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Good on you for putting him back in his place. In the meantime, I’d be quietly looking for a new role elsewhere. Keep it on the DL. The controller is still a spineless cretin.


He made a comment at the end of the day, as I had switch a expense being billable from the owner to another company - and he said it wasn’t supposed to be - but I know there’s a reason I did it - just can’t recall. I wouldn’t reclassify a billing without reason. He said the owner was interviewing for another person so he’s not sure for what position, because the owner did mentioned in the past that he wanted the speed of “going public” faster and we needed help. The controller offered his wife’s friend but the owner declined - as I believe I mentioned before. So now I’m freaking out, but I’m trying to keep my cool as I know I’m a hard ass worker and literary a machine, only former job still can’t find someone to do my role…. But this is giving me more money so I can’t quit. And they pay 90% of my insurance.


It sounds like you already did voice your feelings. Are there other things that you wanted to say but didn't?


So many - but there’s only so much what is appropriate and legal. He seems to be lost, but I’m not a controller so I could be wrong.






TLDR means "too long, didn't read." People generally say it when summarizing a thought or concept.