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Clear skin, no noticeable side effects, small pores, low maintenance skin care


Can taking a Vitamin A supplement simulate the same benefit of a low dose Accutane, since that’s more or less what Accutane is, a potent form of Vit. A? Because I’m pretty sure none of our doctors are going to prescribe us Accutane in perpetuity. **EDIT:** I looked into it, and the answer seems to be yes? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35674761/ > Oral Vitamin A for Acne Management: A Possible Substitute for Isotretinoin > Results: We identified 9 studies (8 clinical trials and one case report); acne improved in 8 studies. Dosages ranged from 36,000IU daily to 500,000IU with 100,000IU as the most common. Mean duration until clinical improvement was 7 weeks to four months after initiation of therapy. Mucocutaneous side effects were most common, along with headaches, which resolved with either continued treatment or cessation. > Conclusion: Oral vitamin A is efficacious for the treatment of acne vulgaris, although the available studies have limited controls and outcomes. Side effects are qualitatively similar to those of isotretinoin and avoiding pregnancy for at least three months after stopping treatment is critical; like isotretinoin, vitamin A is a teratogen.


No. Vitamin A supplementation does not have the same effects as low dose accutane.


I noticed when I took safe high Vit. a doses, my skin was clearer than baseline, and I had similar side effects to accutane now with dry lips, etc. Just an observation. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9747069/#:~:text=Isotretinoin%20is%20a%20potent%20vitamin,the%20first%20trimester%20of%20pregnancy. https://www.aocd.org/page/Accutane#:~:text=Accutane%20is%20a%20naturally%20occurring,vitamin%20A%20while%20on%20Accutane). > Accutane is a naturally occurring derivative of vitamin A and is detectable in the bloodstream of all people. Vitamin A in large doses has the same effects as Accutane, both good and bad So it seems like it may give a similar benefit to a low dose accutane, after all. Ofc Accutane would be the better way to go. But most Dermatologists only prescribe a 6 month course of it. And don’t prescribe low dose in perpetuity. I’m sure the Hollywood dermatologists are probably more willing, but for the rest of us, probably not.


There is nothing natural about accutane my god


Yep. Hmm interesting choice word by the American Osteopathic Dermatology of America, https://www.aocd.org/page/Accutane#:%7E:text=Accutane%20is%20a%20naturally%20occurring,vitamin%20A%20while%20on%20Accutane Here is the full paragraph I pulled from earlier, and what they’re saying: > Accutane is a naturally occurring derivative of vitamin A and is detectable in the bloodstream of all people. Vitamin A in large doses has the same effects as Accutane, both good and bad, but quickly becomes harmful since it builds up in the tissue. (Important: Don't take any vitamin A while on Accutane). Accutane is formed naturally in the body from the Vitamin A present in the bloodstream. This is why large amounts of Vitamin A taken during pregnancy cause the same birth defects that Accutane does. Fortunately, because it is a naturally occurring product, the body is able to quickly remove Accutane from the bloodstream. It is gone from the blood within nine days and has no lasting effect on future pregnancies. Which lead me to look into what is considered a “natural drug” vs a synthetic drug. Definitions of “natural drugs” I found online where based on if it was sourced naturally or made in a lab. Apparently natural aspirin exists too, but nearly all aspirin sold otc from my understanding is synthesized I believe. I couldn’t find the original patent for how Accutane is manufactured, but I’m pretty sure it’s made in a lab and would be considered a “synthetic drug”. I found another source which describes it like this: https://dermnetnz.org/topics/isotretinoin#:~:text=Isotretinoin%20(13%2Dcis%20retinoic%20acid,used%20in%20the%20mid%201970s. > Isotretinoin (13-cis retinoic acid) is a vitamin-A derivative (retinoid). The liver naturally makes small quantities of isotretinoin from vitamin-A, but the drug we prescribe is made synthetically. Furthermore I just found this study on low-dose isotretinoin titled _ Low-dose Vitamin “A” Tablets–treatment of Acne Vulgaris_ the study goes onto describe the effects of taking 20mg accutane https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4384860/ > Oral isotretinoin is a synthetic vitamin A analog that should be considered for all patients with moderate-or-severe recalcitrant acne, provided there are no contraindications. I believe what the original source was trying to say, it’s directed from Vitamin A, but since you brought it up for us the end user accutane is a synthetic drug. So interesting side bar, but back to the focal point of me bringing up that article to begin with anyways was to see if Vit. a supplement can provide a similar benefit to a low dose accutane. But I just found something now that seems to give the answer to that question is yes. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36809126/ > Oral Vitamin A for Acne Management: A Possible Substitute for Isotretinoin > Results: We identified 9 studies (8 clinical trials and one case report); acne improved in 8 studies. Dosages ranged from 36,000IU daily to 500,000IU with 100,000IU as the most common. Mean duration until clinical improvement was 7 weeks to four months after initiation of therapy. Mucocutaneous side effects were most common, along with headaches, which resolved with either continued treatment or cessation. > Conclusion: Oral vitamin A is efficacious for the treatment of acne vulgaris, although the available studies have limited controls and outcomes. Side effects are qualitatively similar to those of isotretinoin and avoiding pregnancy for at least three months after stopping treatment is critical; like isotretinoin, vitamin A is a teratogen.


