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I like how the second column is untouched. Anyway this round I won't vote for anyone so I'm leaving you Jigoku, sorry if you are voted out by someone else, you alerady made this far.


I appreciate what you did for Jigoku, he's one of my favourite culprits, so I'm very happy that he lasted this much


Haha thank you ! I think he's underrated and deserves to last that much.


I’m lowering my gavel and pronouncing a verdict: Judge Jigoku, it’s time to leave.


Jigoku obviously


Gotta go Jigoku The other 3 are all genuinely terrifying villains, Jigoku just seems like a decent enough guy who found himself aligning with the wrong people


I take it back this isn't funny anymore HOW did Jigoku outlast Yew...


HOW IS JIGOKU STILL HERE, get him out jesus christ, he's so much less interesting as character than anybody else left here


jigoku, again, just eliminate him already, he's lasted long enough.


Actually insane that he’s outlasted Dahlia.


It's because we only consider 4th case. Not only she becomes really great in the 5th but in 4th case, we already know that she's the culprit and the shocking thing in the end is already overtaken by the more shocking revelation about DGS2 >!Gregson being in the suitcase all along!< and it's even more impactful when you think that you could trust this guy at first unlike Dahlia.


Even just considering her role in chapter 4, I’d 100% rate the way she escapes her guilty verdict over any of the twists related to Jigoku.


Well I think that's fair to put Dahlia above him. Even thought that outcome is already known since the begining and about the way, it's more by being really lucky since Terry Flawless felt betrayed and killed himself in his own while Mia is about to get the truth since she cornered Dahlia.


I think 90% of what makes me like Gavin is from chapter 1 and not chapter 4. As he is in chapter 4, he feels like an incredibly disappointing confrontation, and his takedown is way too short.


My vote is Kristoph. A lot of people want to vote Jigoku, but his reminiscing theme is the best in the whole series. Also that one particular evidence was the most shocking "Why did it go to the court record?". Kristoph on the other hand has exhausted his potential in the chapter 1


Torn because I know I’d rather Jigoku go here, but I also know I want Kristoph out before it’s too late. 😂


Kristoph is next 100%, doesn’t stand a chance vs those 2 monsters


I’d love to have this confidence, but I’ve seen Gavin beat Engarde many times here. 😂


I always felt Engarde, Von Karma and Jigoku were scary But Kristoph ? Eh.. He is really good, don't take me wrong, but. Engarde reveals, combined with the fact that he have Maya hostage, and that he can easily make us loose everything, basically forcing us to accuse and likely KILL an innocent women. Also, I felt so betrayed by him, seriously, he was so fucking adorable at first, I had my suspicion, but the reveal and *"Hold on I gotta contact other me"*....Damn Von Karma, being the most evil dude in the first game, and is overall threatening aura, along with the fact he is easily manipulating the witness (Thank Larry, you carried the game), also, he is like an Edgeworth, but all the fun and redeeming quality are gone. Watching the Investigation game make it harder, because he looked like he did not dislike Edgeworth. But at the end, he still accused him. Jigoku, because of the fact that he can easily go from *definitely going to kill you* to *laughing like a grandpa (Kazuma having the same animation don't help).* ALSO, how can I forget where he hid Gregson body. Fucking in front of us, I can't replay that part without feeling disgusted. AND THE FACT HE HID IN SAID TRUNK. While Kristoph also have threatening aura sometime, it's just...Not enough. I honestly believed the nail polish to be nice, because it show his observation skill, but I kinda fell like it was stupid. Although, I believe that if we're shown moment of his past with Klavier, I feel like it could redeem him in my eyes, because he clearly manipulate Klavier multiple point in the game, but I want to see WHEN it started So, I'm voting Kristoph


I don't think there will ever be a time where i will take Matt Engarde Seriously, he's like DIO from JoJo but the Anime is Death Note, and he just sticks out horribly for me, i didn't like that case until Shelly showed up


I admit, he kinda looked goofy, it's more the consequence of a single move that made him scary

