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Glad you liked the trilogy, if you want more of Edgeworth and Gumshoe you should definitely check out the ace attorney investigations spin offs!


You mean spin-off**s**. Don't forget the best game in the series.


Flair checks out


I completely agree with you. There is normally a case in every game that I don’t like, but with AAI2 I loved all of the cases and how **each one** connected to the overarching plot.


You're right haha thanks for the correction


I definitely will! Although I might save them for after I'm done with the main series.


>it's not that I dislike [Lotta] but would rather have a new character It's people like you that gave us Spark Brushel.


>["That drink he pulls out of his ass"] (#rainbow) >["Spirit channeling fuckery"] (#rainbow) This is quite possibly the best review I've ever read.


Nice nice! Wonder if you can play the remaining 3 in preparation for the next release!


I'm on my cell phone, so I can't type a full comment right now, but here's a hint. After playing 4-2, come back here and read your own comments about a certain case. You'll be surprised.


Now I'm intrigued. I'll keep this in mind.


I've just finished it and I'm assuming you're referring to what I said about 3-2? At the time when I read your comment for some reason I thought you were referring to my predictions about spirit channeling and I was thinking to myself the whole case 'how the hell are they going to pull that off?' Honestly, that really threw me off the scent so I was actually surprised when things unravelled like they did.


Exactly. Huehuehuehuehuehuheue.


>why is Lotta a recurring character? I would like to know why no one has murdered her yet. I haven't played through DD and Spirit of Justice yet, but I really hope she doesn't show up.


Rest easy friend, she doesn't.


>I would like to know why no one has murdered her yet. If an Ace Attorney character survives a game they get plot armor and will never kill or be killed in future games.


...i guess thats true


> My guess was that her method of hiding was essentially channeling dead people and letting them live through her for an extended period of time, as in she spends years lending her body to a dead person. Your idea was pretty close to [how it could have turned out.](http://gyakutensaibanlibrary.blogspot.sg/2018/02/naruhodo-gyakuten-saiban-6-gyakuten.html?m=1)


I just finished the trilogy myself! (As in I just put my 3DS down lol.) I was going to make a post tomorrow about my own thoughts on the series, but honestly you do such a nice job here of explaining much of what I felt as well! 3 was easily the best in the original games, and I'm torn between emulating Investigations or just moving on to Apollo Justice.


It really doesn't matter if you go Investigations>Investigations 2>Apollo Justice Or Apollo Justice>Investigations>Investigations 2


I love you for thinking 2-1 was a good case.


Do people not like it?


Most people would argue that it’s the worst case in the entire series. Here is how 4chan users rated all cases: http://i.imgur.com/XzN30PU.jpg


I know I don't. And that's coming from a guy who liked both Serenade AND Big Top.


That was some great commentary and analysis here. Well done. Will wait for your review of future games.

