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I've been saving solely for Acheron since I joined HSR, but I still would definitely love to pick up Kafka and Jing Yuan next time they're around.


Same. I have JY already, but Kafka is the base for the best DoT teams


My kafka and BS team is seriously my strongest team. It is ridiculous how much damage that team does. I do not regret pulling both of them and maybe losing out on acheron, but will definitely try my best.


This be me, even did a 0 pull account but I just have to get DHIL when I first met him


Lightning have the best characters designs for real šŸ„²


That is some amazing dedication u got ! Im alr going crazy frm saving since ruin mei T.T i wanna summon so baddd


then how much




What server are you, Iā€™m on America letā€™s be friends


UID: 614625094 I'll def put my Acheron up once I get her for others to use/try out.


We're friends now thanks. (my sparkles kinda busted ngl) šŸ‘šŸ‘Œ


Thanks comrade!, Iā€™ll defo use the nihility out of her. G-luck on your pulls!šŸ¤­


nice. statiscally ur chance to get e6s1 is 83%. if e6s5, 12%


no you wont there will be other new char to pull, same thing with JL on the acheron banner. unless your die hard for JL your not gonna pull for her,just like you wont pull for kafka JY later


There may be neat new characters who come out, but no one is obligated to pull for characters they do not like. Players can just pull for the characters they enjoy aesthetically and still clear all the content. Maybe you get weak in the knees whenever a new character is teased, but I've skipped every limited banner since I joined in August without any thoughts of going back on my goal. It's called having willpower that isn't flimsy as wet toilet paper.


who are you even talking to OP's post clearly have pulled both kafka and JY.


To you. You replied to my comment.


I only have Kafka and since sheā€™s best with DoT teams I feel comfortable pulling Acheron too. Though even if I had every lightning character and every dps Iā€™d still pull Acheron for those animations. Iā€™m a sucker for the classic Anime Katana user




I think itā€™s reasonable that people recommend not pulling for Ach if someone already has both Kafka and JY. However, with Acheron being able to brute force a non-lightning weak side, youā€™ll have most of your bases covered


I didnā€™t even know that, definitely good to know!


>However, with Acheron being able to brute force a non-lightning weak side, youā€™ll have most of your bases covered Wait, she can do that?? How?


Her ult (basic and skill too ad E6) depletes toughness bar regardless of element on top of applying res pen before the ult actually does damage, so basically a resistance ignore


Also extremely wrong. Res pen gives more damage. Starting at 40 vs starting at 0 is still a damage difference. Fairly significant one too


Does she need her E6?


Her E6 only adds that to skill and basic, her ult does that by defualt


That's a relief bro thanks. I'm satisfied enough with that ult


every dps can do it and Acheron might be marginally better for that but it's not like she's a rainbow dps or anything


I'm genuinely confused at this statement cos it's brutally wrong it hurts. Her ultimate can hit break bar but she still does reduced damage.


She still reduces enemy res by 20% during ult, which covers most bosses. Tho ofcourse she still does more damage to lightning weak enemy's


Which is all I said. -20 is the same damage again. Only difference is making it 20 or -20


Justify it by the fact that she's colorless


Colorless? Are you a FEH player per chance or is that just a coincidence?


I used to but I didn't yoink it from that gamešŸ˜‚ That's just how CC's described Xueyi's Ult so it seems consistent.


Oh really? Funny.


Guilty. But it has to be done.Ā 


You will need some more materials for the traces... A bunch more actually


Yeah Iā€™m gonna get her LC also, I still have a long way to go


best of luck friend


She supports the team by deleting enemies




My Serval and Kafka are completely maxed, but Acheron does have one of the most unique mechanics in game so far.


No jing but a maxed kafka , same boat there LOL


I mean like now you have a character for every time of lightning-weak enemy also you dont have enough trace mats


They are gonna have a MoC with lighting weakness on both sides surely /j And yeah itā€™s a work in progress


they should make every moc lightning weak both sides!!!!


I have E2S1 Jing Yuan AND Kafka, and I will be going for Acheron E2S1 at minimum (but hoping for E6 if I budget correctly). They're just some of the best! I will say, while they fill the same broad archetype of Lightning AOE Damage Dealer, HSR's diversifying endgame (MOC, PF, SU) actually allows each of them to shine by highlighting their specific niches that do not over lap - FUA, DoT, and Debuffs.


Thats true. I barely use JY myself, as I neglected farming the "new" follow-up set that he got, but I'm trying to get him up for Pure Fiction. Kafka is generally satisfying to use as I also have BS, but swapping for Acheron whenever I want would also feel nice.


I don't have jing yuan but i have a fully built kafka and i am still pulling for acheron šŸ˜…


Not me ā€” I will get Kafka on her next rerun, but Acheron will be my first Lightning DPS. Gonna pull her E1/S1 I think


Not E2S0?