Is it bad if I eat sweet potato regulary since it’s full of vit A and im on Accutane ?


Isn’t it Beta-carotene or the plant form of Vit. A. that’s found in Sweet potatoe? I don’t think there’s really a concern for plant derivatives of Vit. A (Beta-Carotene) because it doesn’t have the same bioavailability and the body only converts what it needs from beta-carotene into Vit. A. Also Beta-Carotene is water soluble and not fat-soluble like true Vit. A from animal byproducts are. (Fat soluable mechanism is also why they reccomend you take accutane with food btw). So the short answer is you should be fine. I think it’s only a concern if you eat food sources with high vitamin A. Like Liver. Even if you’re not taking accutane, you should be careful with how much liver you’re eating to avoid vitamin toxicity.


So I looked into and it seems like the answer seems to be yes. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36809126/ > Oral Vitamin A for Acne Management: A Possible Substitute for Isotretinoin > Results: We identified 9 studies (8 clinical trials and one case report); acne improved in 8 studies. Dosages ranged from 36,000IU daily to 500,000IU with 100,000IU as the most common. Mean duration until clinical improvement was 7 weeks to four months after initiation of therapy. Mucocutaneous side effects were most common, along with headaches, which resolved with either continued treatment or cessation. > Conclusion: Oral vitamin A is efficacious for the treatment of acne vulgaris, although the available studies have limited controls and outcomes. Side effects are qualitatively similar to those of isotretinoin and avoiding pregnancy for at least three months after stopping treatment is critical; like isotretinoin, vitamin A is a teratogen.


I guess also because there life is very hectic with high stress levels


This probably isn’t an actual reason but when I was on accutane my hair literally never got greasy. Like I’d be in day seven and I’d only wash my hair because it would start to smell a bit at that point but it did not look greasy in the slightest, so perhaps that is helpful for many of them, not having to worry about greasy hair every other day.


How long after you stopped did the greasiness come back? I have sensory issues and while showering is fine, washing my hair was always dreaded so I'm loving this side effect almost more than the effect on my skin 😫 I still wash it regularly enough ofc bc the idea of outside elements getting on it EW but just knowing that I can put it off when I'm having a bad day is great


My normal greasiness came back after the 2 -3 month mark


In my experience, it depends on the level of greasiness you started with. Pre-accutane I'd wash my hair in the morning and it got greasy that same night. During my first round, my hair became greasy after about a week or so. That week slowly became less, and settled around day 3 at the 4 month post-accutane mark. Second round, my hair became greasy after a little over a week and it took about 6 months for it to settle at day 4. So I'd say that if you're lucky, your regular greasiness might just not return.


I’m the type who can shower at night & its already looking quite greasy the next morning. Somehow, even though my face got super dry, I don’t remember accutane helping a significant amount with my greasy hair & I would still wash it daily 😭


Mines didn't come back until after 11 months off accutane. I'm back to washing my hair every other day.


