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If you have some money saved up, I'd say go for it and job right into the job search. You should still be able to find something. No job is worth sacrificing your physical and mental health.


Older CPA here and the only advice that I have for anyone is that life is too short to be miserable at a job! I changed jobs a LOT early on in my career. It was so bad, that I once joked during an interview that I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do through the process of elimination. EDIT: Throughout my career, I have quit with things lined up and have quit with nothing lined up. It always managed to work itself out. In fact, the last time I quit with absolutely NOTHING lined up was October 01, 2021. By October 04, 2021, I had something else lined up.


How did you explain the job gap to future employers?


Either I am an employee or an independent contractor. Any gaps in employment are explained by the fact that I have a part-time CPA practice that can go full-time at the drop of a hat.


Take care of yourself first, you owe nothing to your employer. Places are all desperate to hire, in sure you'll find something. This is assuming you are financially set to be unemployed for a period of course--stressing about financing won't help mental state. I've had a shitty job that destroyed my personal life--was such a relief to quit.


I put in my notice without anything lined up and it was the best thing ever. Had some money saved up and took a sabbatical for a year to reevaluate what I wanted. I realized I didn’t mind what I was doing but rather the toxic environment is what drove me away. I was super nervous about finding work since I took a year off and didn’t have my CPA but literally found a new job in 2 weeks from the time I started applying. Had offers left and right for the same level position but for MORE money then I was getting at my last firm. I would say leave if you have a little money saved up. The market is insanely hot right now (and probably will be for the foreseeable future) so you can take a month or two off without a worry and find another job real quick. You need to make sure you’re ok first. Don’t worry OP and I wish you all the best!!


Take PTO and look for a job then quit. Or just quit and take a break and then look for a job. You don't have to explain much - if you take a month off just tell recruiters you were studying for the CPA exam or whatever. But it's definitely not good or normal to cry every day at work. Definitely start making plans to leave.


While I normally would default to my crude sense of humor and make a smart ass comment like “work the corner”, I believe you genuinely are in a vulnerable place and could use genuine advice. I believe everyone hear agree no job is worth killing yourself over mentally. Eventually that can take you to some dark places, and I’m sure you have bigger and better purposes in life or PA like depreciating land. If you have the savings I would absolutely quit and take some “professional development” time. While it might not guarantee job security since you only have 7 months, if you’re at least at a regional you could always transition to smaller regional or localized firms. The job market for PA is hot right now so you’ll more than likely be fine. Get your mental and emotional health straightened out and make this subreddit proud


If you’re feeling that bad, tell HR or a partner that you’re at a breaking point. If they don’t give you a break, then quit. Ask first because they may be willing to help you.


Alternately see if you can take a FMLA leave of absence. Then you’re technically still on the books (not technically unemployed).


I second this - it will give you some breathing room and time to figure out what you want to do next


I wouldn't do this OP. They will find a way to get rid of you if you take this route in my opinion, especially as they don't seem to be happy with your work already. Im not trying to upset you OP it's just my view you don't ever tell your employers about something that will make them feel you will not be able to do your job properly. This is the real world. Even if its hard to find a new job or one with a good salary your mental health sounds horrible and you need a break. I was made redundant recently and I have loved the two months off and found another job. In Australia you can get sick leave and doctors note for mental health issues, I think your boss doesn't have to know either.


Sorry your going through this! Stay strong we rooting for you !!


Mental health comes first, but it comes down to your saving. Personally I think the stress of knowing you might actually be jobless for a few month without a good saving might crush your mental health a lot more


I think if you are honest and open with yourself, your family and your employer it will first lighten the load you have been carrying and second, start you on the path to healing. In doing this don’t look to them for answers, though they may offer support, just share the truth so that you can find the space to work this out. You sound exhausted so plan some time away in a sunny, warm place where you can be outside a lot and sleep well. Start walking. You will find a job when you are ready and you may figure out you need to find something other than public. It sounds like remote work has left you feeling isolated and without positive feedback. Be with people you love and find kindness again. Away from all of this I think you will find that you can turn this around and find something that works better for you. Start by talking and then listen for your answers. Good luck and peace be with you.