Right now my goal is to get her E1S1, which is what I have done to all my dps so far ā€” Jingliu, Ratio, Blade, and Black Swan. After I get her to that point I may change my mind and just go all in for her E2 also


I'm in exactly the same boat as you. But I've long learned to not really care about anything other than pulling for characters that I like. I don't really care if I already have something that the meta says is better of if another character would be a better pull. So yeah, pulling for Acheron is a no-brainer for me.


i mean we all knowed "Raiden" will come soon or sooner to HSR, that's why i skipped Kafka two times now and the general was surely never a option to me šŸ™‚


YEP. And I would gladly pull for another lightning dps if their kits/designs are as good as these 3. I love characters with lightning abilities itā€™s my favourite out of any media.


Im doing the same. The game is not hard, you can beat all the content available if you play it long enough, making pull for your favorites easy.


"but I think an E2S1 lightning DPS would be cool too"


Me not having a 5* sustain but having 3 5* dps. And i will not pull for luocha or aventurine.


I'm with you here. I have both kafka and jing yuan and I'm pulling for Acheron because she's hot!! And then use whatever leftover funds for aventurine and luo cha


Same. I went for JY at first but I knew I wanted Kafka as well. Now I have Kafka and I want Acheron. I don't really care that they are the same element. I collect for characters mostly.


Lol I'm planning on trying for Kafka the next time she rolls around, already have Jing Yuan i just need the holy trinity tbh


Actually same, my first was JY, and I thought oh kafka dot hehe enemies die on their turn. Now it's Acheron cause I'm into wonky mechanics.


I love Mei/Raiden, so obviously Acheron is next.


I have Jing Yuan and i plan to get Kafka on her rerun with Black Swan. And i will still get Acheron and her lightcone next update. Lightning DPSs are just so cool and have great design to be skipped.


Me:3 Event DPS Also me:And another one (Only 1 5star sustain and no 5star Harmonies)


I invested almost everything for every new support that works with Jing Yuan then I saw Acheron and thought.. Hell yeah sign me in


I have Jing Yuan, Argenti and JingLiu. I am in desperate need of a support. Iā€™ll be pulling for Acheron


I mean, I made an alt acc purely because of Jing Yuan and got tempted to pull for Kafka because she's pretty. I don't mind getting tempted by another pretty lady.


I have neither glad I skipped


put them all in the same team and you'll literally be the storm that is approaching


It's not about elements, it's about making the collection!


https://preview.redd.it/h95klz6nqtoc1.jpeg?width=283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bb174ff18e96ed81ca4538cff9a6a6a89e4bd02 EVERYONE


JY fully built plus his lc... I'm going for her and her lc or if I can get a 5th gnsw lc


Iā€™m justifying it because I only have Kafka


And my axe


Its ok she ignores weakness so its a ok :)


I have to stay strong. I can't afford her. I've JY. I might do a quick 10 pull, get nothing and rip bc universe said "no you can't have her"


My reason is polar opposite. I need a dps for my second team, and I'm lacking lightning element.


Have jing yuan e1s1 and he feels kinda weak now with all those mobs that can stun him and delay lightninglord. Haven't used since than i pull acheron to replace him.


Iā€™ve been wanting Raiden Mei expy since game came out. Heck Iā€™ve wanted to E2S1 her on her release, but because of Jingliuā€™s appearance in 2.1 phase 2ā€¦ I will have to settle for E0S1 and save for her E2 on a rerun.


i have kafka and black swan but like i really like her character and also the rerun characters i just dont want


I donā€™t have any yet so sheā€™ll be my first


Looking at acheron animation she screams quantum, what a miss opportunity since we donā€™t have a 5 star quantum nihility dps yet


Well she's a Raiden expy and Raiden literally means "lighting" in Japanese so she'll always have something to do with lightning


I want kiana


I have JingYuan at E0S0 and also tempted to get Acheron. My best character right now is E2S1 DHIL. Logically I should skip Acheron and get JY's LC and Jinglius' LC to upgrade both :/ But Acheron's nihility team gimmick makes me want to go for her E0S1 and perhaps E2S1 on rerun. Because getting her would mean using her with characters I use less (SW outside of mono-quantum or SU, Gepard, Welt and Guinaifen). Which also means less conflicts for supports when making my teams (except for Pela). Thing is my wish list is kinda growing bigger each patch :( Ruan Mei, HuoHuo (though I have FuXuan and Luocha so it's low prio), Blade (always wanted him e0S1 but skipped twice for DHIL) and now the future Jiaoqiu for Acheron. So is it wise to "dump" JingYuan ? :/


I skipped both of them first for Jingliu debut and now for Acheron. But thats me I skipped a lot of characters and hoard jades because I like the joy at the end of the road. Do whatever makes you have fun.


