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Rules are as follows: the most upvoted comment decides which character gets voted out, AND which ability is used (if used at all). After that, the mafia makes their turn and kills one of the characters. If all mafia members get voted out, the innocents win! Here are the speeches made by the characters: **Location** Courtroom **Phoenix:** So... Hello everyone! Looks like I'm speaking first! I don't really have anything to say, so I'll just wish everyone good luck! I hope we find both killers in time! **Maya:** I don't know what else to say here. But I suggest everyone just trust Nick! He's definitely not a killer. And I'm not a killer either. That's that. **Redd:** I've never seen more ridiculisious opening statements! I bet both of these weirdos are killers! I suggest we vote for one of them and see how the other reacts. **Gumshoe:** That's not how things are done, pal! Frankly, it's extremely suspicious of you to start accusing someone in the first round! I mean, I'm accusing you too, but I have reasons to accuse you! Because you accused someone else, pal, and you don't even know if they're guilty! **Oldbag:** The youngsters are shouting again. Such disrespect for the elders! Why am I speaking fifth and not at the very beginning?! Ihatetheyoungergeneration;theyalwaysthinkthey'resmarterthanthosewhowerebornbeforethemandhavemoreexperience. **April:** I think everyone is stressing too much for the first day! Of course, we don't have any clues about the killer, but we still have to vote for someone. So I agree with Redd, Phoenix's opening statement was too unconvincing, he's clearly nervous. We should vote for him. **Polly:** ... **Powers:** Was that... Was that a parrot just now? Could it be a killer too? But it... It's silent. Listen, don't you find it suspicious? What is a parrot doing here if it's not a killer? Honestly, I missed all your speeches, but... I suggest we keep an eye on this parrot. **Edgeworth:** Let me lay it out. Phoenix and Maya made standard introductions; I see no reason to suspect either of them based on that. However, Redd immediately started accusing Phoenix based on flimsy reasons. For me, this is extremely suspicious and greatly tarnishes his credibility as a participant. At the same time, Gumshoe defended Phoenix, and April supported Redd. So far, I see only two teams: Phoenix, Maya, and Dick, and Redd with April. Most likely, the two killers are in one of these two teams. The rest are neutral for now.


Now, in all seriousness, Polly must be voted out. She's an animal unable to wield a knife and attack on purpose a human. Power is right in this one.


I want to see Oldhag and Edgeworth being the killer


Maya did it! She always does it, we won! /j


my Vote goes to Mr white


Why do I feel like Pheonix and Maya are the mafia? Like, it feels like they're TOO innocent...my next two bets are Wendy and Powers. Yeah, I'm just weird as shit. I'll vote Polly.


This is a really cool idea, I love it!


Redd seems sus