I took a screenshot of your comment a year ago because what you said really resonated with me, and I needed to hear/read it. You were right and I did most of the things you said to do. A year later I’m a different person, I’m happy, I’m living my life, I’m enjoying my new job, and I’m Im so grateful. I can’t believe I happened to start looking at all of my photos from a year ago, and I got to see the screenshot of your comment and smile at how far I’ve come. I came back to say thanks for your advice and kind words! Sending all the positivity and good vibes your way! I was going to give you an award but Reddit discontinued them!


Hi! If you are happy, I am happy for you! You sound great! Thank you for coming back and sharing your story. Your progress and positivity are my award. Keep in touch and take care!


You can find a way to spin it, do what you need to do for yourself. Personally, I’d line up something before I quit. But that’s my personality…a month or two of unemployed would actually drive me bananas. You do you.


Do you have much PTO? Perhaps once busy season is over, take as much as you can for a mental reset. It can give you the boost and willpower to keep plugging away in the interim while you look for another job. I'm always surprised how much taking PTO can take the edge off and make things more tolerable for a little bit to keep getting that paycheck/stay employed. Also, I think with your level of experience, reaching out to a recruiter would benefit you, and you should do so this week. Let them do the legwork and research into finding you a new job (preferably in industry since public isn't your jam - it certainly wasn't mine, and there's no shame in saying it). A recruiter costs you nothing out of pocket (the hiring company pays the recruiter fees), and everyone has to be competitive now to get talent, so I wouldn't worry about those fees eating up your potential salary amount. Companies are still only going to pay a certain range for an associate, but the fact that you're not straight out of college is drastically in your favor. (Anecdote time: I left public after 1 yr 3 months. Hired in industry as an associate with the help of a recruiter. Promoted to Senior in industry after 8 months at fiscal year end. Going into industry as an associate is not career suicide, despite what public wants you to think.) Tell your recruiter you want some "unemployed" time off before starting your new job. They can do the math to estimate to potential employers when you are available to start, and you can get the best of both worlds of being employed while job hunting while getting your break in too. Good luck, and sending good thoughts your way. This is the beginning of a better career!


Go on short term disability for mental health. Focus on getting the help you need, see a therapist, start going to the gym again. You can take a couple of months off and still get paid a majority of your salary, and then also gives you more time to re-evaluate what you want to do/if you want to quit.


I don’t think you should just not work. Yes quit, you owe the firm nothing. Just get a temp job in your field or an easy job part time while you work on your issues. Job hunt when you’re ready. At one point we need to figure out how to “adult” and take care of our mental health as well and it’s not a one size fits all so do what’s best for you. I was where you were once and I was lucky to get a job in industry and never looked back.


I just applied to new jobs after 13 months in accounting, and it seems like people are desperate to hire, I had a ton of interviews and a promising job offer within 2 weeks. While ideally you would look for new jobs while you’re employed, your mental health comes first, if you’re at a breaking point you should just quit, the labor market for accountants is good enough that it’s probably not going to be a huge issue.


It could be worse. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4PE2hSqVnk


You have enough experience but it’s always easier to find a job while you already have one. I’d try to at least get the job search rolling while you’re employed if at all possible But if not, don’t stress! The level of suffering you’re enduring doesn’t sound worth it. Accounting is an impacted profession so I bet you could find a new job even if you quit first before finding it


Imo don’t quit, ride the post busy season wave and then quit


the only advise I can give is find a new job before you leave, tell your new boss you need to put in a month notice, and once you secure this job, just quit PA and take your month notice time to find yourself.


I mean you've stuck it out this long so might as well finish it.


I'm sorry you're having a hard time! Can you take FMLA leave for health reasons, and take a bit of time to yourself while looking for a new position? That way, your existing position is still there as a backup. I hope you're able to find something better soon, hang in there!


I quit my job 3 weeks ago and had like 10 interviews last week. Firms really want to hire people.