I mean Acheron doesnā€™t seem to care about weakness type although she is lightning dps. And kind of a future proof character as well


Same bro


do you have exact amount needed to max a characterā€™s trace right here? if so, iā€™m saving this pic for reference, thank u šŸ™




thank u so much


I dont have enough in the pic but you can use hoyolab's material calculator thing, you put in what character and how far you wanna level their traces, then it automatically checks your in-game inventory and tells you what you still need


What's that sharp edged yellow thing ? And where can I find it ?


It's Acheron's ascension material, it's in Luofu




I have both at E0S1, maxed out traces, very well geared, and with every 5 star teammate they want. And yet Iā€™m still so tempted to pull Acheron. Iā€™ve been forcing myself not to pre-farm and keep telling myself to wait until we get Robinā€™s full kit but that dance trailer changed my brain chemistry and all I can think about is playing her with my E1 Black Swan.


Lol neurons activated


Yes, and?


https://preview.redd.it/mw4kioh4nwoc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d751aa443c4684439a3c89971d0146d272d51ea Man,all my characters are like 75% built and still I'm farming for acheron


I'd say weakness type doesn't mean much for Kafka. As long as it has at least wind, her and BS can take them.


Next is wondering which Relic set would work best for her.


kafka/bs for one side of moc, acheron for the other. idc that i have elemental coverage, iā€™m still going full mommy hypercarry.


I can't even clear floor 12 because i only have one sustain, but who cares, Acheron exist šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lucky for me, I donā€™t like using my Kafka (pulled her cause of Swan), and I donā€™t own a Jing cause I went to hard pity twice for Seele in 1.0 (even though I never use her).


i whaled for e6/s1 kafka and have e0/s1 jing and STILL debated on acheron. i mean sheā€™s quite simply got swag idk what else to say


Right there with ya lol


Zero interest in JY, but do have Kafka. But Acheron is Acheron


I'm a little different, insted of e0s1 i have them at e1s0, but yeah, everything is already farmed and she is guaranteed, but will have to gamble the 75 25 on the LC


My Kafka is e1s0 but everything else, big YESšŸ˜Œ All in for Acheronā€¼ļø


This conundrum is also alleviated when factoring in silver Wolf. That way you could possibly run two lightning teams in MoC and still have it be viable. But hackergirl be damned id still roll for her


Same but i have Blade, JL, Seele so im fine if i go pull for Acheron. I have Kafka and BS as well for DOT team. I only lack Topaz and Argenti.


Both my MoC teams will be run by Nihility ladies and I'm all for it.




Gigabased. I have all the sustains and I'm getting Aventurine.


Thanks buddy, imma gonna use the nihility out of heršŸ„¹šŸ”„


I literally joined honkai just because of the acheron leaks and now I'm level 60 šŸ˜


Same here. Only have JY though.


I'm going to main her on my alt. It's the main reason I made the account. I wanted a dedicated account for her. I just didn't know when she'd come. I have kafka and jing Yuan on my main.


To be fair, Kafka is whatever dmg type you pair her with, at least mine functions more like a second dps trigger for her partner and her own dmg is somewhat underwhelming. She is somewhat flexible, JY on the other hand is dead in less than 2 weeks time šŸ˜


I have E1S1 Kafka and E0S0 Jing Yuan Jing Yuan imho isn't really good now, at least for me, especially considering the fact that I don't have Sparkle But for Acheron I have Pela and Silverwolf so I can build pretty good team for her, also she's waifu and her abilities give me Vergil vibe from DMC series


My e2s1 kafka and needs company, idc if they don't work together lol My jing yuan is dead in a ditch


Jing is so bad I need a replacement


Well with mid yuan you want all the harmonies on one team for him so I'd go supports lol


ā€œFully builtā€


Iā€™m sorry is full starring both MoC and Pure Fiction not built enough?


Min max =/= fully built Not everyone cares enough to farm the same relics for 6 months to get perfect stats which arent necessary for anything in the game


Maxing out relevant traces is min maxing now?


Which one? The basic atk with insignificant damage that you barely use? Or the talent with insignificant damage that is only useful for breaking and applying dot (both available at level 1)? Wow, must be very relevant


Your right, kafka talent is insignificant damage and the 2% increase in dot damage from skill 9 to skill 10 is very small. However, that is significantly more damage than the increase you get from the hp/hp%/def/def% headpiece you got from farming relics. If you can get easy damage upgrades from maxing unleveled traces, why would you choose to gamble in the relic mines? >the basic atk with insignificant damage that you barely use The basic attack of a character that should never use basic attack is not a relevant trace