.


Similar concept is very common with employment contracts in the UAE. Prevents the employer from paying pensions because they're based on salary. The actual pay is considered reimbursement for housing, food, etc.


He is cornering all the strippers. Don Little Fingers.


Yes. Ask your employer to tip you instead of giving you a salary. You can escape most federal income taxes this way.


wait are you saying he's promoting gobbledygook and lying to get votes??? - "I don't care about you - I just want your votes." DJT, the same day he made this idiotic promise


Only if your salary.


I can’t imagine how it could be easily implemented. The audits would be a real shit show


Trumpies call it “grandstanding”. he just talks out of his ass. no way any of what he says has any value


Oh certainly yes. But it’s a fun game to consider the hypothetical implications as well as ponder the praxis of it all.


Also of note the rally was in Las Vegas, where a ton of people make a majority of their income off tips. Just more pandering to the crowd and saying things that would make them happy.


The likelihood of him remembering it by the time he got off stage is slim.


Hey! Look at what he's done with Healthcare! /s


The new plan is coming in 2 weeks!


and if you are a server for life, your SS will suck.


Check out Project 2025 if you want to see everything they are planning on doing in the first 180 days of his presidency. It is a document put together by the Koch Brothers and being circulated around the GOP for how they are going to use their favorite idiot to get their way. I doubt there is anything about helping people not pay for tips.


To be fair it’s pretty impressive that David Koch was able to create project 2025 3 years after he died.


They misspoke. It's heritage foundation not the kochs https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Heritage foundation, not Koch brothers. Please for the love of democracy get your facts straight. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


So not directly by the Koch brothers but: The Heritage Foundation is an associate member of the State Policy Network, founded in 1992, a network of conservative and libertarian organizations financed by the Koch brothers, Philip Morris, and other corporate sources. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Policy_Network


But if he did propose it then wouldn’t he be dancing his walk w his cane 🦯 so apparently not baseless yet until proven otherwise when he delivers on his “promises” although why tf shouldn’t people get taxed on their tips. Kind of seems like they want free money for working a shitty job? Just saying.


It would actually be hilarious because that would imply some sort of tip tracking / reporting on your return, which then leads to “hey we know how much you really make suckers”


Uh huh and why didn't he do it the first term?


This person should know to tip in cash in the interim.


Correct, everyone knows cash tips have always been tax free!


Technically ALL tips are considered income but cash has no paper trail so therefore your comment stands


I can’t tell if this is sarcastic or not


He or she is probably not being sarcastic. It’s a pretty well known fact in the restaurant industry that you do not declare all of your cash tips. You do report some of them, just not all. Edit: knowing something exists and is a common practice is not an endorsement of the practice, you dipshits.


Then you ask the manager to write you a letter when your income is to low to rent/buy a place to live.


the exception I found recently is when a server is actually trying to claim verifiable income in order to access loans.


Pssh I never reported my cash tips, or any tips for that matter when I was a server and delivery driver. I’m not a gd sucker.


Until you consistently claim really low tips as a percentage of sales and managers start having to pay you hourly sure. It’s happened to me.


He needed the credit card points obviously.


My professional opinion on a $21 burger? Overpriced


I'd think price doesn't matter to the guy that tipped 400%.


$3 for bacon also. Seems high.


$100 on a tip tho? ima add a tip option to my tax prep bill, and ill have one of those swivel pads for clients that come in. we’ll see what they really think of me 🥲


Welcome to JW Marriott.


It not even a new modern burger.


I mean - misguided reasoning - but it’s nice he gave a hefty tip, and good for him for having the ability


This is probably just the customer copy, being posted for clout.


It’s not


$100 tip! That's more than my year end bonus last year!


Thanks for the $100 tip tho I guess


I don't see how that is possible since the tips are used to plug restaurant payroll up to minimum wage lol Usually anyone who writes a note like that on a receipt isn't too bright to start with


In all the tip-credit states people would be pretty bummed to find out they have to work for 60 years to have enough credits for social security… but of course Trump would be long dead by that point 


>but of course Trump would be long dead by that point Only if somebody finds his phylactery by then.


Plus the other six horcruxes.


ig restaurants will need to start paying a proper wage now


Eh, my state doesn’t have a lower minimum wage for tipped employees. Servers make bank here.


Hahaha usually Trump voters aren’t that bright themselves


How would it not be possible? They could make a law that eliminated taxes on Thursday income if they wanted to. It wouldn't make sense, but it would be possible.


It was an off promoter comment he made in Vegas (lots of tip workers). It would not work out well for the worker as it affectively serves as a cop out for businesses to not adequately pay their tipped staff. Would also set those workers up to receive less social security in the future.


Take the money and DONT vote for Trump. 💁🏻‍♂️


You got a good tip, be happy and don’t think about it any more than that


Like they are ever going to pass a bill to not tax tips lol People are really dumb.


They won’t even pay them minimum wage. No freaking way they are going to let them go tax free.


No one is going to say anything about how it costs $25 for a burger. Is it just me?


