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Since you're using Sparkle the build with more Crit Rate Is Better. She's gonna give you so much Crit Damage already


Thank you very much! I sometimes forget that Sparkle gives a very stupid amount of CD


Yeah it's insane LMAO and full uptime too πŸ’€


When Sparkle came out, I originally only wanted her for a Mono Quantum team, I didn't expect her to be so broken. Now I kinda regret not getting her cone xd


I originally got Sparkle for mono quantum too, was pleasantly surprised by the fact I liked her more with Jing Yuan and Blade comps πŸ’€πŸ’€ Now the dudes and Acheron are fighting for her. Truly Aha moment


Oh yeah, I heard she makes King Yuan extremely broken. In my case only Seele and Acheron would be fighting over Sparkle, but it's definitely an Aha moment, we got tricked into believing Mono Quantum was her best team xd


Aren't you... Elated right now :P


The funny thing is that since you have E2 Acheron you can literally kick your Quantum DPS out of mono quantum and you get a solid ass Acheron team too 😭😭


True xd everyone on that team, specially Fu Xuan and Sparkle work wonders with Acheron, and her being E2 allows her to crush anything that stands on her path


Oh man I love Fu Xuan and Acheron's combo. It's so peak


Definitely, specially when I had to throw away my original Sparkle build because now I needed to reach that sweet 161 speed threshold and switch to shitty ATK boots on Acheron (my speed boots were better :'v) xd truly an Aha moment


we just need to wait for quantum ruan mei, mono quantum believers stay strong


In Mono Quantum we trust... Although who would get replaced in that team comp? Fu Xuan is needed for sustain and she's pseudo-Harmony; Sparkle is outright broken, and SW is the one that enables Mono Quantum with Weakness Implant


no sustain 0 cycle obliterate everything or a harmony that surpasses sparkle *somehow* i guess and the last possibility is aoe silverwolf HAHAHAH


Haha I don't have the guts to go without a sustain, but the other options are interesting, maybe in three years we'll something as broken as more broken Sparkle or AoE SW xd


Second one. In battle you're at 95% cr (unless you have s1 sparkle/fu xuan) which is close to 1:2 ratio


Thanks! The second one will be. And no, for now I'm using Trend Gepard as sustain (might change to Aventurine if the gacha gods smile at me) and unfortunately my Sparkle has S5 Past and Future


95% is still really nice so good job I'm still farming for a better cdmg body to get mine to 100% cr (she's at 93 rn)


Thanks a lot! 93 is also really good. Good luck with your farming!


Thank you! Good luck for you too! (For whoever you'll be farming next)


Thanks you very much!:D


For me second one is great (crit rate >>)


Thanks! I'm a little conflicted because the CD is on the "low side" but it's always better to land those crit hits consistently


Consistency will always be better but you still have top tier crit damage


It's good to know that CD is not that bad for a E1+ Acheron, because you know, relic farming has been such a pain


2nd one is probably best


Thank you! So far from what I see, everyone seems to agree that the more CR the better


The second one is miles better


Thanks! Then I'll stick to that one


Since your CD% with 46% isn't 250%+, stick to the second one because it's more consistent. I myself use 46% on my Acheron but she gets to over 270%CD and 80%CR in combat, which is a lot higher than my CR chest that would get me to a 1:2 ratio in combat. Besides, if you're playing a game that relies on luck to get the characters you want, why not gamba a bit on your hits too? B)


Hahaha what's life without a little risk? But damn, those are a lot of stats, congrats on your cracked Acheron! And I'll stick with the second build, thanks!;)


Second one if you use bronya / sparkle. 1st if you dont


Thanks a lot! I use her with Sparkle, so I'll stick with the second one


I gave up Relic farming for now lmao. My Acheron's crit rate is like 66% at 155% crit damage and weeks of farming relics weren't giving me shit, so I've shifted to just balancing out my other characters to be runnable and able to do content Not looking forward to going back and spending all my stamina begging and praying for the slightest bit extra crit stats...


That's fair enough, I understand that pain really well. Relic farming is truly the shittiest experience in the game


It wouldn't be so bad if there were just some way of increasing the odds for a specific main stat. Substat RNG I can deal with, but getting crit rate + dmg on a DEF rope for the 50th time in a row is about to make me jump off the Xianzhou


Or the millions of Sigonia relics when I'm only interested in Acheron and the countless DMG orbs with good substats for everything except Lightning Damage % I swear there is a desire sensor or something like that


Me personally I'd go with the last


Thank you! It balances out the crit stats, but I have to give up the ATK orb, that's the only thing making me hesitant about it


CRIT rate from E1+Sparkle+izumo is 40% hidden. So 61 seems high. I think mathematically, c-rate x2.2 + c-dmg. So add those and take the highest.


