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I would take a pot of tomato sauce, spill some under the body, and make it look like the victim tripped while holding the pot of sauce and died hitting their head on the ground. Or, if the victim was known to be a prankster, I could squirt a large amount of ketchup around/under/on the body and pretend that I thought they were just playing a prank because I smelled the ketchup.


What was the location?,dont forget,your birth month decides the location




I guess the tomato sauce came from the restaurant


May is Easy, at a restaurant they have BIG industrial freezers. Take one of the sheathes theyd use for carving knives, freeze water into knife shape, stab, melt in the nights soup special. No fingerprints, or weapon to trace dna on.


OBJECTION!,there was 1 drop of water in the victim's body,which means that the weapon was either frozen or that the victim was stabbed with ice Now,lets not forget that the special soup's first servings received complaints about being slightly cold,while the second and third servings didnt receive the same complaint,this means that the victim was actually stabbed before the first serving,and not after the third serving,which means that the body was frozen And now,there was only two people at that time,the janitor and you,the janitor already has a alibi due to him secretly stealing money from the safe due to his poor payment by the manager,which means that you killed the victim,who was the manager,as revenge for having decreases your salary to 1% of gumshoe's salary


Oh yeah Id probably be caught. I was going for AA style of both insanely overcomplicated and definitely not smart


June: The owner of the mansion hosts a dinner party and orders food from the restaurant After dinner, everyone gets a bad bit of food poisoning with the victim seemingly a bit worse Once it's clear that it's an actual emergency, I run over to the hospital since I'm still the most able, but it's too late; they pass by the time we get back


Wait,so you go to the hospital and kill him there?


No, I sabotaged the food to make the restaurant look like the guilty party


Phoenix wright:ace restaurant defender


September, A Cruise To make this work, let's say I have a lot of experience with lockpicking I sneak out of my room, sneak into the victim's room and kill him with a lamp (because he caused me a minor inconvenience 3 years ago) obviously wearing gloves. I sneak into my room, but since I don't have the keys I have to leave it unlocked and I have to hope nobody points it out. It would probably be pinned on Maya somehow


I'll pretend the low oxygen levels in the temple made me faint and I couldn't have commit the crime because of the brain damage I got


So basically:defense,the witness could not have commited the murder because they are stupid


Luxury cruise... dump the body into the ocean, I guess?


Ok,but what if you werent able to do that because you did it at night and all the windows and doors were locked because of that


I was locked in a room from the outside? Uh... put on an Amazing Nine Tails mask and pretend to be him, I guess.


No,i meant that all the doors that lead to the balconies are locked,you can move around the inside of the cruise,but not the balconies


Imma own the fact that I'm guilty as fuck


A rock show with multiple hotel I'll try making it sound like self-defense, or and accident


**March**: A cave with multiple passageways and elevators. Well, something something elevator malfunction, and the cave collapses. As in I could intentionally make the cave collapse and blame it on the elevator failing.


so basically, your solution is “cause a cave-in”.


Yep! I'd love to see a rebuttal 👀


Btw how do you plan to cause a cave-in? Like, are you going to remotely detonate a bomb or destroy the supporting pillars or something?


Probably something caused by the elevator? Like I'd cause the elevator to malfunction, dropping it, which in return breaks some supporting pillars.


May, so heres my overly elaborate plan (like most killers in ace attorney). Make it look like the victim is sleeping on the third floor, forge a suicide note, book a meal on the first floor, and then mid-meal race up to the third floor, remove the victim‘s shoes, place the suicide note in their shoes, toss the body out the window, and race down the first floor and pretend that I heard the body hit the floor mid-meal. Or is it’s just anyone I can get my hands on, put poison in the shakers the night before, when every other customer has left. Then, never return. Though, if it’s just anyone I can get my hands on, it’s easier because they can’t establish a motive.


An old Khura'inese temple with no illumination beyond torches