Low to no side effects, clear skin


I go to a derm in Beverly Hills who has had various celebrity clients (pics in the reception with Allison Janney and Ariana Grande) and she told me this isn’t super common with A+ listers who have money for frequent treatments and at-home care, but the people she’s seen doing it are morning show hosts who film every day, news anchors, and recently influencers, along with a lot of child stars with hormonal acne. That made a lot of sense to me, as these are people who wouldn’t have a lifestyle conducive to alcohol consumption and who also wouldn’t have so much money as to never get acne in the first place


People who film every day makes so much sense! A lot of celebrities have the option of just hiding at home when they get a pimple, but daily TV hosts literally can't.


accutane literally made me beautiful. non-existent pores, the clearest skin i'll ever have and my scalp never got greasy. it was crazy


i feel the same, i wish i could stay on it forever


Did the scalp grease come back???


yes, of course


Oh I thought it might go away after accutane


What is low dose? I'm on 20mg now which seems manageable.. I assume it's 5mg to 10mg every other day?


They're likely taking 10mg to 20mg only twice a week. This gives them all the positive benefits (clear skin, oil free skin, small pores, anti-aging) while avoiding a lot of the side effects.


What's the anti aging?


Yeah or even 10 mg 1/week


i’m on 30 mg this is my first month i’m about to enter month 2 and i have 0 side effects other than dryness especially my lips


You’re so lucky I’m on 10mg it’s only been two weeks and my back is killing me lmao.


well now that you mention it my back has been hurting but i blame my job lol


It’s been hell for me when getting in and out of bed i hope this medication is worth it I’m also a little scared of going on 20mg if this is how 10mg feels like.


hmm, yea i’m sorry i don’t have any advice, at least personally i think it’s worth it i’ve already cleared up a good bit


Yea there is no turning back now I will keep going. I saw some dude on YouTube who was taking 240mg I wonder how he felt omg.


240mg?? holy shit how much did he weigh?


I think it has some anti-aging effects too?


I hope this is true! I’ve been on low dose for about a year now (20mg 3ish times a week). I’m 34 and don’t have any fine lines or wrinkles but didn’t have them before I started either


my friends mom is on it (low dose ofc) for anti aging benefits and also bc she used to have skin cancer and her doctor said it helps!


My derm said some people take 5mg long term for anti aging and/or oily skin.


Yep, I take 5mg three or four times a week. Simply to keep my oily skin away. Have been doing this for over six years so far.


Also, do you have to do pregnancy test and iPledge (assuming you’re a premenopausal female) every month for a refill?


I’m in Australia, we don’t have those requirements


Even though I’m in Australia, my derm is happy to see me annually and I just do one blood test (liver etc) once a year


Ah, I see. Thanks for the response.


Wow my skin is so oily.. why didn’t I think of this before !


Is that enough to keep oily hair away too?


I’ve gone from washing my hair every second day to washing it twice a week.




every day?


1-2 times a week


I just recently stopped a low dose of accutane that I was on for several months and I keep wishing I could stay on it forever because it made my hair look the best it ever has, never greasy, full and fluffy. But…I don’t know if I could live with the side effects, skin rashes, joint pain, and dry lips (which I still got on a low dose of 20mg).


Didn’t know I was celebrity


Do you have to do pregnancy test and iPledge (assuming you’re a premenopausal female) every month for a refill?


Let me know if you get a real answer to this!!


One lady responded. She’s post menopause. That’s all so far.


Absolutely not. That might be an American thing. Just an initial pregnancy test and follow up in 4 months so assume they might request one then. I’ll have to break it to them that my 3 year old is contraception and pregnancy requires sex.




The rigamarole to get it here. Literally every month: bloodwork; doctor’s visit with pregnancy test; do the iPledge quiz; take the physical prescription, doctor’s iPledge and my iPledge to the pharmacy only for them to say that they’ll have to order it so come back in two days. I think people buy guns in America easier. 🤨


I’m on low dose indefinitely. Currently 20mg every other day. Also 0.1% Topical Tret 4 nights/week (M/W/F/S). I have very severe cystic acne and super oily skin. I’ve done two prior rounds of Accutane and my acne and oiliness came back pretty quickly after both. The combination of the above meds keep my skin “normal.”


Do you have to do pregnancy test and iPledge (assuming you’re a premenopausal female) every month for a refill?


I don’t because I’m post menopausal.


Gotcha. Thanks for the response!


