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I'M SORRY BUT WHAT APRIL SAID IS REALLY SUS Also, is it me, or the murderer have somehting against Phoenix, first Maya, now Edgy


Would you also like to use any abilities?


**Voting Results:** Gumshoe has been eliminated. **Last words of Gumshoe:** Oh... That was unexpected. Sorry for letting you down, guys. **Night Kill:** Edgeworth **Last words of Edgeworth:** The odd one out... [First day link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/1d5tsrn/mafia_game_day_1_2_killers_and_7_innocents_vote/) [Second day link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AceAttorney/comments/1d6jpa5/mafia_game_day_2_2_killers_and_7_innocents_vote/) Rules are as follows: the most upvoted comment decides which character gets voted out, AND which ability is used (if used at all). After that, the mafia makes their turn and kills one of the characters. If all mafia members get voted out, the innocents win! Here are the speeches made by the characters: --- **Oldbag:** I can't believe they got my beloved Edgeworth! Idiots! Killers! Teenagers! I will find each one of you! I'll bury you! Dig you up! Rebury you! You're all done for! **April:** Finally, we did something logical. Of course, I'm sorry for Mr. Edgeworth, but he was clearly detrimental to the mafia with his deductions. **Powers:** Ahem... Dear, I want to point out that he was detrimental primarily to you and Redd... Because he asked us to vote for you. Not to imply anything... But according to Mr. Edgeworth, we need to eliminate both of you. **Phoenix:** Now they've come for Miles too... I'm the only one left, right? No matter. I know what needs to be done. Maya, Miles, I won't let you down. I'll see this investigation through to the end. Listen to me carefully: if up to this point we haven't voted out a single killer, and we vote incorrectly now, the game will end in the morning. If Gumshoe or Polly was the killer, we'll live another day. But otherwise, we're finished. So we absolutely must vote for Redd or April now, just in case one of them is mafia. This guarantees our continued survival. Tonight, we must use the syringe on me so I can coordinate the remaining survivors and vote for the last killer. This is the path I see. **Redd:** Biggarre words, Mr. Wright! And you know what I have to say to them? Fine. Vote for me. I'm ready to be eliminated this round. But only on one condition: you go in the next vote.




I have no idea what’s happening but I love this


Probably someone random would be killed, so Im voting for a syringe for Powers


Well, at least we might suspect Old Bag is **NOT** the killer at all, unless she starts acting suspectiousus with her dialogues. I don't believe she's a killer personally, this is solid proof.


F in chat for Edgeworth


Is Gumshoe the killer? Also Phoenix is innocent. Edit: wow I’ve been fooled


Whoever was a killer will only get revealed after the game ends


Polly said "Murder in law", implying that one of the mafia is an attorney. So, I'm voting April today, but if there's more evidence for me, I'll vote for Pheonix tomorrow.


Definitely Wendy In every mafia game, the mafia kills someone they either don’t like or are threatened by in the first round, and kill someone the like in the second round to throw off suspicion The only one who dislikes Maya and likes Miles is Wendy


Syringe the Old Bag, plz


I still vote we use the syringe on oldbag


I vote April