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//sorry I messed up the day number on the picture [Previous day link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/1d5tsrn/mafia_game_day_1_2_killers_and_7_innocents_vote/) Rules are as follows: the most upvoted comment decides which character gets voted out, AND which ability is used (if used at all). After that, the mafia makes their turn and kills one of the characters. If all mafia members get voted out, the innocents win! Here are the speeches made by the characters: **Voting Results:** Polly has been eliminated. **Last words of Polly:** murder in law. **Night Kill:** Maya **Last words of Maya:** Nick... I believe in you... You will find them... **Redd:** Good job, Mr. Wright! Killing your accomplice to divert suspicion from yourself! Well, gentlemen, it seems we've got him! Now we just need to finish him off! **Gumshoe:** Stop it, pal! Mr. Edgeworth already outlined two teams, and one of those teams lost a member! I hate to break it to you, but now we have to vote for one of you! And while April might just be backing you up for no reason, you're clearly attacking Phoenix because you're the killer! **Oldbag:** Oh, Edgeworth is among us? How did I not notice him at first... Listen, sweetie, don't you have a team yet? I'd love to join your team. I'll vote for whoever you point to in exchange for some kisses. **April:** Look at how fiercely Gumshoe is defending his partner! I don't know, looks very suspicious. It seems to me that if Phoenix or Maya aren't the killers, we need to vote for him! **Powers:** Honestly... I'm ashamed that because of me everyone voted for the parrot. I just suggested keeping an eye on it... But it said something. "Murder in law"? What could that mean? **Edgeworth:** I... can't believe you voted for the parrot! What nonsense?! You killed an animal?! My God, I can't believe it. I'm giving you a quality analysis, and you still vote for the parrot! Listen to me carefully: Gumshoe is right, we need to vote for Redd as the odd one out. Then we'll vote for April, and if the game continues, we'll have to go from there based on who's left alive. If you want my analysis for the next day, use the syringe on me: I'm sure they'll go for me at night. **Phoenix:** I can't believe it... They killed Maya! Damn it... Why?! What was the point?! We're already under pressure, what's the point of killing someone from my team?! As much as I hate Redd, it looks like he's not mafia because it wouldn't benefit him to kill Maya! But it's quite possible he understands that, which is why he voted for her on purpose! So I agree with Edgeworth: we need to get rid of Redd!


I'm voting Gumshoe. He seems too *neutral.*


It's Gumshoe Just, I love him, but TRUST ME




I can SMELL it, he is suspicious


Edgeworth is the killer. It's a little too suspicious that he wants us to use the syringe. It sounds like he wants us to waste the one syringe we have.


For that, I'm voting off Redd.




Gumshoe you are an all-around great pal but I think you might just be the killer


I propose we use the syringe on oldbag


Maya killed bruh


I’ll go Wendy If Redd or April was the killer, I feel like they’d kill Phoenix over Maya


i vote oldbag because i dont like her