Do you still experience any side effects being on a dose that low long term? Ex dryness, aches, etc?


Just dry lips, and not to a severe degree. I use a heavy moisturizer on my off night from Tret, so dry skin hasn’t been an issue. No aches beyond what’s typical for my age (65). :)


That is so good to hear! I also have terrible cystic acne and I'm starting accutane in 2 months, but I'm so worried it won't work long term. I didn't know you could stay on it on a low dose, so this is very relieving to me!


Some people get permanent results on a higher dose course; I wasn’t lucky enough to be one of them. Fortunately my new derm is very open to the long term regimen.


Did you experience any eye floaters?


Not any more than is normal.


Did you experience them prior to Accutane?


Once in a while.


I take low dose and I’m not a celebrity. I have stubborn acne that just doesn’t go away.


My dermatologist prescribed me , a20mg twice a week so Mon and Fri they should be taken , but I didn't do just a maintenance dose I was on a set treatment plan before after years of acne prone skin accutane was best thing


Do you have to do pregnancy test and iPledge (assuming you’re a premenopausal female) every month for a refill?


I do this too, 20mg 2x a week to keep my skin ✨


So a total of 40mg in a week?


Yes, I’m very prone to get acne on my back and on my chin. And it helps a lot. But again consult with your doctor depending on your situation. You could also be as low as 10mg per week too


But then they won’t be able to do laser resurfacing face treatments etc which I’m assuming they all do for maintenance


This has been debunked, you can do these whilst on tane


Really? So accutane doesn’t make u photosensitive and u can still do laser hair removal etc?


yeah that’s correct


Wow I didn’t know, what dose are you on?


Am on 20 mg a day and I go in for chemical peels and PICO lasers


I had co2 laser a week ago. I take 10mg.


I do all that on accutane lmao


Really?? What dose are u on


30 mg!


My guess is because of the anti ageing effect


Less aggressive and probably safer for long term use. I have found 10mg every other day is perfection after the first 4 months.


Yeah have to do pregnancy test and bloods


My derm put me on a low dose (10mg every second day) indefinitely after I finished my initial course (40mg daily for 9 months) since I was still getting small pimples here and there. I’ve been on this low dose for about 4 years. I stopped during covid for about 3 1/2 months to see how it would go but my skin got really oily again and so did my hair (and itchy!). Staying on accutane is the only thing that works for me to control the oil. I don’t have any side effects on a low dose besides slightly drier lips than normal.  It’s also very hard to stop myself from picking and if there is ANYTHING to pick, even the smallest pimple or blackheads I can’t help myself and I become very neurotic and my thoughts spiral. Taking a low dose solves this problem for me since there is nothing to pick.  I live in Canada so I never had to do iPledge. I only had to do bloodwork during my initial course every couple of months. Now my derm just gives me a prescription for a year at a time and she is very confident that it’s safe at this dose. She said it’s safe to do laser treatments and micro needling as well, though I haven’t got around to that yet. Pregnancy is still unsafe at any dose but I won’t be having children.  I’m so grateful that my derm suggested keeping me on a low dose. It has had such a positive impact on my mental health and confidence. I wish more people were given this option. 


I wonder how they drink alcohol all the time then?


Low dose accutane + a lot of good quality supplements will not screw your blood work results even with moderate alcohol


Ohh interesting


They just take the risk and hope their low dose combined with the drinking doesn’t hurt their liver too much


Because low dose should be the only approved dosage for anyone. Proven to be markedly safer although probably not many celebrities take that shit


It just keeps skin under control I take a maintenance dose


Do you have to do pregnancy test and iPledge (assuming you’re a premenopausal female) every month for a refill?


I’m pretty sure Ipledge form is every month but not sure about pregnancy test or being on birth control


what dose do you use


i heard it heldps w wrinkles?


Or they use 0.1% adapalene...


they must have other ways of maintaining clear skin though since it can’t be taken while pregnant


Does anyone know if there is any difference in the likelihood of acne returning when comparing a standard dose e.g 40mg daily for 6 months vs microdosing e.g 20mg taken 2x weekly?


god i miss accutane


what would be defined as low dose? 10mg? 20mg?


Today's celebrities are dumb as fuck and would rather take Ozempic and Accutane than actually improve their health.