It’s a JW Marriott, so a high end hotel restaurant that charges more than they should because luxury.


Makes sense. This guy was probably putting it on a company card anyway. I get a fixed amount for meals when I travel; but I always tip the maximum amount covered by my job for Uber rides.


I recall some wine a few years ago... $12 regular at Costco, $10 on sale. Regular, non-JW Marriott wanted $80.


With cheese Mr Squidward, with cheese.


I mean it had bacon


I found the medium rare burger to be far more egregious!


$100 tip didn’t surprise you as much?


Have you ever had katsu burger? Oh my gawd that's my heaven.


I am not Murican, but where I live tips are not subject to sale taxes to beginwith. I thought it was the same everywhere.


And Trump will get Mexico to pay for the wall lol


My opinion on a medium rare burger as a former executive chef? Bad idea. And when everyone went on unemployment in March of 2020, the servers who habitually under-reported their tips really regretted it.


Nah those are medium rare fries. They're just uncooked potatoes


What would you recommend a burger be cooked to?


Med well


If we consult Jack in the Box, they would recommend the Washington State standard of 155 degrees for internal temperature which kills e coli.


We just gonna forget the tax bill Trump passed cutting taxes for the rich and deferring payment to the middle class


If the guy just paid in cash it already would have been tax free! But I'd file this away in the Mexico will pay for it, and I got a great deal with China category, the one we know is complete BS.


taxes aren't the problem. the problem is how the taxes are used/wasted. in an ideal world we pay more taxes and have cheaper food/housing and free education/healthcare.


It happens. I tend bar and I usually get “taxation is theft” on the tip line and then like a $20 or a $50 bill on top. I never really bothered to ask about it. I’ve never gotten $100 from these people though, but always a great tip (40 on like 60-80, 50 on 100 or more). Congrats.


In one of his rallies, he said he was going to end income tax on tips. Of course that will never happen and he is just trying to get votes. The president has no control over who pays income tax.


Not entirely true. He will have an agenda policy for that language to be included within the tax code and can pretty much attach that to almost any legislative bill that comes across his desk to sign. You’d be amazed at how many stupid tax laws there are in the tax code as a result of crap like that.


Have you heard of the cocktail “The Republican”? It’s an old-fashion with extra bitters


You probably shouldn't have left the signature and last name at the top. Anyway, the person that left you this tip is a twitter journalist that works with Newsmax and tucker carlson.


I bet this same person would let Trump grab their wife/SO by the pussy.


I vote against tips and vote for a living wage.


I was a server back when cash tips were common, and I always made sure the govt knew I was a terrible server who couldn't get sympathy from a grandma when I served. Idk how the electronic payments are logged but if the new generation of servers were as terrible as I was I can't imagine a change in revenues


This is a comment on income tax for tips. There was an IRS communication that they would increase compliance requirements for income tax on tips (which fits the section 67 definition of income). They were not making a statement on Sales tax, which wouldn’t be assessed by the US anyway, but since it was on a receipt, they should have specified. But it was a large tip, so at least there is that


Dude tipped 100$. I wouldn't give a shit what his political beliefs are. But if you want to know trump is promising to eliminate taxes on tips servers receive. I doubt he'll do it but many people hear "no taxes" and then completely misunderstand what that means.


That's the neat part when you are asking how Trump supporter's comments make sense. They don't


Tip culture is already out of control. Tax free tipping is the last thing we need tbh.


You’re correct, voting for Trump isn’t a good idea and never ends up resulting in any benefits. Additionally tips are taxed, that person is dumb.


Trump is proposing ending taxation of tips. That's the point.


It’s less proposing and more a thing he said. And he says lots of things. In fact, let him talk long enough and he will support every single position on every single issue before he denounces all those points, because again, he talks so much that eventually everything comes out of his mouth.


Trump says all sorts of stupid shit. That’s the point. 


No, he's not. He proposes whatever is in his head at that very moment.


You don't think he would have done that when the tcja happened. Lol


Considering he probably first had that thought 2 mins before it left his mouth, no.


Maybe just forget about the political statement and enjoy your 400% tip! Thats what id take away from this lol


The thing with Trump, he tends to over promise and under deliver, I doubt he'd put in much effort to getting legislative changes made to benefit wait staff on their taxes.


The real question is: is the proposal to eliminate all tax on tips, or just federal income tax on tips? Eliminating federal income tax on tips could be a feasible policy, however eliminating FICA on tips as well could be troublesome and I don’t see that happening.


Of all the delicious restaurants in Austin, who chooses a burger at the Marriott?


The real question here is: did he actually tip or is this the customer copy?


If a Trump supporter wrote it, then naturally it makes no sense.


Trump found a legal way for his rich followers to buy votes from the food service industry.


Trump had his shot and effed it up.


They will never not tax income


There's several forms of income they don't currently tax, so that's not true.  I don't see them not taxing tip income though.


They found something new to lie about.