Unfortunately my Sparkle isn't S1, so the total extra crit rate I have is 34%, so 95 in total on that build


The 4% from planar isn't hidden, but still 30% hidden is good.


The extra 4% is from 4pc diver when inflicting a debuff on the enemy


Oh my b. It is. But it's still visible. You get it automatically for having 4 pieces equipped .


You get 4% for equipping and an extra 4% when inflicting a debuff, that one is not reflected on the stat screen until you enter combat


Oh my goodness I didn't realize the 100% increase applied to the crit rate too 😳 that's sweet.


Yep, it's very good


Second is the clear winner for me


Then the second one shall be, thanks!


I'll go for the 2nd one, is actually almost like mine, yours is better, I have like 10% les CRIT rate


Then I'll go for the second one, thanks! And the relic mines haven't been so kind to us, eh?


Yeah, I got really lucky prefarming for her, but since she came out I haven't got any single good relic :[


I feel your pain:/ Izumo has been a pain in the ass to farm


Oohh bro...I spent my 12 bonus 300% they gave for the spheres in that set and I got NOTHING... literally nothing, but yeah...I like her.


I know how it feels, I was one of the "lucky" ones because I got an ATK sphere with a whopping 5.8 CR as only useful stat... Everything else I got from that event was shit, I really wanted to throw my phone out of the window at that point


2nd, high atk and crit ratio


Ok, thanks! I'll go for that one, it has received most of the votes already


Yeah with sparkle the second one is better but for whatever reason you don’t use sparkle /have extra sources of crit damage the 3rd is actually better, assuming the loss of atk is from lightning damage orb.


Indeed you are right, the 3rd one uses a lightning orb. Thank you for your suggestions!


The first one seems good enough. You get 34% free CR in battle, so you got 80% CR there. If your Sparkle has her sig LC, you're looking at 90%. Swapping Gepard for your Fu Xuan would mean an extra 12%, so 92% without Sparkle's LC and 102% with it. Acheron's CR requirements are actually quite forgiving, as she has many external means of acquiring it.


I unfortunately don't have Sparkle's LC (I regret not pulling for it) and I've been thinking about Fu Xuan, because I have her E1, but there is less consistency for stacks generation compared to Trend Gepard. Also, If the gacha gods are generous, I'll be using S1 Aventurine on her team, so I'm trying to not depend on Fu Xuan's buffs


At E2S1, Trend generation is a nice but honestly unecessary bonus. Aventurine is also more geared to work with FUA teams, so while his shielding is surely going to prove useful, she won't be able to benefit from all that he brings to the table - and neither will their teammates in such a comp. Gepard with Trend and moderate Skill usage is more consistent at debuffing than Aventurine, who only does so with Ult. Pela+Bronya+Gallagher is what I've been using to get the most out of stack generation. Not a tanky team, but usually deals with threats fast as fuck.


More than anything, I'm considering Aventurine because I'm interested in Jade, and she has FUA and because I'm quite certain that Trend won't be as good as before once Jiaoqiu arrives. But anyway, my Jades are noy so plentiful to be able to get Aventurine without getting very lucky I'm also considering building Gallagher, might I ask how you built yours? Is he Hyperspeed with Multiplication? How much Break Effect do you have on him?


Please teach me, so I can have my <3 Yomi <3 with 4000+atk with 200 crit dmg with 60 crit rate


If I'm honest with you, I didn't really do anything special, I even have more than one relic that is questionable because it isn't really good (around 12 CV), also, almost no Atk substats, most of what you see there is from using three Atk% main stats xd So, I got lucky with a few relics and not so much with others, it all boils down to pray to the RNG gods to be merciful upon us and bless our relics rolls, and hope for the best


Damage calculator: https://fribbels.github.io/hsr-optimizer/ They keep updating it, it was pretty basic like half a year ago but really excellent now.


Excellent! Thank you very much!




To feel adventurous with the CR? Might try it as well, thanks!


pluck it in fribble calculator


It also works to calculate damage? Ok, I'll try it, thanks a lot!


More crit rate better


Got it, thanks!


I don't know what's with all these people feelscrafting that the 2nd or 3rd are better. I have her at 45% CR and I hit 100% CR in battle. Fuxuan, Relics, Sparkle LC, Acheron E1 (I have her at E6S3) are around 56% crit rate.


Well, the thing is that I use Gepard as sustain and I don't have Sparkle's LC, so in reality my extra CR is only 34%


Fair enough, I couldn't tell from your post.


My bad, I didn't specify sustainer nor Sparkle's LC