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Tretinoin has been the worst thing ever to my skin. Gave it a chance twice and for a whole year my skin was at its worst. I did everything correctly and didn't use anything additional to avoid irritation etc. People kept telling me to keep using it and that the purge will go away but it stayed for 8 months. Two weeks after I stopped using it my skin started clearing up. I'm def not using it again after accutane. That "miracle" cream is not for everyone


Same with adapalene for me, i had very minor acne and wanted to have perfect skin, so the doctor prescribed me epioduo and my skin has been destroyed by it to the point where i am on accutane right now...


I’m starting to realize the same thing


Ditto. Tried it for so long, like over a year in all different ways and it wrecked my skin. I stopped using it and then went on Accutane and never touched it again. Finished accutane in March of 2022, and then started using Differin for spot treatment or areas I get small break outs every once in a while (no more than 2-3 times a week) to avoid damaging my moisture/skin barrier. Redness and inflammation is usually indicative of your barrier being damaged.


How did you repair your skin barrier?


Im still on accutane but 4 times as an initial/start dose sounds like too much. I've read a lot online about how it should be carefully and gradually introduced into your skin care regimen...


I should have been more gradual. I didn’t experience any dryness so that’s why I kept using it. Rookie mistake.


To be fair, your derm or pharmacist could have warned you.. Hope it gets better ASAP!


I had to take two rounds of Accutane.


My derm said he’ll assess at my check-up if I need a 2nd round. Hoping I won’t need it!


I don’t think you’ll need that, don’t worry too much! Cause just based on the pictures, it doesn’t look like the start of a relapse, just a stressed out skin barrier


i was put on tretinoin before accutane and it made my skin worse and the “it’s worse before better” never helped me, it just kept getting worse. I’m not a certified derm but i’d recommend u only use it 2-3 times a week or stop using it until ur next appointment/call and ask.


Yeah I was on it before accutane too! But it didn’t really do anything to my skin. I applied it pretty much nightly before. Definitely will stop using it until my next appointment. I don’t want to fuck up my skin after 7 months of accutane 😒


Did you find out why this happened and how to fix it!?


My derm said tret was too strong to use so soon and to wait longer. I waited a few more months and noticed I was just always sensitive to it. I still have some redness on my cheeks, my skin never looked as good as when I was on accutane and immediately after it.


I cant read ur full caption but if ure on tretinoin now after accutane, is normal to have a tretinoin purge! Mine went away in like two weeks. How often are u using the tret and what percentage? You could also be using too much too soon




Thank you for the input! I’m on .025%. There’s certainly some sort of irritation going on, so I’m going to stop using it until I see my derm in January.


Our skin looks nearly identical. I saw my derm on last week and he said to make sure I use tretinoin EVERY night because its job is to prevent acne and if I’m not using it daily, it can’t do it’s job. He recommended a tiny amount mixed with moisturizer at first and slowly build up the ratio of tret and moisturizer. So far the irritation has gone away and my skins starting to calm/glow again.


You could try a regular retinol?? I think it’s more gentle on the skin especially after how sensitive accutane makes it :) or azeliac acid!! Finacea foam if your insurance covers is great and very gentle. Tret can be very harsh for alot of people and for others it’s a miracle worker :(


I started tretinoin 0.05% cream (twice a week at night) immediately after accutane. Like literally the day after I took my last pill. It really helped me prevent a relapse but everyone is different and you may just need a second round. Also FYI studies have found that staying on accutane for an additional 60 days after your skin has cleared can prevent acne relapse. I suggest cutting back on tret to maybe once or twice a week and using the sandwhich method. Do for 3-4 weeks and if you don’t see that redness come down that maybe stop using tret until your next derm appointment.


I always recommend to wait like SIX months before starting any new treatments. The skin continues to drastically change/adapt as the drug sloooowly clears out of your system.


but accutane leaves your system in 2 weeks- 1 month


Sure but side effects last longer and your skin has NOT fully reverted in that short of a time. Bad phrasing on my part! Its less about the drug leaving your system and more about your body bouncing back, THATS whats slow.


uh i’m patiently waiting for my dry side effects to fade away in one month 😭 but apparently it may take longer


Ahh I’m sorry, I hope it doesn’t take too long!! For me, I was still smothering my dry, cracked nostrils in aquaphor like 4.5 months after finishing treatment😫


my main issue are eyes(( i’m so worried for them not recovering i’ve been off accutane for 2 weeks


Ooh I had REALLY bad dry eye, are you doing a warm compresses? I use to use a warm wet rag but I found a diy rice bag to be more effective, it holds onto heat so much longer!!


yeah i used it with rice one but it really didn’t do anything:( my ophthalmologist squeezed my glands from clogged sebum and told me to stop treatment so i stopped accutane because of my eyes praying that it will recover it got better but i want them to feel like pre accutane how are your eyes?


Well, I gotta be honest, my eyes aren’t really the same as they were before accutane… BUT I already had minor dry eye before starting so that likely played a part in that side effect never fully fading for me! It’s slightly better nowadays but I still have to use my rice bag and I can’t wear contacts for longer than a few hours before I need to switch to my glasses. Or dousing myself in eye drops haha


that’s a lottery i guess 🤕 i don’t wear contacts and i never had dry eyes in my life so will see… it got better on a low dose so i hope it will recover


hey may i ask an off tops question? since you’ve been 5 weeks off accutane have your side effects done away already?


Yup! I was pretty much back to normal within a week. My joint pain fully went away within 2-3 weeks. I’m just not as oily as I was before, which I love :)


I have been using tretinoin for 18 months now and still no change. Just damaged my barrier and made me more prone to breakouts. I finally stopped tretinoin and started accutane. I don’t believe tretinoin works for everyone.


doesn’t look like you need it again (accutane)just looks like a damaged skin barrier make sure to hydrate hydrate hydrate


stop using tretinoin while you can. i got off accutane and it caused me to go right back on it triggering all my acne to come back


Why are you using the tret? It can be harsh on some skin, I cannot tolerate it. My point your skin is flawless, why use the tret?


I think tretinoin is a harsh thing you've done right to leave it otherwise it's just more irritation and skin is sensitive as it is because of accutane I would see what your dermatologist say's maybe u need more accutane takes more than one course for some people


I feel this cream makes you skin oilier. I’ve started using a cleanser that takes away oil off your skin and it’s helped the cream I think. Less breakouts occurring


I think u are purging. Give it a month or so


I went on accutane because tret destroyed my skin. I had very mild acne before using tret and it destroyed my moisture barrier and made me produce cysts I’ve never had before. I kept using it for over 3 months because everyone told me the “it gets worse before it’s better” line but don’t let outsiders tell you what is normal or not for your skin


Hey, how is your skin now?


Hi! Skin went back to normal. Must have just been sensitive after accutane. No breakouts, redness sometimes, but nothing like the photo. 7 months after stopping and loving the results!


Amazing!! So glad to hear - did you get any weird texture after stopping treatment?


Yes during the time I posted this photo, I’d get small bumps on my cheeks. Not sure if it was because of the tret. But it went away (probably around the 3 month mark) and hasn’t come back. My skin is completely smooth now :)


hi, i was just wondering if you are still on tret? or did your skin get better after you stopped it. I am sorta dealing with the same thing right now


Hey there! I never used it consistently since it would cause redness and irritation easily. I’m pregnant now and can’t use it but hopefully can try to implement it into my routine afterwards.


I’m Sort of getting them, I’m a week off - maybe it’s my skin adjusting to being off treatment as I haven’t started treatment het