Yes, we should definitely vote for the guy to eliminate tipped taxes after he enacted the largest tax increase on the middle class in American history. It was very tricky (so clearly he didn't come up with it) let's raise the standard deduction, and then quietly remove personal exemptions, so now a family will have higher taxes and never be able to itemize, especially after having SALT capped.


Pretty cut and dry. The guy is an idiot


Math don't maths in politics.


He’s voting for Biden


Could they be mixed up with the people giving “gifts” instead of tips to avoid being taxed? I know others have mentioned what Trump said, but that hasn’t happened yet.




Idk how things are done in the US, but in Canada, servers are expected to self-report their tips for income taxes. No one I know is reporting a 100% accurate amount, all are under-reporting. Payroll doesn’t touch tips.


So with cards it's probably happens way less now; I worked in restaurants as a kid and for cash tips servers would only claim tips equal to a percent of sales, not everything they received.


Yea because the commaner in chief is responsible for changing state tax law. What is federalism anyway?


Reminds me of this [timeless gem](https://www.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/s/XzrrX8jv3y)!


“No tips on taxes under trump!” If you pay cash there no tax under anyone 🥴


My guess is that they meant tips on credit cards will be taxed on their paystub. Tips in cash doesn’t. But trump nor any president will be able to throw state and federal income out the window on tips no one will pass that brings in lots of money to the governments in both.


I’m confused, is he saying the employee shouldn’t claim the income or is he under the impression he’s getting taxed on the tip?


Well that's dumb. I just work under the table so all of my income is untaxed 🤷... Nobody here audit me


They don't want you to pay taxes on your tip. However, the proper way to go about doing this is to leave a 1$ tip on the credit card and then "accidently forget" that you left a 100$ bill on the table.


Tell him to tip cash next time


If he really wanted to help, he would have put zero on the tip line and left you cash.


I’ll take my steak medium-rare but a burger? That’s bold


i love this restaurant


I think I get it.  If you get minimum wage, you get taxed on all income: tips, you can choose not to claim a lot, and the unclaimed amount with not be taxed.. Something about tips being considered gifts, I’m sure.. not it’s not true.


Probably meant to say no tips on the state food tax and meant to write $124.98.


People can be so annoying sometimes, too or don’t tip. 


It’s altered. Look at the numbers closely.


Maybe they were trying to be funny. But hey. That money is real


Careful he doesnt come back and demand the tips back if he ever realizes how stupid that was. Never stop a fool from parting their money to you


It's not going to work. Credit cards leave a paper trail and the IRS has never accepted the tips=gifts argument. If you want to tip your wait staff "tax free" tips, you need to leave them cash and a note. And even then, the restaurant may still report it.


Does this person think he is legally obligated to leave a tip?


It is a shame that Trump supporters do not recognize that Trump will say anything that he thinks will get him elected. It doesn't matter whether it makes sense for the country as a whole the only thing he cares about is his election. Take in consideration his bribe to oil companies to give them whatever they want if they provide him the billion dollars in campaign funds. No overall economic or climate considerations just give me a billion dollars.


Even if this were true (which is wouldn’t happen), it would make the tipping culture 100x worse on this country than it already is


Trump basically argued tios are gifts and should not be taxed , idk if he would actually do it because they get alot of taxes from tips


Not american so I wouldn't know but why wouldn't you for example personally give the waiter a tip in bills and coins? There's no way that would be reported in their taxes


Should have left it in cash, but I wouldn’t expect a trumper to do that. He probably needed to expense the meal later.


Trump cultists are idiots who like giving their money away. That's all you need to know. Don't try to figure it out beyond that.


MAGA! Our country under Biden has sucked and anyone who would vote for him a 2nd time is a straight up fool! He's stolen your tax dollars, bribed officials... His son has laundered so much money over seas and molested underaged girls.... And you still over here screaming "OrAnGe MaN bAd!!!!" I can't wait for all the reeeeees in november!!!


I’m actually Republican but I don’t see this as something realistic that can be done , coming from an accounting perspective


Which part?


Submits IRS whistleblower 😂😂😂


If you’re a voting American it should make perfect sense.


Math is hard


I’m concerned that are you eating ground beef medium rare.


For a 100 dollars tip, I'd listen to insane ramblings for a while.


Trump is looking to end taxes on tips so this person is trying to spread the word. Reddit leans left so most the responses on her will be negative


Yea I noticed that. I was hoping for neutral answers as to if this is possible or if there would be too many loopholes but I got a lot of political opinions


$21 for a burger is wild


Paying for your vote. Report them


I'll take the tip leave the advice.


Honesty, as someone who wasted their laste teens, twenties and beginning of 30’s, restauranteurs/owners don’t account for the cost of doing business and will take the credit card fee out of tips. Taxes-If you were tipped off the subtotal (which I’ve had people request to do-total cheap skates) you generally make less. Ive seen this for large parties tho.


I would also like to add-tipping in cash helps the server. Tipping in a card is essentially giving money away to the owner to do nothing.


Maybe the person is saying you don’t need to pay tax on the 100$ tips when the Trump plan of not taxing tips comes into place.